Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 338 With my strong Qin Dynasty, who dares to coerce marriage?

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

With Ying Qi's return, he formally disposes of the government.

Memorials from Jiuqing were also passed on to Zhangtai Palace.

At the time of Ying Qi's personal expedition, these memorials were all sent to Ying Zheng's palace and handed over to Ying Zheng's disposal.

Now that Ying Qi is back, these things naturally belong to Ying Qi.

But wait a few more years.

Ying Zheng can be completely free. The eldest son of the emperor, Ying Xi, has grown up, and Ying Zheng is also teaching him to deal with the affairs of the state. In the future, if he wins Qi's personal expedition, the eldest son of the emperor, Ying Xi, can supervise the administration of the country.

Some trivial matters can be left to him.

"These are all memorials that must be handled by the emperor. Among them are the emperor's harem accepting concubines, and the selection of wives and concubines for the emperor's eldest son." Zhao Chenghou stood aside and said respectfully.

"My harem and concubine?"

Ying Qi looked surprised.

"Your Majesty.

"Since you succeeded to the throne, you have never chosen a concubine among the people, and you have never chosen a concubine on a large scale. This has never happened in my Daqin dynasties. Even the emperor has worked hard in the past, and the harem has also selected concubines several times. , Now this matter has been reviewed by the Empress Dowager and the Empress, just waiting for the Emperor to approve." Zhao Cheng replied respectfully.

"Who is in charge of this matter?" Ying Qi asked.

"Returning to the emperor, it is Lord Feng Jie who is in charge. Zhao Cheng said immediately.

"Let him do it as he sees fit, no need to overdo it." Ying Qi said.

This memorial is stamped with the seal of the State of Zhen.


Zhao Cheng respectfully took the memorial, and then handed it over to the temple person beside him, conveying the imperial decree.

"Which girl do you choose for Xi'er?" Ying Qi asked again.

"Back to the emperor. 35

"These women are recommended by many families for women of the right age in the family, and then the Empress will decide.

"There is the eldest daughter of General Meng Tian, ​​the granddaughter of General Wang Jian, and the eldest daughter of Lord Han Fei. All of them are from big families, with outstanding looks and talents." Zhao Cheng said respectfully.

"Since the queen has made a decision, this matter has also been granted." Ying Qi nodded and granted it directly.


Zhao Cheng respectfully took the memorial and handed it over to the temple staff.

Looking at the memorials on this table, Ying Qi did not stop, and continued to review the memorials. Every matter of the empire was reviewed in Ying Qi's hands, and every memorial that could be handed over to Ying Qi was enough to affect the people's livelihood in the world.

Today's Win Qi.

It can be said that he holds the authority of the Three Realms, and is above all sentient beings in the Three Realms.

Queen's Palace.

"Mother 630.

"I really don't want to get married so early, and I haven't even seen their faces, and I don't have any feelings, so how can I get married?

"Can you push these marriages away?"

Ying Xi stood in front of Li Yan'er and said with a bitter expression.

Not so long ago.

He knew that his mother had already arranged several marriages for him, but Yingxi still resisted.

"This matter is the tradition of the royal family. When you are old, you must talk about marriage and continue the blood of the royal family. It was the same with your grandfather. 35 Li Yan'er said calmly.

After being the queen for many years, Li Yaner has fully possessed the majesty of a mother in the world.

"But why didn't the royal father?" Ying Xi said with some resentment.

"Your father was an exiled among the people, and you didn't recognize your grandfather until he was almost 20 years old, and at that time, the world was in chaos. Besides your mother, there were princesses of various countries around your father, and this was considered a marriage.

"According to the royal family tradition, you are going to get married when you are a teenager, and now you are free to be in your twenties, and it has already given you a chance."9

"What else do you want?" Li Yan'er said angrily.

"I... I just don't want to get married." Ying Xi said firmly.

"Then you go to your father, this matter has been approved by your father."

"The imperial decree has also been issued. In a few days, the Wang family and the Meng family will send their daughters to meet you." Li Yan'er said very plainly.

She didn't know where the temperament of her own son was.

"Looking for your father?"

