Chapter 100 Wang Zhaolin, Zhao Qi’s Excitement

Wang Jian’s words were naturally also to motivate the generals under his account.

It also brings a spur to the general public.

Zhao Zhigong was awarded the power of general.

All of this is what Zhao Qi deserves. There is no trickiness in this, which is known to every Da Qin Ruishi.

“Zhao Qi.”

After all, “I haven’t seen him yet.”

“In the future, you must have some insights.” Wang Jian thought secretly in his heart.

For those in the military, it is natural to be in awe of the talents of the army and the generals of courage, but Zhao Qi is the combination of these two, and still so young, how can Wang Jian not be curious.


“Now Zhao Qi’s victory in Nanyang has severely damaged Zhao Wei and changed the pattern of my Daqin defense. The king should have the idea to send troops to destroy Zhao?” Wang Sheng asked.

He has been waiting for this day for a long time.


Wang nodded weakly, his eyes became serious.

The generals in the camp also became serious one after another, looking forward to it.

They have been guarding this border for almost two years. They have been training troops to deter the enemy country, but they can’t take the initiative to attack. They are already holding back.

“The king has already issued the edict.”

“Let Huandi control the Lantian camp with 300,000 troops going east, and in a few days, the Huanqi troops will be killed to the Zhao realm and start the destruction of Zhao.”

“And I, Hangu Daying, will also take advantage of the trend and destroy Zhao from the east.”

Dynasty said in a deep voice.


The generals heard the sound and shouted in unison, each with a moved expression.

At the end there will be “a question.

At this time.

A young general in the camp led the voice.

“Li Xin, do you have any questions?” Wang Jian looked at the general.

The fifty thousand generals in the army are young and promising, and they are also talented generals trained by Wang Jian.

“General Zhao made a great victory in Nanyang, did the king send someone to let General Zhao send troops to attack Zhao? If there is that army of the northern expedition, I will join the Hangu camp and Lantian camp, so that Zhao will be ignored. He was eventually encircled.” Li Xin said aloud.

The words fell off.

The generals in the account nodded one after another.

If the king sent someone to summon Zhao Qi to attack from the beginning to the end, the result would be self-evident.

“The king did not mention this matter in Wang Zhao.”

“However, you Wei Liao in the courtroom also initiated the Dawang and mentioned this policy, but the Dawang did not send anyone to pass the edict.” Wang Jian said in a deep voice.

“Why is the king doing this?” Li Xin said differently.

“It will take at least seven or eight days for Wang Zhao to convey it from Xianyang to the Han border. After Wang Zhao’s transmission, he has already lost his best opportunity.”

“Perhaps the king believed that Zhao Qi would seize this critical opportunity, so he did not convey Wang Zhao.” Wang Jian said in a deep voice.

“Can General Zhao grasp it?”

“After all, Da Qin has never declared war against Zhao before. If he retreats to defend after repelling the Zhao-Wei coalition forces, then this opportunity will be wasted.” Li Xin said unwillingly.

If this kind of great opportunity and great battle situation is wasted, it will be really a pity.

“In other words, if you were Zhao Qi, after seeing this kind of battle, before Wang Zhao, would you attack Zhao with troops?” Wang Jue looked at the generals in the account and said.

“Father, I should be.

“However, although Zhao and Wei are adjacent to the Korean border, if it were me, I should seize this opportunity to attack Wei.” Wang said.

“I should be, but in such a situation, the first thing I should think of is attacking Wei. After all, relative to Zhao, Wei is adjacent and its national strength is weaker than Zhao. Once you attack Wei, you will surely achieve amazing achievements. “Li Xin also said.

“Such an analysis.

“If General Zhao had never obtained Wang Zhao, then even if he sent troops, he would attack Wei instead of Zhao. That would not be a good thing for me in the Great Qin war.” Wang Jing said in a deep voice, with a dignified look on his face.

“All right.”

Wang Jian raised his hand and said prestigiously.

The generals looked at Wang Jian one after another.

“I would believe in Zhao Qi, I would believe that he would definitely seize this opportunity, send troops to attack Zhao, and win the result, and beat Zhao by surprise.” The Dynasty was very confident and affirmed.

“Father, why are you so sure? Have you never seen General Zhao?” Wang Yidao.

“It is true that I have not seen him, but in the past two years, Zhao Qi’s deeds and military exploits have spread throughout the army. For Zhao Qi, I will not be able to see through, but what I will know is that he feels that he understands the king and understands the ambition of the king. Ambitious.” Wang Jian said affirmatively.

However, none of the generals in the account said anything. Obviously, they still had doubts.

