Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 308 Daqin, will sweep the world again

Although in a different world.

But they have almost the same history, and after Ying Qi came to this world, the history of the two sides of the Daqin has a kind of overlap, or the history of the Daqin Empire on this side has become the history of the Daqin Dynasty.

For Meng Wu and Wang Jian.

When they enlisted in the army when they were young, the military ranks were only 10,000 generals and 50,000 generals. At that time, there was only one person who was the highest commander in the Daqin army, and that was Wu'an Jun Baiqi.

However, the death of King Zhaoxiang caused the death of a generation of war gods in Daqin.

This incident also caused an uproar in the army. As time passed, many people may have forgotten it, but for Wang Jian and Meng Wu, who used to be generals under Bai Qi's tent, they could not forget it at all.

They will always remember the whiteness in Daqin's black armor, the decisive commander.

‘My lord, Bai Qi.

Bai Qi smiled slightly and said to Meng Wu, Wang Jian and other imperial generals.

The voice fell.

Meng Wu and Wang Jian had a shock on their faces.

"Really... it's really Wu An-Jun.

"I didn't expect that after so many years, we would be able to see Wu Anjun again.

"This life, I really have no regrets."

Meng Wu and Wang Jian looked at each other and both laughed.

"You are?"

Bai Qi stared at the two of them, and in his memory, two young figures also appeared in his mind.

The advent of the Qin Dynasty has changed the history of this world, and the relative nature is also the butterfly effect, but it is just two worlds and different people.

"Meng Wu, Wang Jian?"

After Bai Qi stared at it for a moment, he said.

"Your Majesty, how could Jun Wu An of this world know us?

"This...it's incredible.

Meng Wu and Wang Jian said in shock.

As the generals of Daqin, they are naturally not stupid. Seeing the scene here, they naturally also know that the millions of troops around are the army of Daqin in this side of the world. Bai Qi, and many of these generals standing in the air are all Da Qin's courtier.

But they didn't expect that Bai Qi would have an impression of them.

across two worlds.

"Although the Great Qin Empire in this world has perished, all development is also attributed to the history of our Great Qin Dynasty."

"You have memories of Bai Qi, and Bai Qi naturally has memories of you." Ying Qi smiled lightly.

This kind of thing can't be explained in detail, it can only be understood by oneself.

"My Lord understands.

Meng Wu and Wang Jian nodded suddenly.

At this time.

Only then did their eyes notice many other generals standing in the air.

"All the generals are the ancient Great Qin generals in this world,"

"Meng Wu. 99

"Wang Jian. 95

"I have seen the generals.

The two bowed to the generals and saluted with fists.

"Have seen two generals. 35

The generals also returned their salutes.

"People are here too."

"The next step is to capture this side of the world."

Ying Qi said to the ministers.

"I respectfully listen to the imperial edict.""

All the ministers were excited.

This side of the world.

It was time to return to Daqin's control.

"Bai Qi listens to the seal." Ying Qi looked at Bai Qi.

"Chen Bai Qi respectfully listens to the imperial edict." Bai Qi respectfully said.

"I designate you as Lord Wu'an of the Great Qin Dynasty, commanding my army and horses of the Great Qin Dynasty, the millions of warriors of the Great Qin Dynasty in this world, and the five battalions of the Great Qin Dynasty are all under your commander-in-chief. 99

"Attack and destroy the kingdoms in this world, and regain control of the world.

"I, give all the power to you.

"On the battlefield, everything is decided by Wu Anjun."

"I will never ask."

Win Qiwei said.

"Chen, I will never disappoint the emperor." 5

Bai Qi decisively led the way.

thousands of years ago.

He Bai Qi was also the commander-in-chief of the Qin troops and horses, and was directly ordered by the First Emperor and the Crown Prince, but now, Ying Qi is still what he remembered, delegating power and trusting.

In such a dynasty and such a great Qin.

It is Bai Qi's true glory and belonging.

"The people will obey.

Bai Qi stood up straight and drew out the sword from his waist.

"The end is coming.

this moment.

Whether it is the war general of the ancient Daqin or the war general of the Daqin Dynasty, they all bowed and clasped their fists in response.

"This part of the world is all my Qin territory."

"Thousands of years ago, rebellion and rebellion, raising troops to betray the country, cannot be punished. Today, the emperor is born, and the Qin Dynasty is coming again."

