Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 21: Soul hunt

[Well, yesterday ’s Monday was a day of small explosions. There were not many red tickets yet, and their enthusiasm was hit. The first one was sent on, everyone Taoists read slowly and bowed down. <? Bayi. 8] 1] ZW. COM

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Fairy Ziyun enjoyed the final shock, but after her third meditation exercise urged Jiu Tu to release the Yang to no avail, her blurred eyes opened, and she could not help showing a sense of uneasiness. At present, the energy of Yuan Yang swallowed by her body has begun to agitate, and it needs her to reconcile with Yin. However, the more fierce the man on her body is, the more she is shocked and she wants to vent several times-she is still very brave and not tired. . If he can't make him vent his body first, once the yin and yang are reconciled, he can't say that he can't devour the energy he got before, I am afraid that most of his own yin yuan will be sucked up by this man, and the consequences will be unthinkable.

At this moment, the blood color in the eyes of the Jiutu suddenly dissipated, and a roar in his mouth actually picked up the purple cloud fairy and sprinted madly, while the roar and roar kept coming out of his mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha! You old witch actually want to devour my Yuanyang. I wonder if your grandfather Jiutu can do what he does today, and he also relied on devouring the Yin Yuan to start. If you deal with me alone-it is not natural to be together Opponent, but you have swallowed 59 people in a row, and now you have reached the last point, I see how you are my opponent. "

"Today, it seems that my Jiutu will definitely have a great chance. I can't help but enjoy Yanfu, and I can also swallow up all the energy in your body. It is soaring in one fell swoop, promotion and robbery are absolutely nothing!"

"Don't insist, come on, let Grandpa Jiutu send you to die in the state of bliss!"

These nine slaughter turned out to be another means. The previous restraints were all disguised.

The beauty of Ziyun Fairy's eyes suddenly showed anger, but at the moment she swallowed the Yuanyang riots, making her whole mana unable to move at all. The idea of ​​Yuanshen also suppressed Yin Yuan's broken body, but she couldn't resist the slightest. Let this person do it.




** The impact sounds endless, such as a torrential shower, the groaning sound of a man whispering and mellowing into a ball, which is enough to make people feel hot and dry, but his mouth is dry, but the dangerous outsiders ca n’t know it. The purple cloud fairy now If the two people of Jiutu defeat in advance, they will lose their lives and be devoured by others.

Xiao Chen's mind was as calm as water, and he was not seduced by the outside world. It was at the moment when the high-pitched scream came out that his figure suddenly shocked, and a little golden light broke out of the body, but he just got out of the town. And out, at the same time burst into a mouth.

"Summon, the six soldiers of the left eyebrow are armored!" At the next moment, in the flash of aura, the figure of 50,000 warrior armored soldiers appeared directly, and the powerful mana swelled, and the cave was broken directly, and the whole mountain was turned into a gravel. Flew.

The aura of light on his hand flashed, and Sanchi Qingfeng appeared in his hand instantly, raised his hand and cut off!

Summoned 50,000 soldiers in the armored armies, performed warfare and superimposed to repair mana. With physical endurance, Xiao Chen's self-cultivation was the main method, and they were all sent into the shop itself.

This cut is almost comparable to the monks in the later period of crossover!

Xiao Chen's body swelled, the flesh crackled, and the color behind her shot instantly turned pale. This attack was definitely Xiao Chen's best effort. If he couldn't succeed, if he didn't fight back in a short time, he would die.

Thousands of sword energy, chopped down!

Above the gums, the Ziyun Fairy Yin Yuan was discharged, fused with the engulfed body Yang Yuan, and was being devoured by those nine slaughters, and the female appearance was also rapidly aging. With the passage of energy in the body, the young woman was transformed into a beautiful woman again. The old man was older and older than before, and his breath was constantly weakening. His eyes were full of anger and fear. As for the Jiutu, it was a ridiculous laugh. At this moment, the energy was madly swallowed, and the breath continued to rise in a clear and inductive degree!

But Xiao Chen's sudden shot at this moment made the population roar instantly!

"Do not!"

Why should there be an accident? If everything goes well, he can devour the energy of Ziyun Fairy completely within a short period of time. At that time, his strength will skyrocket, promotion and robbery will be ignored, and afterwards he will find a secret place to practice and retreat. It is also impossible to reach the late stage of the robbery!

But at this moment, feeling the horror power scattered in the slashing sword, all thoughts of this person can only vanish.

"I don't die! Don't!"

Jiu Tu's mouth yelled, and the fusion energy of yin and yang exploded suddenly. This person could not swallow and absorb it. He only wanted to use this shield to protect him from the shock. After all, compared with his life, everything was nothing!


The sword fell, the yin and yang dual energy shield collapsed, and the two figures spread away and sobbed blood and flew away. Jiu Tu was immediately killed and killed, while the purple cloud fairy incarnation old man retreated and soared and flew away. A thousand feet away.

Fangyuan Qianli Mountain completely collapsed.

With a single blow, Xiao Chen dare not hesitate. He backed up the 50,000 armored soldiers with a flash of light on his body and went straight to the old Ziyun.

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!" The old demon screamed in her mouth, but at this moment she was old and had not recovered, and was swallowed by Yuan Yang. She lost a lot of her mana, flesh and blood, and she was already extremely weak. "As long as Xiao Chen's Taoist friends don't die around me, this party is willing to sign a Yuanshen contract with Taoist friends and will be driven by Taoist friends in the future."

