It was just when these monks changed their appearances that the piercing sound of the air broke out instantly, and then, under the eyes of everyone, wrapped in the air of endless killing, the two figures rushed directly out of the dense fog, bringing a lot of The bloodthirsty rattan's broken limbs crackled and fell to the ground, exposing to the sun, it turned out to be "Zi La", and quickly disappeared. [<{?

call out!

call out!

Thousands of bloodthirsty vines spewed out of the thick fog, and then a painful hissing came from the thick fog, and the shot of Ivy immediately contracted into the fog with a faster degree, and then the mad-beating moment slowly dissipated. .

As for the monk who rushed out, he was already whistling away in the spirit of killing, and countless mountains and stones and forests were smashed into powder by the breath of killing!

At the exit of Cang Yuezhang, a number of alien monks could not help but swallowed a spit, watching the direction of the killing gas disappear, and their eyes awed. Only the sense of mind is just that, the killing gas has made them scalp and stiff, if it is cut off, it will definitely not be too unpleasant.


Hundreds of miles escaped in one breath, Xiao Chen converged, and tore the space directly, with Su Su and the two figures appearing thousands of miles away.

With a gentle cough, Xiao Chensong gave his hand, Su Su blushed and stepped back, her head was going to the ground, and she dared not look up. Although it was clear that something had happened before, for the first time such a close relationship with a man outside of his relatives made Su Su's heart beat and his face brightened.

"It was just offended, and Su Su Daoyou was asked not to take it to heart." In this situation, Xiao Chen should first speak first, breaking the slightly embarrassing atmosphere between the two.

Su Su shook her head and whispered: "Ms. Ben is not an unreasonable person. If you didn't save me just now, I'm afraid Su Su would be in danger again. It seems that Grandpa is right. They still have a long way to go before they can break out. "

"Wicked man, although you are sometimes unreasonable and bitter, but now it seems that my heart is still good. I decided that if I have a chance in the future, I will take care of you."

Xiao Chen chuckled. At this moment, the little girl looks a lot cute.

Su Su looked at the man in front of him and smiled slightly, looking slightly dull, then gave birth to a little flush, and hurriedly lowered his head. He secretly said that the wicked man laughed and looked pretty good, but he didn't know why he always held his face.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. Although he noticed it, he pretended not to know it. His complexion returned to calmness, and said lightly: "Well, since it's okay, let's go. The space in this Cangyueyuan is not small, and I don't know how to find you That brother is waiting. "

Su Sumo nodded silently, but at this moment, the little girl's face suddenly showed the meaning of surprise, her hand flashed a little light, and there was a piece of jade symbol on her hand, and there was a little bit of light.

"Ah! Brother they are nearby." This amulet is obviously a treasure that can induce each other. Looking at the aura on it, Su Suman rejoiced.

"Right here."

Squeeze out the magic formula and enter the amulet. When this thing trembled, it suddenly turned into a streamer and went straight away. Su Su gave a pointer, and the two of them immediately drove the light to follow the thing.

A few miles away, a few moments passed, and in front of it was a mountain stream. In the distance, a "crass" of flowing water could be heard. There were fierce mana fluctuations. Obviously there was a monk fighting method here.

call out!

call out!

One after the other, Su Su and Xiao Chen both shot from the dense forest at the same time to see the situation on the field.

On a small river with a width of one hundred feet and fast and clear water, there are dozens of monks confronting each other, and several ethnic monks are mixed in, and the rest are all the strong aliens. At this moment, the people fighting in the field are exactly a human monk and a bi-winged alien, and the two of them are extremely explosive.

However, the Terran monk obviously had the absolute upper hand. He raised his hands to throw off the wings of the alien race and attacked it. At this moment, the eyes of the alien flickered slightly, and he shot with one hand. The vanity ’s own power instantly condensed out and forced the wings of the alien race. The cracks fell and smashed a hundred-foot-sized pit into the sandy beach by the river.


