Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 330 Blood for blood, counter attack the other world. (seeking to be determined)

"My ministers respectfully listen to the decree.

All Great Qin officials, Great Qin Ruishi, shouted in unison.

Only with the will of the emperor they are loyal to, they will enter another world, expand the territory for Daqin, and kill all enemies.

"Go to another world.


Ying Qi gave a cold drink.

The blood tiger turned into a ray of blood and came to Ying Qi's side. Ying Qi landed directly on the huge body of the blood tiger and rushed towards the magic circle.

"My great Qin Ruishis.

"Follow the emperor and enter the other world."

White yelled.

All the powerhouses in Daqin followed Ying Qi and rushed towards the teleportation formation.

And hundreds of thousands of warriors on the ground rushed to the teleportation array without any hesitation.

Undead world.

The elf goddess Dairis who stayed behind did not know the tragic situation that happened in the world of Daqin, and it was only a day before the gods entered Daqin, and it was just a flick of a finger.

In her heart, the strength of the gods is known, even if the opposite world is stronger, it is impossible to be the opponent of the combined force of the gods.

Now they should already be competing for territory, and discuss how to divide up which side of the world.

"Your Majesty, we are here just like this, but after the world is captured, they will definitely not give it to His Majesty. 35

‘Instead of doing this, we might as well do something about it. "

"Destroy the magic circle and let them stay in that world forever, they will never have a chance to come back, the crown will be able to capture more believers, and all the order in the world will be re-divided.

One of Doris's men suggested.

Hear this.

A moving look appeared in Doris' eyes.

There are ten supreme gods in the magical world.

This time, there are six people who have reached the Daqin world, plus the elf god Dairis, the dark god, the dragon god, and the sea god.

However, the latter three gods did not participate in it, but were in retreat.

This time, the gods of death and the others left across the border. Although they left a few men to guard the magic circle, they were naturally very worried. It took them decades to set up this magic circle, and their gods also paid a lot of money. Premium material.

If they all pass, and the magic circle is destroyed, they will have no chance to come back, but if they don't pass, the benefits will be obtained by the god of death, and they naturally can't sit back and watch.

So they left the elf god to guard the magic circle.

Because they knew Dai Lisi, she did not dare to destroy the magic circle, she did not have such courage.

"Dark God and Death God are together, if I destroy the magic circle, he will definitely not let me go.

"Furthermore, if the gods of death and the others are trapped in that other world, and the magic world is left with me and the god of darkness and the god of dragons, it will definitely not be a re-division of the pattern, but a situation of death."5

Doris said in a low voice.

In the situation of gods and sorrows, it is naturally the fall of the gods, and there is only one god left in the world.

He will occupy all resources in the world alone.

Although Dai Lisi is a woman, she is not stupid and naturally knows the consequences of Liushen being trapped in another world and unable to return.

"Your Majesty, can't we just be driven by them and get no benefit?" The subordinate said very resentfully.

Doris did not speak, staring at the magic circle in front of her, full of tangle.

It was at this time.

The energy of the magic teleportation array suddenly shook.

"Your Majesty."

"Why did they come back so soon?"

Looking at the energy fluctuations of the magic circle, apparently returning from another world, Dai Lisi's subordinates were very surprised.

It's only been a day.

Why did you come back so soon?

Doris didn't speak.

It's just that the idea of ​​​​destroying the magic circle was hidden in his heart just now.

But the next moment.

It made her, and even the gods who stayed outside the magic circle startled.

A blood-red giant tiger rushed out of the magic circle, and on the giant tiger there was a person who looked completely different from the people in their world.

At the moment when this giant tiger appeared.


The tiger roared to the sky.

The monstrous killing suffocation was vented, and the entire magic circle was shocked by this roar.

Outside the magic circle.

The powerhouses who were left by the gods to guard the great formation were all surprised.

After all, their connection with the belief in gods is not luck, so after the gods they believe in, they do not know.

"Who are you?"

"Where is the crown of my God of Light?"

A subordinate of the God of Light shouted angrily.

The powerhouses of the surrounding gods have surrounded them one after another. Although there is no powerhouse lineup attacking the Daqin world, there are dozens of powerhouses.

"It really is the world of high martial arts.

"Even if it's just this undead world, full of undead aura, but there is also endless aura of heaven and earth in the void, which is definitely a high martial level. 99

Ying Qi's spiritual sense instantly protruded, and the tens of thousands of squares were covered by the spiritual sense.

The level of this world was instantly grasped by Ying Qi.


The magic circle energy surged.

Hundreds of great Qin experts appeared behind Ying Qi.

"who are you?"

"Where is my god?

"How could you pass the magic circle?

Seeing the sudden appearance of so many strange-looking people, the powerhouses outside the undead world's magic circle all panicked.


