Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 11: Temple of Heaven

"Although the old slave's cultivation is nothing, he is the oldest old fellow in this dojo. The old palace master was calculated and ended today. Before the Dao disappeared, the ban was instigated and all leftovers in the dojo All the vegetation and creatures are banned, so as not to be restrained by no one and destroy the inheritance of the dojo.? August 1 Chinese? W) W> W). 〔8〕 1〕 Z 〕W>.) C) O> M]"

"As for the Lingzhi girl, she was born after the master of the old palace disappeared. It is strange to say that the entire dojo has been closed. According to common sense, the vegetation and creatures cannot be born. But why does this happen? The old slave didn't even know it."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and at the moment he pondered slightly, and said: "Uncle Tree, Xiao Chen has a question. If you can, please tell the truth."

"Where does the so-called Great Thousand Realm exist? What level does Zuo Mei Master belong to in the Great Thousand Realm?"

When Shu Bo heard this, his old face showed a little hesitation and a little thought, and then he said: "Well, with the current cultivation base of the young palace lord, you should be able to know some things. Now that I asked about it today, the old slave will explain something for you. , It's not against the old palace master's meaning."

"Since the Master of the Young Palace has cultivated the Tao, he must have already understood this dimension. If the guess is correct, you should fly into a small thousand realm right now?"

Seeing Xiao Chen nodded, the old locust tree continued to speak, "The world space can be divided into three levels for the time being. The lowest mayfly world is the place where the young palace lord was born. It can also be called the world world, which is the lowest level existence. , There are so many in number, like the stars in the Canghai Sea, the sky, the sky, the sky, and the stars.

"Above the Mayfly Realm, is the Small Thousand Realm you are currently in. There are more than 100,000 in total, each of which is vast and boundless, and the space is so large that the realm of the distant world is ten million times!"

"As for the Great Thousand Realms you are asking about, it is the higher level of the Little Thousand Realms, with a total of eight. Among them, the old slave only knows about the Golden Pagoda Buddha Kingdom and the Old Palace Lord’s East Immortal Realm. When the Lord ascends to the Great Thousand Realms, he should enter the Eastern Immortal Dao Realm. The vast and endless realms of the Great Thousand Realms contain hundreds of millions of boundless territories. Unless the cultivation base truly reaches the heaven and earth existence, the ordinary monks will not be able to control them throughout their lives. It goes everywhere."

"The old palace master established the Zuo Brow Dojo, and he is also a strong man in the great thousand realms. He controls the origin and achieves the peak of the ruined sage. It is only one step away from the high creation realm. Sitting on the mighty power can destroy the world. But even so, the powerful person in the Great Thousand Realm who has the gods through the old palace lord is still incalculable. The old slave once heard the old palace lord mention that there is no end to the cultivation way. In the great thousand realm, although destruction is strong, there are creations on it. Although the three realms of, Creation and Hongmeng are unknown, it is absolutely impossible to imagine possessing power."

Here, the old locust tree paused slightly, showing some hesitation on his face, and then whispered in a low voice: "However, there seems to be a mysterious existence in the Great Thousand Realm. The old palace lord will cause murder, and it seems that he will do it. It's relevant, but whether this matter is true or not, the old slave doesn't know."

Xiao Chen's face was solemn, his pupils shrank violently, and endless storms were already in his heart.

It turns out that this is the real world of cultivation!

If according to the tree uncle's words, with Xiao Chen's current cultivation base, at best, he can barely be regarded as a master in the small thousand realm, anyone who can kill him casually can't calculate it, let alone the higher level of the big thousand realm.

Thinking about the existence of the Realm of Destruction, Creation, Creation, and Harmony, I am afraid that a slight movement of thought can completely annihilate the endless creatures in the world. With every gesture, there will be a means to wipe out the space and create another era.

These are the real powerhouses. Standing at the pinnacle of the entire world, there is no comparison between Xiao Chen and them at the moment. The gap is so big that it seems like a majestic peak and an ant, the sun and the mud, the difference between heaven and earth.

As for whether there is a higher level in the Great Thousand Realm, he did not consider this. The realm is too far apart, and thinking about these things does not seem too overwhelming.

"The cultivation way is endless. I didn't know until Xiao Chen today. It turns out that the world is so vast. Although it is humble right now, there is no fear in my heart."

"The endless ocean began with dripping water, and the majestic peak stood on the sand. Now those who stand on the pinnacle of the world also have that humble time. They can walk to the realm they are today, and Xiao Chen believes that it can also do it."

