Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 297 Using the Level 51 Experience Card, Killing

ten days later.

It has been more than ten months since Ying Qi came to this world.

The one-year period set by Ying Qi is approaching.

Today's Song Dynasty, Chang'an territory.

In the original Xianyang, Lishan territory.

in this world thousands of years ago.

In the past, the capital of the Great Qin Empire was located here, but now this Xianyang has become a barren ruin, and its former glory is no longer there.

Look around.

Except for some mountains and forests, there is no life in them.

Look at this Lishan boundary.

Ying Qi walked forward slowly, followed by tens of thousands of people.

Almost everyone looked at Ying Qi with a coveted look in their eyes, each with his own eyes.

There are tens of thousands of people, all of them are warriors. There are people from large sects, and there are warriors from all over the world. They have different strengths. It is even only a mere congenital realm and acquired realm.

And they came here for only one purpose, for the treasures of the Daqin Empire.

Even if they are weak, it is ridiculous that they want to share a piece of the pie.

When he reached the depths of Mount Li.

Ying Qi suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"Why stop?"

When Yingqi stopped.

Ouyang Feng said indifferently.

The other Heaven and Human Realm warriors are the same, staring at Ying Qi, "Five Seven Three" is full of puzzlement.

"Everyone, are you all here?"

Ying Qi turned around with a playful smile on his face. ,

Gaze over.

There are more than 30 heaven and human realms, more than 200 great masters, and countless masters innate.

"What do you mean?"

Looking at the expression on Ying Qi's face, the eyes of the powerhouses were all puzzled, and some felt a sense of unease in their hearts.

"Man. 35

"Don't be too greedy in this world.""

"Too greedy, but you will lose your life.""

Ying Qi said coldly.

"Win Qi.""

"Are you looking for death?"

Ouyang Feng scolded coldly and angrily.

The other Heaven and Human Realm powerhouses also glared at him.

"Since everyone is here."

"Then there is no need to waste any more time.

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

A wave of hands.

Directly hit a few real yuan.

next moment.

In the area around Lishan several miles, something was suddenly inspired.

In vain.


Thirty white rays of light came straight from the sky, and then gathered together.

An array of light curtains covering several miles was instantly formed.

Lishan Mountain was all around, and this area was banned by the formation.

The array plates that were originally hidden everywhere were also revealed in front of everyone.

"Fourth-order trapped formation."

"Only a fourth-order array mage can arrange it.

"It is difficult to break through the peak of the sky and human realm unless the energy of the formation is exhausted.

Many Heaven and Human Realms also felt a sense of unease when they saw the formation that enveloped the square.

"Ying Qi, what do you want to do?"

"Don't you want to be the enemy of the world's warriors?

A Heavenly Human Realm martial artist asked angrily, looking at Ying Qi's eyes full of killing intent.

"I, said it."

"Greed is the original sin."

"Greed will kill you. 99

"Why do you think my identity will be known to you, why do you think I will show up in Songdu? Why should I be coerced by you?

"Because I did all this on purpose.

"The purpose is to lure all the greedy people in this world.

"As a result, I naturally did not let me down."

Ying Qi smiled slightly.

But this moment.

The smile is so dignified and terrifying in front of these warriors.

"Ridiculous, rampant. 99

"You alone, do you want to deal with the entire world's powerhouses?"

Ouyang Feng said angrily.

"Maybe it's greed, but you alone want to deal with us? You think too highly of yourself. 35

"This seat asks you again."

"Who are you? Are you the royal family with the surname Ying? Does the Daqin treasure really exist?"

"If you say one word wrong, this seat will tear you to pieces.


"Say the wrong word and you're dead."

All the warriors in the Heaven and Human Realm looked at Ying Qi Dao coldly, with no disguised killing intent.

Not only these Heavenly Human Realm powerhouses, but also tens of thousands of warriors stared at Ying Qi, waiting for an answer.

It seems that if Ying Qi's answer does not satisfy them, they will do it.

Ying Qi sneered coldly.

The figure slowly rises into the air.

Looking down at all the warriors below.

The shadow of the Nine Dragons surrounds the whole body, and a monstrous emperor's power suddenly appeared, instantly covering the entire Lishan Mountain.

With such power.

Ying Qi coldly shouted: "Zhen, Emperor of Qin, Ying Qi.

The voice fell.

Everyone looked at Ying Qi in shock.

The words of the Emperor Daqin hit the depths of their hearts.

What shocked them even more was the shadow of the Nine Dragons surrounding Ying Qi, the monstrous emperor's might, which was absolutely true.

"Pretend to be a ghost.

"You tried your best to deceive us into Xianyang and Lishan just to deal with us?

"But you alone want to deal with us?

"It's too ridiculous."

"Today, the world's powerhouses gather, how are you doing? How can you treat us?"

Ouyang Feng sneered.

The other Heaven and Human Realm experts also recovered from their shock and looked at Ying Qi coldly.

With so many powerhouses gathered together, no matter what means Ying Qi had, it would be useless.

