Chapter 102 Qin Shihuang was shocked, he was right Zhao Qi

Originally the capital was seized, and Zhao Jun, who had returned to Handan, was unwilling to be humiliated.

Now the Great Qin Ruishi in the entire Handan City is shouting that King Zhao is fleeing and Zhao Chen is fleeing, which makes all Zhao Jun feel extremely humiliated.

Hear these shouts.

Even Zhao Kuang, who was in the middle of the car, was so angry.

“General, break the city for the widows, and the widows will smash them into pieces.”

“Break the city for the widow.”

Zhao Yan gritted his teeth.

“The whole army listens to the order.”

Lian Po drove the chariot back to the PLA, staring at Handan City, his eyes full of indifference.

He pulled out the saber around his waist and pointed at Handan City.


One word falls.

Murderous intentions arose suddenly.

Hundreds of messengers around the Lianpo chariot immediately conveyed orders to all parts of the Zhao army formation.

Pause time.

Two hundred and fifty thousand Zhao Jun moved.

“Prepare to defend.”

Zhao Qi returned to Chengguan, watching Zhao Jun attacking, Zhao Wei said.


All will answer immediately.

The city is closed.

Nearly 20,000 great Qin Ruishi archers are ready, looking at the front of the city indifferently.

next moment.

Under the command of Lian Po, the Zhao Jun Siege Vanguard began to move quickly towards the Handan city pass.

Zhao Qi looked indifferently.

Three hundred thousand people under his command will be sufficient for command and competence.

Zhao Jun gradually approached.

After reaching a distance of one hundred zhangliang.


The cold killing sound spread across the city.

This sound.

It is a deadly command.

“Wind, wind, wind.

“The wind.”

The Great Qin Ruishi who was under the Chengguan Shangchengguan roared, raised his bow and arrow, looking up to the sky forty-five degrees.

In vain.

Countless bowstrings quivered.


Thousands of arrows rose in the air, forming a dense rain of arrows, and vented towards Zhao Jun.

And after releasing the arrow.

The sharp soldiers in front of the city pass immediately retreated, and the sharp soldiers behind them immediately stepped forward and directly released arrows.

In the process.

Numerous arrow rains vented from the city and slammed at Zhao Jun frantically.

Under the chaotic arrow.

Countless Zhao Jun was pierced by arrows and died tragically in front of the city.

But Lian Po didn’t have any waves.

The battle of siege is so cruel, using human lives to seize the city.

“If you break the city in five days, everything can be changed, and my great Zhao will not be destroyed, but if you can’t break the city within five days, my great Zhao will be in danger.”

“The border is empty, and all the defense forces of the city do not exceed 50,000. It is impossible to stop Wang Jianbingfeng.”

“I hope the old man can break the city in five days, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.”

Lian Po sighed in his heart.

For Zhao Jun and Guo Kaizhi, after successfully finding Lian Po, it was like finding a savior. The embarrassment was completely gone and self-confidence was regained, but they did not think of a key at all.

His country Zhao is already in danger.

Zhao Jun continued to attack.

Daqin Ruishi did not show any mercy.

Arrows are madly.

When Zhao Jun approached the city and the ladder appeared, hundreds of trebuchets had loaded the boulders and aimed at those nearby, ladders.

The boulder blasted down.

Destroy Zhao Jun’s siege weapons.

Handan’s offensive and defensive battle was thoroughly launched.

“Blood Tiger, devour the breath of the battlefield, help you grow.”

Zhao Qi looked at the blood tiger next to him, and thought to communicate.


The Blood Tiger roared.There was a strong blood glow on his body.


On the battlefield, Zhao Jun’s evil aura, blood, and murderous aura all converged towards the blood tiger, swallowed by it, and strengthened itself.

This battle.

It is destined to be the defeat of Zhao.

Zhao Qi sticks to the Handan city, defends by the city, and has no retreat at all, and the city has accumulated heavy grain and grass for several months.

Lian Po’s offensive is stronger.

Zhao Qi is not afraid.

Daqin Ruishi.

But he would not abandon the city and run away like the king of Zhao Kingdom.

As long as you hold on to the city of Handan, you don’t need seven or eight days to see that the battlefield will be resolved. As long as the army of the dynasty is killed, the stability of Zhao Guozheng maintained by Lian Po will be immediately disintegrated.



Inside the Zhangtai Palace.

Several important officials of Da Qin gathered in Zhangtaiyan, and surrounded the map set up for the world in the Yingzheng Palace.

“Where is the Huan Cavalry?”

Ying Zheng stared at the map and asked with prestige.

