Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 51: Get out of trouble

After getting the news of the mystery here, the old man secretly shot, killed several informed monks, and concealed the secret, only because he knew in his heart that he had not qualified to enter the mystery because of his cultivation. ((? 八 [一 中? 文 <网 <[W? W) W]. 8} 1] Z} W]. ] COM

He waited for more than 10,000 years, and everything was ready before he shot and planned the exploration of the mystery. For today, he has spent endless hard work, and naturally all kinds of situations have been conceived, so he can find solutions in the face of many chaotic situations.

For example, leave the compassion of helping an adult in the clan in exchange for transmitting runes. For example, Xiao Chen escaped, and this old monster had a blaze of fire, and captured the unicorn monk forcing him to explode and slaughter Shuisha. For example, he secretly asked the Daoists in Heishan to acquire Vulcan Crystal, in order to deal with the joint situation of the Shuisha family and break it into a net. For example, the old flame demon, and the Taoist man in Montenegro had misguided intentions. He sacrificed the ancestor of the dead leaf ancestor and killed them as much as possible.


In addition, there are many things that have not been mentioned.

Therefore, today's events absolutely do not allow any difference! Absolutely not allowed!

The hot air in Qianji Sanren's eyes revealed a few mouthfuls of essence and blood again, and his face became paler, but he didn't care about them. There was only one thought in his heart, and that was to take away the treasure!


Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake on the ground, and then it completely exploded and rubble flew. Each piece was mixed with Wanjun's strength, and the sound of bursting air broke out, and then there was that arrogant and violent breath.

Treasure is born!

"Nether blood ban, seal down the old man, stop!" The old man suddenly growled!

call out!

A smear of black shot out instantly as the chaos flew over, as fast as lightning, and stabbed directly into the nether blood trap under a flash, the manifestation itself was actually a seven-foot long gun. The restraint suddenly became so **** that he went crazy into the black object.

But at this moment, a violent suction in the gun body burst instantly, instantly sucking away the blood power contained in the entire Nether Blood Forbidden, and devouring madly.

Qianji Sanren is not shocked, but he is full of confidence. Once blood is in, this treasure will definitely not escape his palm! But the next moment, this weird complexion was suddenly pale, only because blood power entered the magic gun, the prohibition of power was actually invalid, all blood was absorbed by refining.

And so there is only one explanation, that is, the treasure has the Lord!

"Impossible! Only the husband and other people enter the mystery here, but now they have all died. Who besides me can get the secret treasure!"

"I don't believe it!"

Qian Jisan's population growled sharply, such a sudden situation has made him completely confused.

However, just before the sound of this weirdness had fallen, there was a sneer that erupted, "Thousands of old machines, I don't know if I haven't seen it for thousands of years, can you still recognize me?" The burning flame of Teng Teng Demon appeared, although the appearance could not be clearly seen, but the figure and sound remained unchanged.

When the voice was heard clearly, Qianji Sanren's eyes widened instantly, which revealed an incredible color and lost his voice: "Xiao Chen!" For a time, this old weirdness was like a mess.

At that time, the ancestors of the dead leaves felt that the blood imprisonment was broken, but Xiao Chen did not die, but he never thought that he had followed all the way into the mystery, and he did not know what method was used, and he was truly recognized by the treasure.

Especially at this moment, the monstrous magic power from his body shocked the old man's heart.

"Xiao Chen created today, but it is all thanks to you and so on. In return, Xiao Chen will send a thousand machine Taoist friends for a ride today, so that I can be a black magic gun sacrificing creatures!"


Roaring down, Xiao Chen suddenly stretched out one arm, the black demon gun whistled, fell into his hand, popped up instantly, and pointed his gun at Qianji Sanren.

"Do not!"

When he was locked by the black demon gun, the old man suddenly screamed in despair, just because the air force was traction, which made the induction very clear. When the black demon gun killed him, he had absolutely no resistance.

Why is this happening?

There are countless calculations and careful layouts, but in the end, they made wedding dresses for others, and ended up dead.

The roar of Qianji San's population is reluctant to the extreme!

The next moment, the old weird idea suddenly dissipated, the black demon gun came out through the body, and the blood water flowed out, but it didn't drip. Instead, it was swallowed directly by the black demon gun under the action of a strange permitting-sucking force. Ji San's flesh dried up quickly with visibility, and eventually turned into flying ash and sprinkled, and only one storage object quit on the ground.

