Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 50: The shadow of a million swords

[Go home! It ’s great. I hope all the Taoists who go out will go home early to celebrate the New Year. In addition, I wish everyone a happy New Year in advance and good luck. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. COM

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"go with!"

"go with!"

"go with!"

The roar came out almost at the same time. 33 magical powers were shot in an instant, like 32 evil spirits. At this moment, they stood up from the sea and waves, shaking their heads and tails, carrying supreme power, and jointly fighting!

These alien peak strongmen jointly shot, the power of might is even comparable to that of the ordinary Heaven and Man Three Realm powerhouses bursting, instantaneous explosion of spiritual power tide in the territory of tens of millions of miles, setting off endless waves in the void, writhing, and raging.

The supernatural powers of 33 supernatural powers are superimposed, and the lethal power that is exploded is enough to destroy the world. The space of millions of miles suddenly collapses, and the endless silver and white energy bursts from it. Obviously, it has completely penetrated the space and connected the turbulent space.

In the surrounding area, countless monks turned back wildly, otherwise, if they were accidentally touched by the spreading energy, they would be wiped out directly. If they died like this, wouldn't they be too embarrassed. At this moment, it felt that the 32 strongest people in the ethnic group had shot, all of them looked white, and there was endless fear in their eyes. Such a mighty monk, if the monks below the Three Realms have no treasures to protect them, they will be killed directly, even if this monk has anti-Sky means, he will surely die! After all, his true cultivation is nothing more than the ultimate level of robbery!

The monk's face was full of sadness and indignation, and even the three of Enron, Qi Yun, and Emerald showed unbearable colors.

But at this moment, no one appeared. Na Jun's body was trembling lightly, and his eyes were full of this hot color.

"Dead! Dead! Xiao Chen, you die to me! Completely die!"

This man growled wildly.

33 magical powers come in an instant!

It was at the moment of roaring in the shadow killing clan's mouth, Xiao Chen's body had suddenly tightened, and a strong crisis of life and death appeared to linger on the Yuan God, making his hair cold and suddenly pale. But at this moment, instead of panic and fear, his mind calmed down instantly. The whole person's mental thoughts were highly concentrated. It seemed that his eyes could clearly capture every change of magical power that was strangled with the power of destruction.

In times of crisis, calm down, calmly cope, and find a way out of difficulties.

Xiao Chen already knew this and has always done so. However, today's strangulation is the joint action of 33 alien peak powers, condensing the power of destroying the world, and cannot do tricks or evasion, only to fight!

After the war, you will be born.

If you lose, you die.

No other way!

In the wave of destruction of the magical powers, the monk in a blue shirt stood upright with his back straight, his face was calm, and his eyes were cold. At this moment, he stretched out with one hand and drank suddenly in his mouth. Flash, then a three-foot Qing Feng appeared in the hand instantly, Sen Ran's sword exploded from the midst of the sky, and within the void, thousands of his own swords were born, whistling and killing.

"Who dares to touch my brother Xiao Chen, all will die!"

The shop's eyes were red, and hissing roar was heard in his mouth, and a wave of destruction continued to emerge from his body like a wave of water.

Xiao Chen helped the sister of the ruler he got. The shop is not something that is not worthy of report. Today, the elder brother is in danger, and he cannot shrink back a little.

"Brother Xiao Chen, how much mana is infused and how much mana. I ca n’t move for hundreds of years today, and I will lose the essence of my energy. The coach must also protect you!"

"Big brother can be a small shop at any cost, how can a small shop not give it all back!"

"Today you and my brother joined forces to dig through these rabbits!"

The shop is full of anger, but the voice is rare and sincere.

Today Cangyue and the Hundred Clan Alliance stand and stand. If there is no ruler sister appearing, Xiao Chen wants to get the extremely dark veins or save Su Su. It is not necessary to take such a high-profile shot, just kill the lone shot afterwards However, it will not end up in the immediate situation. From the point of view of the shop, what happened today is because of it, and it is precisely because of this that it made this uncle grateful and willing to help Xiao Chen escape from danger.

