Daqin: I Can Be Upgraded To A God By Killing An Enemy

Chapter 271 Ying Qi: 2 girls, I didn't mean it.

Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Ying Yuqi, Ying Xi.

There are also ten children in the palace gathered here.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father."

The two eldest sisters, the eldest brother stood at the front, and the younger brothers and sisters stood behind them, respectfully facing Ying Qi Yiyi.

Every child looked at Ying Qi with awe.


Ying Qi said mildly.

"Thank you, Father."

Many sons and daughters respectfully said, except for Ying Yuqi, the two sisters and brothers, who were more casual, the other sons and daughters were all in awe.

They are still very young, but the etiquette taught by their mothers is the same, and they must not be rude in front of their father.

Because for them, Ying Qi is both their king and their father.

"I'm going to close."

"In the next days, your teaching and teaching have already been arranged." Ying Qi said to all his children.


"The younger brothers and sisters are not yet ten years old, so let them be taught now?" Ying Yuqi asked respectfully with her responsibility as the eldest sister.

"As my sons and daughters, the Daqin imperial family must not be weak. 35

"They are young, but the time has come for them to be taught.

"Qi'er, Xi'er.

"As eldest sister and eldest brother, you should take on the responsibility of this identity." Ying Qi said gently.

"Yes, Father.

The two responded immediately.

Now they are in their teens, and they are deeply taught by their grandfather Ying Zheng, and they also have a steadiness that surpasses ordinary people.

After explaining to the children.

Ying Qi didn't say anything more.

Ying Qi has properly arranged the teaching of his children.

as royalty.

The exercises that Ying Qi gave them were all the best. As long as they reached the peak of the Houtian realm, Ying Qi would give them Jiuyang magic and Jiuyin scriptures for them to choose from.

Women choose Jiuyin Zhenjing, and men choose 05 Jiuyang magic.

As for the nine yin and nine yang of the combination of the two exercises, they can't cultivate, after all, they don't have the data-based physique like Ying Qi.

After explaining everything.

Ying Qi no longer delays.

Opened the dungeon world portal and stepped directly into another stronger world.

Comprehensive martial arts world.

in this world.

There are many martial arts sects.

The dynastic empire was divided.

The strong martial arts sects possessed the power to make even the dynasties with thousands of troops fearful.


In this side of the world, although the dynastic empire was divided, but for that kind of powerful martial arts sect, the dynastic empire either made good friends or took advantage of it.


In the world, the powerful martial arts sect and the strong have a detached status.

In this world, there is a strong country, the Ming country.

in Ming Dynasty.

A spiritual place surrounded by mountains.

Move Flower Palace.

Known as a first-class force in the Ming Dynasty.

in this world.

A first-class force is a strong man with a great master, and the power of the great master can easily suppress thousands of troops, even the imperial court is afraid.

On top of the first-class forces, there are super-first-class forces.


It is the real top power in this world, even if it is a dynasty with huge national power, it does not dare to be hostile, and only dares to please make friends, because the super first-class power is the top powerhouse in the world, and the powerhouse of heaven and man is in the seat.

Reaching the realm of heaven and man, if the powerhouses of the same level are not fighting for their lives, it is impossible for ordinary power to fight against them.

If a country can be guarded by experts in the realm of heaven and man, even if it is only a small country, those dynasties and empires will not dare to violate it.

Heaven and Human Realm, in this world, is like the existence of land gods.

Even the top masters of the great masters can't pass the enemies of Jihe in the hands of the heavenly and human realm powerhouses.

And this moment.

The Yihua Palace is located on the highest mountain in the Yihua Palace.


A golden light flashed across the void, and a portal appeared out of thin air.

A man in a black robe stepped out of the portal, and after he appeared, the portal disappeared.

"The middle-rank world of Chinese martial arts is worthy of being above the world of low martial arts. The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is far more than a hundred times greater than that of the Daqin world. 35

"This side of the world definitely has the existence of strong people in the realm of heaven and man.

"Exactly, I can use this to improve my strength."