Suppressed it, but the human monk who shot it did not completely kill it. He stepped back and stepped back, and said lightly: "You wing tribe friends, win this battle next. Keep you waiting for your storage and leave, so retreat. . "

The voice is light, but it has its own faint coercion, which is beyond doubt.

When the seven or eight wing strong men heard the words, their expressions became extremely gloomy, and their eyes became cloudy for a while. Then they hated and hummed, and took the storage ring and dropped them on the ground. "Let's go!" The wounded man turned and left directly.

"Thank you all for your help, I am grateful to the two brothers and sisters!" Among the six monks, the pale-faced man brought the girls behind him to salute him with gratitude and awe on his face. The girl's eyes were sparkling, her face was crimson, and her spirit turned upside down.

He has a handsome face and a long body. He is dressed in a white shirt and holding a folding fan. He is gentle and elegant and charming. The man who shot this is exactly the son of Wen Yu, who is the loudest statement of the human race in the trials of hundreds of races-Jun has no blame!

At this moment, when he heard the words, he smiled, and said, "The two Taoist friends do not need to be polite. The alien race is very dangerous. You two are weak. We don't want to stay here for a long time, or return to the human race earlier."

"My friends and brothers will remind me that my brother and sister will return to the tribal territory as soon as the injury is cured." The pale-faced man arched his hands and gave a deep gift, which led the apparently reluctant female practitioner to turn around and walk away. .

"The unicorn monks dared to hurt my tribe. I really do n’t know if I live or die. Brother Jun is too kind. If I had killed them already, how could I let these aliens leave?" Another monk said coldly. Open your mouth and twitch.

"Okay, Brother Qi Yun, do n’t you know that Brother Jun ’s practice is too good and holy, you are most afraid of killing, and your brother is gentle. When you are everyone, you will kill yourself like you. Be careful to save everyone in the future. Can't you. "Of the four, two men and two women, the one who spoke was one of the gentle and naughty temperament. Although the birth was not beautiful, the temperament was quite attractive.

Qi Yun smiled awkwardly when she heard the words, and straightly said what Sister An Ran said was reasonable, but she didn't dare to refute the slightest.

Jun smiled blamelessly, and didn't pay much attention to it. At this moment, he slowly turned around and looked at Su Su, who was slightly crooked, and said helplessly, "You little girl is finally crazy enough, and you are just coming to us now. "

Until this moment, Enron and Qi Yun did not notice Su Su and Xiao Chen. They saw the joy on the former face without any concealment, but in the face of Xiao Chen, it was difficult to hide their vigilance.

Xiao Chen looked calm and stopped slowly, not too close to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. Now that he had found someone, his promise had been fulfilled and he would leave later.

Su Su pleased and coquettishly smiled, "Brother without blame is the best, you most love Su Su, and you will definitely not tell me grandfather about sneaking out, right, I know you won't. Seeing Su Su being punished, are you right? "

Jun shook his head without blame, sighed helplessly, and said, "As long as Su Su guarantees that she will never run away on her own in the future, this incident will not be born as a brother. Otherwise, I can only send a message to Elder Su and let him The old man caught you back. "

"Hee hee! Brother No Blame is the best. People know that those people outside are really bad. If there is no wicked person to save me this time, I'm afraid you can't see Su Su." Su Su's face was scared. Color, but at this moment seems to suddenly think of something, showing a little twisted face, turned and pulled sister Enron and walked to the side.

"What's wrong with Shimei, is there anything that can't be done?" An Ran was surprised, when the lawless young Shimei had such a performance.

Su Su gritted her teeth and felt that she had to ask about it, otherwise she was not at ease, even though the wicked didn't look like she was lying to her. However, how could such a thing be said, the little girl gritted her teeth.

Sister An Ran, the female Xiu Yuanyin hasn't lost, does it mean that she hasn't been punished? Stuttering, Su Su asked, her face was already crimson.


There is a portal downstairs with a hot cover. . .

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