Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 42: Forced solitary shot

The 3o 10,000-meter body of the two warring parties also shot backwards. The ancient demon stepped back 7o 10,000-meter, and the power of the counter-shock was biochemically resolved to stop the figure. The ancient solitary shot was forcibly shaken away by a million ounces. It was difficult to hide the anger on the face, apparently this encounter was suppressed by the wind. Bayi Chinese [[ W & gt; W ?. ) 8) 1] Z & gt; W ?. Com

The ancient demon avatar looks calm, his eyes are more wary, and his breath is more violent. At this moment, he laughed wildly. "The ancient demon shot alone, but you and I will fight again!" In the roar, the demon stepped forward, nearly 2oo ten feet away, passing by, The 3o black magic gun pierced again.

The ancient demons shot unwillingly and yelled, this demons couldn't believe that Xiao Chen's avatar exploded mighty power at this moment, but he could beat him!

"No way, how could Ben Mo not be his opponent!"

"No way!"

Gu She kept roaring, seeing that the ancient demon avatar hit again, and clenched the sky magic gun with one hand without hesitating to go forward, and shot madly.



Above the void, there are two major ancient monsters fighting each other, both of which are more than 3o meters in length, holding a magic gun and madly shooting, like the battle of ancient demons, the momentum is extremely incomparable, each collision will produce endless destruction power to make the world Shocked!

The rivers reversed, the sky was falling apart, and the endless horrible killing spirit was empty and vertical, and the killing of tyranny was added!

However, at this moment, the ancient demons have the upper hand, and the devil is so powerful that he shot the ancient demons lonely and suppressed the downwind. Even if he was roaring wildly, he couldn't turn around for the slightest!


Fighting again, the ancient magic lonely figure shot backwards from the moment of fighting, groaned in the mouth, and sprayed a large amount of demon blood, which was torn directly by the dissipating energy and shattered into pieces. Thousands of miles, the 3o-million-foot ancient demon battle body was cut and cut out by wounds of countless wounds, making its shape illusory dim.

The ancient demon avatar has a pale complexion, and his body loss is not a small number, but his breath is still steady. The external trend is more condensed and majestic. Although the war body is slightly wounded, it is much better than the ancient magic lone shot.

After some fighting, it was apparent that the solitary shot suffered a big loss.

The blood soaked in his mouth, the battle body was illusory, and the solitary shot of 99,900 feet was trembling slightly, and the murderous heart in his heart was about to make him completely mad. After getting the extremely dark veins from that year, the degree of cultivation soared and the kinship dominated. Until now, it has not been so humiliated for a long time.

Slowly raised, his eyes fell on the ancient magic points, this demon grin suddenly, cold and strange.

At the next moment, there was no warning. A trace of blood appeared in the depths of his eyes. After a slight flash, it expanded rapidly, covering the entire eye, turning it into a thick blood, horrifying, bloody, flashing wildly. .

"Dead! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death! Death!"

A series of seven "dead" characters emerged from the solitary mouth. At first, they were slightly weak, then gradually raised and pulled up, and finally exerted all their strength. The roaring sound was sullen and roaring like a brutal beast.

The thick magic was rolling, the pale complexion was quickly restored, and the dim warfare was condensed again. The wound suffered by the monster was restored to integrity in a short time, and the general trend of the body was not weakened, but stronger!

Scarlet eyes, seemingly violently filled with destruction, but deep down, there was a trace of coldness that was extremely cold.

"Human race Chen Chen, today this demon potential will swallow you up and send you out of shape!" Gu shot, the sound of gas and raging violent atmosphere outside is completely the opposite, calm and cold, extremely incomparable.

With this word falling, the magic gun in this demon's hand instantly burst into the sky, and then the endless white killing air whistled out, whistling in the void, adding supremacy to the solitary shooting.

"A solitary shot wins! The demons are mighty!"

"A solitary shot wins! The demons are mighty!"

"A solitary shot wins! The demons are mighty!"

