Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 9: Left eyebrow heritage

The monk's path is hard and tedious. It needs to be able to stand up to loneliness and endure hardship. ([Eight? <<<< A Chinese << 网 W] W] W). } 8} 1) ZW. Com

In this dead silence, in addition to the violent space power, there is nothing in the depths of space chaos, the time slowly passes, unconsciously, it is 48oo years!

In the Left Brow Dojo Proving Ground, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes and sensed changes in the body, but his brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly. From the beginning of the refining, it has passed 48oo years, and 43 roots support Tianshui Ling Pillar, the power of endless water spirit is absorbed by the flesh, which makes the quality of the flesh soar and the combat power soaring. Nowadays, using this metaphysical realm to cultivate the flesh is probably enough to be compared with the ordinary monks in the mid-duration!

But even so, it is still able to complete the accumulation of Xuantian Second Realm Xuantai Realm.

From the time of the limit repair, Xiao Chen sensed that the accumulation of mysterious fetus had reached the limit level. Today, he is promoted to cross the calamity, undergoing the calamity of the calamity, and refining 43 pillars of the Tianshui Lingzhu, which has not yet broken through. How much energy must be accumulated to break through this mysterious environment.

The ancient demons of the human race of Xiao Chen were simultaneously refining and supporting the spiritual pillars of Tianshui. Later, he vaguely felt the terrifying energy needed in the Xuantai Realm, so the ancient demons suspended the cultivation, and the human race was fully refined to break through the realm, in order to save a little more life. Grasp. But such a plan is now clearly unsuccessful.

Xiao Chen's brow could not help but wrinkled slightly, and a little irritability developed in her heart.

After a few breaths, he was slightly startled, and then slowly shook his head, took a deep breath to suppress the impetuousness in his heart, "Xiao Chen repaired, the chance is already a very ordinary monk. How can there be no more dissatisfaction in my heart, my cultivation is for improvement. Compared with others, I do n’t know how fast it is, and there are many treasures at hand. As long as we are careful and steady, we will certainly be able to achieve something in the future. How can we become irritable because of a little frustration in practice today. "

"Moreover, the old saying goes, the accumulation is thick, the deeper the accumulation, the more powerful it will be when it explodes. This mysterious fetal accumulation requires so much energy. It is clear that after breaking through the imperial realm, its own combat power will definitely be Soaring innumerable! "

That being the case, why should I be anxious and calmly practice, when the time comes, it will naturally come to fruition, otherwise I will just look for trouble. "

Xiao Chen lifted, his complexion had returned to calm. 66 pillars of Tianshui Ling, he refined 43, ancient demons refined 23, both of them practice "Xuantian", both of which accumulate the realm of mysterious realm, and Xiao Chen has a very clear hunch, Even if he refined the 66 pillars of Tianshui Ling alone, he would not be able to break through the realm.

Perhaps there is another opportunity for this mysterious promotion.

"Nothing, since I can't break it, I'll put it down for a while and finish another thing first." Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and then he thought about it. The space avatar in the chaotic space suddenly opened his eyes, took a step forward, and showed Appears in the trial ground.

The ancient demon avatar and the space avatar nodded at each other, then fell down at the same time and disappeared into Xiao Chen's body.

"Zuomei Daojin, there is a treasure in the world of the Great Thousand Realms, and the inheritance must be no small matter!"

"I should be qualified to inherit today, and see what opportunities there are."

Low Yin fell, Xiao Chen got up and strode away.

Zuomei Daochang is immensely magnificent and countless temples. Xiao Chen is only in the outer area, but even so, the range of activities has been extremely broad, including the trial field, including the Six Roads of Zuomei.

However, longing for the inheritance of the palace master, it still needs some trials.

In the palace, Xiao Chen looked at the front of the front and was slightly hesitant, and then stepped forward into it. It was at the moment when his figure entered that the magic array suddenly lighted up, then burst into a dazzling aura, and merged into Xiao Chen's body.

Detect repair.

The inheritance of the Zuo Mei Taoist Palace has a very strict division. According to the practice of those who accept the inheritance, it will be transmitted to different inheritance points. When the cultivation meets the requirements of the next level of inheritance, the inheritance can be started again.

Count the time, and the test is complete!

call out!

The light flashed, and Xiao Chen's figure disappeared.

Somewhere in the void, a small wooden building was suspended in the void quietly, with plaques hanging on it, but the handwriting became obscured by the passing of eternity, but there was still a majestic breath in the plaque for a long time. Scattered.


Xiao Chen's figure appeared directly outside this small building, his brows frowned slightly, his eyes slowly swept around, except that there was nothing left in the pavilion in front of him.

