Under the suppression of so many powerful momentum.

For a moment.

Heaven and earth are changing color.


Zhang Sanfeng shouted and manipulated the array seal~: "Array, open.


Hundreds of beams of light shot up from the city of Jiama in vain, forming a light curtain of formation, imprisoning the entire empty land of Jiama-city.

Even if there is a Tribulation Transcendence Realm, Dou Sheng's cultivation cannot be opened in this formation - Void.

Unless forcibly broken.

But Zhang Sanfeng personally controls the big formation.

If it wasn't for the real peak transcendence realm powerhouse, this formation would be difficult to break.

But even if there is a peak transcending calamity realm powerhouse, Ying Qi will get it, so how can he let him go?

And this moment.

Xiao Han.

As well as the five fighting saints he brought, the powerhouses from the two top forces in Dazhou were all stunned.

Great formation.

The power of the void was isolated, and they were clearly sensed by them.

And most importantly.

The aura of a strong man displayed by Da Qin made them shudder.

Ten statues are comparable to the aura of a fighting saint, hundreds of them are comparable to a semi-sage, and hundreds are comparable to that of a fighting saint.

This... what kind of power is this?

"Impossible, it's absolutely impossible.""

"How could they have so many strong men?""

"It's absolutely impossible."

A frantic look appeared on Xiao Han's face, and he couldn't believe what he saw.

He came with such a lineup of powerhouses, five fighting saints, half saints, and many powerful fighting masters, enough to destroy any top forces under the ancient sect.

Even the Great Qin Empire he knew.

Even across borders.

He also has the confidence to destroy it.

But what he was facing now made him terrified.

Ten fighting saints.

Countless Dou Sheng, Dou Zun strong.

The number of strong people has more than doubled the number of strong people he brought.

And this moment.

Not just Xiao Han.

Everyone who came along was shocked.

"Ten... ten fighting saints."

"This...how is this possible?"

"Even the Soul Gate can't have so many Dousheng powerhouses.

"What is the origin of the Qin state?"

"Why are there so many strong men?"

"They arranged the formation, obviously for a long time, the purpose is to deal with us.

"There are countless powerful Dousheng, half-saint and Dou Zun that are twice as strong as ours, this is impossible.

The five fighting saints of the ancient gate and the medicine gate were all panicked.

The strong man behind them also panicked.

Everyone stood above the void, and there was no more arrogance and domineering that they thought they could stabilize Da Qin when they just arrived.

There is only one panic now.

"Now, do you want to destroy the whole family? 55

Ying Qi looked at Xiao Han with a funny look.

The son of luck.

It is indeed arrogant to bear the blessing of a world's luck.

But his hubris was used in the wrong place.

The so-called thirty years of Hedong and thirty years of Hexi are of little use to Ying Qi.

Because Ying Qi would never give him a chance to leave for the enemy.

Either subdue it, or kill it directly.

"It's all your plan.""

"You know that I will bring the strong, so I deliberately set a trap."

Xiao Han looked at Ying Qi with a twisted expression.

"very smart.

"It's really a trap.

"Zhen, it's just you and the people you brought. 55 Ying Qi smiled.

‘Qin, it’s really amazing.

"But it's not that easy to take us down. 99

"Even if you die, we will make you, Qin, pay the price. 35 Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

But the panic in his heart was speechless.

Since he was taught by Yaozun, he has experienced countless crises, but none of them made Xiao Han feel heart palpitations, until today.

He really had a sense of heart palpitations, and a real crisis of life and death struck.

"Everyone gathers together."

Yaomen Patriarch shouted loudly.

The four fighting saints of the ancient sect and the strong men from the two sects gathered together, on alert, to defend against the strong Qin who came to kill at any time.

"Your Excellency is really clever in setting this up."

"But my Yaomen and Your Excellency have no major grudges, can Your Excellency be accommodating?"

The Yaomen Patriarch was already afraid at this moment.

Although his cultivation base has reached the seventh level of Dou Sheng, he will definitely not be able to please him in front of the ten Dou Sheng powerhouses.

And he can see that many of the powerful people in Daqin's Tribulation Realm are not good people.

"You five fighting saints can go together. If you can withstand the power of my sword, you can live, if not..."

Ying Qi sneered: "Then die."

"Is your statement true?"

Yaomen Patriarch's eyes lit up.

Look at this situation.

In the face of so many powerful people in Daqin, they really have no chance of winning.

Their strength is indeed strong, but they are also afraid of death.

"I, one word, one word.""

"The power of a sword, if alive.""

"You can go.""

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

...for flowers ·

"That's what you said."

"If you go back on it, then you really don't deserve to be a strong man.

Yaomen Patriarch said loudly and stepped out directly.

"We have no chance of winning against this Qin country, we might as well fight against this person.

"The five of us are all strong Dou Sheng, we defend with all our strength, even the peak of Dou Sheng will make us suffer the most.

"That's all."

The four fighting saints from the ancient gate looked at each other, talked with their spiritual thoughts, and all came to the side of the Yaomen patriarch.

"Everyone fell.

Yaomen Patriarch also shouted loudly.

"Brother Han, let's go down first."

"This is not a situation that we can intervene in now. 55

Gu Yun'er said to Xiao Han.


Xiao Han nodded.

Although he was blinded by Ying Qi's hatred for killing the entire clan, his reason was still there, and he naturally knew that his semi-sacred cultivation was simply not enough in front of Dou Sheng powerhouses.

The two clans attacked, and all the powerhouses under Dou Sheng fell to the ground.

Looking at the confident five people, Ying Qi smiled, and so did the Qin courtiers.

There was no courtier to stop it.

"A sword of the emperor. 35

"If it's not a fairyland powerhouse, who can bear it?"

"These arrogant people. 35

All the ministers of the Qin Dynasty laughed.

They are very confident, but for Ying Qi, they are the prey.

Why are you ready to do it yourself.

It is for more abundant experience value.

If his courtiers were besieged and killed, the experience points gained would be cut in half.

If Ying Qi makes a direct shot, he can get all the experience points.

Now that he is only one level away from the fairyland, it is a rare opportunity for five top powerhouses to attack, and Ying Qi can't miss it.

Thinking room.

Ying Qi soared into the air.

It settled directly in the void in front of the five people.

"I hope your Excellency will not break your word.

"If I waited and took your sword, and you didn't let me go, then your wise will be gone.

Yaomen Patriarch said coldly.

The other four people from the ancient sect also stared at Ying Qi, full of fear.

"I, only one sword."

"After a sword.

"If you live, you can leave. 55

Ying Qi laughed.

Wave your hand.

The Demon Slayer Sword at his waist appeared in his hand.

The vast sword intent rose to the sky.


Ying Qi's eyes flashed coldly.

"A sword that separates the world.


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