At first, the monk monk who had been dispelled by Xiao Chen's violent attack felt the violent atmosphere that swelled in the solitary shot, and once again showed the fiery color on his face, he opened his mouth together, roared in the sky, and roared in the sound of waves. Rising into air, the power is appalling.

As for the human race, it is difficult to hide the worry. Although Xiao Chenbang is very powerful, he can shoot the ancient demon lonely to suppress the downwind, but he can't occupy the absolute upper hand and destroy the ancient demon solitary shooting defeat. This demon has extremely dark veins, and the internal loss can be replenished as quickly as possible. Physical damage can also be repaired in a short time. At present, the situation seems to be Xiao Chen's upper hand, but if it continues like this, once its own wear and tear is severe, today's situation is bound to reverse instantly!

Human monks can see this, and Cang Yuezhen can naturally perceive strong aliens.

"This monk is really very strong, and his combat power is explosive. It is a bit stronger than the ancient demons, but unfortunately there is not a big gap between them to cause fatal harm to them. There is a little loss of trauma and there is a very Yin vein in hand. That solitary shot will soon recover. "

"It is indeed a pity. Although this monarch has the upper hand now, if there is no other means for this monk monk, today's battle will eventually be more fierce."

"Getting into trouble with the Demon Clan has caused serious death and injury to the Demon Monk. Only then did the ancient demon sacrifice his face. Once defeated, this deity monk must die!"

"If this person loses again, the human race today is afraid that there is no way to fight back!"

It is during the discussion of countless alien powerhouses that the ancient demons have a calm complexion, and a trace of hot color slowly emerges from the depths of their eyes. Instead of being afraid, their breath becomes more and more violent and powerful!

Other monks can think of this, and Xiao Chen will naturally not miss it. Previously, he shot repeatedly to suppress the ancient magic solitary shooting, that is, to completely anger him, burst out all the repairs, and excite the magic power of the demon gun. Only in this way will the ancient magic lone shot breath be completely connected with the natal magic weapon sky magic gun, and the ancient magic avatar can be shot, consuming the power of the sky magic gun, and then repairing the solitary shooting as a seizure and put it back to its own use. .

Now that the time has come, I don't need to keep my hands anymore, I will fight it, defeat this demon, rob all the treasures of opportunity, and strengthen myself!


A sudden roar in the mouth of the ancient demons shook the world, and the black magic gun suddenly lifted up, pointing diagonally to the sky. The external tendency that had risen to a higher level suddenly trembled, and then it was like a detached wild horse, and then it rose again crazy.

Domineering, domineering, and mighty, with a bit of the ancient vicissitudes slowly dissipating from the body of the ancient magic points, extremely dignified, and heaven and earth, as if in front of him, everything in this world, billions of souls are like ants, need to be on the ground To welcome his punishment.

Under this breath, including the blood of the royal descendants, such as the ancient monsters, they felt a mighty will over their heads, making them unable to bear the awe of their hearts, as if they were going to kneel directly to the ground. This is a kind of The supreme coercion from the blood level makes them impossible to resist.

The moment when this feeling appeared, it caused countless demons monks to set off endless stormy waves, and looked at the avatar of the ancient demons with suspicion, revealing endless incredible meaning.

The red eyes of the Gumo Gushe are full of shock, but behind this shock, it is filled with madness and extreme heat.

"Imperial bloodline! It is an imperial bloodline!"

"Although it is very faint, there is only a trace, but as long as it is obtained, there is hope for promotion to the devil in the future! Get it! At all costs, you must get this blood of the devil emperor, must!"

"Kill! Kill the Terran Monk, swallow his flesh and capture the blood of the demon emperor!"

The demon's heart growled wildly, and the blood in his eyes became even worse.

The blood of the demons is supreme. The more refined and noble the blood in the body is, the higher the achievement will be in the future. The royal and ancient royal demons, even if they are both ancient demons, can differ in strength up to several times or even hundreds of times at most!

This temptation of the blood of the demon emperor is enough to make some shots alone!

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