Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 6 Chapter 9: Teleport Rune

After about an hour, the four old monsters in front of them all converged and fell into their shadows, but they came to a deserted hill with sand and rocks deep in the wilderness. Bayi

At the moment when several people fell, the ground sand and rocks exploded, and then there was a fierce sandworm beast with a body of several hundred feet long and full of yellow hairs as strong as steel needles. It shot out instantly, and at this moment it opened its mouth to reveal it. The fierce fangs went straight to the crowd and swallowed.

"Huh!" The dead leaf ancestor coldly snorted, facing the sand insect brutal beast, his face remained unchanged, and he waved his hand, and suddenly the green sword light shot out, directly cutting the thing in half. This sand worm beast is a monster that is unique to Liusha Mountain. It has a strength that is almost not falling at the initial peak level, and its vitality is extremely tenacious. Even if it is cut into seventeen or eighteen segments, it will not die. Every fragment of the body just needs to penetrate. In the depths of the sand layer, a complete sandworm can grow in hundreds of years. However, the body of the sand worm that was cut off by the dead leaf old emerald oil sword light instantly shriveled, without any blood spilling, and all the flesh and blood essence was swallowed. When the green sword light turned and merged into the body of the dead leaf ancestor, it became obviously brighter.

"Hehe, the vital energy contained in the flesh and blood of this insecticidal beast is not small. Anyway, there is nothing wrong at the moment. It is better to let the old man make up for it." The dead leaf ancestor said with a smile and took a step, and the figure instantly appeared distance. The quicksand mountain was less than a hundred feet away, spreading its own breath, the next moment, the entire quicksand mountain suddenly churned up violently, forming layers of sand waves like waves.



call out!

call out!

The sandy hills broke open, the rocks pierced the air, and the terrifying sandworm beasts with a length of at least a few hundred feet were strangling frantically. The fierce tusks and the thick and corrosive saliva are enough to make the scalp numb and the heart cold.

"Haha, good time!" The dead leaf ancestor laughed, his eyes instantly glowing hot, dozens of green sword lights broke into his body and strangled wildly, sandworms emerging from the sand. Kill all, looting all flesh and blood essence. The green sword glow rushed for a while, and every time a sandworm was killed, the body would increase slightly, and the green color would become more intense.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! More so that the old man can make up for it." The dead leaf ancestor looked grim, and the sandworm suicide terrorist attack lasted for a while. Although this thing is not sane, it also understands that it cannot be from home. No matter how he got this human monk, it slowly receded, and the entire quicksand mountain returned to calm again, and the sand body circulated, naturally all sandworm corpses and battle traces were eliminated, and it seemed that there was no change from before.

Green oil sword glows whizzed into the dead leaf ancestor's body, causing the old monster's complexion to instantly turn into a rosy face, and the body's breath rolled out of muffled thunder. After a few breaths, it returned to normal, and his face showed satisfaction. , Obviously some swallowing gave him a lot of benefits.

Qianjisan's complexion is calm. This person has known the dead leaf ancestor for many years, and naturally knows his methods very well. As for the black mountain Taoist and Ziyun fairy, the complexion changed slightly, and there was a little jealousy in the eyes, and then he was covered up.

"Withered Leaf Dao's friendly means can actually directly swallow the flesh and blood of living beings and improve the cultivation base. It is really enviable." Heishan Taoist said, although he did not know what he was thinking in his heart, but the envy in this statement was from the heart. Never cheating.

Fairy Ziyun nodded, obviously agreeing very much.

When the dead leaf ancestor heard the words, his eyes flickered, and then he smiled: "The two Taoists don’t want to envy the old man. Although this supernatural power seems to be powerful, the cultivation level is improved extremely fast, but the killing is too heavy. After nine deaths, if the old man had not had some life-saving means, he would have died under the catastrophe that day. Moreover, this devouring supernatural power also has limitations, and can only attack creatures whose cultivation base is one level or more lower than one's own. At that time, not to mention that the cultivation level cannot be improved, and even life is in danger if it is careless." This old monster clearly saw the fear in the two people's hearts, and then explained. After all, the four people need to work together before the treasure is in hand, and the relationship between them must naturally be handled properly.

