Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 384 Daqin is coming, the strong are shocked

A sudden startled sound.

A terrifying energy riot appeared in the entire Gamma Empire.

The power of this energy.

It made the strong people in the territory of the Jama Empire feel a kind of dread, making them extremely palpitated.

"This power?"

"Could it be that the legendary Dou Sheng powerhouse failed?"

The old Sect Master Yunlan said with a shocked expression.

"Dou Sheng?"

Yun Yun's face also showed shock.

Cloud Lanzong.

One of the top powers in this empire, the strong Dou Zong can be the hero of one party, and there are two Dou Zongs in his sect, one is this old man, and the other is her.

But under this powerful force, her Dou Zong felt incomparably small.

"The center of this power gathering is in the imperial capital.


"If it is really a strong fighting saint, or it is a chance, if it is not a chance, even if I am in the sect, I can't escape."

Sect Master Yunlan made a decision immediately.

He flew up and flew towards the imperial capital.

Yunyun quickly followed.

The two powerful people of Dou Zong showed their full speed.

And here.

Not just them.

In this otherworld empire, many strong sects rushed towards the capital one after another.


Now the largest clan in the city, the Xiao clan.

It is also one of the ancient ethnic groups at the peak of the world level, but now, the peak of the past is gone.


Now the Xiao clan has also recovered some strength.

Because one of their ethnic groups has come to the former hometown of Dazhou, and has become a top powerhouse, the resources sent back from that Dazhou have also greatly increased the strength of his ethnic group.

"With such a powerful force, could it be the Soul Sect shot?"

The patriarch of the Xiao clan looked at the capital of the empire with a solemn expression. Although they were far apart, he was now Dou Zong's strength, and he could easily sense everything.


"There is a very strong fluctuation of power in the capital of the Garma Empire, what should we do?

Some disciples came to the patriarch and asked anxiously.

"Send someone to inform Han'er immediately that my ethnic group is going to move back to Dazhou.

The Xiao clan chief said solemnly.

With a strong sixth sense, he felt a danger.


Many clansmen responded immediately.

"Such a strong person has completely surpassed the level of strength outside Dazhou, not to mention fighting saints (afbh), at least they are at the level of semi-sacred power, and now Han'er has made a breakthrough in Dazhou, if it is true It’s here to deal with Han’er, and it will definitely use our clan as a hostage, it is related to the revival of our clan, and it must not be a drag on Han’er.” The patriarch thought to himself.

But at the moment.

Such a powerful energy fluctuation appeared in the Jama Empire.

Not to mention outside the big states.

Even in a large state, this strong fluctuation of power has surprised many strong people.


Soul gate different space.

In a hall at the highest point in this space, a man in a black robe with a strange black aura suddenly opened his eyes.

"Northwest Territories, Xiao Clan. 99

"Such a powerful force, the level of the peak fighting saint, no, it is even stronger than the peak fighting saint, and it has almost reached the emperor realm. 55

The man muttered to himself, and his eyes were fixed on the northwest direction. Under his induction, he seemed to find something.

"Such a strong person, but this breath has never been seen before, who is it?"

"But it shouldn't be the Xiao clan, they have already fallen, and only one of the late generation is still being chased and killed by our clan.

"But how can they have such a level of powerhouse?"

"It seems that my clan's control over this world of Dou Qi is far from enough." The man thought to himself, his face dignified.

at the same time.

somewhere in Dazhou.

in a forbidden place.

In front of a black-robed youth, there were more than a dozen corpses piled up, each of them dressed up from the Soul Gate. Obviously, it was the pursuit of this youth that led to their death.

"Soul Sect now wants to smash my corpse into tens of thousands of pieces.

"Even the powerhouses at the peak of Dou Zun were sent to hunt me down.

The young man said in a deep voice.

It seemed that he was talking to the air, but the next moment, an illusory old man floated beside him.

"You already have Dou Zun's peak cultivation base, and you are one step away from entering the semi-sacred realm. It is no wonder that Soul Gate will deal with you at all costs, but they still underestimate your strength after all, thinking that you are just beginning. Entering Dou Zun, this is the only way to die.35

The old man laughed.

Looking at the figure of this young man, I was very pleased.

Because he was trained by himself.

"Master. 55

"In the end, I should have stepped into the Semi-Saint Cultivation a long time ago, but in the end I was harmed by that Damn it person.

"If he hadn't robbed me of my spiritual fire many times and made my practice lose the chance to transform, how could I still be trapped in Dou Zun and couldn't break through." The young man clenched his fists and said with all the hatred.


"Your talent is not bad, one day, you will be able to break through Dou Sheng, or even the legendary Dou Emperor.

"As long as your cultivation reaches the peak of the Dou Qi world, the person who took your spiritual fire will have nowhere to hide. You will definitely be able to find him and destroy him." The old man said to the young man, very firm.

This young man is someone who has been repeatedly robbed of spiritual fire by Ying Qi's invisible crossover, the son of luck in this world, Xiao Han.

Thanks to Ying Qi, he was originally able to possess a lot of spiritual fire, and the cultivation technique could also evolve to a stronger level, but because of Ying Qi's capture of fire, he lost the opportunity to evolve his cultivation technique to a stronger level. Today, he doesn't even have a spirit fire, all of which are beast fires that he risked to kill powerful spirit beasts.

"Master, don't worry.

"I will definitely be able to find him, kill him, and tear him to pieces."

Xiao Han gritted his teeth.

The hatred in Xiao Han's heart is unspeakable for the person who has never met but has repeatedly taken away his spiritual fire.

At this time.

The master and apprentice suddenly sensed something.

Suddenly looked towards the northwest direction.

"This power... definitely has the level of fighting saints."

"Northwest Territories, Jiama Empire, Wucheng, my clan."

Xiao Han stared at the Northwest Territory, his face suddenly changed greatly, as if he had thought of something.

"Could it be that Soul Sect attacked my clan, and even sent Dou Sheng powerhouses to attack? Xiao Han thought uncomfortably.


"The Soul Emperor is not that stupid."

"Dousheng powerhouses are so scarce, he wouldn't be so overkill and sent to the Northwest Territory, and this force has actually spread to Dazhou, it can be seen that this Dousheng has used all his strength, in the Northwest Territory, who can be worth it? The Dou Sheng powerhouse used all his strength. The 35-year-old said solemnly, pulling back the distraught Xiao Han.

"But why is such a strong person in the Northwest Territories?" Xiao Han asked in confusion.

"This breath, to be honest, there is a guess in the teacher's heart, Han'er, don't you think this breath seems familiar?" The old man suddenly asked seriously.

PS: I am very grateful.

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