Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 49: Ancient remnants

Half a month later, this weird suddenly opened his eyes. Although the injury was not healed, he had been reluctantly suppressed. His eyes fell on the cold pond, and his eyes burst into fiery colors. If you can get it, you will be qualified for the world! "

"After leaving here, there is Lingmai Gelatin in hand, which will definitely help the old man to promote heaven and earth, and then retreat for thousands of years to refine the treasure. I will not be afraid even if the monks in the heavens and the three kingdoms are there!"

"Today, we have to wait silently!"


Endless sand and sea, covering the sky. [八 [[一 [(<< 中 < 文 [

At this moment, the tassel of the unicorn trinity strong suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly looked at a prescription.

The next moment, a flash of aura, a figure of a unicorn monk appeared directly, his eyes stared at the tassel, and the corners of his mouth showed a sneer, but there was no sign of shrinking. From the sense of breath, the visitor turned out to be a heaven and a man. Realm peerless strong.

"Li Cha, why are you here?" Tassel's pupils shrank slightly, apparently, he was quite daunted by others, otherwise he would have said more.

Richard is another rising power of the unicorns. Like the tassel, they are the best monks of the same generation. The two have been in friction since tens of thousands of years ago. After all, between geniuses It is difficult to coexist peacefully, especially under the premise that everyone desperately needs to compete for cultivation resources and the attention of the ethnic group, which makes the relationship between the two people quite rigid.

"Why did I come here, don't you tassel know in your heart?" Richard's eyes fell on the sand covering the sky, showing a bit of fiery color. "Ben Hou already had a hunch, there must be treasure in it, but he didn't think it was The treasures of the Tongtian Lingbao are so valuable that if they can be obtained, Hou will certainly be able to increase their strength greatly. "

The tassel heard the words became extremely ugly in a moment, and said coldly, "You should know that the Supreme Master here has given it to me, but it is a reward for me to capture the tens of millions of miles in the territory of the Millstone City!"

"Maybe today, do you want to rob me?"

Richard's eyes flickered slightly, and the corners of his mouth were lightly sneered. "My unicorns always follow the supremacy of the strong. The treasures here do give you, but if you do not have the qualifications to earn them, even if they are taken away by me. What can I do! "

"Ethnic treasures, those who have the power!"

Just as the voice of this person came to a halt, suddenly a wild laugh came. "Ha ha ha ha! Richard said well, how can the ethnic group treasure be determined at will, although we dare not violate the decision of the adults, but if you tassel you are not as good as others Chong Bao was taken away, would n’t adults still ask you for it? ”

"Today, my unicorn Chongbao is born, and I still need you to fight for it."

In this wild laugh, a big man with a bald head and a native yellow single-horned man strode forward. Even if the wind and sand struck, he could not cause any harm to him.

The second unicorn strongman is still the cult of heaven and man!

The tassel complexion couldn't help getting completely gloomy. This third person is called Tujiao, and it is also a famous unicorn tribe. It is extremely tricky. Now that Zhibao hasn't been born, and no signs have emerged, these two people were able to come here, obviously they got some news.

It seems that this is an intention of the adults, hoping to test the three of them through the birth of Supreme. Maybe who can get the highest treasure today will be more valued by ethnic groups in the future!

They know very well about this method for adults.

"Snatch the treasure, absolutely must not be lost!" Tassel growled wildly.

The three unicorns, the heavens, the heavens, and the three kingdoms, each stand on their own, faintly contending, and their eyes fall on the sky covering the sky, waiting for the arrival of the treasure, it is the time to take the shot with all their strength!


Underground Grotto.

The 1o-million-foot blood mist mass rolled violently, and one of them was faintly visible. Holding the gun with one hand, the majesty was overwhelming!

Xiao Chen's body and space were sitting cross-legged, and at the moment opened their eyes in unison, his eyes exulting.

At the same time, a roar suddenly appeared in the mouth of the ancient demon avatar. The next moment, the blood mist that was tumbling suddenly shuddered, and then quickly contracted, making a surging sound like a tidal wave of rivers and oceans, madly drilling into the ancient demon avatar and the magic gun. In.

Refining magic weapon, it's done!