"My lord, you should rule our Great Qin Ruishi and take back the territory that belonged to our Great Qin. 99

"The soldiers passed by.

"All ministers will be punished.

"The people will obey.

"The troops are divided into four directions.

"Seize the territory, seize the city.

"Wei Ran, Sima is wrong.

"You two command an army of 500,000 to attack the east.""

"Wang Jian, Meng Wu..."

Bai Qiwei ordered.

Allocate all the two million troops.

next moment.

The generals returned to the army formation and fell into the chariots, and the two million army with a vast force, with Lishan as the center, attacked the four directions.

In this side of the world, Mount Li belongs to the realm of Chang'an.

And Chang'an belongs to the territory of the Song Dynasty. Similarly, Chang'an is also a border area linking various countries.

There is the Dayuan Dynasty in the north, Tubo in the west, and Xixia in the south.

It would be better if Da Qin had an accident and seized the territory.

Chang'an City.

Ever since the Song State launched its troops, it has been on the defensive.

The Song State deployed 300,000 troops, and tens of thousands of troops were left to guard the city.

Relatively speaking, everything was smooth sailing.

in today's world.

The kingdoms stand upright, and the world is divided.

The friction between the countries is also constant, but there are few large-scale wars to destroy the country.

And the city of Chang'an at this moment.

But it has fallen into a shroud of war.

"Look, what is that?"

The gates of Chang'an were closed, and the Song army at the gate was on duty.

But suddenly.

There was a strong sound of stepping.

Look again.

Countless torrents of black armor swept toward this Chang'an City, covering the entire Chang'an City.

Countless flags are reflected in the sky.

The Great Qin flag volleyed into the sky.

66 'Qin.... Qin.... country?"

"No...not possible."

"The state of Qin has perished. 55

"Why does it still appear?

"and many more.

"The royal family with the surname Ying opened the Great Qin Treasure, the Great Qin Emperor's Mausoleum. Could it be that these Qin troops appeared from the Emperor's Mausoleum?

Looking at the sky-high banners and the torrent of black armor that was pressing down, all Song Jun at the city gate panicked, with disbelief on their faces.

Black armor torrent advance.

It rushed towards Chang'an City like a frenzy.

"Prepare for war.""

"Defense. 55

The city gatekeeper roared in horror.

Tens of thousands of Song troops in the city began to prepare for battle, preparing bows and arrows to defend the city's benefits.

And this time.


A violent roar resounded from the black armor torrent.

I saw ten behemoths suddenly appear above the void.

Each head is seven or eight meters long, with wings, and its body is pitch-black, and each head exudes a vicious aura.

On the backs of these behemoths, there is still a sharp man pulling the reins, and their cultivation is at the master level.

Ten giant dragons swept into Chang'an City.


"This is a spirit beast.

"Fast arrows.

The Song army guard shouted.

Countless arrows rained into the sky and shot towards the giant dragon rushing towards the void.

However, although these random arrows were sharp, they could not penetrate even the scales of giant dragons.

in a blink.

The dragons were arranged in a row in the void.

They opened their mouths wide.

The hot dragon breath gathered in their mouths.


next moment.

Ten bursting dragon breaths vented towards the city gate.

Dragon's breath passed.

With terrifying heat.


A burst of shrill screams.

Thousands of Song troops on the city gate were instantly burnt to coke.

this year.

The ten giant dragons that have obtained the resources of Daqin have also made great progress, and they have all reached the fourth-order spirit beasts that are comparable to the level of the great masters.

Their dragon breath can easily incinerate their enemies.


Da Qin Ruishi drank coldly.

The giant dragon was burning in the void, frantically pouring out its dragon breath towards the ground enemy.

Under this absolute power, the Song army immediately collapsed.

The generals who guarded the city gate were all burned to coke under the breath of the dragon.

"Wind, wind, wind.


Countless great Qin Ruishis outside the city made a deafening roar of wind.

The torrent of black armor is advancing wildly.

this battle.

It is to announce the return of the Great Qin Empire, which once controlled the world.

The sound of the wind drinking shocked the people in the entire Chang'an City.

"This sound?"

Countless people raised their heads blankly, with an unspeakable surprise.

Look at the void above the city gate.

Huge dragons are burning in the void.

The monstrous dragon breath poured out.

"Could it be that the Great Qin Empire of the past has returned?"

see this scene.

Countless people have a silent fear in their hearts.

PS: The first update is here, and I am very grateful.

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