Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 403 Kill the strong again and go out to Dazhou

The void centered on the Soul Patriarch was instantly swallowed up by the power of the four demon gods.

The entire void is silent.

Even though the Soul Patriarch resisted with all his strength, in the end, he was directly wiped out by this force, his consciousness was shattered, and he was smashed into powder.

"Congratulations to the host for killing a level 80 enemy (pseudo), obtaining 5 million experience points, and obtaining the high-grade fighting skill "Soul Control"." The system prompted.

"Although it's not a real body, it's not bad to be able to get so much experience.

Ying Qi showed a smile.

The attack of the Soul Patriarch was an unexpected surprise that Ying Qi did not expect, and it added several million more experience points to Ying Qi, making him one step closer to the fairyland. ,

above the void.

The power of the four demon gods gradually dissipated.

Void also returned to Qingming.

When they saw that there was no one in the sky, and the Soul Patriarch was no longer breathing, Xiao Han and Gu Yun'er were completely desperate.

Their last hope was gone.

"Jun Wu'an. 39

Win Qiwei said.

"The minister is here."

Bai Qi responded immediately.

"Invasion of the Great State. 39

"Control the world.

"If there is anyone who hinders my Daqin soldiers, kill them.

Ying Qiwei shouted.

"My minister, I will never disappoint the emperor.

"There are two million warriors in the six major battalions, fighting for the emperor at any time." Bai Qi bowed and quickly disappeared in the void.

The Daqin troops and horses have already been arranged on the border between Dazhou and the Northwest Territories. With just an imperial decree, Daqin's two million warriors will enter Dazhou.

"Go, sirs, too."

"Ten statues cross the tribulation realm, and there is no force in Dazhou that can stop me, Daqin Bingfeng. 35

Ying Qi looked at the Qin courtier in the void and said in a powerful voice.

"The minister waits for the order."

All the Qin experts responded in unison.


Hundreds of figures disappeared directly in the void and flew towards the big state.

in this world.

Ying Qi wouldn't be so stupid to send people one by one, and then like to deal with the children of luck in a world, they will die one by one.

If you want to move, Ying Qi will move as a whole.

So many top powerhouses in Daqin shot.

Ten statues of transcending the tribulation realm, even if they are the real body of the soul patriarch, they can compete against one or two.

It was enough to support Ying Qi's shot.

After all, Ying Qi values ​​these courtiers very much, and their talents are not weak. In the future, there will be a chance to become immortals and become gods. Ying Qi can't let them die in vain.

"Bring them both to the palace, "."

Ying Qi glanced at Xiao Han and Gu Yun'er, and said solemnly.


Walk slowly towards the city.

This game of inviting you into the urn has come to an end.

Soul gate different space.

Inside the main hall.



Sitting in a high position, the Soul Patriarch suddenly vomited blood and his face turned pale.

"Damn. 35


The Soul Patriarch looked angry and hated, and his entire face became contorted.

Since he became the patriarch, he has secretly manipulated the world, all the forces are in his hands, and no one has ever let him suffer such a big loss.

But today.

A consciousness clone that cost him a price actually perished.

This also caused some damage to his soul.

And it's all because of Ying Qi.

"Someone in this world actually kills your consciousness clone? 35

"Who did it?"

"Could it be Gu Yuan?"

After the Soul Patriarch came back to his senses, the man who had been with him all the time appeared again, looking at the wounded Soul Patriarch, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"He doesn't have that courage yet." 9

Soul Patriarch said coldly.

"Could it be the force that suddenly appeared in the Northwest Territories?

"However, how could they have such strength?" The man asked in surprise.

"That person's strength is not lower than Gu Yuan, and he should have reached the peak of Dou Sheng." Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

"The emergence of such a force in the Northwest Territories is not a good thing for our plan.

"Have you checked out their details this time? Where did they come from?" the man asked.

"Their strength, I already know a few points, their name is Qin, the leader is the strong man who defeated my consciousness clone, under his command there are ten strong fighting saints, countless half saints, Dou Zun The strong. The Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

"How can there be so many strong men?"

"His heritage is a bit stronger than my Soul Gate." The man said in shock.

"And, most crucially. 35

"They are not the vindictiveness of cultivation.

"This seat cannot see through this." Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

"Isn't it cultivating vindictiveness?" The man looked surprised: "This is even more impossible.

"Ever since the world of Dou Qi existed, there has been only one method of cultivation, even in ancient times." The man said solemnly.

"However, what they cultivate is not fighting qi, and it seems that in addition to what they have cultivated themselves, there are many ways to cultivate.

"This is also a place that this seat can't see through." Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

He has been secretly manipulating the world for many years, and today it is really difficult to see the details of Da Qin.

"If you can't see it through, then this force is really too mysterious." The man also became solemn.

"`" However, according to the news from the ancient sect, this force is not the force of my Dou Qi world, but comes from another world, the sky beyond the sky.

That's it.

An ambition emerged in the eyes of the Soul Patriarch.

"Do you believe this statement too?" the man asked in surprise.

"Because there is no other possibility than this one."

"My soul gate has existed for countless years, and it has always been the pinnacle of the world. What forces in the world can escape the supervision of my soul gate, but only this Qin country is different.

"When he appeared, it seemed like he appeared out of thin air, completely unexpected to my Soul Gate, and this is enough to confirm the possibility that he came from another world. 55 Soul Patriarch said solemnly.

"If they really come from another world, how are you going?" the man asked, staring at the Soul Patriarch.

"A whole new world, isn't this a great opportunity?"

"The world of Dou Qi has no secrets in my soul gate, except for the disappearance of Emperor Huo and the ancient Dou Emperor.

"But if it were another whole new world."

"Seize this supreme opportunity, Emperor Dou, maybe only (Qian Dezhao) is the starting point." The Soul Patriarch sneered.

"Are you going to attack the Qin country?" the man asked.

"I can't confront him head-on now, and everything has to wait until I step into the Dou Di."5

"After stepping into Dou Di, even if he has many Dou Sages, he is like an ant.

"In front of the Dou Di strong, everything is ants." The Soul Patriarch sneered, full of an ambitious outlook.

"Every decision you make, I support you."

"Our road is destined to go further. The man nodded, but his face was still cold.


. "

"That person also has the same ambition as this seat in his eyes. 35

"Being able to meet such an opponent may be a gift from heaven. 99


"Even the strongest person will be trampled under his feet.

Soul Patriarch murmured in his heart.

It was his shame to be cloned by Ying Qi Zhan today.

He will not forget.

Tomorrow will be a shame.

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