With a little thought, his foot stepped forward, his body flashed a little, his figure fell directly under the small building, his eyes flickered, and he reached out and pushed forward.

"Squeaked" softly, and the wooden door was easily opened. The eyes fell, there is no special place here, there are only seven or eight columns of wooden racks placed on it, these jade bamboos are placed at random, although seemingly simple, but there is a slight strange fluctuations scattered from it.

At the same time, the Ziyu Lingfu, a left eyebrow dojo that blends into Xiao Chen's body, constantly disperses and echoes.

Here, as the inheritance of the master of the left eyebrow dojo, naturally it will not look as ordinary as it seems. Had it not been for him to incorporate the Ziyu Lingfu, the identity of the master of the left eyebrow dojo Shao Gong, once he appeared here, he would probably be banned and strangled by the gods instantly.

Stepping into the wooden building, the wooden door closed silently and his gaze swept around. Xiao Chen hesitated slightly, then walked to the side of the wooden frame, took one out of it, and drew a trace of insight into it. .

"Human and Wuyuan practice supernatural powers, and the mystery is abnormal. It takes 5oo years to chase and kill thirty-three light yuan, and eventually kills them, taking the exercises!"

"The name of this exercise" Tao Xin Mo De "is to cultivate Taoism and condense the demon body. In the end, Dao and Demon are compatible to become the true body of the Supreme Law." On the beginning of the content of the exercise, there is a message from the left eyebrow Taoist. Law content.

Chasing and killing 33 Guangyuan, forcibly capturing the exercises, I do n’t know to what extent the Zuo Meidao person was strong that year, and what kind of cultivation level does the Supreme Realm in the Daqian Realm represent? Xiao Chen shook his head to suppress the idea of ​​ascension, and then let out a look of consciousness, and soon he was caught in it and could not extricate himself.

After a while, Xiao Chen sighed slightly, then slowly opened his eyes. This piece of practice is profound and profound, and extremely mysterious. The various records are even more fascinating, but the attributes of the practice are not suitable for his cultivation. But even so, reading through this practice has changed Xiao Chen's gains, and many of the puzzles in his mind were solved.

Putting down the jade in her hand, Xiao Chen picked up the next one, and once again discovered the consciousness.

“The emperor ’s emperor ’s emperor ’s emperor ’s practice method in the Great Thousand Realms, Yu and his fierce battle in the southern Xinjiang wasteland. After three days of war, he was beheaded and killed to obtain the“ Jade Jade Heart Sutra ”. Tips ,, "


"Battle of the Nanfeng Kingdom, kill powerful enemies and capture the merit" Battle of Thousands ","


"In the extremely western volcano, seven people were slashed in succession to win the" Song of the Road ","


Xiao Chen stood on the side of the wooden frame, picked up each piece of jade, and continued to pour into it. Each piece of jade here is extremely precious, and the records of the supernatural powers are all captured by the Zuo Meidao people in the past years. Everyone has to be a great opportunity, and the cultivation of good students will have some success.

Now Xiao Chen is facing at least a hundred jade bamboos.

"Gongfa is not too expensive, and its physical energy is ultimately limited. It is not easy to find a method to cultivate to the ultimate realm. If there is too much greed, nothing can be achieved in the end."

"So I need to carefully select the most suitable method to practice."

Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, his mind moved slightly, and the ancient demons and space avatars appeared at the same time. These two were connected with his breath, and they would not be subject to the forbidden attack when they appeared here.

"You and I look at it separately."

The words fell, and the three fell apart, starting to quickly look at the place where Yujian was placed.

After three months, the human race, the ancient demon avatar, and the space avatar shot at the same time. Finally, all the jade slips were searched and changed. The three thought it through, and naturally they could exchange everything. Then they sat with their eyes closed and began to separate. Choose to cultivate magical powers.

Five days later, the three opened their eyes at the same time, showing a little joy in their eyes, apparently having a choice.

The human body repairs ancient antiquity, majoring in the flesh, practicing to the extreme realm, and can even achieve the immortal Holy Body. Raising one's hands and throwing it will have a mighty power. One punch will fall, and there is no one in the world to stop. Xiao Chen's physical body is extremely arrogant, far from mana and Yuanshen realm, naturally he must choose the strongest direction to cultivate, and constantly improve his extreme combat power.

The ancient demon avatar chooses the overlord spear, which is the magic path attacking magic power, and the black magic gun is in his hand. This magic power is very suitable for him.

The space avatar is to choose the space magic power close to Tianya. His own combat power is the weakest among the three avatars. He majors in life-saving magic power, which can make his teleportation soar.

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