Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 36: Thunder means

Destroyed the Rhino Horn Tribe and the Wing Wing Tribe, Qianji Sanren, Dead Leaf Patriarchs, and Montenegrin Taoists for the time being, stopped for three days, and resolutely attacked again, in order to destroy the deadening trend, erasing the two major tribes of the snake tail and cat ears, attracting the tribe The Elder Sha teamed for strangling, retreated, and then returned to the carbine. He used the unicorn monk as a medium to perform the magical fire of the Fire Department and destroyed the two tribes of Hualun and Konglong. (August? << 小 [<说 [(

The next five days, the three veterans shot again. They used their tactics to attack the west and evacuated the tiger. The ancestors of the dead leaves used the bait to lure the elders of Shuisha to chase and kill. The Qianji scattered people and the Montenegrin Taoists shot at the same time and destroyed the three tribes.


In less than half a year, there are now only 25 places in 66 large tribes in the water spirit world, and countless waters have died.

The shark-winged tribal bully took the opportunity to ascend, and the remaining Shuisha tribe all responded to form many tribal alliances to jointly resist the alien invasion. Previously, because of the 66 branches supporting the Tianshui Lingzhu, the Shuisha tribe had to be on one side in order to protect the holy relics. Only then would they be succeeded by the Qianji scattered people, the dead leaf ancestors, and the Montenegrin Taoists. However, to this day, the scattered wars can only be broken one by one. These waters have to bear the abandonment of the holy things, and the entire tribe migrates together.

In the 25 major tribes, there are 2o elders in the kingdom of the king [crossing the calamity] in the late period, and there are more than 1oo people in the middle and early stages. The rest is comparable to the number of waters in the fit and non-falling realm. The concentration of combat power is amazing.

After the tyrants gathered the remaining power of the Shuisha tribe, they divided them into two, each guarding a pillar of Tianshui Ling Ling as the final counterattack. Although with the array of eyes being constantly forced, the power of the Yanbo Qianshui array weakened to the extreme, a large amount of water spirits dissipated, and even unstable fluctuations appeared in the space, but as long as the last two pillars supporting the Tianshui Spirit are guarded, the large array can barely support it. Going on like this, after tens of thousands of years or even tens of thousands of years, the matrix method will not necessarily be able to re-gather a new pillar to support the heavenly water.

This is the last resort of Shuisha. If you want to destroy the holy thing, then it will be destroyed for you. Anyway, as long as the last two are held, the alien will not want to enter the temple. And with the strength of the water gathering at the moment, as long as the aliens appear, they will be killed!

"Dare to appear, let these aliens come back!"

"After grabbing, peel off the flesh and blood of them and eat them!"

"Bone is used to make soup, until it is crushed!"

"Yuanshen pulled out the sealed town in the cold waters of Nine You, and it took thousands of years of torture to die!"

Countless water gritted teeth, grievances and hatred rushed into the sky, turned into a cold situation, wandering above the two tribes, causing the sky to be dark, and the cloudy wind roaring out of nowhere!

Shark-fin tribe, poison whale tribe, Shuisha tribe have only two major tribes left!

The Shuisha people withdrew, and the Qianji scattered people, the dead leaves of the ancestors, and the Montenegrin Taoists would naturally not be polite, and shot one after another, breaking through the eyes. Although they were ambushed by the Shuisha design during the period, they eventually retreated.

In the past six months, Xiao Chen was undoubtedly the biggest winner. He relied on the left eyebrow dojo in his hands, earning as many as 64 Lingshui Lingzhu. At this moment, he was sealed by the source of fire and lying quietly in the storage ring.

The matter could still be concealed at first, but one after another, the Shuisha tribe, Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors, Heishan Taoist, and the flame old demon were all aware of it, after all, the fact that the water spirit column continued to disappear for no reason can not be masked.

However, no matter how the three parties probed, they couldn't detect the slightest anomaly. Although they were horrified in their hearts, they couldn't help it, but they were a little more cautious in their actions.

Xiao Chen was quite helpless about this, but the Tianshui Lingzhu was so valuable that he could not turn a blind eye, and the situation may not be resolved. If the flames of the old demon are exposed, presumably there are thousands of scattered people, dead leaves, ancestors, and Montenegro. The Taoist should be able to find an explanation for the doubt in his heart. As for the flame old demon, will he justify? Will the three old monsters believe it? It is not something he needs to consider.

