The white monk's eyes flashed a little curious, and his eyes fell down to see the red color in the jade box, the whole body was round, the fruit about the size of a child's fist, and his face was a little happy. "What kind of fruit is actually still fragrant. [[ 8) 1) Z] W).? C] O> M ”


Qi Daozi's eyes flashed with pride, he covered the jade box, Shi Shiran put it in the storage ring, his eyes glanced fiercely at the white monk, and then he whispered and explained: "This fruit name calls his daughter incense, It is a rare treasure in the deep forest and deep forests. After picking it, it will be refined by applying special methods and tricks, which will ensure that it will not be damaged for years, and it will have a wonderful fragrance.

"This Taoist friend now feels weak, flesh and blood, mana is running slowly, and Yuanshen is suffocated by breath. If this is the case, it means that what is said below has not deceived you."

The monk in white changed his face. At this moment, the external flash of aura was about to retreat, but at this moment, the flash of ambush flashed out, but it disappeared directly. The person retreated only seven or eight feet. Fall to the ground.

"You, I saved you, why did you harm me!" The monk in white said with a pale face, and the panic was hard to hide. He did carry a lot of treasures on his body, and if he was excited just as easily, he could finish the person in front of him. But at this moment he was unprepared for the trick, but the magic power of the Yuanshen was instantly restrained, but the treasures in the air could not be stimulated, so he panicked naturally.

Qi Daozi laughed and clapped, "Second, it's wonderful. I didn't expect that today, even though the unicorn monk was not counted, he got a fragrant little sheep. Not only can he gain a lot, but he can also taste To a wonderful beauty. "

"Good luck, really good luck!"

This person clapped and smiled, his complexion suddenly returned to ruddy, his breath was smooth, and there was no panic before him, his face was full of pride, "Little beauty, from your point of view, the identity background is absolutely no small matter, so Do n’t dare to let you go down in order to avoid endless troubles. But you can rest assured that before sending you on the road, I will make you ecstatic and have a good taste of this world of bliss, and I will not let you go through this world . "

"Well, it's still a gentle virgin. It's really hot. In order to avoid extravagant branches, let's change places first and come later and be happy."

Qi Daozi said nothing, and then he pinched a magic formula. The monk in white was imprisoned by the mana primal god, but there was still a little resistance to it, and he just passed out in a coma. He grinned, reaching out to take him away.

However, at this moment, Qi Daozi's complexion changed suddenly, and then he groaned, his figure came out, the heat on his face had long since dissipated, and everything turned into a sense of anger.

It was just at the moment when this person retreated, that there was a flash of light in the void, and two Gengjin swordsman shot out and went straight to its strangling and fell.

Qi Daozi sacrificed his magical powers, breaking up the two swordsmanships, and couldn't help but scream: "Which Taoist friend is hiding here, is it because he is trying to **** the prey below?" He said that his shoulders were blindfolded. Sweeping around, a flash of aura in his hand, he already took a hook-shaped magic weapon and held it in his hand, apparently he was quite frightened.

Being able to approach this point without being noticed by him, such a situation naturally shocked this person.

It was just at the moment when this person's voice fell, and the aura of light flashed not far away, and then a monk figure shrouded under the black robe appeared. Although he did not speak, a cold gaze shot out from under the black robe, his breath was faint.

This person is naturally Xiao Chen.

Qi Daozi's face changed slightly, and his pupils contracted for a while. This person is not weak. His monastic life is the most popular way to kill monks to seize the opportunities of others. Fortunately, a pair of poisonous eyes can be judged by other monks. Be careful and never provoke them. The awkward role has survived to this day, and it has reached the later stage of the robbery. Just because humans are not allowed to kill randomly, this person needs to be careful to avoid being noticed. If ethnic sanctions are brought in, he will certainly die. Therefore, Qi Daozi did not hesitate to participate in this trial of hundreds of people, just to collect some money. This person believes that with his own means, as long as he is careful, he will be able to gain something.

Things are just as he expected. In the past 2oo years, Qi Daozi has learned a lot, obtained a lot of treasures, and his strength has also increased, which has even made his confidence soar.

