Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 327 Kill the gods, win Qi fiercely

"Use the level 61 experience card. Win the Qi communication system and issue an order.

"The host's order is accepted.

"Use the level 61 experience card." The system prompts.

next moment.

The momentum on Ying Qi's body rose rapidly, so that Ying Qi, who was already close to level 60, quickly climbed the momentum on his body.



A more terrifying force instantly swept thousands of miles, and the surrounding void was collapsed by this force.

I sensed the sudden surge of momentum on Ying Qi's body.

The expressions of the six magical world gods suddenly changed drastically.


"How can you enter the realm of God?

Liushen looked at Ying Qi in horror, at a loss.

"You lowly aliens call it the realm of the gods."

"In my Great Qin..."

Ying Qi looked at the six people with a sneer, his eyes full of bloodthirsty murderous intent: "Call it the Void Realm.

The voice fell.

"Emperor killing intent.

Ying Qi gave a low drink.

The power of artistic conception spread out in an instant, covering the void thousands of feet, covering all the six so-called gods.

"Holy area.

Seeing the power of artistic conception, the expressions of the six people became extremely solemn.

"Gods. 99

"Believe yourself a god."

"It's just ants sitting on the well and watching the sky. 35

"The despicable aliens don't even know the power of the immortals and gods that I inherited from Yanhuang. You call yourself "640" as a god. In front of the immortal gods that Yanhuang really recorded, you are ants."

"Today I will kill you so-called gods."

Ying Qi said coldly.

The figure suddenly disappeared in front of the six people, and this kind of power made the six people feel uneasy.

Because at this moment they realized that the power that Ying Qi exerted was not the magic they knew, nor was it the cultivation of fighting spirit in their world, but a completely different cultivation method.

"Hundred-step flying sword.

At the moment when the six people panicked.

There was an angry shout in the field of artistic conception.

Accompanied by a fierce and infinite sword light, it slashed out into the air.

Smashing the void, the sword light even cut off the turbulent flow of the void, directly hitting the God of War among the six gods.

The God of War's eyes widened, and he didn't have any chance to react.


The sword light slashed.

His head was directly cut off by the Lingshuang sword, his head was separated, and the endless faith and divine power poured out of his body, and the vitality that could have had countless years of lifespan disappeared in an instant.

Magical world, goddess.


"Killed by him."

"The realm of the gods. 35

"Our strength is imprisoned by the creator god of this world, and we have no chance to exert our full strength."5

"Everyone, we must do our best to break this divine domain, or we will all die.

Death shouted loudly.

this moment.

He was terrified.

In his voice fell.

The God of Light, the God of Beasts, and several gods from the magical world all panicked.

Originally, they thought that they came to this world to control it and then carve up everything in this world.

But now I am watching a god of the same level fall.

It is still the God of War with the highest combat power among the gods.

They were afraid.

They have lived for tens of thousands of years, and they control endless power. There are countless believers and they are high above. If they say that they are not afraid of death, it is naturally false.

Although they have battles in the magical world, they all keep hands with each other. The war is also fought by their believers as ants, and they will not take action.

So death is very far away from them.

"Death Shock."

"The light is gone.

"Critical attack.

The remaining five did not dare to hesitate at all, and slammed into the field of artistic conception with all their strength.

The power of each attribute in the entire artistic conception field turned into a violent murderous intent.

Such power.

Even if it is Dugu Qiufeng, such as broken realm powerhouses like them, they will be strangled in an instant.

Although the cultivation of these gods has been imprisoned, they are still at the peak of the Shattered Realm, and it is extremely terrifying to attack with all their strength.

"Fengshen is angry.

"Vulcan Fury.""

'Thor anger.

"Electric Fury." 5

Ying Qi's indifferent voice resounded in the field of artistic conception, icy and ruthless, like a supreme real god.

Sentences for these so-called false gods are coming.

With Ying Qi's full strength, he also gains Ying Qi's strength in the field of artistic conception.

At this moment, although Ying Qi is only level 61 for the time being, he has at least level 64 strength.

The four signs of God's will work at full force.

Four gigantic illusory demon gods appeared in the field of artistic conception. They were like the incarnation of their attributes, and they had no spiritual wisdom at all. They only had the intention to kill the five people in the field.

Under the four powers of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, terrifying energy ripples erupted in the entire artistic conception field, and even the field was shaking.

Under this powerful crushing force.

The magic of the five pseudo-gods, the power of combat skills, was instantly shattered and turned into an energy bubble in the sky.

The five people were also injured by this terrifying power, and they fought with all their strength, but the center of the domain was already swept away by this tyrannical power. Even if they tried their best to resist, it was unbearable.


Several screams sounded in the field.

The five figures knelt in the void, their breaths weak and extremely embarrassed.

Wait until the phantoms of the four demon gods dissipate.

The terrorist forces in the realm also disappeared.

The figures of the five people appear, their robes have been broken, and the artifacts in their hands are bleak. The five people have completely lost the arrogance and arrogance that just came to the world of Daqin, and there is no so-called "god". Embarrassed.