The situation was so critical that Xiao Chen didn't delay. At this moment, he nodded and said, "You and my brother joined forces to defend the enemy. Today's wear and tear, Xiao Chen will definitely pay back 100 times."

"Small shop, shoot!"

Xiao Chen suddenly looked up, his eyes flashed sharply, and the aura of light flashed out of the body.

Inspiratory induction, the 33 magical powers did not stagnate, and turned in a trembling direction.

Raised with one arm, the horror sword exploded, and a ghostly shadow appeared. It was a million feet in size. Although it was illusory, the breath from it was enough to shake the world. This sword shadow is the result of the store's self-damaged essence and forcible promotion of power, power is arrogant.

"The humanoid body, the ancient demon avatar, and the space avatar are superimposed, and the mana comes together!"

"Combining war intentions, mana superimposed, summoning the left eyebrow soldiers to help each other!"

"Sacrifice 20,000 years of Shouyuan, transformed into endless mana, and integrated into the shop itself as much as possible!"

"Suppress the injury, manifest to the strong body, gather all the fighting power, and chop me! Chop! Chop!"

Xiao Chen growled, the sound of waves drowning in the rolling magical powers, but the breath of madness and instantaneous surge in his body was dazzling, attracting countless strong aliens, and then turned pale and cold sweat. No one could think of it, in the face of life and death At that time, Xiao Chen could even explode into such a violent power. Although only the breath induction did not fight, it made the hearts of the aliens understand that if they really took the fight, they would be torn into pieces in an instant.

This human race, Xiao Chen, is really terrifying!

Rolling mana is like a torrent, breaking out of a dyke, and surging with rumbling sounds, such as the roar of the raging sea, it is amazing, roaring along Xiao Chen's flesh through the arm of a sword, and integrating into the shop itself.



Above Xiao Chen's arms, flesh and blood suddenly broke apart, blood and water burst out, and a bursting sound like a strong crossbow was actually caused by the inability of the flesh to cause the flesh to collapse.

With his physical power today, he will actually be broken by mana, which is enough to know how powerful Xiao Chen's body is at this moment!

With the endless mana integration, the main body of the shop suddenly trembled violently, and the millions of swords and shadows that manifested above the void became solidified with the naked eye's visibility. Era reincarnation! Above the sky on the nine days, the sky's sword qi trembled at once, then turned the direction, cut through the space, and burst out the sound of stiff scalp and numbness, all blended into the shadow of the million swords.

After the integration of the last sword qi in the day and time, a crisp sword sound emerged from it instantly, extremely bright and transcendent, as if the Emperor of the Sword came out, noble and infinite, domineering and arrogant!

It was at the moment when the sword exploded, taking the shadow of the sword as the core, and it was within ten thousand miles of the territory. All the treasures of the Five Elements Sword were trembling together, and then they shot out without the owner's urgency. Here to worship, revealing the awe of surrender.



The endless alien powerhouses exclaimed at this moment, seeing their magic weapon directly into the void without taking control, his face suddenly changed, his eyes looked at the shadow of the millions of swords, and he couldn't help producing endless fear.

If there is a great magician monk glancing at a high altitude at this moment and thousands of miles away, you can see that the dense number of swords cannot be counted as the magic weapon of the sword rises in the air, and all of them burst out with the strongest sharp breath, echoing the sword shadow here.




At the end of Xiao Chen's roar, these three drunk drinks suddenly overwhelmed countless supernatural powers and raged power, bursting into the ears of each monk here clearly, and chattering in their primitive space. White and scared.

The sound fell, the three-footed Qingfeng in his hand was chopped off, and the shadow of a million Zhangjians followed, moving toward 33 alien peak monks with supernatural powers, always moving forward!

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