Ying Qi Lingkong, who first came to this world, felt it for a moment, and immediately a smile appeared.

The world of Chinese martial arts.

For Ying Qi, and for Da Qin, it is a delicious world.

There are countless resources.

It can even help Daqin to advance further.

"This place seems to be a spiritual place.

"Also, there are so many palaces.

"Could it be a certain martial arts sect in this world, I have appeared in a martial arts sect?

Ying Qi came back to his senses and glanced around, his expression suddenly surprised.

The opening of the dungeon world portal is random.

Even win Qi.

You can't control where you will appear, unless you come to this world, after you are at this point and open the portal again, you can appear at a fixed point.

Before the teleportation was weak, there were still five thousand shadows coming over, and Ying Qi did not know where they were teleported.

With his weak ability, he can definitely reduce the five thousand Ruishi to zero, and it won't take long for the shadows to penetrate into this side of the world.

"Since it is a martial arts sect, how can there be no one here?"

Ying Qishun glanced around, except for the palace, there was a lake with bursts of spiritual energy below.

with doubt.

Ying Qi's figure then fell from the void.

directly in front of this lake.

When he saw this lake, his heart was like Ying Qi, and he was stunned at the moment.

"There is a spiritual vein under this lake. All the water is filled with spiritual energy, and this spiritual vein is at least an intermediate level."

Ying Qi stretched out his hand into the spiritual water of the lake and thought to himself.

"As expected of the world of Chinese martial arts, there is an intermediate-level spiritual vein wherever you go. 35

"In the future, if you control this side of the world, you can get endless resources.

Looking at this lake, Ying Qi's ambition for this world became even greater.

And this time.

Ying Qi was stunned.


Suddenly there was a sound of water breaking out from the lake.

Ying Qi came back to his senses and looked over subconsciously.



A stunning woman rushed out of the lake without a trace.

after she came out.


There was another sound of water, and another woman rushed out of the water.

Same as the former.

Looking at their appearance, they are somewhat similar, but their temperament is completely different.

"elder sister.

"After our retreat and practice this time, Mingyu Gong has made great progress, and he is one step closer to the realm of heaven and man."

The woman with a slightly softer temperament said in a warm voice, her voice seemed extremely happy.

"If you don't enter the realm of heaven and man, you will not be able to dominate the world, and you will not be able to gain a foothold in this chaotic world.

"However, with the talents of the two of my sisters, within ten years, I will definitely be able to step into the realm of heaven and man, and be invincible in the world." The more serious woman said aloud.

After the two rushed out of the lake, they kept talking, but they didn't notice that there was a surprised look watching them on the edge of the lake.


They didn't even expect that an outsider would come in the Yihua Palace, where they were heavily guarded and set up with infuriating restraint.

See here.

Ying Qi thought about it and decided to speak up.

Otherwise, it will really be regarded as a disciple.

Although Ying Qi's strength could not be afraid of the two women, this move was indeed a bit abrupt.

"That, two girls."

Ying Qi stood up and said gently.

voice together.

The expressions of the two sisters who were still talking suddenly changed.

He suddenly looked at where Ying Qi was.


The serious woman's eyes released a murderous intent,

"We set up a ban, how could anyone come in?" The mild-mannered woman was also shocked.

But the next moment.

The serious woman waved her hand, and a burst of infuriating energy exploded, and the entire lake was splashed with water.

Covered their bodies.

Take this opportunity.

The two women flew into the air and quickly put on their clothes.

Then Ling Kong rushed towards Ying Qi.

"Damn it, Dengzi."

"Dare to break into my Yihua Palace and blaspheme my sister's innocence. 35

"Today, this seat will tear you to pieces.

Yaoyue shouted angrily, killing intent locked on Ying Qi.

A palm went towards Ying Qi Bang.

And Lian Xing stood in the sky, with a sullen look on his face.

"It turned out to be them, no wonder the cultivation base has reached the level of a great master.

"Then this world is also the world I knew in my previous life.

"Yueyue, Lianxing. 99

"Moving the Flower Palace.

"It's no wonder that there is a spiritual vein here, based on the heritage of Yihua Palace, it is indeed the case.

