"Your Excellency, calm down.

Ying Qi smiled slightly and said to all the victorious ministers.

"Xie Dijun Longen.

All the victorious ministers shouted in unison.

All eyes fell on Ying Qi's body, excited and hot.

"This expedition. 99

"It took many years to define another world, and all the ministers worked hard. 35

"And this battle.

"My Daqin also started to use the power of folk martial arts ~ Daozongmen for the first time."

Ying Qi said, looking at the many martial arts sects and martial artists from Daqin folk.

Feeling Ying Qi's gaze, they also became extremely excited and in awe.

"I rule the world, and I will be rewarded for meritorious deeds, and punished for mistakes."

"Whether it's my Daqin officials and soldiers, or the folk martial arts sects, or loose martial artists, those who have made meritorious deeds for my Daqin should be rewarded, and those who died in battle for my Daqin should be reassured.

"To fight for the country, all are heroes."

"I, I am proud of all my subjects." Ying Qiwei said.

"I swear allegiance to the emperor to the death, and I swear allegiance to Daqin to the death."

Everyone shouted in unison.

"I have prepared wine and food for you.

"All the rewards are prepared for you.

"I, allow you to revel."

"Go. 35

Ying Qi smiled, spread his arms, and said loudly.

"Xie Dijun Longen."

Countless returned courtiers shouted in unison, extremely excited.

Returning to the Daqin world is peace.

Unwinding the prohibition and drinking freely, they can also relax from the tense battle.

as always.

Ying Qi rewarded all the officials and generals who had returned triumphantly in the Palace of the King of Qin.

The banquet lasted for a few days before it ended.

After half a month.

Palace of the King of Qin.

A meeting that has been separated for many years begins.

"Chen and others see the emperor."

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal.""

All the courtiers held the chao wat and bowed to the high-ranking Ying Qi Yi.

"Be flat.

Ying Qi waved his hand.

"Xie Dijun."

The ministers took their seats, and the court meeting really started.

"With the original performance, there is no original retreat.

Zhao Cheng said loudly.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"The world of fairy swords has been decided. 35

"Under the worship of my Daqin and the power of Shushan, many forces in this world have been pacified by my Daqin, but there are still many forces that sects have not fully controlled.

"Some are hidden from the world and stay behind closed doors, while others are defeated by my Daqin and hide in the dark."

Bai Qi held the chao wat and played respectfully.

"It doesn't matter. 35

Ying Qi raised his hand and didn't care at all: "Just like in the world of comprehensive martial arts in the past, targeting those who are not courtiers, warriors and immortals with the power of the whole country must be under the control of the empire, if you don't want to, then there is no need to exist. .99

"This matter. 39

"Leaded by the Black Ice Platform, the imperial worship hall, and the imperial army cooperated to pacify."

"The minister leads the order."

The relevant courtiers responded immediately.

"Emperor. 99

"Now my Daqin controls many worlds, but the people of all worlds are all in one world and cannot communicate with each other.

"Now that my country in Great Qin is prosperous, I have taken control of all the worlds except the world of the immortal sword. For the further prosperity of my country in Great Qin, I feel that I can connect all the worlds, which can promote the growth of national strength and the prosperity of trade routes. It is the policy of the country that the people of all worlds advance together.

Lu Buwei stood up and played respectfully.

"Teacher's words.

"The minister waits for a second opinion."

"Opening the connection of all realms can promote the growth of our country's national strength, and it can also promote business, cultivation, and resource exchange.

"This is a great strategy.

"My minister, seconded...

After Lu Buwei's voice fell.

Many courtiers have opened their mouths to agree.

For this strategy, they naturally agree.

Now Da Qin controls all realms.

The Wuhu world is the weakest and the most desolate. There is no Changrong in the Daqin world, and there is no martial arts prosperity in the comprehensive martial arts world, and there are not as many clans in the magic world.

But if the worlds are connected.