Thinking of Ying Qi's majestic appearance, Ying Xi couldn't help shivering.

"Forget it, I'll still accept the arrangement." Yingxi was terrified at the right time.


Seeing him change so quickly, Li Yan'er was pissed off.

"The emperor is here.

At this time.

A loud shout came from outside the palace, and all the maids in the palace knelt down.

Li Yan'er also stood up immediately.

Yingxi immediately bowed and bowed: "See the father emperor."

Ying Qi walked in quickly from outside the palace.

"Be flat.

Ying Qi said casually.

His eyes fell on Ying Xi: "What are you doing here, kid?

"Back to the father and the emperor, the son misses his mother and came to see the mother specially. Ying Xi said respectfully, not daring to reveal his intentions just now in front of Ying Qi.

"You will miss your mother?"

Ying Qi stared at Ying Xi and said coldly.

"Yes... yes. 33 Yingxi said tremblingly.

"What are you thinking, boy, can I not know?

"Are you thinking of asking your mother to call off the marriage?" Ying Qi said angrily.

"Um. 39

Yingxi didn't know what to say now, and her little Jiujiu was really insightful in front of her father.

"As the royal family, or the eldest son of the emperor, enjoying the glory that hundreds of millions of living beings in Daqin do not have, I naturally have to take corresponding responsibilities. Although I don't need to consolidate power through marriage, those younger women can marry you. The gift of the minister.""

"It's you now."

"The future will be my other sons, and they will all marry the daughters of the imperial court officials to gift them." Ying Qi preached to his son.

"My son understands what the emperor said. 35 Yingxi also nodded solemnly.


"I don't have a so-called door-to-door view. If you meet a woman you really like, I will not object." Ying Qi said.

"Thank you, Father Huang." When Ying Xi heard this, she felt completely relieved.

He was also afraid that his future marriages would be handled by his parents.


Obviously he was thinking too much.

For weak countries, there are forced marriages, but for Da Qin, it does not exist at all.

Who in the world would dare to force Da Qin to marry?

Even if there is a strong enemy, Ying Qi will never sacrifice his daughter, his son is another matter, anyway, he will not suffer.

"Father, will my elder sister and younger sisters also be married in the future?" Ying Xi asked anxiously.

"My daughters are all honorable, if they don't like it, I won't force them. Ying Qi smiled.

"Father is wise. 99

Ying Xi bowed and bowed in great admiration.

"Yan'er. 35

"In the future, there is no need for the consent of the group of boys to get married. I trust your vision. You can just go ahead after screening." Ying Qi gently said to Li Yan'er.

Li Yaner nodded obediently.

"You can choose a wife and concubine for Xi'er, but you still choose a concubine for me?

"Aren't you afraid that those women will rob me?"

Ying Qi suddenly laughed at Li Yan'er.

"You have never accepted a concubine for so many years, and there are rumors among the people that I am a jealous woman. According to the rules, you are going to accept a concubine." "Li Yan'er said in a serious tone, but there was shyness in her eyes.

"You stinky boy, what are you still doing here? Why don't you teach your younger brother and sister to practice afbh? Ying Qi glared at Ying Xi.

"My son retire.

Ying Xi bowed and left immediately.

"You all step back. 35

Ying Qi said to the maid in the hall again.

promise. "


The palace maids responded respectfully and retreated one after another.

"Brother Qi, what are you doing in the middle of the day?" Li Yan'er said shyly.

"What do you think?" Ying Qi laughed and wrapped his arms around him.

Then everything was silent.

Time passes gradually.


Half a month has passed.

For Daqin Xianyang, another great event occurred.

Today's emperor's eldest son, Ying Xi, is marrying a young lady from the Meng family, Wang family, and Han family.

This time, the wedding banquet was held in the palace, and only the officials of the Qin Dynasty and soldiers of merit were able to attend.

After the marriage of the eldest son.

Another major event affected the entire Qin Dynasty.

Cities all over the world.

Post a notice.

Today's emperor will choose the concubine in the world's draft.

a time.

The entire Qin Dynasty shook.

Whether it is the Yanhuang ethnic group or the foreign race, they are all shocked by this news.

