Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 363 Return to Daqin, Father Emperor, I'm About to Become Immortal

Time flickers.

For this fairy sword world, the order has changed drastically, and the world has changed drastically.

Where Qin cavalry passed, he trampled down all disobedient ministers.

This side of the world is extremely huge, bigger than the magical world.

This is also the foundation of the universe.

The higher the world level, the more vast the world is.

Da Qin's iron cavalry swept across.

The slaughter of the strong.

It is not a good thing for the forces that are competing for hegemony in the world, but for ordinary people, this is a good thing.

All the territories occupied by Daqin regained stability at a very fast speed, no more killings and no more chaos, which brought peace to the people who had experienced chaos for many years.

During the Daqin campaign.

The world is soon set.

It took no more than five years.

One side of the world of high martial arts is determined.

Outside the Central Plains, many foreign states were also destroyed by Qin Qi.

Daqin world.

This time.

Ying Qi's return was not known to his father, but none of the other ministers knew that the emperor had returned.

Inside the Imperial Palace.

Every time Ying Qi returned from an expedition, even before the expedition, he would definitely come to see his parents.

"Qi'er." 9

"Looking at your appearance, this expedition is another big improvement in strength.

Ying Zheng looked at Ying Qi and smiled slightly.

"I'm about to become a fairy.""

Ying Qi smiled proudly.


Ying Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then a surprise emerged: "Is it possible to become immortal and immortal?"

"Theoretically yes." Ying Qi nodded.

Now Ying Qi is the cultivation base of transcending the calamity, but his lifespan has grown to 100,000 years. Once he becomes an immortal, his lifespan should be endless. However, according to what Yingqi knew about the realm above immortals in his previous life, immortals have three disasters and eight Disaster.


"Fairy. 35

"I didn't expect you to become an immortal, Qi'er.

"Perhaps it won't be long before I can see your Jade Emperor, Heavenly Emperor, and Immortal God from myths and legends. Ying Zheng laughed happily.


"You can rest assured when you are old. 95

"I will not only let you see those immortals, but I will also let them crawl under my Great Qin." Ying Qi said with a smile, with a monstrous domineering tone in his tone.


"I naturally believe that Qi'er can do it."

"In the future, I will really reach that level of the world, the legendary nectar and jade liquid, Pantao." Ying Zheng said with a big smile.

A former fairy.

As the years go by.

It is gradually becoming a reality.

If it was the original process in this world, Da Qin might have died, but with the appearance of Ying Qi, everything in Da Qin has changed.

Looking at his father's smile, Ying Qi was also very useful.

until now.

Ying Qi pursued the pinnacle of strength, not only for his own power to dominate everything, but also for his relatives and for Da Qin.

Seeing that the fate that originally belonged to his father and emperor was completely changed, Ying Qi was naturally delighted.

"How has Xi'er been over the past few years?" Ying Qi asked with a smile.

"He's very nice."

"State affairs are handled in an orderly manner."

"You can rest assured when you go to war in the future. 99

"And it's not just Hee.

"The other grandchildren are also very good, enough to be on their own.

When Ying Xi was mentioned, Ying Zheng's face was full of relief.

Although he was not very good at teaching his son, without Ying Qi's presence, it would be difficult for Da Qin to be stable, let alone Chang Rong.

"They didn't let me down.

"It did not live up to the royal blood of my surname Ying. 99

Seeing that his father was so praised, Ying Qi was also very relieved.

There are very few people who can be praised by Qin Shihuang, which shows that these sons are really good.

"Speak up."

"Have you thought of other ways to arrange for them?

"As the royal family, the princes of Daqin, they originally shouldered Daqin.

"For Xi'er, he is in charge of supervising the country, but for the other grandchildren, they are too harsh to be in the army step by step." Ying Zheng said thoughtfully.

"They are in the army now, and they are training in court."

"If it doesn't make a difference, don't reveal my royal identity. If I make a difference, I will give them a chance to arrange it in the future. Ying Qi also said with thought.

"It seems that Qi'er, you already have some arrangements in mind." Ying Zheng smiled and stretched out.