There are endless years of spiritual practice. I do n’t know how much suffering I have to experience during this period of time. The more I practice, the more I do n’t want to die. After all, once it dies, everything in this world will be meaningless.

Xiao Chen frowned, his eyes showing hesitation. If he could get a slave in the late robbery period, it would be of endless benefit to him.

Seeing a joy in her heart, Ziyun Laoyu was very hurt at the moment, and her mana could not be condensed, but after all, she was repaired in the later stages of the calamity. As long as you give her some time, even if it only has ten or so interest, this old man will fight to increase the injury again Use a powerful secret technique, and once it explodes, you will be able to kill Xiao Chen.

Right now it only takes a few breaths, just a little more delay!

However, when this old witch's thoughts rolled, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed coldly, but she shot immediately without any warning, holding a three-foot Qingfeng to split directly, and blood spewed in the eyes of the fairy Ziyun. , A big head rose into the sky.

Xiao Chen stretched out with one hand and directly absorbed her slumped Yuanshen into her hands. With a sudden thought, the flood of consciousness burst into the air, and she rammed into this female Yuanshen and began to forcibly search her memory.

If it weren't for the Ziyun Fairy being hit hard again and again, the physical body would be destroyed at this moment, the Yuanshen would be weakened to the extreme, and Xiao Chen would never dare to do so, but now this weird has little resistance.

After a while, Xiao Chen slowly let go. The Ziyun fairy Yuanshen was weak to the extreme. At this moment, she was forcibly searched for the soul. At the moment, it was directly broken up, and the monks in the later stage of robbery stunned.

This female monk has killed countless sins so far. She even did the same thing and devoured her dear ones, killing her. Xiao Chen's heart was not disturbed. At this moment, she closed her eyes slightly and filtered the information obtained by the soul search. Finally she got what she wanted. Part of the content.

"The powerful Yasha clan left behind a secret place, Lingmai gel cream!" Xiao Chen groaned, his eyes burst into fiery color, and the information obtained from the Ziyun Fairy Yuan Shen made his heart beat hard.

However, this time was not the time for deep thinking. Only then did he stimulate the shop to become very powerful, fearing that it would have attracted the attention of the unicorn monks, and he must not stay here for a long time.

Hastily packed up the storage rings of the Ziyun Fairy and others, Xiao Chen frowned and looked at more than twenty Yasha female nuns in the cave. At this moment, she frowned slightly, and raised a hand to type a rune to directly integrate into these women's foreheads. Taking Xiao Chenxiu as the example, the Yacha women who do not fall into the realm naturally have no resistance. Branding the pattern, the aura of light flashed it all into the left eyebrow dojo. After doing this, Xiao Chen took a step forward and directly cast a teleport to the depths of the wilderness.


Somewhere in the mountain cave house, Xiao Chen carefully laid off the atmosphere and restrained him, so he settled down. This place is thousands of miles away from the previous battlefield. As long as luck is not too bad, no one should come here.

There was a flash of aura in the void, and immediately a dark stone fell on the ground, and Xiao Chen's figure disappeared. In the spiritual realm, the mighty mighty supernatural powers are inexorable, and some people may be able to see the singularity of the left eyebrow dojo. Therefore, Xiao Chen will never use this thing at will in a secret and safe place, so as not to be known to cause great trouble.

In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen sat silently on the futon, his hands flashed with aura, and dozens of storage rings suddenly appeared on his hand. He put the thing of the purple cloud fairy first, and he started to sort out the others. Storage ring.

The 6o yaksa monks, such as spirit stone, elixir, falcon, magic weapon, and so on, are worth a lot. Although Xiao Chen, a treasure and a falcon, can't see, the tens of millions of top quality spirits still make him very satisfied. The most important thing is the elixir in their hands.

It should be noted that Xiao Chen has the alchemy against heaven, and can rely on this practice to rely on this practice. In this spiritual world, she has abundant spiritual power and countless treasures. She should have an extremely perfect alchemy system. Properly used, Xiao Chenxiu must be able to rely on this technique to grow quickly.

Hundreds of bottles of tinctures were placed in front of them, and Xiao Chen began to test them one by one, with a look of admiration from time to time. It is indeed the spiritual Tao of the spiritual world. It is really profound and unpredictable. The elixir of medicine is very strong. The lowest one has the fourth grade. The fifth and sixth grades of the elixir are never in the minority. Two were found inside the butchery ring.

These two elixir were filled into two jade bottles by themselves, one of which was fiery red, like fire jade, and one of them was blue as if crystal. Although I do not know the grade, but through the jade bottle still can vaguely sense the hot and cold breath of this elixir, obviously neither is extraordinary.

Xiao Chen first held the fiery red jade bottle in his hands, and immediately felt a gentle breath coming out of it, blending into the flesh, and the warmth of a sense of comfort was shocking, obviously the material of this jade bottle was absolutely extraordinary.

With a little thought, a flash of aura in his hand, carefully closed the bottle opening, the next moment there was a hot breath from it, accompanied by a sharp howling. The flames of the rising fire cloud emerged, and a picture scroll was transfigured from the sky. A fire crow with a size of hundreds of feet spread its wings and spread its wings, spreading like a cloud of fire. The evil spirit tumbled outside.

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