Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 35: Manuscripts



The entire space was suddenly broken at the moment when the two played against each other. Numerous horror space cracks spread to the surrounding sky very quickly without any traces. From this space crack, a trace of silver and white space turbulent energy was revealed, which swallowed the suction force. Burst from it. [Eight Chinese

The 5o battle platform was built by the monks after the trial of the mountain. The lower layers were banned and sturdy enough to withstand the monk ’s fight, but this time when the ancient demons shot alone and the king had no blame, this thing They were destroyed directly by destruction, the extinction of the aura of extinction, turned into the sky and broken stones, and the harsh sound of bursting air broke out. Each piece was mixed with powerful forces.

call out!

call out!

The monks of all races near the battle platform changed their faces at this moment. The violent atmosphere from the encounter between the two people was instantly depressed, which made people's chest dull and pale, and the monk's complexion changed slightly in the later period of the calamity. As for the monks in the early days of crossing the robbery, it was even more painful, with blood on the corners of his mouth. Even more, the unlucky man was hit by a piercing boulder, and it hit an end in an instant, making the monks discolored.


The strong men of all ethnic groups drank in unison, and suddenly there was a great rise outside the body. They were not attracted, and condensed into a shield. They guarded the monks of their ethnic groups, looked dignified, and looked at the warring parties.

Taking the robbery and repairing as an example, condensing the fighting body can also reveal the fighting power of the strong in the heavens and the human world. Whether it is the ancient monster alone shooting or the human race has no blame, the fighting power can be called terror.

"Hahahaha, it is indeed the ancient Confucianism and Taoism. When you say it, the Fa is truly mysterious. However, today this demon is here. Any magical power is to be bowed down. The magic is incomparable!"

"Devil's Moon, reverse Yin and Yang, gather the monsters who swallow the sky, refine this person, and help this magical power to rise!"

Solitary and arrogant, the overbearing air in his tone was revealed, and he never put the blame on his heart. At this moment, a punch can hurt the enemy. Instead of being discouraged, he is even more powerful. The demon, the more war and bravery, the stronger the enemy, the heavier the potential!

The endless magic energy burst out from the 3o mega-zoom monster body, converging on the ancient monster war body with one hand, suddenly pointing to the sky. It is between this finger that the endless magic energy condenses into a dark magic light, shoots out from the fingertips, and pierces the sky.

The next moment, the whole world suddenly went dark.

The sky is dark, dim, and there is no glimmer of stars. If the scene of annihilation is unconscious, it will make people feel pressured and panic-stricken. But it was in this endlessly dark sky that a tinge of blood appeared suddenly, slowly extended to both sides into a semicircular shape, and then gradually stretched, the blood was even worse, and eventually became a thin crescent moon, spilling a pale **** moonlight. With the appearance of the blood moon, the dark sky gradually fluctuated, becoming stronger and stronger, and finally converged into a wavy wave, endless, coming from endless surroundings in all directions, toward the center of the dark sky, and toward the point where the blood moon was. Gathering. At the same time, the blood moon grows slowly, from a trace of very thin **** crescents, gradually grows into a sickle shape, and then gradually appears for more than half a blood month, until the silver plate is generally round and bloody, it seems to collect thousands of souls The blood was condensed and condensed, and the strange and evil breath slowly spread out from it.

The blood-colored magic moon grows, and the dark sky canopy waves are heavier. Wave after wave, endlessly, under the blood moon, a group of extremely black circles is formed.

The sky is dark, but under the light of the blood moon, it can clearly identify this darker place. The light of the magic moon is falling and it seems to be swallowed by it, a raging, irritable, and devastating breath suddenly Born from it, it has skyrocketed with shocking degrees.

The extreme dark and dark circles violently tossed up without warning, and the pure magical energy poured into the dark sky by solitary shooting seemed to be summoned at this moment, and it turned into countless ways to get out of the void and directly integrate into it. With the integration of magic, one head had a single horn, the limbs fell on the ground, the eyes were bloody, and the whole body appeared black strange things slowly.

Monster, swallow up!

Just at the moment of birth, the roar of this devouring monster suddenly roared, and the sound of horror burst out with greed. This greed is extremely simple. It is to swallow everything you see into your stomach, eat it, and refine it!

Gu Mo's pale complexion was slightly pale, apparently driving this supernatural power to consume him extremely, but within a few ten breaths, his face turned back to a rosy color, and the weak breath was anxious to strengthen and return to its peak state again.

