Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 295 Ordered to live long and prosperous, repressed

The moment Ying Qi Jianyi broke out.

The entire palace square was stunned.

next moment.

A figure moved in the air, and a sharp edge charged towards Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng.

"Fengshen is angry."

One entry.

Ying Qi held the Lingshuang Sword, and the wind attribute hurricane instantly slashed out, with the power to shred the hurricane, and charged towards the two of them.

Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng, who were in the middle of the battle, were stunned for a moment, hurriedly dodged, and slashed away with their swords.

The two joined forces, and the tyrannical sword intent instantly annihilated the hurricane spreading from the void.

Ying Qi's figure stood directly in the middle of the two powerhouses.

"Who are you?

Ye Gucheng looked at Ying Qi with a cold face.

Ximen Chuixue did not speak, and looked at him with a strange look.

"Da Qin, win Qi."

Ying Qi said flatly.

"Win Qi?

"Could it be the one who stirred up bloodshed in the Ming Kingdom?

"The remaining blood of the Daqin imperial family?

"Is he the one who opened the descendants of Daqin's treasure?"

The name of Ying Qi came out.

Everyone in the world learned of the news that the shadow had spread, and in an instant, the eyes of countless people looking at Ying Qi became hot.

Whether it is the Four Greats of the Central Plains, or the powerhouses of other countries or alien races, all have a kind of greed.

The treasures of Daqin can break through the realm of heaven and man, and can rule the world.

No one in this world is immune to this.

"what are you going to do?"

Ye Gucheng frowned slightly, but there was a wave in his eyes.


He also knew what Ying Qi's appearance represented.

"Defeat you.

The Lingshuang sword in Ying Qi's hand was raised.


Ye Gucheng said coldly.

"This seat is waiting for Your Excellency." Ximen Chuixue said.

Ying Qi did not hesitate.

"Emperor killing intent.""

A golden and blood-red light spread out towards the surroundings, instantly covering thousands of feet.

Covering the 570-meter void, one cannot see any of them at all.

"What mood is this?"

The countless warriors present looked at this Emperor Killing Conception, and they all revealed a kind of surprise.

"Welcome to my realm of mood.

At the moment when the artistic conception took shape, Ying Qi's figure had disappeared in the void and seemed to be integrated into every corner of the artistic conception.

"Very weird mood."

"But maybe it can resist the artistic conception of this sword? 35 Ximen Chuixue sneered.

A sword cut out.

A fierce sword intent slashed towards the barrier of the artistic conception field.

This sword erupted with extremely terrifying power.


The impact on the field of artistic conception made the entire field suddenly shake, but it did not shatter.

"Fire and lightning.


Ying Qi's voice resounded in the void.

As the power of the four attributes rose up, the entire domain turned into a heart-pounding depression, strangling the two of them one after another.

In the face of such an attack.

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue had to face each other seriously.

Protecting the body with true essence, the sword intent in his hand is cut out.

One after another, the incoming forces were cut off by them.

have to say.

The strength of the two is indeed extraordinary.

Ying Qi continued to use various killer moves.

Under the combined efforts of the two, both can easily cope.

The three fought for a long time.

Ying Qi knew that these conventional tricks could not defeat them, after all, these two were the best of the world.

"One move will determine the future." 9

"The Seal of the Township."

Ying Qi's figure suddenly appeared in the void of Ye Gucheng.

In between.

Zhen Guoxi appeared.

"Ordered by Heaven to live forever. 99

"This is the jade seal of the Great Qin Empire in the past.""

"He is really the blood of the Ying royal family.

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue raised their heads, and immediately saw the eight characters (afbh) below the Zhen Guoxi seal.

in this world.

Even though the Great Qin has been destroyed for thousands of years, the first emperor of Qin in the past was built with the most precious He's jade in the world, and he was ordered to live forever and prosper.


Ying Qi shouted.

Zhen Guoxi suddenly burst into golden light.

Turned into a giant seal of dozens of feet.

The real energy that won Qi Dantian was endlessly transported towards Zhen Guoxi.

With this powerful repressive force, Zhen Guoxi moved towards the two of them.

under this power.

The realm of Emperor Killing Intent was shattered suddenly.

The warriors who were curious about the battle situation in the palace square all widened their eyes.

"Ordered by Heaven to live forever. 99

"The jade seal of the Great Qin Empire in the past.""

"He is really a descendant of the royal family with the surname Ying."

"Doesn't that mean that the treasures of the former Da Qin are really about to be opened?"

"As long as you follow this Ying Qi, you will be able to find the treasure, and you will be able to get a share of the treasure.

The huge Zhen Guoxi immediately appeared in the eyes of every warrior.

Under the temptation from the endless treasure, these warriors were carried away, and they even forgot what Ying Qi's strength was.

"Flying Immortals.

"A sword is coming from the west.

Look at the repressive power that descends from the void.

Ximen Chuixue and Ye Gucheng didn't dare to hold back.

Hold on to the magic weapon.

Unleash their full power.

Ye Gucheng's sword came out, and the whole person seemed to be transformed into a sword fairy from the fairy world, with the majesty from the fairy.

Ximen Chuixue's sword is not weak either.

The two went all out.

