Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 324 Unification of the world, monstrous harvest


Outside the palace hall.

The Janissaries were stationed all over the palace, all over the square, and the soldiers were solemn.

Many shadow warriors are hidden in the dark, making the palace and capital of Daqin heavily guarded.

And this moment.

In the square in front of the palace hall.

There were thousands of people on their knees, both men and women, and everyone was dressed in elegant and luxurious clothes. Obviously, they were originally powerful figures in this world, wealthy people, but now they are all prisoners of Da Qin.

They knelt on the square and lowered their heads, daring not to have the slightest abnormality, some were just infinitely frightened.

On the plaza stairs.

Ying Qi was wearing a Mian robe and a Mian on his head, and an emperor's might that surpassed all living beings enveloped the entire palace.

Gaze past.

The world is under the control of Ying Qi.

On the stairs, many civil and military forces of Daqin gathered here.

"Kai playing the emperor."

"This place is the royal family of various countries, waiting for the emperor to deal with it." Bai Qi stepped forward and pointed to the kneeling humane on the square.

"The world will be destroyed, and how many countries will surrender to Da Qin?" Ying Qi glanced at him and asked.

"Go back to the emperor. 99

"Tubo, Dali, Jin Kingdom, surrendered to my Daqin. 39

"The rest of the kingdoms are stubborn and stubbornly resisted with me, Daqin, but surrendered after the city was broken."

"Furthermore, this place is the royal family of various countries. In the prisons all over the world, those countries are still imprisoned in the prisons of all countries who are stubbornly resisting the officials and the whole family, all of which are waiting for the emperor's disposal. Bai Qi immediately replied.

"Tubo, Dali, and the royal family of the Jin Kingdom can be pardoned.""

Ying Qi said solemnly.


The royal family of the Three Kingdoms kneeling on the square breathed a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Emperor Ron.

Thousands of people thanked Dade and shouted, with a kind of aftermath.

"My words are true."

"The royal family of all countries surrenders to me, Da Qin, and I will give it an amnesty, and I will give it a lifetime of wealth and honor."

"You know the current affairs, and you are free from war, and naturally I will not break my promise."5

"Han Fei.

"Give them enough money to make their whole family worry-free for the rest of their lives. The world is big, and I will allow them to go wherever they want. 35 Win Qiwei said.

"I understand.

Han Fei responded immediately.

For Ying Qi, for Da Qin.

These surrendered royal families no longer have any threat, so the promise that Ying Qi made to the world naturally cannot be changed, otherwise it will damage his majesty.

"Thank you, Emperor Ron.

The royal family of the Three Kingdoms is grateful to Ying Qi.

Then, under the guidance of a group of guards, they left the square.

But for the remaining royal families.

But their nightmare came.

Their bodies were trembling, and their expressions were terrified.

"I gave you a chance."

"Why don't you cherish it. 39

Ying Qi stared and said coldly.

The royal family of various countries, the people who once stood above the top, enjoyed the supreme glory above the ten thousand people, but now they are all empty.

Yuan, Qing, Ming, Song, Liao, these once mighty dynasties have all collapsed under the great Qin iron cavalry.

"Give me the imperial family of all countries, all the women of the appropriate age of the officials and officials of all countries, and give me the meritorious generals and men of Daqin.35

"With the exception of women, young children and infants were demoted to slaves and sent to suffer from bitter cold, and the rest of the men were all executed.

Ying Qi said coldly.

The voice fell.

There was a burst of crying in the originally silent square.

"His Majesty Qin Huang spare your life.

"I am willing to surrender to Da Qin, don't kill me."

"I sincerely wish to submit to Da Qin and ask the emperor to spare the villain's life."


Cries sounded in the square, and despair shrouded the body of the royal family of these countries.

But their cries didn't make Ying Qi or Da Qin's courtiers make any waves.

Because this is war.

The war is so cruel, the country is destroyed and the family is destroyed.

Ying Qi had already given them the opportunity, but they did not cherish it. They resisted stubbornly and made Da Qin pay the lives of many soldiers. This is the repayment.