“Back to the king.

“According to the military report received three days ago, General Heng has already sent troops out of Hangu, and now he must have joined forces with General Wang Jian to start the eradication of Zhao.” Wei Liao replied respectfully.

“Lantian Daying, Hangu Daying.

“Six hundred thousand troops is enough to destroy Zhao.” Ying Zheng nodded.

“The King.”

“In fact, I was still going to pass on Wang Zhao to Zhao, and ordered him to attack Zhao. Before he won Wang Zhao, the first thing he thought of was attacking Wei. But such a situation would definitely make Da Qin lose the result that Zhao Guo did not take care of. , And once Zhao attacked Wei, it is not a good thing for Da Qin to face the two countries at the same time.” Li Si stood up and said.

What Tingwei said is extremely true.

“Before Wang Zhao, if Zhao Qi deploys troops, he will inevitably attack Wei.” Wang Guan nodded in agreement.

“I don’t think so for the words of the two adults.” Wei Liao smiled and said.

“What does Master Wei Liao mean?” Wang Shu and Li Si both looked at Wei Xu.

“Zhao Qi will definitely attack Zhao.” Wei Tong didn’t say much, but affirmed.

“Why did Master Wei Liao make a conclusion? If Zhao Qi did not attack Zhao, but attacked Wei, it would bring great trouble to Da Qin. With our great power, we cannot simultaneously destroy both Zhao and Wei.

“If Zhao Qi attacked the Wei without authorization, the battle of Nanyang would no longer be a great feat, but a great deception, which would bring me a national disaster to Da Qin.” Li Siyi said righteously.

Between words.

It even wiped out the great achievements of Zhao Nanyang’s battle, and as long as Zhao Qi attacked the Wei, it would be equivalent to breaking Zhao Qi into the criminal general who shook the country’s foundation.

It can be seen the ugliness of Li Si’s words.

For Zhao Qi, and for Han Fei, he has always kept it in mind, but Zhao Qi is already a general. He can only come secretly if he knows if he can’t do it.

“Wei Ting’s words are a bit too much.”

Hearing Li Si’s words, Wei Liao was a little angry.

If I have never had it, let’s see if Zhao Qi will shake my country. “Li Si insisted on this.


Seeing the dispute between the two, Ying Zheng turned around and yelled.

“The king calmed down.

Wei Liao Li Sihe bowed his head.

“Li Si.

“You did pass a bit.”

“You didn’t say anything about Zhao Qi before, but at the moment he is my general, Da Qin, and has done a lot of great contributions to Da Qin. If you continue to make trouble like this, it will be really disappointing.”

Ying Zheng stared at Li Si and said coldly.

There was an extremely indifferent disappointment in his voice.

Hear the sound.

Looking at the icy win of the government.

Li Si trembled all over, he knew that winning politics had penetrated his thoughts.

“The king calmed down his anger, and the minister was guilty.

Li Si had to bow immediately.

“This is the last chance. The widow does not want a scene of the killing of colleagues in the Great Qin Dynasty. If there is, the widow will not be polite.” Ying Zheng glared at Li Si and said with sincerity.

“Xie Dawang forgive me.” Cold sweat came out on Li Si’s forehead.

“Do you know that after the great victory in Nanyang, why didn’t the widow send Wang Zhao to Zhao Qi and let him send troops to attack Zhao?”

Ying Zheng looked at the several important ministers in front of him, and said with authority.

“The ministers don’t know.”

The ministers said one after another.

“The great victory of Nanyang, Zhao Qi’s outstanding achievements, it is enough to show his strategy and courage, but there is at least eight days from Xianyang to Nanyang, eight days, it is enough to change the situation of the battle, and it is meaningless to say that Wang Zhao attacked Zhao. I believe that the best choice will be made.”

“Real people believe that he will attack Zhao.” Yingzheng said confidently.

“As the king said, Xianyang is far away from the Han border and cannot be sent quickly, but Zhao Qi doesn’t know that the king will destroy Zhao’s heart. He doesn’t know whether the king will attack Zhao with an army. Will fall into the encirclement of Zhao State and be wiped out by Zhao State.”

“The risk is too great.”

“Zhao Qi really knows how to make dangerous moves, risking annihilation of the entire army to attack Zhao?” Wang Guan said solemnly.

Hear this.

Feng Jie and Meng Yi’s several important officials also nodded.

If you know that the king is going to attack Zhao, it is okay, but in the battle of Nanyang, Zhao Wei was caught off guard at that moment, and it was the best opportunity to attack Zhao Wei, but again, Zhao Qi did not know the heart of the king, if the king did not attack Zhao, he will fall into a heavy siege, and there will be a crisis of annihilation of the entire army.