Some do not believe that Zhao Qi can judge the situation keenly and will send troops to attack Zhao.

After all, for the majority of them in the account, they would definitely send troops to attack Wei, because the gains would be greater and more.

on the contrary.

If you go to attack Zhao, you won’t be King Zhao, and Zhao Qi doesn’t know that Da Qin is going to destroy Zhao. If you attack Zhao, you may fall into the siege of Zhao. It’s too dangerous.

Not bad, Zhao Qi wiped out the entire army.

The risk is too great.

So they are also certain in their hearts that maybe Zhao Qi will send troops, but he will not attack Zhao, but be safe.”Let’s wait and see.

“Zhao Qi will definitely bring us surprises.” Looking at the generals who did not believe, Wang Jian smiled calmly.

Just as his voice fell.


Outside the tent, there was an urgent voice.

“What’s the matter?”

The king said immediately.

Enlighten “Admiral.”

“Something happened to Zhao Guobianying.”

A scout walked quickly into the camp and said solemnly.

“What happened to the Zhao State Army Camp?” Wang Jian rolled his eyes, and he had some guesses in his heart, but he was not sure yet.

“According to the subordinates waiting for investigation, the voice of Zhao Guo’s military camp has gradually weakened in the past few days, and the cooking smoke has also become extremely rare.”

“Subordinates waited for the investigation and found that Zhao Jun had already withdrawn, leaving only a few thousand troops making false appearances.” The scout said respectfully.

“Lian Po withdrew his army?”

Wang Jian’s expression changed, and then he was shocked.

“Father, the old fox of Lian Po is absolutely impossible to withdraw for no reason. It is definitely something that happened to Zhao Guo.”

“My army is guarded here, and Lian Po withdraws to give up the border, and the border city of Zhao State will not be protected.” Wang Gong said immediately.

“It’s Zhao Qi.

Wang Han said affirmatively.

Then strode directly to the map in the account.

“Han Jing sent troops to attack Zhao, the first of which was to break through Jinyang, and Jinyang above…

Wang Wei stared at the map, the surprise in his eyes getting bigger and bigger.

“Above Jinyang, there is only a small city named Anyang, but after Anyang, it is Handan, the capital of Zhao Kingdom.” Li Xin’s voice revealed an incredible.


He also thought of something.


“Big lottery.

Wang Jian recovered and shouted excitedly.

“Zhao Qi, it really didn’t disappoint the king.”

“He has sent troops to attack Zhao, and he has definitely breached Jinyang, and his troops are in Handan. If not, Lianpo will never withdraw his troops when guarding the border.

“It must be that the capital of Zhao Kingdom is in danger, so Zhao Wang ordered Lianpo back to rescue Handan, so Lianpo would leave the border.” The Dynasty said loudly, with a spirit of excitement and excitement.

Lian Po withdrew.

As far as his Hangu army is concerned, he can move eastward and attack the city of Zhao State.

Now the king has ordered Zhao to be destroyed.

It is a foregone conclusion that he will send troops.

It was originally necessary to wait for the Huanqi army to join forces to attack Zhao, but now there is no need to wait.

Lian Po withdrew.

The frontier of Zhao was empty, it was when he sent troops.

“Zhao Qi.

“Although he is young, he really deserves the trust of the king.”

“In such a battle, seizing the best opportunity to break through Jinyang, the soldiers will come to Handan.”

Dynasty said loudly, full of praise for Zhao Qi’s tone.

“Zhao Qi.

“I’m not as good as him.”

“He is worthy of Da Qin’s youngest general, and even the great king’s kindness to him.” Wang Liang and Li Xin looked at each other and sighed in their hearts.

Lian Po “This old fox, the withdrawal was also covered by him. He is worthy of being the veteran of Zhao Guo who was unbeaten against Wu Anjun, but no matter how good the cover is, everything is too late.” Wang sneered.

Then ordered.

“Li Xin.

“It will be at the end.

“Order 50,000 cavalry, and give the general Zhao the border camp.

“The final commander takes his orders.”

“Wang Fei.

“It will be at the end.”

“Give me one hundred thousand soldiers and attack Zhao from the east.”

“The generals will listen to the order, prepare for war, and destroy Zhao.”

“Zhao Qi gave me such a great opportunity for Daqin. If my king is not sure, then it will be ridiculous. The work is my Hangu Daying.”

Dynasty shouted.

“The final commander takes his orders.”

The generals said in unison.


Inside the Longtai Palace.

Zhao Qi sat on the stairs in front of the throne, with the generals in front of him.

In the past, the throne of King Zhao was so high that no one cares about it.