"It's already here, what's the point of hiding?"

"Come out.

"I'm fine with that too.

Ying Qi ignored Ouyang Feng and looked at the tens of thousands of warriors.


"The murderous intention of the donor is so heavy, why not follow the poor monk to the Buddhist sect, and chanting the scriptures in front of the Buddha can wash away the murder of the donor."

A plainly dressed old monk rose up in the sky, with a look of Buddha's radiance, very sacred.

"The Peak of Heaven and Human Realm."

"Shaolin Hidden Monk."

"He even came.

Many experts in Heaven and Human Realm were shocked when they saw this old monk.

There are many people in the world, but those who have reached the pinnacle of the world are famous in the world, and everyone is a strong person who guards one side. If you have such a strong person, you can protect the sect to prosper for thousands of years.

"Old bald donkey, what you say is better than what you sing, who doesn't know that you want to bring him back to Shaolin, and then discover his secrets alone." An old man volleyed out, also exuding a terrifying power.

"Ying Qi, you don't want to believe this old bald donkey's nonsense. This seat is the leader of the Ming sect. If you return to the Ming sect with this seat, this seat will protect you." Another strong man rushed out with a powerful momentum.

"The National Teacher of the Qing Dynasty, Hong Antong."

"Although he hasn't set foot on the peak of Heaven and Human Realm, he is only one step away. 99

"Ming Sect leader Yang Dingtian.

"It is also a strong man in the Nine Realms of Heaven and Man."

"They even came."

The eyes of many warriors changed again.

Especially those warriors in the Heaven and Human Realm, they originally thought they were the strongest, but there were so many top powerhouses hidden in the crowd.

"Hehe. 35

The old monk looked at the two who appeared, and just smiled faintly, but the murderous intent deep in his eyes made no secret.  …

"It's all here.


Ying Qi glanced at it.

Those who should have come, and those who shouldn't have come.

There are nearly forty Heavens and Humans, many of which are above the Seventh Layer of Heaven and Humans, and there is even one at the peak of Heaven and Humans.

Today is destined to be a slaughter belonging to Ying Qi, and it is destined to give Ying Qi infinite experience points.

"What exactly are you going to play?

Ye Gucheng stared at Ying Qi and said coldly.

"You'll know soon enough.

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

Glancing around.

"I, give you one last chance."

"Those who are willing to surrender to me, surrender to Da Qin.

"Stand on my left side, and those who are my enemies, stay where they are. 35

Ying Qi looked down at everyone and said coldly.

The voice fell.


"Fake things. 35

"What do you think a man can do?"

"There are so many powerful people here, what can you do?"

"Can you still compete with us alone?"

"Calculate us, the layout is here, you are indeed very powerful, but you have overestimated your own strength.

"Today, it would be too ridiculous if we didn't cut you into eight pieces.

Many warriors burst into laughter, almost all of them looked at Ying Qi with mockery.

But this time.

Yan Nantian and Gu San got in touch.

directly into the sky.

Standing to the left of Ying Qi.


Looking at the two of them, Yan Nantian, who stood up, the countless warriors here were all wrinkled and very annoyed.

at the very beginning.

Top of the Forbidden City.

It was Yan Nantian who stood up first and then coerced Ying Qi.

But never thought.

They turned out to be the ones who won Qi.

"If it wasn't for the emperor's arrangement, how could you easily believe it. 35 Yan Nantian smiled faintly.

"The heart of greed is not allowed." Gu Santong said coldly.

"Even if the three of you are in the Heaven and Human Realm, so what?"

"Listen to my advice, obediently explain everything about Da Qin, maybe we can let you go. Yang Dingtian mocked.

At this time.

Ximen Chuixue walked out slowly and walked directly to Ying Qi's left.

"1.7 What are you going to do?" Ye Gucheng said coldly.

"The so-called treasure, I am not rare at all.

"I won't participate in your fight." Ximen Chuixue said calmly.


Ye Gucheng snorted coldly.

Looking at Ying Qi full of hatred.

In the battle at the top of the Forbidden City that day, he won Qi's shot, which broke his plan, and he didn't have time to make a move. In the end, all the rebels under his command were suppressed by the imperial forest army inside the palace wall.

This time, I came to this Lishan Mountain to find treasures because of the ethereal legend.

If you get the treasure, you can gain the world, and you can even set foot on the realm of heaven and man.

After Ximen Chuixue stood out.

But only a few warriors stood on the left.


Perhaps they also feel a little uneasy in their hearts, which is also the reason why they do not participate, and secondly, they are also taking a gamble.

"All right."

"It seems that no one is standing up anymore.""

"Today's game should also end."

Ying Qi smiled lightly.

He looked coldly at the people here.

"Use the level 51 experience card." Ying Qi immediately communicated with the system.

"Host command accepted." The system prompts.

next moment.

A golden light flashed across Ying Qi's body.

Ying Qi's momentum skyrocketed.

PS: I am very grateful.

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