There is no Yanhuang ethnic group in this magical world, and the oriental faces are naturally strange to them. At a glance, they can tell the difference between the ethnic groups.

This is also the same as the Qin courtiers look at these otherworldly people.

"Your gods are dead.

"Now, it's your turn.

Ying Qi said coldly.

A wave of hands.


The Daqin strong man behind him did not hesitate, and turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

Looking at those alien powerhouses, they mercilessly killed them.

Sudden murder.

In an instant, the gods outside the magic circle were quickly harvested.

"Retreat all, don't let go.

Doris shouted to the elf behind her with a solemn expression.

A wave of hands.

A magical barrier was directly formed, protecting the hundreds of elves behind him.

With her strength comparable to the Void Realm, Daqin's strong man could not break through the barrier, and could only behead all the alien races around the magic circle.


Ying Qi's eyes narrowed and fell on the body of this Dai Lisi, and there was a slight brilliance in her eyes.

in past lives.

Naturally, he also knew something about Ying Qi, a creature in the Western Region.

Elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, various magical tribes in the West.

However, compared to reading novels in previous lives, I have seen it with my own eyes now.

Elf, sharp and long ears, stunning face, exudes a kind of affinity of nature.


Under the action of the powerful people in Daqin.

The otherworldly powerhouses around the magic circle were all slaughtered.

Only the elf family supported by Dairis remained.

But at this moment, they are also surrounded by layers of powerful people in Daqin.


"There is also an alien powerhouse here. 35

"Her cultivation is more than broken. Bai Qi stared at Dai Lisi and said solemnly.

0.....for flowers·

"Who exactly are you?"

"What about my magical gods?

Dai Lisi's cold voice sounded in the void.

But her eyes were fixed on Ying Qi, obviously she saw that Ying Qi, who was the first to shoot out of the magic circle, was the leader.

"They have died at the hands of the emperor.

"If you don't want to die, then surrender. 99

Bai Qi said coldly.

"Impossible. 35

"They are in the realm of the gods, although you have the power of the realm of the gods, it is absolutely impossible to kill them.

Doris stared at Ying Qi, a feeling of disbelief emerged.

The six gods actually perished?

This is impossible.

Not only her.

Even the many elves behind her were surprised.

"I, do I have to joke with you?"

Ying Qi walked over slowly and looked at this Dairis calmly.

Looking at Win Qi.

And the surrounding Daqin powerhouses.

Dai Lisi's face was still heavy, but she didn't say anything more.

With such strength, the situation here is clear at a glance, and Ying Qi really has no need to lie to her.

"Are you an elf god?" Ying Qi stared at Dai Lisi and said.


Doris nodded, her eyes were fearful, but not timid, no matter what, she was also a god.

Ying Qi also suddenly thought of something.

God thought a move.

Suddenly there was a bead in his hand: "Then this thing, do you know it?""

When she saw the beads with a green halo, Dai Lisi was stunned.

"My bead of life."

"How could it be in his hands?"

Dai Lisi's expression changed greatly, she wanted to speak, but she didn't know how to speak.

But the moment she saw the beads in Ying Qi's hand, she had nothing to rely on.

"This bead really has something to do with you. 35

Looking at Dai Lisi's expression, Ying Qi smiled lightly and turned the beads in his hands.

But when Ying Qi's hand touched the bead, something moved.

An instinctive blush suddenly appeared on Doris' face, and her whole body and mind seemed to be impacted by something.

"This... this bead is mine, how did you get it?"5

"Have you been to my elf world?" Doris said with a resentment in her tone.

When the life bead was lost, Dai Lisi was extremely terrified, but she was helpless, because she didn't find any clues about her life bead, and she didn't even know who made it. It seemed that it just disappeared out of thin air.

"Maybe it was yours before, but it's mine now."

Ying Qi smiled and put the bead away directly.

Judging from the performance of Dai Lisi, it is obvious that this bead is extremely important to her.

"I have no intention of being your enemy."

"I didn't go to your world. Everything was because the god of death suffered a loss in your world, and the gods also wanted to gain more believers, so they opened up this teleportation array."

"As long as you return the life beads to me, I can immediately close the teleportation array to ensure that the two worlds will not be connected in the future. Dailis stared at Ying Qi and said, and directly offered a condition that Ying Qi could not refuse. .

"Close the teleportation array?"

"The two worlds are no longer connected?"

hear this.

Ying Qi smiled.

"Do you think I'm here to close this teleportation formation?

Ying Qi laughed jokingly.

next moment.

Boom, boom, boom.

From the teleportation formation, a monstrous murderous aura suddenly emerged, and the undead aura of the entire undead world was washed away under this murderous aura, and the situation changed.

PS: Please pursue it, brothers and sisters.

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