Ying Qi's voice fell.

The tens of thousands of janissaries in the square moved.

Drag all the women of the royal family of the various countries out, and then start the killing of the royal family of the various countries.

The screams spread across the square, staining the palace grounds red.

"Mr. Wu An, did I do this right?" Ying Qi smiled and looked at Bai Qi.

"The emperor is the lord of Daqin, the lord of the world, and everything he does is right.

"They are enemies with me, Daqin, and there can be no mercy for them."

"In the past, the first emperor ruled the world, and was tolerant of the royal families of various countries, but in the end, Da Qin was deeply hurt by it. He was beheaded without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze was blowing." Bai Qi immediately replied.

"Hehe. 39

Ying Qi smiled.

With a wave of his sleeves, he turned around and returned to the palace hall.

All the ministers followed and returned to the hall.

When De Ying Qi was seated on the throne of the dragon chair, he said in a powerful voice, "Present what the nations have won.

"Reveal Your Majesty.

"In the battle to control this world, although I, Daqin, lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers, but compared to the victory, it is not worth mentioning."

"Destroying all countries has added hundreds of spirit stone mines to our Great Qin treasury, which can produce abundant spirit stones. The treasuries of all countries have been controlled by our Great Qin, and now they have been filled into the treasury. 99

"The martial arts books of various countries and the methods of Qimen are also included in the treasury's collection of scriptures."

0.....for flowers·

"Everything in the kingdoms has been taken over by my Da Qin.

Feng Quji stood up and played respectfully.

Destroy nations.

Get the world's resources.

The resources of this side of the world are more abundant than that of the Daqin world, and the gap between a world level is huge.

The world of Daqin is low-level martial arts.

This side of the world is Zhongwu.

Spirit stones, spirit veins, these are the foundations.

And the most important thing is the martial arts classics mastered by the royal families of the various countries. They have dominated this world for thousands of years, and the martial arts classics they possess far exceed those of Da Qin.

For example, the Duan Clan in Dali, their One Yang Finger and Six Veins Divine Sword have now been included in the books of the Great Qin treasury.

It can be said.

All the countries have been controlled by Da Qin.

Controlling this side of the world, obtaining endless resources, and even martial arts classics, as long as Da Qin is given thirty years, his strength will once again usher in an earth-shaking transformation.


"All the soldiers captured and surrendered by the conquered countries will also be placed in safe hands. 35

"Also, for this realm, Wu Daqin also adopts a two-class subject system.

"My Yanhuang ethnic group is one, and the foreign race is two.

"At the beginning of the world, there will be chaos, but as long as the ministers are given time to govern, the world will be stabilized, and the world will be as prosperous and stable as my Daqin main world." Han Feiqi played.

"The emperor's edict.

"Destroy the Eastern Ying Wa Kingdom.""

"General Wang Jian commanded an army of 200,000 people to cross the East China Sea, accompanied by four powerful men in the realm of heaven and man.

"Now there is no one in Dongying anymore, and millions of people have been slaughtered." Li Si stood up and reported.

The courtiers recited.

Reported everything in the world.

"All countries are determined, Daqin controls the world in this world."


Ying Qi paused and glanced at the courtiers: "There is still a hidden danger in this world.

All the ministers raised their heads and looked at Ying Qi.

"What the emperor said, could it be the martial arts sect of this world, the martial artist of the rivers and lakes?""

Wei Liao was thoughtful.

"Not bad. 99

Ying Qi nodded, and then said solemnly: "The way of cultivation in this world is prosperous. There are countless strong people. Although there are many strong people who have been destroyed by me, there are still countless sects and martial artists in this world."

"Before Da Qin took control of the world, they didn't respect the court, the dynasty, and even the laws of the court. They violated taboos by force, and regarded the law as nothing. I absolutely cannot tolerate this move."

"My Great Qin must be completely in my hands.

"Regardless of martial artist, sect, Ru Ruo is not a minister.

"Then there is no need for it."

PS: Seeking to be determined, thank you very much.

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