Today's Great Qin Emperor, the supreme existence in charge of the three worlds of Great Qin, can determine the life and death of all living beings with one word, and can kill a family with one word.

Whoever can enter the imperial palace as a concubine will not only have endless glory, but also benefit the family and become a royal relative.

In the three-way world that Daqin is in charge of, countless women are looking forward to it, waiting for the draft.

Even in the world of comprehensive martial arts.

The same is true for many sects and sects. Now that Daqin is in charge of the world, the authority that originally belonged to their sect over the secular is no longer there. Even if they are martial arts sects, they have strength beyond the ordinary. Now the situation has changed.

If they wantonly kill civilians, even if it is a manslaughter, they will be punished by the laws of Daqin.

Daqin has the Black Ice Platform, which is specifically responsible for targeting the world's sects.

Once the Qin law is violated, Hei Bingtai will deal with it.

Since Da Qin took control of the comprehensive martial arts world, there have been countless sect disciples who have violated the laws of Qin, and countless people have been killed, imprisoned, and even more numerous.

There are also those who are bold enough to fight against the imperial court, and the result is naturally annihilation.

Zhongnan Mountain.


"Chaoying, this chance is very rare, if you really have the chance to enter the imperial palace, then the ancient tomb will have a foothold in the world of Qin, at least it will be able to settle down in this great competition.

Wang Chongyang came to this ancient tomb, and said to a middle-aged woman in front of him, this woman is not stunning, but she looks very heroic, and it is Wang Chongyang's love.

Since he was able to break through the broken realm, Wang Chongyang has returned to the comprehensive martial arts world and talked with Lin Chaoying, and no longer hides the friendship in his heart, because his innate skills have been cultivated to perfection, and there is no need to keep it.

"Do you want Mochou and Long'er to participate in the draft? 35

Lin Chaoying asked thoughtfully.


Wang Chongyang nodded, and then said: "The strength of the emperor is unfathomable, and the power of the emperor is even more unpredictable. In the past, the secular emperors in the world may not be anything, and the heart of the king is not afraid, but the heart of the emperor can be instantly changed. Let the common people collapse."9

"Even the super-first-class forces in this world can be destroyed in the hands of the emperor.

Mention Ying Qi.

There was an unimaginable awe on Wang Chongyang's face.

When the world was promoted, Ying Qi's invisible aura made him feel chills all over his body, even just a wisp of breath made him tremble.

"Now that you have broken through to the Broken Realm, are you unable to compete in front of the Great Qin Emperor?" Lin Chaoying said in surprise.

"You can't say that anymore."

"Now that I am the minister of the emperor, there is no reason to betray, and then..."

Wang Chongyang said solemnly: "Don't say that I am broken now, but in front of the emperor, it can be killed with just one move, I think the emperor's cultivation level may already be above the broken.

"On the broken.

Lin Chaoying was shocked.


"This time is a rare opportunity that cannot be missed. Wang Chongyang warned again.


Lin Chaoying nodded.


"The leader died, so did the ambassador Yang Zuo. 35

"My Mingjiao has fallen from a super-class to a first-class force, and now there is an opportunity for my Mingjiao to return to the super-first-class, and that is the emperor's draft. I think mobilize all the teachers and select stunning women to participate in the draft. Once successful, my Mingjiao will have the opportunity to return to the top. .

Happy, vulture palace.

"There are countless beautiful women in the Vulture Palace. This time, your ancestor ordered it. You can't miss the chance to draft. Once it is successful, my Xiaoyao faction will become a relative of the royal family." Wu Xingyun said in a deep voice to the disciples of the Vulture Palace.

The Great Qin court issued a notice.

The whole world was shaken.

Especially in the comprehensive martial arts world, those sects are especially keen on this, and they look forward to changing the status quo of their sects in the world.

But all.

Ying Qi didn't pay attention at all.

It has to be said that people in the world think too much.

The draft is just to select ordinary concubines, it is impossible to have feelings for Ying Qi.

And this moment.

Ying Qi was standing outside the imperial palace.

The Supreme Emperor Yingzheng, as well as many civil and military officials of the court gathered here.

It seems that something big is about to happen.

PS: I am very grateful.

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