Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 354 The arrival of the Great Qin Ruishi, see the emperor

With the movement of Ying Qi's spiritual thoughts.

The dungeon portal abruptly appeared on the top of the void.

The void is broken.

The portal comes.

And this moment.

"This... what is this?"

In the capital city of Nanzhao, everyone raised their heads, staring blankly and terrified at the portal on the void.

next moment.

The portal stands in the void.

Countless halos sprinkled toward this side of the world, and the moment these halos landed on the ground, they directly turned into human figures.

And above the void is also a halo.

Wait until the halo sprinkled by the portal is completely dispersed.

The void of heaven and earth regained its clarity, and the portal with infinite coercion disappeared in an instant.

Look into the void again.

Everyone in the capital of Nanzhao was stunned.

The sky is empty.

It has been obscured by countless ferocious giant beasts. Each of these giant beasts has reached the level of seven or eight feet. The beasts have different colors, but they are all an orc, and they are still standing on each giant beast. A black-armored soldier holding a spear and pulling the reins.

Just look at it like this.

The giant beast cavalry on this void exceeded fifty thousand.

This is exactly the dragoons that Daqin obtained after successfully conquering the magical world.

Look at the earth again.

The entire Nanzhao city has been occupied by countless black armored troops. Looking at it, there are more than 500,000 troops. Countless Daqin flags stand against the sky, spreading all over the empty land of Nanzhao capital.

Daqin Ruishi, descended into this fairy sword world.

Qin Wei was also shocked to discover this side of the world.

"This... how is this possible?"

"Where did they come from?

"Based on space, there is an army?"

"Their flag is Qin? Is it possible that it is the 690 Kingdom of the Great Qin Emperor who used to control the world?"

"No, it is impossible. 35

"Qin has already soared away, how could he still appear?

When Daqin Ruishi appeared, the whole Nanzhao was shocked.

Whether it was the sorcerer king of Nanzhao, the army, or the civilians, they were all shocked by the sudden arrival of the Great Qin Ruishi.

"Could it be that he summoned all of this.

Elder Shi looked at Ying Qi solemnly.

In the coming army, he felt a lot of momentum that surpassed the Shattered Realm, the Heaven and Human Realm, and the great masters were countless.

For a moment.

All the Daqin Ruishis who came came back to their senses.

When seeing the figure on the high platform, the eyes of all the black armored warriors became enthusiastic and reverent.

"Chen and others see the emperor. 35

"May the emperor's holy life be boundless and immortal.

All the Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison, and the thunder of the sky resounded throughout the earth.


The Witch King, Elder Shi, and Nanzhao's army changed their expressions and watched in horror.

since ancient times.

There is only one person in the world who can be called an emperor, and that is the former son of Qin Shihuang, Qin Wudi Yingqi.

"He, is it Ying Qi? 99

"How is this possible?"

Everyone panicked and panicked.

"Zhu Qing, be flat."

Win Qiwei said.

"Xie Dijun."9

Countless Great Qin Ruishi shouted in unison.

next moment.

Bai Qi rode the largest giant dragon to the void in front of Ying Qi, and the dragon god of the giant dragon family sat under him.

Although Bai Qi's strength is not as good as this Dragon God now, he is the first person in the Great Qin Army, and his status is unmatched by no one (afbh).

"The minister is white.

"Listen to the emperor's decree."

Bai Qi bowed and bowed, loudly begging for life.

Ying Qi glanced coldly at the Nanzhao capital, full of disgust.

"This city doesn't need to exist anymore.

Ying Qi Leng said coldly.

The entire Nanzhao capital was instantly shrouded in endless murderous intent.

As for the Witch King, Elder Shi's complexion suddenly changed drastically.

this moment.

They finally knew what kind of existence they had offended.

"Tang Yu, protect the Witch King from leaving.

Elder Shi suddenly shouted loudly, then held a sharp blade and charged towards Ying Qi. This shot instantly exploded with his full strength and slashed towards Ying Qi.

The entire void was stunned by the power of his sword.


Tang Yu's face changed, but he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rushed to the Witch King, trying to escape with him.


Apparently he was thinking too much.

"Why bother?"

Ying Qi sighed.

When he raised his hand, the spirit fire gathered in the palm of his hand, and with a casual throw, the spirit fire of various colors turned into a fire lotus and struck at Elder Shi.

When approaching the latter moment.


The tyrannical power possessed in the spirit fire exploded instantly.

This spirit fire engulfed Elder Shi in an instant, and immediately burned him out.

The pinnacle of the void.

Really strong.

But in front of the powerhouses in the Tribulation Realm, they are like ants.


This is also for a top powerhouse like Ying Qi, if it is an ordinary Transcending Tribulation Realm, perhaps this Elder Stone can still fight.


