Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 14: Blood captivity

Xiao Chen stood on one side, looking calm, but the thoughts in his heart had quickly turned. Now that the unicorn army was attacking, Moshi City would definitely be in a mess. At that time, he would have the opportunity to find fish in the muddy water and wait for the opportunity. ? Bayi Middle School

But just as his thoughts rolled over, the ancestor of the dead leaf suddenly lifted up and came down with a single palm.

Xiao Chen's complexion changed instantly, and his eyes were filled with anger. Before he had a slight reaction, his body was shot directly and unexpectedly, and the stone wall behind him cracked into fine cracks like a cobweb.

Qianji Sanren, Ziyun Fairy, and the Heishan Taoist flickered, but did not mean to block it.

"At present, Millstone City is going to be chaotic. In order to prevent this junior from taking advantage of some measures, the old man has entered a blood imprisonment in his body. In this body, the old man must be relieved by the old man's hands every three days, otherwise the prohibition will burst and the whole body will The flesh and blood died of pus and blood, and both form and spirit died, and the eternal life would not be allowed to live. "The ancestor of the dead leaf opened his mouth lightly, and his eyes fell without the slightest temperature.

Xiao Chen got up slowly, his face was slightly gloomy, and he reached out to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, but he didn't open his mouth, but his eyes were turbulent. Right now, he is by no means an opponent of monks in the later stages of the robbery. If the resistance will not lose his own life, but the dead leaf monster does not mind to make him suffer more, Xiao Chen naturally will not give this old monster an excuse. But what happened today is in his mind, and he will have his own repayment in the future.

Qianji Sanren nodded, his eyes flickered, and said, "Xiao Chen's friends don't have to think about it, the old man assures you, as long as you make all your efforts, this seat will ensure that you are safe and sound. The chaos in the city is about to prevent your identity from being revealed. Wouldn't the old man wait to send you back to your residence first? "

Xiao Chen nodded, and Shen said, "Everything is told by his predecessors." His insufferable city government, however, has raised three eyebrows from Qianji Sanren, Ziyun Fairy, and Montenegrin Taoist slightly. . The ancestor of that dead leaf is indifferent, and his heart is in danger. Once Xiao Chen has no use value, he will instantly kill it!

When Xiao Chen was properly placed, the Qianji old man opened the courtyard ban. Without him, the monk could resist for a moment in the face of the robbery. His name is protection, but the true intention is self-evident.

When the four monsters departed, Xiao Chen's face was completely gloomy, and the eyes were half clear, and he returned to the room.

"Blood imprisoned!"

There were countless blood-colored silk threads in Xiao Chen's body at the moment, covering the main internal organs of the meridians all over the body, and gently wriggling from time to time, as strange as a living creature, a trace of cold breath continued to emerge from this blood.

This prohibition is that the ancestors of the dead leaves merged into their own essence and blood with insidious magical powers. Once he entered the body, he could not be lifted by others unless he took the shot himself, and this thing will continue to grow and increase after entering the monk's flesh. The power of the prohibition will be stronger. Later, the blood will explode all over the body, causing the monk to lose his ability to move. The repair is abolished, and the physical body will slowly decay for more than ten years before suffering.

From the shot, the deceased ancestor did not intend to let Xiao Chen's life go. The Qianji Sanren, Ziyun Fairy, and the Heishan Taoist may have seen a few ways, but the blood prison period will not affect Xiao Chen's strength. It has no effect on their entering the mysterious state, so naturally no one is willing to intervene, and the relationship between the life and death of a human monk has nothing to do with them.

Crossing his knees, Xiao Chen slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes were turbulent.

"I want to take my life by virtue of the ban, and I am too underestimated Xiao Xiao!" The corners of his mouth were raised, showing a hint of coldness.


The next moment, Xiao Chen suddenly waved his hands to cover dozens of layers of blockades to block the blood prisoner's breath. At the same time, the mana in his body was madly agitated and turned into a torrent of violent movement in the body. He went straight to the blood prisoner. Under the impact of mana, the blood imprisonment suddenly tightened as if frightened. Each blood line had a flicker of blood awns, and then fiercely pierced the flesh to devour the energy in the flesh, and the endless pain suddenly burst out.