“The widow is betting.”

“Bet on him Zhao Qi knows no one.

Yingzheng’s complexion remained unchanged, and he carried his hands on his back.

He is determined in his heart, Zhao Qi will never let him down.

The ministers didn’t speak any more, because they didn’t know what to say.

At this moment.

They can only wait for Zhao Qi’s military report and Zhao’s military report.

After a while.


“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Zhao State Emergency Report.

A sharp man walked quickly into the hall, holding a military newspaper in his hand.

“Hurry up.

Yingzheng was immediately moved and said loudly.

Zhao Gao immediately stepped forward, the general took it, and respectfully gave it to Yingzheng.

The General News, which cannot wait to win the government, opened.

one look.


There was a touch of ecstasy on Ying Zheng’s face.


“Zhao Qi, you did not disappoint.”

“Widows” know that you know your heart.

“Okay, great.”

“Zhao country will be destroyed.

Ying Zheng clasped his hands to Zhongjun Bao and laughed ecstatically.

This kind of ecstasy can be said to be difficult to win in politics.

There was a great victory in Nanyang, but now it has only been two months, and the victory is again in such a state of ecstasy. Obviously, the content in this military newspaper must also be related to Zhao Qi.

“Could it be that Zhao really attacked Zhao?

Seeing that Yingzheng was so ecstatic, the officials in Zhangtai Palace all guessed.


“The real bet won.”

Yingzheng came back to his senses and looked at the officials with a bit of pride.

“After the First World War in Nanyang, Zhao Qi placed his soldiers in Yangcheng, and led an army of 150,000 under his command to attack Zhao and open up Jinyang City. He captured the city without bloodshed, slashed the enemy and captured tens of thousands.”

“After that, break through Anyang and attack Handan.”

“Now Handan has been captured by Zhao Qi.”

“Zhao Hou, as well as his civil and military forces in the country of Zhao, fled from Handan.

“Handan has taken control of Da Qin for me.”

Ying Zheng announced with a big smile.

At this moment, Zhao Qi’s achievements made him extremely excited.

Over the past two years.

Zhao Qi gave him too many surprises.

Every time, Yingzheng was extremely moved.

And this time Zhao is destroyed.

If it is a strong border attack, there is a lot of integrity, and the strong attack will inevitably damage Da Qin’s troops, and the cost will be very high.

But now that Zhao Qi broke the game, he immediately rewritten the dilemma of Mie Zhao.

“The soldiers are not bloody.” They opened Jinyang, and also captured Handan, the capital of Zhao? Zhao Wang and Wenwu fled?

“Zhao Qi, how could he be so powerful. He could actually take the tightly guarded capital of Zhao’s defense so easily.”

“Is this really done by Zhao Qi?”

“He really dared to take the risk to gamble, use him to command the whole army and his life to bet that the king will attack Zhao?”

“This kind of courage, this kind of wisdom is unique in the world.

0 Seeking flowers…

“He really did it.”

Heard the news.

All the officials were shocked, and they were all dumbfounded.

Except for Wei Liao who thinks that Zhao Qi will attack Zhao, everyone else thinks that Zhao Qi will not use his life and the entire army to gamble against Zhao.

But they were wrong.

Zhao Qi went the other way, and really attacked Zhao, and he also captured Handan, the capital of Zhao.

The result of this battle can be called the best.

“Congratulations to the king.

After waiting, the important officials came back to their senses, and all congratulated them towards winning the government.

“The minister thought that Zhao Qi would attack Zhao, so that Wang Zhao would not take care of both the head and the tail. Even Wang Zhao had to recall Lian Po from the border. This would give me the opportunity of Da Qin to destroy Zhao, but he did not expect Zhao Qi to achieve this. Shengguo even broke through Handan.”

“In this way, the minister still underestimated Zhao Qi.

“As soon as Handan was broken, the core of the capital city of Zhao State fell into the control of Da Qin. Not only Lian Po, but also Li Mu, who was on his behalf, will bring the army back to help.”

“I have no obstacle to attacking Zhao from the two major military camps of Daqin and Qin.”

“The battle to destroy Zhao will be successful in the next day, and Zhao Qi should be the first.Wei Liao said with a shocked expression that, as a Guigu disciple, he was also shocked by Zhao Qi’s victory at the moment he was planning the world.

“Zhao Qi did not disappoint.”

“The few people know him, he knows the real person.

“With him, Zhao Qi is the general, the fortunate for the few, the fortune of the Great Qin.”

