Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 349 Juggernaut: In the past, Shushan destroyed the door

The top of Shushan.


"He is really the former Qin Wudi Ying Qi, isn't he? 39

Jiujianxian still couldn't hide his shock.

Although Ying Qi's invisible performance has been confirmed, it still makes them unbelievable.

Qin Wudi Ying Qi.

The son of Qin Shi Huang Ying Zheng, a generation of heroic emperors, who controls the world, no one does not have ministers.

Tens of thousands of years ago, it could be called a truly inviolable emperor.

Dominate the world.

"It should be."

"Although he didn't admit it, who could pretend to be his imperial majesty?

"Which emperor in the world can have such strength? He doesn't have the courage to face me?" The Sword Saint sighed.

"Emperor Qin Wu, Ying Qi."

"That was the emperor in ancient times."

"Didn't he ascend with the former Great Qin Empire? Why is he still able to return?"

"Furthermore, as an emperor, Cangtian gave him a curse, and his cultivation base is more difficult than that of ordinary cultivators. It was extremely rare for him to break the curse and bring Da Qin Feisheng. How can he come back now?" Jiujianxian said in shock.


"Even if he is not the former Qin Wudi, he must have a great relationship with the former Qin Wudi and the Great Qin Empire. 39

"If I, Shushan, want to live forever, I must not be an enemy of him." The Sword Saint said solemnly.

"In ancient times, the whole world was Qin soil. If they did not serve Qin, they would all be regarded as rebellious, and they would be suppressed and exterminated."

"Now that he is back, the world will really change." Jiujianxian said.

"For my generation of immortal sects, the return of the Qin Empire is not a good thing, but for the chaotic world, this may be a great blessing." The swordsman said.

"Senior brother, after you entered the Dao and transcended the calamity, what you have always followed is to follow the sky and not interfere in the world and the world. Now that the Qin Empire has returned, this should be unacceptable to the sky, why didn't the senior brother help him?" Jiujianxian was puzzled. the way.

The swordsman glanced at it: "Junior brother, your vision of seeing things is still limited to individuals, not sects, and not me, Shushan is eternal, indeed, since I entered the Dao and transcended the calamity, what I have followed is the sky, and I follow the number of days. What is this all about?"

"It is for Shushan, for my disciples in Shushan, and even for the foundation that will endure in the world. 99

"The number of days, I do follow, but the number of days has changed, but it has nothing to do with me, everything I do is for the longevity of Shushan.

"Only in this way can I, Shushan, be able to stand alone in this world and be alone in this world."

"If I, Shushan, join the WTO, I will definitely compete with the devil, the Buddha, and the Tao, and break the pattern of the ages. Don't you know the tragic situation when my Shushan was almost destroyed? 99

Said the last sentence.

There was great sadness in the eyes of the swordsman.

Even though tens of thousands of years have passed since this incident, it is like a brand, branded in the soul of the Sword Saint.

that time.

Shushan, known as the world's top immortal sect, was almost wiped out.

His master went into trouble and was seriously injured. It didn't take long for him to stabilize, and then he ran out of oil and died.

In a critical moment, he carried Shushan up.

It has rebuilt a nearly destroyed sect into the current top power, and it is still in this world, independent of the forces outside the dispute.

And that year.

It is because Shushan has never been single in the world, participated in the battle of the world, participated in the battle of the devil, the Buddha, and participated in the competition, and this is the result.

"Senior Brother. 35

"Things of those days are over.

"Now our Shushan has surpassed the past under your leadership.

Jiujianxian looked at his senior brother and comforted.

"The emergence of Emperor Wu of Qin and the emergence of Daqin will bring an end to the chaotic world in the world, but it is a crisis for the immortal sect that surpasses the world.

"Even my Shushan is no exception.

"Emperor Qin Wu is domineering, just as he said, he doesn't allow the world to have powers that are not subject to him, so we must make plans early." Sword Saint said to Jiu Jianxian.

"Senior brother, are you planning to enter Qin too?" Jiu Jianxian looked at him in surprise.

"Junior Brother, it seems that you have already made up your mind?"

The Sword Saint looked at him with a half-smile.

"Crossing the Tribulation Realm, I have been trapped in this realm for thousands of years, if I don't seize this opportunity, it will be difficult for me to break through.

"Therefore, I also ask senior brother to complete it." Jiujianxian said earnestly.

"My Shushan does not have the same rules as those sects. In ancient times, when the sects surrendered to Da Qin, they were still sects, but they needed to serve Qin. If you entered Qin and served as Emperor Wu, wouldn't you be my Shushan disciple? "The Sword Saint smiled and didn't stop it.