"Now, the territory under my Daqin's control is endless, and I control the world of the heavens."

"I couldn't activate the Daqin enfeoffment system before, but now it's different."

"However, this feudal system is not a vassal, but my many sons, the royal family."5

"Anyone who is brilliant among my sons can guard a world.

Ying Qi smiled and said.

Hear this.

Ying Zheng was also taken aback.

"Qi'er, your handwriting is much stronger than the previous enfeoffment system."

"The previous system of enfeoffment was at most a fiefdom, and you can directly encapsulate a realm."

Ying Zheng said with some sigh.


This is also the performance of Daqin's current national strength.

Now Daqin controls many worlds, Daqin's main world, Wuhu world, comprehensive martial arts world, magic world, and now another fairy sword world will be added. As time goes by, there will be more and more worlds controlled by Daqin.

"Father misunderstood what I meant.

"Although it is to guard a realm, it is not controlled by the military and the government. To guard a realm, all I can give is that they are in charge of the government affairs of a realm.

"They are equivalent to the guardian envoys of that world, directly under the order of Yu Xi'er."

"Military power, the power to be manipulated by the strong, must be in my hands.

"In this way, there will be no chaos.

Ying Qi said again.

"That's good."

"Although there will be no chaos with you in Daqin, but in order to avoid the prince's struggle, we must deal with it clearly. The identity of Xi'er's eldest son must not be changed."" Ying Zheng also nodded.

"Okay, Father, let's not talk about these state affairs.

"Let's talk about you.

"Have you been out all these years." Ying Qi smiled and changed his voice.

"Ha ha.

"Definitely went out.

"My Daqin world alone is vast and the scenery of mountains and rivers is endless. I have traveled the world with your mother over the years, and I have seen a lot of scenery of mountains and rivers." Ying Zheng was interested and said with a big smile.

The father and son came together again after a few years apart.

Back to Zhangtai Palace.

After a little warmth with her own Yaner.

Ying Qi entered his training room.

"`〃Five Spirit Orbs, transformed into a chaotic constitution.""

Ying Qi was looking forward to it.

The five spirit beads were summoned.

Come into view.

The five spirit beads flashing with the power of the five elements flickered in front of Ying Qi, and the power contained in each spirit bead was extremely shocking.

"The level of each spiritual bead has reached the level of a half-step god. The power of the five spiritual beads is combined, and it can even affect the law of the five elements between heaven and earth. It is no wonder that the moon worship in the original world process can pass through these five spirits. The beads disturb the heavens and the earth."

Looking at the five spirit beads in front of him, Ying Qi sighed a little.

It can be said.

This Five Spirit Orb is the biggest treasure in the world of Immortal Sword.

"System, how to use the Five Spirit Orbs?

Ying Qi communication system asked.

"Finding the Five Spirit Orbs, does the host fuse the power of the Five Spirit Orbs with itself?" the system prompted to ask.

"Fusion." Ying Qi said immediately.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

next moment.

A streak of (Zhao's good) golden light shot out from Ying Qi's body. Under the control of this power, the five spirit beads flew towards Ying Qi and melted directly towards Ying Qi's body.

The power of the five elements contained in the Lingzhu exploded directly in Ying Qi's body.

Ying Qi's body was transformed under the tempering of this power, and his dantian was also undergoing earth-shaking changes.

And time is passing by in this process of transformation.

I don't know how long has passed.

"Obtain the power of the five spirit beads, blend with the host's artistic conception, successfully open the chaotic artistic conception, and be able to visualize the power of the five elements."

"Congratulations on the transformation of the host's physique, the successful dataization of chaotic physique." The system prompted.

"Now that I am, no matter what energy it is, I can turn it into my own power.

Ying Qi smiled slightly, very satisfied.

Ordinary practitioners.

Based on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, but cannot swallow the negative aura, but now Ying Qi is different, he can swallow all kinds of power and turn it into his own source.


"It is to devour the fate of the fairy sword world, and swallow the fairy sword world. 35

"Jin Yun Dynasty, Jin world.

Ying Qi's eyes are certain, and wild vision emerges.


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