His complexion was pale, and there were layers of fine sweat on his forehead. Xiao Chen murmured in his mouth, but his eyes were as firm as ever. There was no sign of pain, and he was still madly urging Mana to continue to impact him.

"Gold Seal, I know you can hear Xiao Chen speaking, and you have helped me through the calamity countless times since the practice, so today you will do the same!"

"Help me break this blood prisoner, or I will surely die in the hands of these four old monsters in the future, and all your hard work before me will be scrapped!"

The magic power can be overbearing. The level reaches the level of ordinary magic power, and it has spirituality. The ascended Taoist device can fully possess the sage, and it is not weak compared to the monks after the completion! The golden seal Xiao Chen obtained 2ooo years, and it is still unclear to what extent it exists, but it is needless to say how powerful this thing is. Xiao Chen knows nothing about the treasure now. How could this heaven and earth be without its own wisdom.

Although the golden seal has never been revealed, Xiao Chen is convinced that this is why he will now slam the blood imprisonment in order to force the golden seal to shoot. He already knew the ability to break the ban of this object. Once he intervened, the **** ancestors of the dead leaves were difficult to resist, although they were difficult to resist.

As time goes by, Xiao Chen's pain grows stronger as he grows older, but he bites his teeth and no sound is heard, allowing his body to soak in sweat.


A faint golden light dripped from the top, and the Quartet's golden seal slowly emerged, still the original look. It was plain and insignificant, but it had a distinguished breath from it. When she first entered the real world, Xiao Chen saw that there was no difference in the gold seal, but the Taoism still looks at it today, only to feel the shock in her heart.

Among the flesh and blood, under the light of golden light, the blood imprisonment suddenly stopped, and the shape kept shrinking, but it quickly turned into a bloodshot ball.

The next moment, the golden seal fell directly into Xiao Chen's forehead and disappeared again.

Xiao Chen showed a little smile in his mouth. Although he was arrogant and unwilling to communicate with him, the golden seal would be completely conquered by him one day. This was Xiao Chen's heart full of confidence, his thoughts rolled, and his body's mana instantly fell down. Capillaries were sealed in the body. Now the **** imprisonment of the dead leaf ancestor has fallen into his hands, and now he does not want to be noticed by the old monster to leave it behind. If he needs to move his mind in the future, he can destroy it.

"Now that the blood imprisonment has been broken, I will wait here quietly. Once I get out, I will enter the left eyebrow dojo and hide for a while. Even if the four monsters have great strength, they can't help it."

Xiao Chen's mind was settled, a few flashes of elixir were swallowed by the aura of his hand and swallowed.


Heiyun urged the city to destroy, and the army was under pressure!

1ooo monk monks whistled along with a large number of wild beasts like mountains and rivers. The so-called monks are like the tide and the bright sky. Looking around, the dense monolith monks on the sky covered the sky, and they were all murderous.

Above the ground, there are those who are thousands of feet tall and even tens of thousands of wild beasts roaring from time to time. The forefoot scratches the ground and makes a loud noise. If one foot collapses, it is enough to know what state of lethality terror has reached.

The two sides face each other across a giant city. Ten million unicorn monks are out, and the Yasha clan touches the eyes. Although they have not yet fought, the momentum in the void has exploded, and a strong wind has emerged from the sky.


The unicorn monk roared.


Above the tens of millions of troops, the unicorn Optimus Beast snarled suddenly, and the 100,000-foot figure exuded a terrifying atmosphere, causing extremely fierce visual impact.


In the Millstone City, the strong members of the Yasha clan came out, and the middle and high-ranking monks sat in front of the town.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Numerous yaksha monks roared at the same time, a trace of black gas escaped from their bodies, the color depth was different, and the higher the strength, the stronger the atmosphere, and rushed to the top of the city. In Millstone City, the number of monks of the Yasha clan is 4oo million. The condensed black gas turns into a mass of thousands of meters. The frantic eyes of countless yaksha monks turned into a hazy face with a figure of nearly ten thousand feet, a sky above their heads, and a foot on the ground.

The ancestor of the Yasha clan!


At the moment of the formation of the phantom, his eyes suddenly opened, showing the cold color, standing on the shield of Millstone City, holding the dark trident coldly looking at the unicorn to commit a monk, his eyes flashed as if he had a sage. general!

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