Tang Yu's eyes turned red when he saw it.

"Take me away.

The Witch King shouted eagerly.

He didn't care about Elder Shi's death at all.

He is so cold that he can kill his wife and daughter, and there is no friendship in his heart.

But he didn't wait for Tang Yu to return to his senses.

The top of his head suddenly turned black, and a giant claw suddenly slammed it down, directly hitting Tang Yu on the ground.

Don't wait for him to recover.

Several Broken Realm powerhouses swarmed up and directly took Tang Yu to seal Dantian.

And this time.

"The emperor has a purpose."

"This city should not survive.

The white voice resounded through the void.


The 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi who descended moved.

on the void.

Tens of thousands of dragon knights scattered under the command of the general Wang Ben.

Scatter this vast capital.

The Great Qin Ruishi on the ground was killing all over the city.

Winning Qi's will is the order of slaughtering the city.

Countless giant dragons spit out dragon breaths, and in an instant, the capital of Nanzhao became a sea of ​​fire.

Countless Nanzhao armies and people perished under this dragon's breath.

Ying Qi's figure slowly lifted into the sky.

Seeing countless dragon breaths blazing prairie in the city, but there is no turbulence in my heart.

Since taking over the country.

Except for the aliens who were in the Wuhu world, Ying Qi almost never ordered them to be slaughtered, even if they were aliens, Ying Qi gave them a chance to live.

But today, seeing the faces of these people who were bewitched by Nanzhao, so intimidating Zhao Linger, his woman, Ying Qi naturally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart.

This is the capital of Nanzhao, so this is the price.

this moment.

The entire city was buried in the sea of ​​fire, and countless screams were heard endlessly.

‘They are innocent people, why kill them?


Tang Yu knelt on the ground, staring at Ying Qi with red eyes, full of hatred.

"Don't you know the Emperor's anger?"

"If you do something wrong, you will have to pay the price.

"My woman is not something anyone can threaten.

Ying Qi gave him an indifferent glance.

"But they are all innocent."

"He did it all."

Tang Yu said unwillingly, and looked at the Witch King from the corner of his eye.

"Maybe innocent.

"But born here, they are not innocent. Ying Qi calmly said.


A wave of hands.

Dugu Qiufei immediately understood, and his fingertips condensed sword energy, which directly penetrated Tang Yu's heart, killing him with one blow.

The revenge of the massacre.

The murder of the father.

This is indelible, Ying Qi can't leave a big enemy for himself.

Ying Qi looked at the Witch King who had already been captured.

"Originally, for Ling'er's sake, I could have treated you Nanzhao a little better and gave you a little favor, but you shouldn't have hurt her.

"So, you don't have to live anymore.

Ying Qi said coldly.

A fire of spirit rose again in the palm of his hand.

"Forgive me.""

"Forgive me."

"I am willing to marry Linger to you, and I am willing to dedicate the entire Nanzhao to you.

"Just please spare my life. 35

The Witch King desperately begged for mercy.

"Fear of death is ridiculous. 35

Ying Qi shook his head sarcastically.

With a toss of the spirit fire in his hand, a radiance of luck appeared on the Witch King's body, intending to defend, but Ying Qi flew out of the Zhenguo seal, and the Great Qin Dynasty was shocked by the national fortune, which directly scattered the air luck of Nanzhao in this area. The spirit fire directly burned the witch king to ashes.

"Mr. Wu An.

Ying Qi said.

"The minister is here. 35

Bai Qi responded immediately.

"How many troops did you bring this time?" Ying Qi asked.

"Back to the emperor. 35

"The minister brought 500,000 warriors from the Lantian camp, plus 50,000 dragon knights, for a total of 550,000 troops. 99


"I worship all the brokenness of the temple, the gods, the great masters all come. 55

"In my Great Qin, there is still a large army ready, and only after the emperor's decree can come, and open up the territory for the emperor.

Bai Qi replied respectfully.

"Half a million troops is enough for now."

"I will let Dunwei tell you about the situation in this world."5

"I won't bother with such a move.

Ying Qi said to Bai Qi.

"I will never disappoint the emperor."

Bai Qi respectfully leads the order.


Ying Qi nodded and said no more.

With Bai Qi in charge of the army, Ying Qi doesn't need to worry at all.


The figure flashed.

He left the blazing prairie capital of Nanzhao directly, and came to the coast not far from the capital of Nanzhao.

it's here.

The ancient water beast that was sealed by Zhao Linger's mother Lin Qinger was sealed, and it was also the beast that once worshipped the moon.

but now.

Ying Qi will conquer it and use it for his own use. ,

The power of this water beast has reached the level of transcending tribulation, which can be a great help.

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