“The envoy of Xianyang is here.”

“Brought the edict of the great king.”

Li Qing walked to Zhao Qi’s side and said respectfully.

Zhao Qi nodded, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

For the Nanyang victory, Qin Shihuang will not treat him ill, perhaps after today, he will go further.


Zhao Qi stood up from the stairs and looked outside the hall with some expectation.

The generals in the entire Long Palace hall also stood up one after another, with awe in their eyes.

Several guards from the Qin Palace came to the hall.

They served in the palace, they were the personal guards of King Qin, and sent them to spread the edict, which shows that King Qin attached great importance to Zhao Qi.

When I saw Zhao Qi.

Several guards were also in awe.

As for the first one, the status of the Imperial Guard in the palace is not low.

“Qin Wangzhao.

The guard leader, holding Wang Zhao, said loudly.

“Chen Zhao Qi listened to Wang Zhao respectfully.

“Chen waits to listen to Wang Zhao.”

Zhao immediately bowed and bowed, and all the generals around him also bowed one after another.

“My master Zhao Qi of Daqin Town guards the Han border and sets it down, so that I will not lose the Daqin Han border, and I will win the battle in Nanyang. I have made great contributions to Qin.”


Promote “Zhao Qi to two ranks of nobility, for the sake of the young, promote to one level, and worship the general.”

“Wangqing worked hard to continue to contribute to Da Qin, and help Da Qin complete the peace of the world as soon as possible and unify the great wish.

“In addition, Zhao Qi’s army can be expanded to 300,000. Those who have merit in the army will be promoted by Zhao Qing.

“The widow has issued an edict to adjust the Lantian camp, and the 600,000 army of the Hangu camp will destroy Zhao east, and Wangqing will contribute his efforts and make great contributions.”

The guard general read Wang Zhao aloud, and his voice resounded throughout the Longtai Palace hall.

The edict from the King of Qin sounded in the Longtai Palace of Zhao Kingdom for the first time in history.

“Chen Zhao Qi, leader.”

“Xie Dawang Longen.

A touch of excitement appeared on Zhao Qi’s face, and he said loudly.

The generals under Zhao Qi’s command are also excited.

Zhao Qi rose to the position of general.

The army can be expanded.

Under the position of general, there can be three more commanders in command of the 100,000 army.

As for Juya and Zhang Han, they will be included in Zhao Qi’s eyes first, and they may be able to promote the main general, and the other lieutenant generals in the army are the same, and they will definitely be promoted.


“This is Wang Zhao.”

The guard general walked in front of Zhao Qi and handed Wang Zhao to Zhao Qi. He looked at Zhao Qi in awe.

Although he also looks very young, twenty or thirty years old.

But obviously in the Great Qin Army, the strong are respected, and Zhao Qi is naturally awed by countless great Qin warriors and generals.

“There is General Lao.” Zhao Qi didn’t have any arrogance either. He held Wang Zhao in both hands and then clasped it tightly.

I have heard of the name of the general for a long time, and now I can see it. It is not a great honor for the general.

The guard general said with emotion.

“I don’t know the name of the general?”

Zhao Qi looked at this extraordinary general in front of him, and also showed interest.

The guard generals who served by Qin Shihuang’s side should be famous people.

“The last commander.

When Zhao Qi asked about his name, the guard general also responded with excitement.

after all.

Zhao Qi is now promoted to general and has repeatedly made military exploits. It can be said that he is vivid in the army and Da Qin is vivid.

Prestige is enough to reign in the world.

“Ren general, happy meeting.”

Zhao clasped his fists in his hands and smiled in greeting.

“Admiral, this is the end.”

Seeing that Zhao Qi was so polite, Doctor Ren hurriedly clasped his fists and bowed.

The general position.

Throughout the Great Qin Dynasty.Originally there were only three, but now there are more Zhao Qi.

Zhao Qi is the fourth general of Daqin.

And the other three generals are over fifty, but what about Zhao Qi?

Not yet twenty years old.

It can be said to be the youngest general in Daqin and the youngest general in the world.

Zhao Qi’s future.

Perhaps it is not limited to the position of general, and can even reach the height of the former Daqin God of War, Wuanjun Baiqi.

Youmeng, it turned out to be him.

“In history, the people of Baiyue in Lingnan and guarding the land of Baiyue, it is no wonder that in history, he would be sent by Qin Shihuang to attack Baiyue. It turns out that he also won the favor of Qin Shihuang and the generals of the guards. This loyalty must be a pass. of.

Hearing Ren Jiang’s name, Zhao immediately knew who he was.

“Ha ha.”