"This is an opportunity for you, but it is not an opportunity for me, Shushan?" The swordsman asked thoughtfully.

"A chance at Shushan?"

Immortal Jiujian savoured the meaning of this sentence, and suddenly, as if to understand, looked up at the sky: "Brother, do you mean, immortal? 55

"In short, it is impossible for me, Shushan, to be an enemy of Qin.

"You enter Qin first, I am Shushan, and I am one with Daqin." The Sword Saint smiled, but did not continue to point out anything.

Jiujianxian nodded and said nothing more.

At this time.

Outside Shushan.

Suddenly, a few powerful auras appeared.

The swordsman frowned slightly, and then stretched out: "Sure enough, they are still here.

"Emperor Wu crossed the calamity and shocked the world, but apart from us, the forces in the world don't know who it is, and the death of worshiping the moon (afbh) has caused shocks, which are enough to make them uneasy."

"Senior brother has always been in charge of the affairs of the world, and they naturally want to ask brother for help." Jiujianxian sensed it and said calmly.

"Report to the headmaster.

"The first of the three gates, the devil gate, the Tao gate, and the Buddhist gate, seek to see you.

A Shushan disciple came to the main hall and respectfully said.

"Let them enter the temple." Sword Saint said.

"Yes. 35

The disciple immediately retreated.

And this moment.

Outside the gate of Shushan Mountain.

Three figures stood side by side, two women and one man.

Behind them were their disciples.

One was dressed in a black dress, exuding an air of charm. He was the head of the Demon Sect, Zhu Yuyan, the Queen of Shadows, and a powerhouse in the transcendence realm.

One was wearing a white nun outfit, but with long hair, exuding a holy atmosphere, she was the head of Buddhism, Cihang Jingzhai, Fan Qinghui,

The last man, with a middle-aged appearance, exuded an upright aura, and he also looked like a master of Taoism. He was the head of the Taoist sect, Tao Xuan.

The three meet.

Although standing side by side.

But Zhu Yuyan was separated by Fan Qinghui. Obviously, the devil and the Buddha were separated.

in the world.

The three top sects are tit for tat, among which Dao and Buddha stand in one faction, and the devil is the enemy.


"Fan Qinghui, I haven't seen you for so many years, but you got involved with Daoxuan, a bull nose? Will it be possible to drink your wedding wine soon?

Zhu Yuyan looked at the two people who were next to everything and said mockingly.

"The word of the devil is still abominable. 55

"If I hadn't been in Shushan at this moment, I would have killed you, the devil.

Fan Qinghui said coldly to Zhu Yuyan.

"I really can't wait for that. 39

"Come on, do it. 35 Zhu Yuyan is not afraid at all.

"After Yin, speak carefully. Shadow

"Your Demon Sect has been too arrogant all these years." Daoxuan also said coldly.

"Dao Buddha, it's ridiculous."

"Although my Demon Sect is arrogant, but I act in a bright and upright manner. Wherever you look like, you will only use some dirty means. I will tell you that if you have this one day, your filth will not succeed. 99 Zhu Yuyan said coldly.

"Do you want to start?

Fan Qinghui said angrily.

Doxuan also glared angrily.

Two tyrannical auras rose up in front of the Shushan gate.

Makes the whole void tremble.

"I will be afraid of you later, won't you?"

Zhu Yuyan was not to be outdone, and the violent demonic energy rose into the sky.

The three powerhouses in the Transcending Tribulation Realm attacked together, and the entire Shushan Void was shocked by this momentum, forming a storm.

behind the three.

The disciples they brought in also showed a tit-for-tat trend.

As long as their master takes action, they will not be polite.

in this world.

The Tribulation Transcendence Realm is the absolute peak powerhouse. Looking at the world, the Tribulation Realm powerhouse does not exceed ten fingers, or even less, and most of them are gathered in the Central Plains.

Now that three top powerhouses have gathered in an instant, it will naturally cause alarm.

"Three chiefs.

"My Shushan Patriarch has an invitation."

At this moment.

The Shushan disciple walked out of the mountain gate and said to the three of them.


"If it weren't for Shushan, I would definitely not forgive you today.

Fan Qinghui snorted coldly and withdrew her aura.

Daoxuan also slowly retracted.

"I am not afraid of you in the future. 35

Zhu Yuyan sneered, not afraid of the two at all.

But he slowly regained his momentum.


The reason why the three of them came to Shushan was also for the mysterious transcending calamity who suddenly appeared in the world. If they could win it, they would each add a help, and the key to finding this person was naturally in Shushan.

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