Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 311 Injuring the Imperial Concubine, Killing Without Amnesty

Ximen Chuixue glanced coldly at Liusheng Taima Shou.

When they saw Yaoyue and Lianxing sitting on the ground, their expressions suddenly changed drastically.

Fall directly from the void.

Yan Nantian and several others also fell from the void.

His face was solemn and angry.

"Despicable Japanese-, you are really presumptuous. 35

Ximen Chuixue stared at Yagyu Tajima Shou, a kind of anger appeared on his face.

"Every.... do you have an old relationship with Yihua Palace? 35

Liusheng Taima Shou said very uneasy at this moment.

Although it was obvious from the bright side, he could only play stupid at the moment.

Four people in front of him.

Everyone's strength is stronger than him, which makes him jealous, and he doesn't dare to make any small moves.

"Chen Ximen Chuixue.

"My minister Yan Nantian.

"Chen ancient three links.

"Chen Huang Yaoshi.

"Meet the two queens.

The four of them ignored Liu Sheng but Ma Shou at all, and looked at Yaoyue and Lianxing respectfully, and then bowed and bowed.

The words fell.

Everyone around was shocked.

"He is really the emperor."

"The emperor of the Qin Empire.

Yaoyue and Lianxing's ears were also buzzing, unbelievable.


"Ximen Chuixue and the others are actually worshipping the palace master? 39

"Could it be that the man at the time was the emperor?"

"The royal family surnamed Ying is the emperor."

The disciples of Yihua Palace were also shocked.

When Ying Qi appeared in Yihua Palace, they had a deep memory.

"This...it's impossible.

"Then the royal family surnamed Ying is the emperor of Qin?"

"Why didn't the emperor tell me about this?" Liu Sheng's face changed, and a kind of fear emerged.

Although he is a native of Dongying, he has always cooperated with Zhu Igni. He does things for Zhu Igni and dealt with some people who Zhu Igni is not easy to deal with, and Zhu Igni's relative is to give him support, and he will send an army to help Liu Sheng in the future. But Ma Shou captured Dongying and made him the king of Dongying.


As for what has happened in the world for more than a year, Liusheng Taima Shou is also well aware of it.

When Ying Qi Hengkong was born, Cao Zhengchun, who killed the great master, didn't say anything, but in the battle of Hulong Villa, he killed two Heaven and Human Realms, and even Zhu Ignored was scared and fled.

Visible strength.

Later, at the top of the Forbidden City in Song capital, he defeated Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, two peerless masters.

None of this is mentioned.

But in Lishan's move, the news has gradually spread, and the whole world will be shaken.

These Liusheng Taima Shou all know.

But about the relationship between Ying Qi and Yihua Palace, Ying Qi is the Emperor of Qin, and he doesn't know that.

If he really knew, he would not dare to come.

In the case of Mount Li, most of the world's powerhouses have fallen, and the dead are in a sea of ​​blood.

This is only vague news, and the specific news has not yet come out. After all, Nali Mountain has lost contact with the outside world, and it is difficult to spread the news.

Yaoyue struggled to stand up, regained her senses, and asked, "Where is he?"

"Go back to the princess.

"The ministers and others have come to welcome the two imperial concubines to Chang'an in accordance with the imperial edict. 99

Ximen Chuixue replied immediately with a respectful expression.

Both as servants.

Naturally, there is the etiquette of a courtier.

For Ximen Chuixue and even all the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty, the woman who wins Qi is the royal family, and the name of the concubine is the status of the royal family, and their officials must treat them respectfully.

"But now.

"You still need to take care of these arrogant people for the princess."

"I am the Great Qin Emperor, how can I allow outsiders to be presumptuous.

Yan Nantian turned his eyes and looked at Liu Sheng but Ma Shou coldly.

The other three Heaven and Human Realm experts also turned their attention, revealing killing intent.

"Mistake... misunderstanding. 35

"It's all a misunderstanding. 39

"I...I don't know that Yihuagong has something to do with Daqin. If I knew, I wouldn't commit it at all."