Let the people of all realms communicate with each other, and the meaning of all this is naturally completely different.

Hearing what the ministers said, Ying Qi nodded slightly, but did not reject it.

Connecting all worlds and promoting the growth of national strength, how could Ying Qi not have thought about it.

But the time just never came.

Now that Daqin's national power is prosperous, the strong are like clouds, and everything can be controlled by Ying Qi, so naturally the time has come.

And the most important thing is that the teleportation formation has been formed, which is the foundation for the connection and prosperity of the Daqin realms.

"The grandmaster's performance is indeed the original of the Great Qin State.

"I have long intended to connect all worlds.

Ying Qi said immediately.

"Emperor Shengming."

The ministers shouted in unison.

"All realms are connected, and the stakes are very important.

"The first is the arrangement of the teleportation array, how to arrange it, whether it is connected to the county city, the state city, or how, and how to guide the cross-border people, all these need to be carefully discussed.

"Since this matter was proposed by the Grand Master, the matter concerning the way of the people crossing the border and the flow of the people, I will leave it to the Grand Master to handle.

"As for the teleportation array arrangement..."

Ying Qi's eyes swept away and fell on Xiaoyaozi and Wang Chongyang.

"For the arrangement of the teleportation array, you all consecrate and formulate a charter, and after submitting it to me for approval, you can mobilize the array master to arrange it. Win Qi Dao.

0.....for flowers·

"The minister leads the order."

The two ministers immediately took orders.

"The world of Immortal Sword is initially set, and there is no accident, but I, the Great Qin Ruishi, have also suffered many losses.

"As for the replenishment of troops, leave it to Wu Anjun to handle it confidently. How many troops need to be recruited can be handed over to Xi'er for approval immediately."

Ying Qi spoke again.

"My son leads the order.

Yingxi immediately stood up and responded respectfully.

"The minister leads the order." Bai Qi also immediately took the order.

"Other than that.""

"I will take complete control of the world of Immortal Sword in a month, and suddenly, the world of Daqin will usher in promotion again."

"When an edict is drawn up, it will be announced to the world about promotion, and the hearts of the people will be reassured."

Ying Qi glanced at the court officials and said in a powerful voice.

"The minister waits for the order.

The eyes of all the ministers became excited, and they responded in unison.

Heaven and earth promotion.

The spiritual energy between heaven and earth has skyrocketed, and this is the chance that belongs to all living beings in Daqin.


"Your Excellency.

"The world is fixed, this is the chance for the entire Daqin. 99

"Seize the opportunity to get a breakthrough in strength."

"Daqin is growing its national strength all the time, and in the future, Daqin will reach the sky and ascend to the sky.

"I, I hope that all the ministers will not slack off and try their best to cultivate.

"Only in this way can Zhu Qing be able to follow in the footsteps of Da Qin, and step by step to reach the realm of immortals and gods.

"I gave every minister an opportunity, but whether it can be grasped depends on the ministers themselves. Ying Qi said in a strong voice.

These words are still the same words as they once were.

Every time the world is set, Ying Qi always has to say something to the ministers.

above this hall.

There are many courtiers who mostly follow the Great Qin to set the world and the world, but there are also many who have been eliminated and died in the past hundred years.

Some of them are not talented, and some are slack in cultivation, greedy for pleasure, and eventually exhausted.


Some are loyal to the country and die.

Time is passing.

Empires are transforming.

But the courtiers also ushered in changes, not static.

What Ying Qi can do is to give them a warning, other than that, it doesn't make any sense.

"The emperor's holy words, ministers and others should bear in mind.

The ministers said in unison.

"All right.

"Do you have anything else to announce?"

Ying Qi glanced at the ministers and asked.

"The minister waits for nothing to play again. 99

The ministers shouted in unison.

Now in Daqin, everything is in order.

If it weren't for the country's capital, there was no need for Ying Qi to worry about anything else.

"Go away.

Ying Qi nodded and ordered to leave the court.


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