Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 334 World promotion, great transformation!!

A golden light shot out from Ying Qi's body.

in a blink.

The dungeon portal to the Comprehensive Martial World opened, and Jin Guang directly rushed through the dungeon portal and entered the Comprehensive Martial World.

It didn't take long.

From the dungeon portal, a golden cage imprisoned a scintillating ball of light and came to the world of Daqin.

When came to the Daqin world.

This multicolored ball of light was struggling frantically, and seemed to feel a sense of unease.

"The power of the system, I am afraid that it has reached the level of the treasure of chaos, although it is only a heavenly way that has not been truly perfected in the world of Chinese martial arts, the power of the system can easily imprison it.

"If I want to explore the secrets of the system, I may only be able to see it when I am on the Golden Immortal Daluo, or even at the level of a saint.

Looking at the imprisoned Heavenly Dao, Ying Qi thought in horror.

This imprisoned opportunity.

Ying Qi did not expect to be so powerful.


Reminiscent of the beginning of the birth of Heavenly Dao in the Daqin world, the system gave Ying Qi the opportunity to choose, to become the Heavenly Dao and to control the Heavenly Dao.

Now this scene does not seem strange.


Ying Qi stared at the void and shouted.


The sky and the earth changed color in the void, and a terrifying heavenly might descended.

"This feeling?""

Tianwei comes.

Bai Qi, Dugu Qiufeng and several other peak powerhouses in the Heaven and Human Realm all frowned.

Because of this mighty power, they have all felt it before.

"Every time you want to hit the Shattered Realm, a force that cannot be resisted will be born out of thin air, and all the power that hits the Realm will be dissipated. This power seems to be the power at the moment.

Several people were horrified.

Several of them have entered the peak of the Heaven and Human Realm for many years, and they have tried to break through to a stronger level many times, but every time they are blocked by a force that they cannot resist.

For that force, they wanted to peep one or two very vaguely, but now they clearly felt it.

"What the Emperor said is right."

"It is the high heaven that prevents breaking through to the Broken Realm.

"And what's going to appear at this moment is...

The faces of several people were shocked: "God. 39

Then look at the monstrous waves in the void.

Dark clouds covered the sun, and thunder rolled in.

It's like a sky-shattering scene.

This kind of scene that makes the world change color, if it is not for the sky, how can it be done?


Cracks appeared in the sky.

A giant eye shrouded in thunder with endless power appeared.

"Is this the sky?"

"The sky above all living beings.

Looking at the giant eyes, they were all horrified.

The moment this giant eye appeared, the overwhelming power of heaven made them feel extremely depressed and suffocated, making them unable to erase it at all.

Heaven appears.

above all beings.

But when it saw Ying Qi, the original majesty and indifference changed instantly, and there was a wave in the godless giant eyes.


This is unique to Ying Qi.

For Daqin World Heavenly Dao, Ying Qi is just like its father, without Ying Qi, there would be no formation of its Heavenly Dao.

It is well aware of this.

"I have a present for you.""

"devoured it."9

"Promote the world.

Ying Qi pointed at the imprisoned Zongwu Tiandao.

Daqin Tiandao's giant eyes instantly returned to his senses and looked at the comprehensive martial arts.


The giant eyes showed a kind of instinctive heat.

The origin of the world, the foundation of world advancement.

Now that it is placed in front of it, under this instinct, how can it not be excited.

There wasn't much hesitation at all.

Daqin Tiandao turned into a giant mouth and swallowed it towards Zongwu Tiandao.

At this moment, even though Zongwu Tiandao is stronger than Daqin Tiandao at the world level, it has been imprisoned at this moment, and there is no any countermeasure at all.

In an instant.

The Zongwu Heavenly Dao was completely shattered and turned into a pure world origin force, which was swallowed by the Daqin Heavenly Dao.

"The world of Daqin is a world of low martial arts and high quality, and it is only one step away from the world of middle martial arts. Now that it has swallowed this world of middle martial arts, there may be a chance to step into the high martial arts.""

"In that way, there will be strong people in the Broken Realm in the world of Daqin. 35

"Even if it can't be achieved, with my control of the power of heaven, I can also create a strong person in the broken realm, without being checked and balanced by the power of heaven."

Ying Qi stared at Tiandao, thinking in his heart.

The future Daqin campaign.

Unless it is a legion war, ordinary cultivators can no longer play a key role. Only the powerhouses above the great masters, the Heavenly Human Realm, and the Broken Realm can dominate the battle.

The top powerhouse is the road for Daqin's future.

"This is really heaven."

"The sky of the Daqin world."

"Could it be that the ball of light imprisoned in the golden cage just now is the heaven of the world we live in? 99

"The power of the emperor is unpredictable, even the sky can be captured.

"Furthermore, it seems that the emperor can call the sky, and the sky in the Daqin world actually obeys the emperor's edict."

"how can that be?"

"Could it be that the emperor is not a mortal at all, but an immortal?"

"Even if it's an immortal, it can't command the sky, can it?"

Many Daqin Heavenly Human Realm experts looked at the scene in front of them and were all shocked.

The high heavens were imprisoned by their loyal emperor.

The sky high above, obeys their emperor.

Their emperor is above the sky.

How can you believe it if you don't see it with your own eyes.

"Ha ha.

Feeling the horrified eyes of the courtiers, Ying Qi smiled lightly and did not explain anything.

For the emperor, to remain mysterious and unpredictable, and to maintain the majesty of the sky, is the way of the emperor.

An hour passed.