There was bright red blood flowing from the corners of everyone's mouth.

"Is this the so-called God?

"The blood of God is also red."

"It doesn't seem to be any different from mortals.

"In the end, you are just some powerful people. It's just that you are in high positions, and you claim to be gods. Over time, you completely regard yourself as gods."5

"It's ridiculous."

Ying Qi's sneering and mocking voice reached the ears of the five.

For the five people, in addition to the pain, there is also a strong humiliation on their faces, which is unwilling.

this battle.

They were completely suppressed and beaten by Ying Qi.

Under the power of Daqin Tiandao's laws, their true power was suppressed. If they had the same strength in the Void Realm, they would not be so embarrassed at all, and it would be difficult for Ying Qi to deal with them easily.


They are too arrogant.

He thought that he had decided Ying Qi and the world of Daqin.

So he rushed into the world of Daqin rashly, and was imprisoned by the heavenly way in a flash. If not, in that magical world, Ying Qi would really be unable to help them.

"This time, we were wrong. 35

"Please, Your Majesty, give us a chance and let us go. 55

"After we leave, we will never come to His Majesty's world again, and we will also compensate His Majesty for the resources that satisfy His Majesty."

The God of Light calmed the resentment in his heart, and turned towards Ying Qi Dao in a weak tone.

"That's right.

"We were wrong this time.

"Please also give us a chance, Your Majesty. 35

"As long as His Majesty lets us go, we will absolutely be grateful to His Majesty and dedicate endless resources to His Majesty. 95

The god of death and the god of beasts said one after another.

It is not false for them to claim to be gods, and it is not false to be mocked and humiliated by Ying Qi's words, but it is not false that they are afraid of death.

They are all characters who have lived for tens of thousands of years. Naturally, they want to save their lives first. As for the future, let's talk about 0...

"Do you think I'll let you go?

"The so-called god, so stupid?

Ying Qi sneered.

"Does your majesty really want this?"

There are countless strong people and many gods in our God Realm. If you kill us, God Realm will definitely make your world bleed into a river.

Seeing that it was not enough to show weakness, the five began to threaten again.

But Ying Qi has no interest in talking nonsense with them.


The void resounded with indifferent killing intent.


The Lingshuangjian flew out of the void again and turned into a fierce sword light, but it was the moment when the Lingshuangjian flew into the void where the five people were.

Change prominence.

The Lingshuang Sword suddenly turned into thousands of sword shadows, each of which contained a sharp sword intent.

It hit the five people.

With the power of ten thousand arrows slamming.

This is the power that belongs to Ying Qi Xiandao.

"Undead bodyguard.

"Holy Light Bodyguard.

The expressions of the five people changed, and fear emerged. Under the instinct of survival, they were doing their last struggle.

Thousands of swords and shadows struck.

Unlimited murderous intent.

put them in purgatory.

Their magic power was rapidly consumed, and it was difficult to resist the power of this sword-fighting technique.

However, they have been imprisoned by the Daqin Heavenly Dao, and they cannot absorb a single cent of the world's spiritual energy in the Daqin world, and the rapidly lost energy cannot be recovered.

The shield they formed also gradually became weaker.

"Your Majesty.

"Forgive me.

"As long as you spare me, I am willing to give everything. 35

"Your Majesty, please forgive me.


The five people begged for mercy in panic and despair.

But in the end.


Ying Qi shouted loudly.

Thousands of sword shadows suddenly increased their strength.


The body shields of the five people shattered instantly.


Puff, puff.

Thousands of sword shadows instantly penetrated the bodies of the five people, like ten thousand arrows piercing their hearts.

Blood spilled in the void.

Their bodies were also riddled with holes by the sword shadow, and their vitality quickly disappeared.

Wait until Lingshuangjian returns.

They have lost their voices, and their vitality has been exhausted.

Like the God of War who was slashed by Ying Qi at the beginning, the corpse floated in the void of the artistic conception field.

And this moment.

Ying Qi's 1.7 figure also reappeared in the field.

Looking at the six corpses in front of him, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Six Void Realm powerhouses, it can only be said that your luck is too bad."

"If you weren't imprisoned by the power of heaven, and your strength was greatly reduced, if I didn't get this level 61 experience card, it would not be so easy to kill you, but this is also your destiny."

"God, ridiculous god.

Looking at the bodies of the six people, Ying Qi was satisfied.

Look around.

The battlefield outside the realm of artistic conception.

Corpses were scattered everywhere, and the sound of slaughter resounded throughout the void.

The otherworldly powerhouse and the Daqin powerhouse fought together, each with casualties.


Compared with the Daqin powerhouses, the alien powerhouses still have a certain advantage. Their world level is one level higher than that of the Daqin world, and there are also many powerhouses.

"Lowly ants."

"I'm afraid your leader has been killed by my god."

"You should surrender, or you will die without a place to be buried, and your souls will be thrown into hell.


"Lowly ants, surrender..."

The strong men of different worlds and races laughed wildly, looking like they were winning.

It was at this time.

The realm of mood gradually dissipated.

All eyes were immediately focused.

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