“General Ren Shu doesn’t have to be like this.”

“This would not have been the kind of mean and old-fashioned person.

Seeing Ren Shuang’s restraint, Zhao Qi stepped forward and patted Ren Sao on the shoulder.


“The general is different from the other generals.” Ren Jiang returned to his senses and echoed with a smile.

“The other three generals have only met General Mengwu, and the other two have not.” Zhao Qi smiled.

“General, there will be a chance.

“After this time, the general will return to the capital triumphantly and accept the great reward from the great king. This matter was said by the great king himself, and the great king also said that the general did not even return to give birth to his wife for the sake of Da Qin. The king is ashamed of this matter, so after the extermination of Zhao, the general will be allowed to return to his hometown.” Ren Qi said.

“It deserves to be Qin Shihuang, not only the courage, but also the first-class means of entanglement. It is an emperor through the ages and has a well-deserved reputation.” Zhao Qi secretly said in his heart, returning to his senses, and then asked: “Does the king have anything to explain?”

“The king has confessed that the general can handle all major military affairs by himself, and he also grants the general the right to live and kill when dealing with people in the enemy country.

“In addition, the Great King Baili of Yongwai City has given the general as a fief, so there is no need to worry about his wife and children in the family.” Ren Yi said all Qin Shihuang’s words.

“The king bestows me on the ranks of meritorious officials, isn’t there any restriction?” Zhao Qi pondered for a moment, then suddenly asked.

“Going back to the general, the king said that the general can promote effective generals in the army, and there is no limit.” Ren Jiang replied.

“What is the position of General Ren as the Imperial Guard in the palace?” Zhao asked again.

“When you return to the general, you will eventually become the deputy commander of the guard.” Ren respectfully replied.

“Calculating the time, Zhao’s main force should be coming to Handan soon. General Ren is afraid that he can’t go back now.” Zhao Qi turned his eyes and said suddenly.

“If the general wants to serve the general, he will always listen to the general’s orders.

Ren Qi uttered a voice immediately, his expression excited.

“With the trust of the king, this general has the power today.”

“Handan has been breached by Ben General, and King Zhao fled. In the next period of time, what he will have to deal with is the attack of Zhao’s main army. As long as we stick to it, we can wait for my Daqin’s main force to achieve the goal of destroying Zhao.”

“Now that the general has been promoted to the position of general, there should be three hundred thousand chief generals under his command, and I don’t know who will be (General Li Zhao Zhao is willing to join this general, and he will play for Daqin?” Zhao Qi faces Ren Jiang. Seriously.

This is also Zhao Qi’s goal.

Hear what Zhao Qi said.

Ren Qi’s expression became excited.

“It is a great honor for Ren Jiang to be able to follow the general.”

The final general “willing to stay under the general, follow the general, and serve for Daqin.” Ren Zhuo looked excited and bowed to Zhao Qi.

In the palace.

The deputy commander of the guard can also be called a high position. Make meritorious deeds.

Ren Qi doesn’t like the palace life, but there is no way to change it. How can Ren Li refuse to get Zhao Qi’s olive branch today?

And Ren Qi can be sure that after he returns to Xianyang in the future, as long as Zhao Qi speaks, he will be able to stay under Zhao Qi forever.

After all, everyone knows the kindness of Zhao Qi from the current king.


Seeing Ren Qi agree, Zhao Qi also showed a satisfied smile.

There are actually two sides to the reason why he will be brought into his command. First, he is indeed a talent, comparable to Tu Ya and Zhang Lang, or else Qin Shihuang would not send him to destroy Baiyue in history and make great contributions.


In fact, this is also a relief to Qin Shihuang. This doctor is the commander of the guard and is highly valued by Qin Shihuang. Keeping him in the army is equivalent to telling Qin Shihuang that I will be in charge of the army. Loyal.

Still the same sentence, this is how the court gave the king a handle.

Zhao Qi naturally knows this way well, so he has reached such a high position all the way.

It’s good to have merit, but you must also judge the situation.

“Tu Diao, where is Zhang Han?

Zhao Qi turned around and said with power.

“It will be at the end.”

The two of them responded with excitement.

They are the real confidants of the Lord and can definitely go further.

“This general has been reused by the king and has been promoted to the power of general. You two have followed this general and have made countless achievements for Daqin. Today, this will promote you both to 100,000 generals and two ranks.”

Zhao Qi looked at the two of them and said with authority.

“The final general Xie General.

The final general “must follow the general to the death and fight for Daqin to kill the enemy.” The two men bowed with excitement and looked extremely excited.

PS: The update is up, and I would like to ask for your support, thank you. Robbery,

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