At this moment, Xiao Chen controlled the left eyebrow dojo to stay outside the Shark-wing tribe and waited for the last battle to break out, but until today, he was very puzzled. What are the means of the three monsters to support the last two? The water spirit column was destroyed, after all, the power gathered by the water evil was really overbearing.

Yanbo Qianshui Zhen 66 came out to support the existence of a realm, even if only the last one is left, and the big array is not broken, they still cannot enter the depths of the mystery.

The confusion in Xiao Chen's heart did not last long. Seeing the figure appearing in the shadow image of the forbidden manifestation of the dojo, he could not help frowning.

The appearance of such a big swing seems to be not much different from finding death. Even if there are unicorn monks as human flare bombs, the damage caused by dozens of Shuisha elders must be extremely limited.

This matter does not work.

Perceived the figure of an alien monk, Xiongba led 65 Shuisha elders to face the battle, and was full of anger and murder.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and her eyes fell on the comer, whispering: "No, why are there only two people, where did the ancestors of dead leaves go?"

Just as his thoughts rolled, his complexion suddenly changed and he suddenly lifted up, just by banning the image, he saw the extremely bright flaming light of the sky.

The next moment, the sky was shaking!

The heat, tyranny, and destruction are overwhelming. In this water and spirit world, for the first time, the energy of fire completely explodes the horrible power it contains, and incineration of all things is impossible to resist!

For the masses of water, it is even more like making them end of life.


Taking the male domineering, all the water elders turned pale and pale, with double tremors, eyes full of anger and fear.

A whole body of fire was red, only adult fist-sized stones were carefully held in his hands by the Taoists in Montenegro, and a trace of horrible heat was continuously dissipated from it. Although the raging energy was not explosive, it was enough to make it feel powerful.

Vulcan Crystal!

Extremely deep hundreds of thousands of miles underground, magma is raging, eternal heat and high temperature, and the fire system ’s energy is condensed and compressed under the circumstances, and it is possible to form a fist-size vulcan crystal. With time, this object absorbs more and more fire system energy , Implying that the power continues to skyrocket. This thing is divided into three categories. The primary Vulcan crystal is comparable to the monk self-explosion in the later period of calamity. The intermediate vulcan crystal is comparable to the monk self-explosion. It is not weak at all, the power can be called devastating. This thing was rarely born and because it was buried deep underground, it was extremely difficult for monks to get nature.

At this moment, the Daoist is holding an intermediate vulcan crystal!

Xiao Chen's pupils contracted violently. Although he didn't know what was in the hands of the Taoist in Montenegro, the breath of destruction made his body stiff, and a layer of fine sweat was born behind him. Under the self-detonation of this thing, if he relies on his own resistance, he will certainly die.

Qianji Sanren, dead leaf ancestors, and Montenegrin Taoists have long had their calculations! They shot again and again to get Shuisha together, and then kill them all with Vulcan Crystal. From the beginning, the fate of the Shuisha tribe has been decided.

"Thousands of machines and friends, two Vulcan crystals cost half of their lives, and they exchanged them for heavy treasures. They also asked the friends of Tao to have a good faith and share the treasure in the secret with me." There is still reluctance in the eyes.

This old monk has practiced for more than 70,000 years. He has collected so much wealth, and the wealth contained in most of his family must be an astronomical figure.

Qianji Sanren nodded and said, "Relax, Daoists in Montenegro, I and the other three have established a blood deed, and we cannot harm each other. The promised things will naturally be handed over to Daoyou."

"Right now, you also ask Dao You to destroy this last Shuisha Horde."

The Taoist in Montenegro was slightly relieved when he heard the words. He would not have worked so hard unless there was a blood connection. At the moment, he nodded slightly, his eyes flashed, and his hands were thrown away, which is like a monk who exploded in the heavens and the heavens. Out.

"No!" The elder dozens of Shuisha looked completely pale, unwilling to growl in his mouth.

The next moment, the fire wave burst suddenly. Between the heavens and the earth, like a flower of flames blooming in the wind, dazzling, but it contained endless killing, destroying all of them.

After the loud noise, the fierce fire burned silently for more than ten breaths, reddening the entire sky, water vapor appeared on the ground, the grass dried up and turned yellow, the trees spontaneously ignited without fire, and the rivers and rivers dried up.

Vulcan Crystal's explosive power is actually overbearing!

By the time the fire disappears, the entire shark fin tribe has been wiped from the water spirit realm and turned into ashes of the sky. Tens of thousands of waters have been killed and destroyed. Only the pillar that supports the water in the sky is flashing with light water spirit. Crystal has remained intact since the explosion.

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