Daqin Tiandao turned into a giant eye again, and the Tianwei that enveloped the sky and the sky was much more powerful than when it first appeared.


After swallowing up the comprehensive martial arts, the origin of Daqin Tiandao greatly increased.

"Go to the world.

"By the way, bring that side of the world into your control."

Ying Qi said to Tiandao.

Daqin Tiandao blinked, indicating that he heard it.

And then directly attributed to the void core.

The Tianwei that enveloped the void land also disappeared in an instant.

All the ministers behind Ying Qi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Emperor. 35

"Just now, is that the sky?

Bai Qi's tone carried a kind of shock.


Ying Qi said calmly.

"The emperor's supernatural powers, subject to respect.

"Even the sky can be controlled." Bai Qi said in shock.

"The emperor's supernatural powers, ministers and others respect. 35

All the Qin officials behind Ying Qi said in unison.

"After the world is promoted, your chance will come.

"There will be no obstacles for you to break through the Shattered Realm. 35

"It will no longer be suppressed by the power of the sky.

Ying Qi turned around and said to the ministers.

Hear this.

Bai Qi and Dugu Qiufeng were especially excited.

"Thank you, Your Majesty.

The ministers said in unison.

With the way of heaven returned to the core of the world.

The transformation that belongs to the world of Daqin has begun.

The world of Daqin suddenly shook.

Countless creatures in the Daqin world raised their heads blankly, a little panicked.


Before he was promoted to the world, Ying Qi had expected it early, and he had already passed down an edict, ordering the government to maintain order and stabilize the world.

So after the world shook, the Daqin government began to act.


Not only the world of Daqin, but the world of comprehensive martial arts is also shaking violently.

Under the power of heaven.

The two worlds are rapidly approaching, and the world is united.

This scene has also appeared in the Wuhu world.

After the Daqin world successfully gave birth to Tiandao, Ying Qi ordered Daqin Tiandao to take over the Wuhu world and pulled it into the Daqin world barrier. Now Daqin holds the comprehensive martial arts world and dragged it into the world barrier.

...for flowers »


For Ying Qi, there are two options for pulling the world into the Daqin world barrier. The first is to directly bring the world into the world, so that the world and Daqin world can be completely integrated and become a huge continent. The second is this kind of world. , Pulling into the barrier, but not integrating the world with the Daqin world continent, the aura of the Daqin world will not be scattered.

The benefits of this are many.

This time, the Daqin world may be able to step into the high-quality level of Chinese martial arts. If you focus on the origin to improve the Daqin world, it will bring a skyrocketing spiritual energy to the Daqin world and give birth to countless strong men in Daqin.

After all, Ying Qi must be based on the Daqin world.

As for other worlds controlled by battles, they must be vassals.

In those worlds that came from war, Ying Qi could choose talents and recruit soldiers, and they could enter the Daqin world and gain a wider world.

Ying Qi has great ambitions.

So the design is also big.

There are many worlds in chaos.

Ying Qi also wants to build his own world of heaven and earth.

Now he has controlled three worlds. With the passage of time, thousands of years, 10,000 years, 10,000,000 years, Ying Qi himself does not know how far Ying Qi can grow in the future, but one thing is certain, as long as he does not die, Daqin will inevitably conquer countless worlds in the future, and there will be countless worlds inside the Daqin barrier.


Until then.

The Daqin world will become the center of the heavens and the world.

Ying Qi will incarnate the Lord of the Empire, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, the Lord of the Imperial Court, and control the thousands of worlds.

This is Ying Qi's ambition. ,

time flies.

in a blink.

Several days have passed.

For practitioners, it is just a click away.

But the shaking between heaven and earth suddenly stopped.

Ying Qi stood in the emptiness of Mount Li, and the officials behind him also guarded him.

They saw with their own eyes the transformation of the world.

After the shaking of the world that lasted for a few days stopped.

The transformation that belongs to the world of Daqin has finally arrived.

Boom, boom, boom.

Void, the earth shook again.

But it's different from before.

At this moment in the void, the earth is becoming more stable.

If the great master could defeat the void before, then now only the Heaven and Human Realm can do it.

The promotion of the world level is the sublimation of heaven and earth.

Just like a cultivator has moved to a higher level.

"The void is strengthening."

"The earth has also become firmer.""

"Is this the promotion of the world?

It was the first time for Bai Qi and the others to see such a scene, but they could clearly feel the changes between heaven and earth when they exhibited their spiritual sense.

As witnesses and witnesses of this series, their expressions were also very excited.

"It did not disappoint me. 39

"The world of Daqin has been promoted to the top grade of Chinese martial arts.

"In the future, the Daqin world will no longer be hindered in breaking through the Broken Realm.

Feeling the stability of Void Transformation, Ying Qi smiled.

The transformation of the world has been going on for a long time.


The scene that is enough to make all living beings in the empire and all living beings in the world look forward to the most has arrived.

above the void.

Suddenly, countless invisible gaps opened.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.

The endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth was released from the core of the void and sprinkled toward the void of the world of Daqin.

"The aura of heaven and earth is growing rapidly.

Bai Qi exclaimed in surprise.

The aura of the world of Daqin is increasing at an exponential rate, ten times, twenty times, fifty times.

The leap from low martial arts to medium martial arts.

Great transformation.

If it is a cultivator from the high martial arts world, it may not be obvious to this kind of transformation, but for the cultivators from the low martial arts and middle martial arts world, this transformation is enough for everyone to feel.

Daqin's world.

Once again ushered in a shocking transformation.


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