"One day, when the peak power is standing at this time, I must have a place!"

Xiao Chen roared in his heart, clenched his fists in the sleeves of his robe, but did not show any signs on his face. There are some things that don’t need to be spoken. Only by starting to do them step by step and putting them into action is the best explanation, otherwise it will be empty.

The tree uncle led the way, looked at Xiao Chen's expression, and nodded secretly in his heart. Fortunately, the sky has eyes, and the young masters ushered in the dojo left by the old palace master are not mediocre ones! Regarding Xiao Chen's progress over the years, Shu Bo was all in his eyes. Although his degree was not the fastest, he was shocked by his own efforts in the mayfly world to be able to achieve this level.

"Wait, one day, my left eyebrow dojo line is bound to rise again in the great world!"

Thoughts were tumbling in the two people's hearts.

A moment later, after passing through three arch bridges, behind a dozen high walls, a towering palace appeared in Xiao Chen's line of sight. This hall is domineering, gloomy and cold, with traces of yin and black demonic energy constantly dissipating from it, although weak, but extremely pure.

The blood-colored portal, with the three characters for the Heavenly Demon Palace, arbitrarily overbearing, and the aura of killing and slashing against his face, made people feel a great deal of pressure.

"Young Palace Master, this is the training ground in the dojo prepared for magic cultivation, but in the first battle, all the power of the dojo was exhausted, except for the most basic guardian formation and detection formation. The rest are paralyzed, and the same is true of the Heavenly Demon Palace." Shu Bo explained.

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, and the two opened the door of the hall. The light in the entire hall was dark and empty, and the pure magic energy was already thin to the extreme.

The tree uncle stood in the hall and felt a little smile, and said: "The young palace master is lucky, the formation under the old palace master in the heavenly devil palace has not been damaged. You only need to extract a pure demon. Merging it into the Palace of All Demon, under the action of the formation, there will be an endless stream of pure demon energy, and the demon energy is more refined under the compression of the formation, and the magic cultivation is cultivated in it. Naturally it will do more with less."

Xiao Chen's divine sense came out with a look of surprise on his face. There are indeed formations in this temple, but most of the runes seem to have nothing to do with them. No matter how he analyzes it, he can't see it through.

The Da Qianjie Formation Dao means, but he can't understand the existence right now.

Although the Heavenly Demon Palace cannot be used right now, there is a solution to the problem after all, as long as he can find a magic vein to extract it in the future. However, in response to the aura of the Heavenly Demon Palace, the quality of this demon vein is afraid that it can only be used when it reaches the upper-grade level, otherwise the supply of demon energy will not be able to satisfy the operation of the Heavenly Demon Palace.

There are spiritual veins in the ground, which can be roughly divided into two types: Yang and Yin according to different attributes. Most of the yang veins are used in cultivation, and the magic veins belong to the yin veins, which are the most precious treasures for the monks of the magic path. After they are obtained, they can absorb the pure magic energy, which greatly increases the degree of cultivation.

The high-grade demon veins are rare treasures, and it is not easy to get them.

Xiao Chen slowly shook his head and suppressed the thoughts in his heart. Since this is the case, he is not prepared to stay in the Zuomei Dojo for a long time. The world where the outside world is magnificent and endless is the place where he should enter. Only in the life and death. In order to keep getting opportunities and then make the cultivation base skyrocket.

"Uncle Shu, Xiao Chen has been in the dojo for a long time, and you will take care of the things in the dojo when you return to the outside world today."

The tree uncle respectfully saluted, and said: "The young palace master can rest assured that there will be no problems in the dojo with old slaves."

Xiao Chen nodded slightly, he was extremely relieved of the tree uncle, slightly arched his hand, took out a black robe with his backhand and put it on his body, then stepped forward, the figure disappeared suddenly.

In the space turbulence, Xiao Chen appeared, and the space clone rose up right at this moment with his eyes wide open, nodding slightly, and taking a step forward, disappearing into the human body.

Now that the danger of the outside world is unknown, Xiao Chen naturally wants to bring the two avatars with him, and if there is an accident, he can also explode the strongest strength.

call out!

Backhand collected the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen's body flashed slightly, suddenly turned into a stream of light, and rushed straight to the spiritual world. As early as when he entered the spiritual world, Xiao Chen had already left a brand of jade slips of divine consciousness on the outside world, in order to deal with today's situation without worrying about getting lost in the turbulence of space.

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