Hearing Yaoyue's words, Ying Qi immediately understood where he was.

But it didn't make Ying Qiduo think.

A strong palm force poured out towards Ying Qi.

The entire void trembled under this palm.

It can be seen that the strength of this invitation month is tyrannical.

But Ying Qi was not in a hurry.

Play with one hand.


The power of the two palms met in the void, producing a monstrous energy, causing an energy storm to blow up on the top of the entire mountain.

"Grandmaster. 35

Yaoyue frowned, and the anger on her pretty face was even worse.

Ying Qi definitely had intentions when he came here.

Otherwise why come here.

"Who are you? Why did you sneak into the Yihua Palace? Desecrate my sister's innocence?" Yaoyue stared at Ying Qi and asked angrily.

"If I said it was unintentional, would you believe it?" Ying Qi also said helplessly.

Instance portals open randomly.

There is no way for Ying Qi.


For Yaoyue and Lianxing, Ying Qi is not afraid, but after all, the fault of this matter lies in Ying Qi, and Ying Qi is not the kind of unreasonable person, it is impossible to kill them just because they are angry.

If Ying Qi had such a heart, he would not be the ruler of the dynasty, but a devil.


The anger on Yueyue's face was even more intense.

"The Yihua Palace in this seat is protected by a large formation. If it wasn't for me as a disciple of Yihua Palace, it would be impossible to break in without any reason. This palace is the residence of this seat, and there are many restrictions. How can you come in?"

"Lian Xing, let's take action together and kill this disciple. 35

"Otherwise, our sisters will talk about standing in the world." Yaoyue shouted angrily.

"Yes, sister. 99

Lian Xing responded immediately.



The two sisters burst out with all their strength.

The figures of the two people turned into light and shadow, and swept towards Ying Qi.

"As expected of the rare female powerhouses in the martial arts world, one of the two is the pinnacle of the great master, and the other is the nine-level realm of the great master."

"If it wasn't for my strength to fight against Heaven and Human Realm, I would really be suppressed by them. 99

Seeing the strength of the two, Ying Qi couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Invite the moon, pity star.

even in the past.

Ying Qi is also deeply impressed, because they are not only beautiful, but also powerful.


"I've never shot with all my strength since my breakthrough, so I use them to spar with me. 35

Ying Qi smiled.

Knowing that reasoning with them will not make sense, only after beating them up will they naturally understand.


Yaoyue snorted coldly: "Transfer flowers and jade.

The two sisters gave their palms at the same time.

The seemingly gentle palm force contained infinite murderous intent, and the entire sky at the top of the Huahua Palace was deterred by this palm force.

In the entire Yihua Palace.

Many palaces and many disciples of Yihua Palace all looked towards the highest mountain.

"what happened?"

"Why did the big palace lord and the palace lord go all out?"

"Did something happen?"

Many Yihuagong disciples looked at the mountains, and then went to the mountains in unison.

In the face of the two great masters, such an offensive.

Ying Qi smiled lightly, not in a hurry.

The Lingshuang sword was not moved at his waist, if he moved this magic weapon, Ying Qi would also lose the opportunity to hone his martial arts.

Immediately show his hands, infuriating mobilization.

"The Great Movement of Heaven and Earth. 99

With the successful Great Shift of Heaven and Earth, the entire mountain void was deterred by Ying Qi's power, and the palm power that Yaoyue and Lian Xing slammed down also lost the momentum of attacking Ying Qi, and was directly pulled by Ying Qi's power. Come over, and then be beaten back by Ying Qishun.

Yaoyue and Lianxing's expressions changed, it was incredible.

"how come?"

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

The two were shocked.

The palm force they used with all their might came back.

They can't even think about it.

They hurriedly turned their infuriating energy again and slammed it out.


The entire sky was once again swept away by the tyrannical palm force, and the sky was shaking.

"Tianshan Liuyang Palm.""

Ying Qi laughed.

The figure disappeared in place.

A volley slammed out.

A fierce and hot palm force exploded in an instant.

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