Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 326 Use Level 61 Level Cards to Start Killing

Seeing that Daqin Tiandao took action and imprisoned these otherworldly visitors with the power of law, Ying Qi was not surprised.

All worlds.

Anyone who has reached the level of low martial arts will give birth to the Heavenly Dao.

The way of heaven is the law and order that governs the world. There is no intelligence like all living beings, no emotions and six desires, and there are only laws that govern the operation of the world.

These otherworldly gods came from across the border.

Naturally, Da Qin Tiandao sensed it instantly.

For the Daqin world, they are anomalies from another world, and they will naturally be targeted by the Tao of Heaven.

However, the heavens and the worlds are all under the Great Dao, and there are rules to check and balance the heavens. When an alien enters the world, the heavens can be targeted within the rules, but they cannot be directly killed.

Instead, it needs to be dealt with by the creatures in the world.

This is also after Ying Qi saw the scene in front of him, he also had a certain understanding of the balance of the heavens.


When Ying Qi attacked the Comprehensive Martial World in the past, he was never targeted by the Heavenly Dao of that world. This was also due to the opening of the dungeon portal, which blocked the perception of the Heavenly Dao. In the words of the Great Desolate World, it covered the heavenly secret.

In modern terms.

The opening of the dungeon portal is a clever way to hack into another world, and the alien who entered through this portal has also become a native creature.

But the channel opened by the magic teleportation array in this magical world is not among them. They forcibly broke the barriers of the world, entered and invaded the Daqin world, which is naturally an anomaly.

"All were suppressed to the Broken Realm."

Looking at the suppressed gods of the magical world, Ying Qi smiled.

A hole card that he owns seems to be ready to be used now.

And this time.

The halo of the magic array channel on the void flickered.

Waves of vicious undead breaths vented out from the passage.

Light flashed.

On the earth, on the void.

There are millions of undead creatures.

This time, the god of death and the gods forcibly opened the magic circle leading to the Daqin world, and there is no shackles of the great road, so this time the power of the undead army is stronger than when the world was robbery.

On the void are overwhelming dark dragons, Chimeras, and bone dragons, reaching tens of thousands.

The earth is full of various undead creatures, most of which are skeleton soldiers and skeleton cavalry.

"Ignorant mortals."

"Have you seen the wrath of God?

"I am the god of death.

"This god has pronounced the sentence, you and other mortals will be turned into the most humble undead, and the soul will be imprisoned forever.

The Death God held a scepter and pointed at Ying Qi arrogantly.

"An enemy of God.

"When entering hell, the soul is burned by holy fire."

The God of Light held the Holy Sword of Light and pointed at Ying Qi.

"God is supreme and cannot be blasphemed.

"Submit and believe in our gods, and you can live forever."

"Those who do not submit will have their souls in hell forever.

The gods who descended into the magical world spoke up one after another.

Each is extremely proud and domineering.

They regarded him as Ying Qi, regarded him as a minister of Great Qin, and even regarded the entire Great Qin world as ants.

After coming to the world of Daqin, they have already regarded this world as their own backyard in their hearts, and they can do whatever they want.

"Ridiculous. 35

Ying Qi sneered and shook his head, mockingly.

He fought for many years, no matter when he was in Daqin or the mortal empire, or when he became a cultivation empire after that, the aliens who were enemies of Daqin had a common problem, arrogance.

Even in this otherworldly magic world.


"Where is Qin Zhirui?

Ying Qi raised his hand and shouted loudly. .

"Wind, wind, wind."


The 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi roared angrily.

The murderous aura in the sky, the monstrous blood energy, instantly dissipated the undead aura on the sky, leaving only the monstrous murderous intent belonging to Da Qin Ruishi.

"It's not bad for such a mortal army."

"When I kill them and turn them all into undead, the strength of my undead world can grow again, and the gods of the gods will respect my death."5

Seeing such a murderous Daqin army, Death's eyes were full of scorching heat.

"Step into our Great Qin territory, alien invaders, invaders. 39

"Not a single one."


Ying Qiwei shouted.

Divine orders are like divine orders.

It is the highest order in the Qin army.

Ying Qi's order fell.

Kill the word.

The 500,000-strong Qin Ruishi suddenly rushed out, heading towards the army of undead ahead, the powerhouses of the magic world.

A violent rain of arrows radiated toward the void.

The rain of hundreds of thousands of arrows formed a terrifying storm that swept across the sky and the earth.

"Ridiculous ants."

"I still want to compete with my god with ordinary arrows.


Behind the six alien gods, many alien powerhouses sneered and greeted the arrows in the void directly, not even dodging.