Qianji scattered his head and nodded, saying: "The two Taoists don't have to be surprised. The old man can guarantee that this is exactly what the dead leaf Taoist said."

The Black Mountain Taoist and Ziyun Fairy felt slightly relieved. He chuckled and did not continue to speak, but whether he believed it in his heart was unclear.

Xiao Chen's complexion was calm, but his eyes were full of solemn meaning. These four old monsters were all hidden, their cultivation bases were extremely powerful, and it was really difficult to deal with. It seemed that it was not easy for him to get away. .

After this incident, no sand worms dared to appear and kill them. After three hours, the dead leaf ancestor spoke gloomily and said, "It seems that this old flame demon will not come." He frowned slightly while speaking. Up.

"Huh! It's just right not to come, one less person distributes the treasures, you and I can each get more." The Taoist Black Mountain sneered.

Qian Ji nodded and whispered softly, "Since this is the end of the matter, this trip to the secret realm, the Yanbo Qianshui Formation can only ask Xiao Chen."

Seeing the eyes of the four bosses converging, Xiao Chen nodded solemnly and said nothing.


Qianji scattered people and spoke lightly, and then a group of several people drove away and whizzed away. However, at this moment, no one noticed that Xiao Chen's eyes flickered, and he glanced at a certain prescription without a trace.

After a while, when everyone was completely far away, there was a tall old man who appeared on the Quicksand Mountain. His back was straight and his eyes were gloomy. His head was actually red, and he looked like a fire from a distance. , The intense hot aura radiated from the old man's body, and he actually twisted and deformed the space around him slightly. It was enough to know how tyrannical the fire system was.

The person here is the old flame demon of Night Demon City.

Today, this old monster has already arrived. The secret realm that the dead leaf ancestor said was too temptation for him. As long as he refused to show up, he naturally wanted to put pressure on the four old monsters to bargain, but he didn’t expect them to find it. Another helper.

"Huh! It's just a junior in the combined realm. Do you still want to use his means to break through the ancient strange array of smoke and water? The old man doesn't know this. Now if he knows, how can he watch the opportunity slip away from his hands? ."

"Although the dead leaf old ghost has a strong cultivation base, when he was drunk the old man's spirit tea, the flame seeds are in his intestines. I can't escape the induction. The old man will follow them and wait for the right time to take action. Maybe he can get it alone by chance. treasure."

The old flame demon sneered and said, sensing the flame seed breath gradually away, the next step of his foot was gone.


The dead leaf ancestors and Thousand Chance scattered people did not leave through the iron stone city teleportation array, and they must be unwilling to attract people's attention. .

Several people drove the light, whizzed forward in the wasteland, and bypassed several small towns of the Yasha tribe for three consecutive days and nights before reaching another giant city. Before entering the city, the four old monsters and Xiao Chen generally wore black robes to cover up the description, and at the same time converged the body's breath, suppressed in the state of the later stage of the integration, and then entered the city. After entering the city, the group paused for a while, then went straight to the teleportation square, and entered another Yasha clan city through the teleportation array.

Teleportation, rushing, rest, and non-stop running around for March, until after March, Xiao Chen and others came outside a majestic Yasha Clan city. A group of several people did not enter the city, but opened a simple cave outside the city to cultivate, only Qianji scattered people and left alone.

Three days later, the old monster returned with joy and brought back a teleportation rune, which immediately drew the black mountain Taoist and Ziyun fairy in exclamation, and then showed joy on his face. After explanation, Xiao Chen knew the effect of the teleportation rune. .

This talisman is refined by a powerful person above the three realms of Mahayana, Heaven and Human. It is extremely precious and can instantly cross the endless space by choosing its own position. This kind of teleportation rune is also the most precious treasure among the race. Only the upper monks or the younger generation of the race can obtain it. If you encounter a dangerous idea, you can instantly return to the Yasha tribe even if it is hundreds of thousands of miles away. Out of danger in the territory.

Xiao Chen looked solemn, and felt a little more awe at the Mahayana Celestial Realm monks in his heart.

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