But today, looking at the monk in black robe, a feeling of extreme crisis suddenly rose in his heart, making him all over his hair! This person is dangerous and must not be easily provoked. Qi Daozi easily reached a conclusion. If in the past, he would naturally choose to retreat carefully, but today a monk in white carries a treasure, making him unable to let go. In addition, the fragrance and bliss made this person fiery.

"Spelled, such an opportunity, I don't know when I can meet it once, how can I be so handy."

"Although the visitor is tricky, by my means and careful planning, it may not be impossible to kill it. Maybe it is a good chance."

Qi Daozi is by no means an indecisive one. At this moment, a decision was made in his heart. The coldness on his face disappeared immediately, showing a bit of smile. He arched and said, "It is polite to be in the lower Qi, and the Taoist friends are doing this. You get some benefits, and if so, I might as well discuss it. "

"Would you like to share the treasures of this person with Daoyou, but how would she belong to them?"

"I also ask Tao to think about it carefully. If you want to swallow the treasure alone, you will not let go in the next. You may have to do it with Dao. Once you attract her, you and I will bother you."

Later, after speaking, this man's tone showed a pungent meaning.

The monk in black robe did not speak when he heard the words, and seemed to think in his heart.

Qi Daozi saw a joy in his heart. As long as the person did not say a word, he would have the opportunity to secretly calculate. At the moment, he stepped forward without a trace, and said, "Taoyou, please make a decision early, and then you will not breathe." It has spread, and I am afraid that other monks will soon arrive. "

However, at this moment, the person's eyes flashed with poisonousness, and the silent robe sleeve was shot from a weak venom needle in the sleeve of the robe, which was extremely fast, and penetrated into the monk's body instantly.

This poisonous needle is not a mana urge, but an organ tool made of fine gold. There is no slight fluctuation of mana breath. At such a short distance, suddenly shot, few people can escape. This move is a card that Qi Daozi rarely uses, but he has never missed.

The poison applied to the poisonous needle is owned by the extremely poisonous colorful bellyband snake. It is colorless and tasteless. It will spread instantly when it enters the body and spreads along the meridians to the whole body. At most three breaths, the monk can be poisoned. The monk in the body of the poison also had to suffer a bit, and the monk crossing the robbery was dead.

"Ha ha ha ha! Daoyou has now hit my golden scale needles, I am afraid that I will be given another chance. Today is really the day of luck. It should be a great harvest."

Qi Daozi laughed wildly, his heart suddenly relaxed, he was poisoned by needles, and he had countless cards in his hands.

But the next moment, the man's wild laughter came to an abrupt halt, only to hear a cold hum from the black robe, and then shot the golden scale needle to shoot back faster, and pierced directly into the heart of Qi Daozi, above Carrying toxins into the blood instantly, spreading frantically with a horror. This person's physical body turned into black quickly with clear visibility, and then rotted, with black blood dripping from it.

"How is it possible that you are all right!" Qi Daozi screamed, Yuan Shen broke away from the body instantly, he knew very well about his poison needle, if there was any hesitation, he was afraid that Yuan Shen would also be killed by poison.

call out!

Yuan Shen emerged from the body and hugged the storage ring. The man didn't dare to stay a bit. He looked at Xiao Chen with a resentful look and fled away madly.

The monk Yuan Shen is the most important thing. Even if the physical body is destroyed, as long as the Yuan Shen does not die, it will take some means and the day of rebirth. If there is the help of the Supreme Treasure, cultivation can even be lifted without restraint.

Qi Daozi was shocked, regretted, and resentful. At this moment, he fled away madly. In a flash, he wanted to perform a teleportation escape. Yuan Shen escaped from monk Du Yuan himself, as long as he could escape hundreds of thousands of miles in a short time, and he would be able to escape today's killing.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed with a sneer, his hands suddenly raised, thinking about the direction of the escape of the Qi Daozi and holding it down.


Drinking and drinking, the whole space suddenly solidifies within a vast circle, and the void becomes a solid prison. Any space magical power is rejected, and everything is suppressed!

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