Ying Zheng laughed in relief.

The result of this battle directly solved the suspicion of courtiers and allowed Daqin to defeat Zhao to achieve greater victory.

“The King.”

“When Zhao Qi seizes Handan, the capital of Zhao, King Zhao will do his best to recapture the city. At that time, Zhao will face Lianpo’s army to attack the city. If the city falls, Zhao Qi and his army will be under siege.

“The minister thought.”

“Immediately send people to order Wang Jian and Huandi’s two generals to speed up the mobilization of troops, seize the territory of Zhao, and attack the territory of Handan as quickly as possible, so that they can encircle with General Zhao of Handan and destroy Lianpo’s army in one fell swoop.” Liao said excitedly.

“The widowed emissary also went to look for Zhao Qi. Presumably Zhao Qi already knew that Da Qin attacked Zhao. With his strategy, he must know that his next step is not to attack, but to defend. As long as he sticks to Handan, he will attract Lianpo. Attack is a nail stuck in Zhao Guo’s heart. Only when Zhao Guo pulls out the nail can he have a chance to change the situation.”

“But since Zhao Qi has already breached Handan, how can he be retaken so easily?”

“Furthermore, after Lian Poyu withdrew from the border, Wang Jia has already left.”

“It’s just a matter of time to destroy Zhao. Ying Zheng” sneered.

For Zhao Qi.

Ying Zheng now has a wordless trust.

“Congratulations to the king.

The officials shouted in unison.

“This Zhao Qi… really has reached the point where I can’t deal with it?” Li Si was unwilling and angry.

Two years ago.

Zhao Qi is just a small villager, and now he has become the general of Da Qin, who is better than Jiuqing and has the same status as him.

“Fax people’s decree.

“To Dynasty, Huanyou, Zhao Qi.”

“In all the battles on the battlefield, the few people do not need to worry about it. Everything is determined by them. Everyone only needs the result and the result of destroying Zhao.” Ying Zheng shouted at the prestige of the officials, extremely domineering.

“Great King Shengming.

The ministers shouted in unison.

“The army is dispatched, and the grain and grass are unstoppable.”

“Go ahead.”

Ying Zheng waved his hand to the ministers.

“The ministers retired.”

The ministers slowly left Zhangtai Palace with horror in their hearts.


“It will be gone too.”

Yingzheng turned his gaze and looked at the territory of Zhao Kingdom on the sand table map. With a move of his hand, he directly pulled out the national flag of Zhao Kingdom.

“Zhao Qi.

“Widow really wants to see you more and more.”

“After killing Zhao.

“Everyone will see you anyway.

“By the way, let you see your wife and children.

“This is the promise of widows to you.

Ying Zheng looked at the map, and the corner of his mouth made a slight moment.

“The King of Enlightenment.”

“Doctor Xia has a letter, I wonder if the king wants to read it at this moment?

Zhao Gao stepped forward at this moment, holding a bamboo slip respectfully.

“Doctor Xia?”

Ying Zheng was stunned and looked at Zhao Gao: “When did this letter arrive?”

“Just three days ago, but at that time the king was worried about the war in the Zhao Kingdom, and the ministers did not dare to bother, so he dared to submit it today.” Zhao Gao respectfully said.

“How long has he been to Lijiacun?” Ying Zheng took the letter and asked.

“Back to the king.

“It was when the Great King Enze ordered General Zhao to be entrusted, Yu Doctor Xia went to Lijiacun, and it has been more than two months now.” Zhao Gao replied respectfully.

Ying Zheng stopped asking more questions and opened the bamboo tube to take a look.

After a while.

Close the bamboo slips.

“Okay, step back.”

Ying Zheng waved his hand to Zhao Gao, without saying much.

“Unexpectedly, even you left Xianyang too old and don’t want to come back again.”

“Lonely family, maybe people are real lonely family members.”

Ying Zheng clenched the bamboo slips in his hands and sighed helplessly.

For so many years.

He has respect for Xia Wuqi’s father-in-law, and if he has anything, he also put aside the king’s position and went to talk to Xia Wuqi.

Now Xia Wuqi tells the old man in his letter that he wants to support his life in Lijiacun, which makes Yingzheng reluctant to give up, and feels a little bit.

“father in law.

“Do not worry.”

“Han is gone, and Zhao is coming soon.”

“On the day of dominating the world, people will search for Dong’er’s whereabouts in my entire Daqin area, and then reunite your father and daughter.” Ying Zheng thought secretly in his heart, full of determination.

PS: First of all, I beg your brothers for your support, I am grateful. Ding,

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