But the next moment.

The moment has come for them to suffer.

Random arrows fly horizontally, sharp arrows break through the air.

There is not even any infuriating blessing on the arrow.

Under the arrow.

Easily penetrate the body of the alien powerhouse, and pierce the body with random arrows.

Many of the alien powerhouses who had reached the level of the Great Grandmaster were directly pierced by countless arrows without even reacting, and they died on the spot.

But even when they died, they didn't understand why these seemingly ordinary arrows could ignore the energy shield they formed.


"These arrows are weird.

"Everyone be careful, these arrows can block magic power."

"Smash these arrows with all your might.""

The God of Light frowned and said coldly.

"The lowly ants have made this god suffer a lot."

"Kill the leader of this ant, and the ants will destroy themselves without attacking. 55

Death shouted coldly, and the murderous intent locked Ying Qi.

"Did we bully him a little too much when dealing with him alone?" The Beast God sneered.

"The ministers obey the orders.

"People of alien races, those who do not surrender, will be killed without mercy.

Ying Qi gave a cold drink.


Bai Qi let out a low drink, and the divine weapon in his hand flashed blood, and he directly killed the strong men of the alien race.

Dugu seeks defeat, Zhang Sanfeng, Xiaoyaozi, and many of the great Qin powerhouses all shot and killed the powerhouses who invaded and invaded from the alien race.

For them, this battle was a battle in which Da Qin had recuperated for 18 years.

As for those guys who claim to be gods, they are not afraid.

"Kill these vile ants.""

"The God of Light is above.

"The Forbidden Curse of Light.

"The beast god is above...

The alien powerhouses chanted magic spells and attacked the Daqin powerhouses.

The two powerhouses fought together.


There was a wave of terrifying energy collision frenzy above the sky.

0.....for flowers·

above the earth.

The army of the undead in this undead world also met with Da Qin Ruishi, and the slaughter was now.

The whole earth trembled under the battle of the two armies.

Ying Qi's figure flashed.

It came directly to the front of the magic circle passage, blocking the retreat of these so-called gods.

"What? Want to destroy the magic circle?"

The Death God sneered and looked at Ying Qi mockingly: "Then you think too much, this magic circle was built by my gods, and if our gods did not make a full effort, the magic circle would never be broken."5

"That's fine.

Ying Qi nodded in satisfaction.

Seeing Ying Qi like this, the God of Death and the other five gods in the magical world frowned.

They invaded the world of Daqin, and the divine might came. Logically speaking, in their imaginations, Daqin should be extremely frightened. After all, in their eyes, Daqin is just a humble ant.

But they are such a strong lineup, but they didn't see any panic and fear on the faces of anyone in the Daqin world, but they looked like they were eager to fight.

In front of them, Ying Qi, the leader of this mortal world, did not have any fear in the face of their six gods.


Instead, they looked at them with the same eyes as they were looking at their prey, which made them, who claimed to be gods and had always been high above them, have a strong disgust.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

The God of Light stared at Ying Qi with a kind of cat-and-mouse banter.

"In my world, you should be the ones to be afraid of." Ying Qi sneered.


"Although your strength is good, in the face of gods, you are an ant." Death God mocked.


Ying Qi sneered.

A wave of hands.

The nine-handled array flags appeared out of thin air, and under the control of Ying Qi, they were instantly placed outside the channel of the magic array, forming a barrier that blocked the entire channel of the magic array.

"What are you doing?"

The god of death frowned, and there was a kind of unease in his heart that should not have been there.

"It would be a pity if you let you escape.

Ying Qi sneered, with a playful killing intent.

"Hahaha. 99

"It's ridiculous.

"You actually wanted to kill us.

"This god has lived for tens of thousands of years, and this is the first time I see a arrogant ant like you. 35 The god of light laughed mockingly.

"Everyone, this ant controls this world, kill him, his legion will collapse without attacking, this side of the world belongs to us."5

"No need to hold back.

"We're going all out to kill him. 35

"Burn the soul.""

The God of Light shouted loudly.

"it is good."

The other five responded in unison.

Murder started suddenly.

"Six Void Realms, I don't know how much experience points are worth.

"However, it is certain that by killing six of them, I can successfully rise to level 61 or above."

"Step into the void."

Ying Qi's eyes were full of killing intent and burning heat.

The gods of the magical world will win against Qi and regard Daqin as the prey of wanton killing, but as everyone knows, after they step into Daqin, they will bury themselves.

They have become Ying Qi's prey.

Close the door and beat the dog.

It is the purpose of winning Qi.

"Use the 61-level experience card. 35

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