Being watched by the four powerhouses, the killing intent made Liu Sheng and Ma Shou panic, and explained in a trembling tone.

"A lowly Japanese, so daring, how dare you hurt me, Da Qin Huangfei.

"This sin."

"There is absolutely no forgiveness."

Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

The hand has been placed on the magic weapon at the waist.

See here.

There was a coldness on Liu Sheng's face, but Ma Shou knew that the matter was irreversible.

He glanced around.


directly into the air.

The backhand is a slash.

A sharp blade slashed down, tearing apart the void.

Taking advantage of this moment, he turned around and fled into the distance. As for his subordinates, he didn't plan to pay attention to it. At this moment, he should save his own life first.


After all, he looked at himself too highly, and underestimated Ximen Chuixue and the others.

"Ignorant Japanese."

Ximen Chuixue snorted coldly.

Before the sword came out, a terrifying sword intent appeared on his body, turned into a sword light, and directly dissipated the sword light.

next moment.

The ancient three links, Yan Nantian and the three turned into afterimages, directly blocking the path of Liusheng Taima Shou.

See the road ahead is blocked.

Liu Sheng Dan Ma Shou's expression changed, and he said in a panic: "This time I did it unintentionally. Everything was done by Zhu ignoring the instructions. I didn't even know that they were the Daqin emperors. If they knew, they would definitely not shoot."5

"Don't worry, we won't take your life for the time being."

"Injuring the imperial concubine, injuring my great Qin Tianwei."

0.....for flowers·

"Only the emperor can decide this crime. 39

"Take him.

Ximen Chuixue said coldly.

"it is good.

The three of Yan Nantian did not hesitate.

Shoot directly.

The three great powerhouses in the Heaven and Human Realm took action, with the power of repression, heading towards Liusheng Taima to guard the town.

Didn't give him any time to react at all.

The three easily joined forces to knock them out of the void.

Ximen Chuixue took a stride and appeared in front of him in an instant, turning his palm into a fist and slamming towards Liusheng Danma's Dantian.

"Pfft. 99

The true essence exploded, instantly shattering his dantian, Liusheng Danma Shou vomited blood, and the whole person's breath instantly weakened.

"You... abolished my cultivation."

There was endless hatred and pain on Yagyu Tashima's face.

"The consequences of hurting me Da Qin Huangfei are not only that." Ximen Chuixue said coldly, not caring about the hatred of the Japanese at all.

Originally he was strong.

After joining Daqin, his strength has risen to a higher level, and as a loose cultivator, he now has a huge dynasty as the backing.

Not to mention a little Japanese, even if it is a real Broken Realm, he is not afraid of it.

Because he is a minister of the Great Qin.

"grown ups.

"How to deal with these alien races, and these enemy troops? 99

on the void.

A great master warrior asked aloud.


Ximen Chuixue glanced at him, and said coldly, "If you don't leave one, you will hurt the imperial concubine, which is an unforgivable sin. 39


Dozens of great masters responded in unison.

In an instant, it turned into dozens of afterimages, and towards the ground those Dongying ninjas, Zhu ignored the army sent to kill.

So many strong shot.

It was a scene of carnage.

Eastern Ying Ninja is a great master, and there are masters, but under this absolute power, their power is so unsightly.

In an instant.

Yihua Palace has become a sea of ​​blood.

These intruding enemies were all beheaded.

Whether you beg for mercy or not, there is only one way to go.

Perhaps for those soldiers, they obeyed their orders, and they could not disobey, but for Da Qin, they triggered a taboo, violated the majesty of the royal family, and hurt the imperial concubine.

This is absolutely inexcusable.

than on the battlefield.

Yaoyue, Lianxing, and the disciples of Yihuagong couldn't help but look at this slaughter scene with horror.

With so many powerhouses gathered here, the enemy they were hard to contend with was easily killed, and the reversal that this gave them was truly unspeakable.

After a while.

All enemies were slaughtered.

Only Yagyu Tajima was left alone.


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