Sword strikes the national seal of the town.

All worked out.

Under the power of these two swords, they have surpassed their original level and reached the peak of the power of heaven and man.

But wait until their sword intent hits the Zhen Guoxi seal.



Zhen Guoxi's golden light was shocked, the suppression force did not slow down in any way, and the two sword lights were directly shattered.

The tyrannical force of repression slammed down.

"Pfft. 35

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuixue's expressions changed, and they suddenly vomited blood, unable to maintain their figure standing in the void, and crashed into the void, hitting the ground hard.

Two of the world's top powerhouses.

Known as the pinnacle of kendo in the Song Dynasty.


Watch this scene.

All the spectators were silent.

He looked at Ying Qi in the void in disbelief.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task and rewarding an earth-level treasure chest." The system prompt sounded in Ying Qi's ear.

"The Ying royal family, who has not been born for thousands of years, still has blood, and his strength is still so powerful. Does this indicate that there will be great changes in the world?"

"However, no matter how powerful he is, he is not the Great Qin world of the past, there is only one person, but there is more than one person who cares about the treasures of Great Qin.

"If he wants to unlock the treasure, the world's strong, the world's sects, and even the world's dynasties will have a share of the pie."

"He alone cannot compete with the world."

"This treasure is absolutely impossible to belong to him alone...

Looking at Ying Qi in the void, although the eyes of countless warriors were awe-inspiring, they were more of a greed.

The treasures of the Great Qin Empire in the past, the legendary chance to break into the peak of Heaven and Human Realm, and the endless heritage, are enough to move everyone in the world.

"The first ring of the emperor's plan was successful."

He sneered weakly, facing Yan Nantian and Gu Santong.

"It's up to us next."

Yan Nantian said.

It was at this time.

Yan Nantian and Gu Santong looked at each other, and suddenly an extremely terrifying aura erupted, and they rose into the air.

It directly formed a horn trend, surrounding Ying Qi.

"Who are you?"

Ying Qi glanced at the two of them and said angrily.

"In Xiayan Nantian.

"Under the ancient three links."

The two introduced themselves politely.

"What do you mean?" Ying Qi said indifferently.

"Since ancient times, the treasures of Daqin have been spread all over the world, but no one has been able to find the treasures. Now, as the last bloodline of the royal family with the surname Ying, you are the key to unlocking the treasures.

"It's rare to meet the descendants of the Ying royal family, how could I miss this opportunity?" Yan Nantian said with a sneer.

There is no disguise in the words of coveting and greed for the treasures of Daqin.

"Just because you guys want to touch my Daqin treasure?

Ying Qi said angrily.

But the word fell.

But it makes the countless warriors who exist here look excited.

all the time.

Although there are many legends about the Daqin treasure, no one has found it. Over time, countless people have doubts about it. Maybe the treasure is fake at all.

But today, Ying Qi opened his mouth.

As a descendant of the royal family surnamed Ying, which is rumored in the world today, this means that the treasures of the Great Qin really exist.

this moment.

It made countless warriors excited.

"Zunjia is indeed powerful."

"Even the Sword God and the Sword Saint are not respectable opponents. 35

"But today's world is not the world of Daqin thousands of years ago. Although Zunjia is the imperial family of Ying, but Daqin is no longer, you are only one person."5

"This seat can't stop you, can't the warriors in this world still stop you?"

"This treasure, I still want a piece of the pie." Yan Nantian said shamelessly.

The words fell.

Gu Santong immediately echoed: "Yes, the treasure of Daqin, this seat will not give up. 99

After seeing the two of them like this.

The powerhouses of the Heaven and Human Realm in various places in the void could not stand.

One by one.

A siege was formed.

Ying Qi was surrounded by it.

"The treasure of Daqin, I also want to get involved.

good. "


"The treasures of Daqin are the relics of ancient times, and everyone has a chance. 35

"This seat will not miss it either. 35

A dozen or so experts from the Heaven and Human Realm gathered around, all of them staring at Ying Qi.

Void below.

Many great masters and masters have the same vision.

The wealth and silk are touching. For the warriors, the treasure of Daqin is the opportunity to reach the peak, and they will naturally not give up.

"Did you see the honorable driver?"

"It's not the two of us now."

"I've waited for more than a dozen people in the realm of heaven and man, can Zunjia still be an opponent?"

Yan Nantian laughed proudly.

Looking at the many powerhouses who had surrounded him, Ying Qi showed a kind of uncertainty.

After half a day.

Ying Qi spoke up.

it is good. "


"Since you all want a piece of the pie, this seat will fulfill you."

"And not only you. 35

"On this side of the world, anyone who is not afraid of death can enter the imperial tomb. 99

"However, after entering the imperial mausoleum, you must not regret it."

Ying Qi said coldly, with an unspeakable anger.

Seeing being coerced into giving in.

The surrounding powerhouses all laughed.

The treasure of Daqin seems to be within reach.

"A group of greedy people, but they don't know they have fallen into the emperor's trap. 35

"With the treasures of Daqin touching people's hearts, and annihilating it in one fell swoop, Daqin will lose many obstacles when it comes.""

Dunwei looked at the scene with a sneer, full of irony.

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