Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 370 The Emperor's Decree, Alarming the World


Where the Proclamation Wall is located in the downtown area.

More than a dozen yamen guards came with an official from Jingzhao Mansion.

"What happened?

"This adult is holding in his hand~ It seems to be an imperial edict?"

"Isn't something big going to happen?-"

"Is the court going to recruit new soldiers again?"5

'Impossible, the imperial court recruited millions of soldiers a few years ago, how long has it been since then? And I have not had any wars in Daqin for many years, and there is no loss of soldiers, so how can they recruit again? 35

"That's what treason and traitor to deal with?"

"Now that my Daqin is so powerful, there will still be treasonous rebels? This is even more impossible."

"I can't guess, it must be a big event."


The moment Jing Zhaoyin's officials walked to this busy city, they immediately attracted the attention of many people, and they all gathered.

Today's Daqin.

All worlds are connected, and many ethnic groups are integrated. In Xianyang, the capital of Daqin, not only the human race, but also many ethnic groups from other worlds.

Elves, orcs, dwarves, and even monsters in the world of fairy swords.

These are all in it.

in the beginning.

Ordinary human people were naturally very surprised when they saw these strange Daqin people, especially when they saw those fierce-looking orcs, they showed a kind of worry.

But over time.

a long time ago.

The people of many ethnic groups have integrated into Xianyang, and over time, the people of Daqin's people will naturally get used to it.

Although these ethnic groups look very strange, they are all the people of Da Qin and will not cause trouble.

"The emperor's decree."

When the officials of Jingzhaoyin came to the place of declaration, they immediately shouted loudly.

Under the blessing of True Yuan, the sound resounded throughout the downtown area.

Many people also gathered together.

a time.

The entire downtown gathered tens of thousands of people, all waiting for the announcement.

"The emperor's decree.

"Since I took control of the world, the way of cultivation in the world has prospered, and the imperial court and the people have created a prosperous and prosperous era of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"In the name of the Great Qin court, I will open the Great Qin Great Competition."

"Competition, essay, weapon refining, forging, alchemy, and formation."

"Anyone who can get the top ten places in the big competition can get the emperor's bestowal of heaven and earth rank magic weapons, and can also be summoned by the emperor in the palace of the king of Qin, and can get the gift of the emperor, and give me the opportunity to worship in Daqin.""

"Chin this."

The officials of Jingzhaoyin who declared the edict held the imperial decree and read the sermon aloud.

The words fell.


All the assembled people were stunned.

"The emperor personally ordered the opening of the national competition?"

"And it's a battle of a hundred schools of thought, not a simple martial arts competition?""

"Every top ten in the Great Competition can get the emperor's favor, and the weapons of heaven and earth are among them, and the most important thing is to be able to be summoned by the emperor in person and see the face of the sky. The top ten, who were summoned by the emperor, were really lucky for three lives and died without regrets.

"Yeah, although the magic weapons of the earth and heaven are extremely precious and valuable, but compared to being summoned by the emperor, being able to meet the face of the sky is more precious than the heaven and the earth. .

"Unfortunately, my cultivation is only in the innate realm, and I am not qualified to participate at all.

"The emperor has decreed that all the strong people in my Daqin folk will participate in this grand event, not to mention the innate realm, even if it is a grandmaster, the grandmaster may not be enough to watch.

"After all, the national power of my Daqin is not as strong as it was a few decades ago, and even the most powerful person in the transcendence realm closest to the immortal, my Daqin, has a lot of respect.

"It is estimated that those who want to participate in this grand event need at least a cultivation level above the realm of heaven and human beings. Above the realm of heaven and human beings, the decision is just a transition.

"Fortunately, the emperor's kindness to all the people in the world is not only in the competition, but also in other great competitions. If you can come out on top in other competitions, you can also get the gift of the emperor's summoning.

"No, I must go back and tell my son that he is proficient in blacksmithing and may have a chance. 35

"I'll go back and tell my son the good news too...

After hearing the imperial decree, many people left one after another and went to report the letter with anxious expressions, as if they didn't want to miss the opportunity of this competition.

Which son of a family can be summoned by the emperor, this is not only honoring the ancestors, but also having an infinite future.

So no one wants to miss it.

But what they don't know is.

At this moment, not only the imperial capital Xianyang is reading the imperial decree, but also the imperial decree is being read out in all the worlds and countless cities under the control of Daqin.

Since Ying Qi is going to hold a big competition this time, it is naturally the biggest competition, calling on all the folk powerhouses and hidden masters in the world to participate.

In this way, Ying Qi will be able to take these strong men into the bag.

magic world.

Forest of Spirits.

Compared with many years ago when the magic world was not under the control of Da Qin, there is an unspeakable vitality in the forest of elves at this moment.

The elves are also the citizens of Daqin, they are registered in Daqin, and they have the identity plate of Daqin.

At this moment, the elves are no longer as humble as they used to be. After they became the people of Great Qin, they were also protected by Qin Lu. Anyone who dared to harm them for no reason would be severely punished by Qin Lu. In the past, adultery and kidnapping against the elves were no longer possible. In addition, Qin Lu used killing to warn those sinister murderers that Qin Lu should not commit crimes.

0.・・Seeking flowers・

That's exactly what happened.

The elves have also completely integrated into Daqin.


"I just received the imperial decree that the emperor announced to the world. The emperor will call on the world's strong folks to compete. Can my elves also participate?"

Under the elf tree house, many elves were in high spirits and full of yearning.

"Since it is the imperial decree, all the people of the world can participate, and so can my elves.

Doris smiled slightly and said to all the clansmen.

"Thank Goddess. 35

"I'm also going to participate in the competition, not to mention other things, although I am strong in Daqin, but my elves are not weak, even if I can't get the top three, there is still a chance for the top ten.

"That's right.

Many elves said in succession.

Look at this hot scene.

A smile appeared on Doris' face.

In today's world, the stability of today's ethnic groups is what she has always wanted. In the magical world where gods once ruled, this was never possible.


At that time.

Even though she was a so-called god, she was the weakest one. The gods didn't take her seriously at all. Back then, when those magical empires hunted and killed her clan, there was no way to change it.

But now.

Everything has been changed.

Da Qin controls the magical world. Under Qin's law, her clansmen can live in the world openly and aboveboard, no longer need to hide in the forest of elves, and get along well with the human race.


"I will never forget your kindness to me and to my elves. 55

"I will repay you with eternity. 35

Doris murmured to herself, her hand still on her stomach, as if life had been conceived in it.

Comprehensive martial arts world.

"The emperor decreed to open the competition in Xianyang, and this time I Mingjiao must not give up this opportunity to emerge. 35


"Not only us, many sects in the world will also participate in it, if you can get a ranking, you can not only get the emperor's favor, but also get the emperor's reuse, this must not be missed.

"I just don't know how the powerhouses in the Immortal Sword World are. The level of this world is stronger than our world. I'm afraid there are countless powerhouses among them, and there may even be transcendence."

"Never mind, if you don't participate, you won't have a chance, and we'll talk about it when we meet.

"Top 10, this opportunity must not be lost...  

Win Qi an imperial decree.

It set off a huge wave in all the worlds of Daqin.

All the worlds under the control of Daqin, the sects of the people, the scattered cultivators, and even many ethnic groups were all alarmed by this imperial decree and headed towards Xianyang. See this competition.


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