With the completion of the devour, the magical nature of the black magic gun's silence for endless years was completely agitated. At this moment, there was a sudden tremor, and there was that endless killing air rising up to the sky with the rolling magic air, and it was extremely violent, and it shattered the sky.

At the same time, Xiao Chen's exorcising flames exploded outside his body, escaping dozens of feet, and directly incinerated the surrounding space into nothingness.

In the thought, there was the last sigh of the ancient times, "A little thought in this seat will allow you to maintain a moment of time to have power over the heavens and the three realms. Do n’t hesitate to break this world."

"Remember your promise, help me find future generations, and take good care of her!" After that, the voice disappeared.

In Xiao Chen's body, the most red ray of divine thoughts exploded, turning into endless magic flames, burning and tempering the three main bodies of the human body of Xiao Chen, the ancient demon avatar, and the space avatar, while bringing violent combat power.

Xiao Chen's face was calm. He already knew about such an ending. At this moment, he sighed in his heart, arrogant and utterly astonishing like the ancient times. But at this moment, when he didn't think much, he converged and suddenly lifted his eyes, showing a sense of violent anger in his eyes. Affected by the magic flame, let him fight in the sky at the moment, killing the murder.

"Break me!"

Whispering, deep in one arm, the spear suddenly stabbed to the sky, and his endless magic exploded from it.



A shot fell, silent and restless, countless cracks appeared under the sky, the next moment turned into pieces of pieces completely collapsed!


The sky covering the sky was shattering and the yellow sky was falling. It was at this moment that one of the sky's grains was shattering suddenly, and then the violent magic gas rolled out, condensing the demon cloud.


"It's a magic treasure!"

"No wonder it has this power, but then it will be much more difficult to conquer it."

Suddenly whispers came from countless senses of the original deities of the desert. It was among countless concerns that a group of magical spirits slowly rose up, but when the situation in the magical spirits was clearly seen, it caused the countless unicorns to change their face instantly, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha, interesting, it's really interesting!"

"I did not expect that such a thing would happen. The three strong men arranged by the ethnic group have not yet shot, and the magic soldier has been taken away."

"The old man has long seen these three juniors as unpleasant, but his qualifications are better, and his eyes are higher than the top, and he will not put me in the eyes. If we can make them suffer today, it will be very happy.

"Haha, today's situation will turn out to be like this, presumably the people of the ethnic group haven't thought of it."


"Damn! Someone has taken Magic Treasure!"

"Abominable, leave me!"

"Where to go!"

Tassel, Richard, and the unicorn looked at the magic air group. The spear was definitely the Tianlingbao, but now it has fallen into the hands of a monk. This moment instantly made the three unicorns strong. Almost crooked his nose.

They have been waiting for a long time, and they have accumulated momentum. They will fight a battle as soon as the treasure is born. They will explode their power and show their power against the top of the ethnic group. Then they will judge who is better! However, all this seems ridiculous today.

While the three of them were still confronting each other, someone had already secretly conquered the treasure. If he were to leave today, then the three rising unicorns, Tassel, Richard, and Tujiao, would have face to face. The result is clean and neat. In particular, the ridicule and ridicule in the minds of countless unicorn strong men were sensed at the moment, which made these three people extremely shy and soaring.

Bullying too!


No doubt!

These three unicorn strongmen were completely exploded, and they shot wildly in anger while drinking. At present, they can't afford to compete for treasures. The only idea is to keep the secret shot!

The tassel was full of anger, holding a spear, Lieutenant General Li Xiao exploded to the fastest level, and was instantly killed in a flash.


Li Li burst from this population.

However, the moment he opened his mouth, in the surging magic, the figure with the gun turned abruptly and yelled, the flesh flew wildly with the naked eye's visibility, and instantly turned into the size of 62 thousand feet. To 70 thousand feet, mixed with Wan Jun force, sweeping down.


When the two fought, the tassel's complexion suddenly changed. The figure was shot directly like a fly. The mouth continuously sprayed large blood, the breath suddenly fell, and the eyes were filled with unbelievable anger.

"An ancient demons of the demons! This person is not my unicorn monk!"

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