The ancient demon clone closed his eyes slightly, and the wounds on the towering demon's body were all healed. At this moment, as the blood mist melted in, his entire flesh turned into dark red blood, and Teng Teng's anger spread out like Shura.

The magic gun swallowed the blood mist and kept trembling, and the endless complicated lines on its gun body were shaking and shaking like alive at this moment.

Where the ancient demon holds the magic gun, there is an endless flow of blood between the two. This magic gun is like a part of the ancient demon avatar, which can accommodate his blood.

So there is only one explanation, that is, the blood refining is completed, this magic gun has become the destiny magic weapon of the ancient magic avatar!

Xiao Chen's main body suddenly showed a sense of joy. The ancient demons who got the magic guns are bound to skyrocket. With the help of this magic weapon in the future, the achievements are limitless! But at this moment, the joy on his face had not yet fully spread, and his complexion changed instantly.

The next moment, from this magic gun, there was suddenly a force of arrogance. Without giving him a little resistance, Yuan Shen had been forcibly pulled out, and he was furious.


When he regained his sight, Xiao Chen could see the place where the Yuanshen was at this moment, and could not help but change slightly.

The green mountains, green waters, green bamboo forests, small bridges and flowing water farms, the scenery is still the same as what he had seen in the quiet bamboo jade, and there is no difference at all. It was just that the clothes on the front of the ancient body were all turned into black, with a touch of magic.

"This magic gun is the strongest treasure in this year's hands. The rest are destroyed. It is because of this that the old man can breathe a little thought into it in the moment of death, and he can still breathe with this power.

"This gun, named the Black Devil, has created endless killings, which are comparable to the big devil, throughout the life of this seat. Although the town was closed for endless years, it is not easy to conquer it. It was originally you Xiuwei is impossible, but now it seems that the old man has looked down on you too much. "

"Human beings, ancient demons, special space avatars, thunder and fire origins, killing origins, and space origins are based on the fact that you have not yet reached the level of robbery, but have so many card opportunities, even with the old man's long life I have never seen a second person comparable to you. Unfortunately, the old man died and the power of the source dissipated. Otherwise, it can help you to raise the source of the killing to the level of Dacheng. Now it ’s just a spiritual thought, but it ’s intentional. Weak. "

Speaking of which, the ancients got up and sat down unconsciously, but after standing, his body is quite tall, and his face is quite ordinary. He is a pair of eyes. Although he has been transformed by the divine thoughts, he has a firm breath. , But nothing has disappeared.

Standing in such a quiet position, he has the noble and overbearing tendency to emerge from his body. Obviously, the identity of the person was absolutely no small.

The eyes fell on Xiao Chen, and the color of admiration in the ancient eyes was undisguised. "Little guy, it seems that there is a destiny in the underworld, and I choose you to inherit my treasures. This seat is no longer looking for those who are immortal Plan, but now suddenly changed his mind, how about you and me making a deal? "

"Although your ancient demon avatar is pure in blood, it is by no means an orthodox demon. Although the old man is unwilling to ask more, although he does not know why, he can tell you truthfully. If he cannot be completely turned into a demon, he will When the avatar reaches 1o ten thousand feet to break through the realm of the ancestral demon, he will erase the collapse and the Yuan Shen collapse! "

"As long as you promise to fix the old enemies of the old man when I am good enough in the future, I will help you solve this hidden danger. I wonder what do you think?"

Xiao Chen heard a slight change in his expression, but he also understood that with this ancient identity, he would never lie to him. At the moment, his eyes were cloudy and cloudy, and then he began to speak in a deep voice. Xiao Chen received your supreme treasure and finally accepted the human relationship. If you have the opportunity to kill powerful enemies for you in the future, it is not inevitable. However, the younger generation cannot promise this. If the strength is not enough, they will definitely not do the death killing. . "

He nodded in antiquity, instead of showing unswerving appearance, his appreciation was even worse. It should be noted that caution is always correct. When an arrogant arrogant loses his life, it is time to die. Persecute you, as long as you remember today's promise. But the old man believes that, as long as you have the heritage now, as long as you don't fall down in the future, there will be a time to cross the whole Qian Qianjie. "

"Although the old man is dead, those who are not dead will never forget it."

When speaking, this ancient spirit was full of anger.

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