Extremely dark magic veins!

Holding this treasure, for the demons, is equivalent to carrying the entire superb magic vein that can quickly recover the internal loss of mana at any time. This solitary shooting can be recovered so quickly, which is obviously the effect of this treasure. With this treasure in hand, if the competition is lost, who will be the enemy of this demon.

Obviously Jun Wubui also thought of this. His face couldn't help but sink a little, but he didn't show panic, and his look was still calm. At this moment, facing the solitary shot, he shot with all his strength and reversed the yin and yang condensate devouring monsters. This man smiled coldly. The light on the hand flashed a little, the size of 36 feet, and the color was withered. It seemed that the paper that could be annihilated by a breeze appeared to the outside world. At this moment, I felt the endless rich magic, without the need to urge, it has already risen in the wind. Each one was reduced to the size of a hundred feet, and the mysterious and obscure runes on it suddenly burst into endless golden light. From this light, there was a magnificent breath bursting.

The manuscripts of the philosophers are written by the ancient Confucian and Taoist masters, and contain a complete spirit of Confucianism. The town has the mighty spirit of the Confucianism, and conquers the demons in the world. Even if it is an ordinary Confucian handbook, Zhenyu's house can be protected from the evil spirits, not to mention the manuscripts. Each of these words has the supreme power to suppress deterrence for evil monks or monsters and monsters, which can be easily wiped out.

So at this moment, the 36 manuscripts of Zhu Zi appear at the same time, and the mighty righteousness that is generated is quite amazing!



Every manuscript is bursting with golden light, as if the flags are generally hunting and hunting in the wind. Each piece of golden text slowly overflows from it, forming a seemingly chaotic, but in fact a mysterious and profound array, which brings endless heaven and earth to the righteousness. herein.

Between these battles, endless righteousness gathered, a figure slowly emerged.

He is a thousand feet tall, with a long bow, a beam over his head, and a Confucian shirt! This condensed figure is an Confucian scholar, although his face is slightly blurred, but in those eyes, there is a keen and candid light flashing.

Six arts of Confucianism, shoot!

Shooting a sharp arrow contains Confucian magical powers, specializing in breaking demons, and its lethality is extremely amazing. It is one of the great Confucian magical powers, condensing the six art great Confucian virtual shadows for their own use. According to rumors, the Confucian magical powers are practiced to the extreme state, and they can even summon a great Confucian soul from the heavens and the earth to merge into the six arts great Confucianism virtual shadows, so that the magical powers condensing the virtual shadows have their own intelligence and become an absolute help!

In the vast spiritual realm, there is a lifetime to study and study noble and noble Confucianism, do not practice magic and do not seek longevity, I hope that he is conscious and aware of the mysteries of the ancient philosophers, and can even successfully summon the great Confucian spirit, condensing the six art ghosts, although not practicing, Have the power to destroy the world.

Such a supernatural power requires a man with a deep sense of Confucianism and Taoism to perform. Jun Wuyou obviously did not have this qualification. However, with the help of 36 manuscripts, he barely exhibited this Confucianism and Taoism. Magical power.

It was the moment when the shadow of the Confucianism Confucianism was condensed. Jun had no blame, and suddenly drank, "Confucianism is magnanimous, according to the world, the demon is outside, and all die! The six Confucian arts, the shooting art breaks through the magic!"


At the moment of drinking and falling, the manuscripts of the sons escaped the words, suddenly bursting into an endless righteousness, converging on the shadow of the master of shooting art.

The next moment, Xingying suddenly returned to take the long bow behind him and held it in his hand. He pinched the string with three fingers, pulled back in one step, and pulled the bow down, and the endless righteousness condensed on the bow string along the arm of the shadow, turning into a sufficient one. Thousands of arrows.

let go!

call out!

In the sound of breaking air, the arrows penetrated through the air, exhaling the endless sharp breath, and went straight to the devouring monster.

"Ha ha ha ha! The world always teaches that the Confucianism upholds the demons, and the demon has never believed. Today, I have supreme power, and the 36 manuscripts of the princes will be swallowed and refined, and this will help the magical powers."

"Swallow the monster, bring Supreme Demon, swallow this monster! Swallow! Swallow!"

With a solitary shot, every roar fell, and the breath of the devouring monster was more violent. After the three roars, a roar suddenly appeared in the mouth of the monster, and the mouth opened wide, suddenly facing the direction of the arrow.

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