Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 221: Hongmengdian

[Tuesday 5 ends even more. [Bayi (Fiction? Web? W? W? W>.) 8> 1> Z? W>.? C] O? M? 5 is really not used to, and always forget to upload, starting next week, Zhou Hongqi If there are more than 10,000, there are still four more chapters, and each chapter is more than 3k.

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Raising seventeen, looking at the people in front of each other, the two gradually calmed down, groaned for a moment, then nodded at each other.

"I want to go to Dongxuanzhou to see. If this is true, although Qiqi believes that cultivation is not strong, he will also contribute to my revenge."

"That's what I'm thinking about here. In that case, I'll go together." Dongfeng Taoren nodded.

The next moment, the two turned and went straight to Zhao Guoxiao's house.


Starting from Zhao Guobei Huazhou, Tu Yingyujian spread wildly in the hands of monks with a near-horror degree. Within a few days, it had spread throughout the realm of cultivation, causing countless monks to growl.

A torrent of water has set off in the realm of cultivation, becoming increasingly fierce and gradually becoming out of control.

Most of the monks who joined the Hongmeng Temple at the beginning were some monks, and more people kept a wait-and-see attitude. However, after joining the monk in a short period of time, the monk surged out of the Hongmeng Temple and spread the benefits to the cultivation world, which immediately caused a complete shock.

"Dongxuanzhou was renamed Hongmeng Hall, recruiting monks widely, but if there is a **** monk in the vein of the human race, you can join it. Among them are the most top-level cultivating magical powers, ample spiritual stone magics, and help people to improve their spiritual magic. Xiao Chensheng The Lord wants the entire human race to be prepared for one day to slay the upper race. "

Any monk who left the Hongmeng Temple was conveying the whole news with excitement and surprise.

Sanxiu, Xiaozong, Dapai, countless monks, and even Juzong joined the Hongmeng Temple, and a frenzy set off.

The Hongmeng Palace system is similar to the academy, and there is no narrow master or apprentice. Monks below Jindan have the monk instructor Yuanyuan, non-fall monk lecturers, non-fall monks have integrated monk lecturers, and monks still have Kitani and King of Dragons. Waiting for people to lecture from time to time.

Mentors, Gongfa, elixir, and magic weapons. When all of this is in place, there is the righteousness of the savages, and the rise of Hongmeng Palace is irresistible.

The concussion lasted for 5 years. With the joining of the Jijiaju clan, no one faction existed except the Dream Palace. After the integration, the Hongmeng Temple sat more than 3 million monks. Hongmeng Palace has a sacred Lord. This person is naturally not allowed by Xiao Chen. Many elders and protectors under the law can compete for opportunities every ten years. Regardless of their status, they can enjoy different levels of treatment. In the Bloodline Army Barracks, all kinds of exercises, magical powers, and elixir can also be obtained through hard work. A thriving competitive atmosphere is gradually emerging, and it is wielding more and more powerful energy.


Vast expanse, Zhao Guobei North China.

The Xiao family has now become a sacred place in the entire world of cultivation. As the birthplace of the Lord Xiao Chen, it is covered with too much mystery. Hongmengdian is a place where monks gather in the realm of cultivation, but the Xiao family is their spiritual leader.

Every year, countless monks come thousands of miles, just to look at the place where the Lord was born, to pay respects and salute, and look in awe. Only because the Lord Lord was born in the air, can the entire human race know that the hatred and shame that is still heavy on the chest and imprinted with the brand of life, is the Lord Lord who killed the monks. Minions, but also a clear world of others. Because of the Lord, the entire cultivation world is fused into one body. Numerous monks have been given Gongfa, spirit stone, and elixir in the temple of Hongmeng. As a result, they have been promoted quickly. In the footsteps of the Lord, one day he can follow the Lord's side, enter the clan, and repay the **** debt.

This awe gradually formed, and the more intense, eventually became the unshakable cornerstone of every monk.

The Xiao family did not obstruct the monks' admiration from all sides, but there was a forbidden area within Zhao Guo, and no monks were allowed to enter. The order came from the palace of Hongmeng. Although no one knew why, no one dared to violate it.

Long years, it has been a century.

In the small hill of Zhao Guo ’s forbidden area, there is a bluestone path with bamboo on the side of the road, and looking ahead, there is a piece of peach blossom source. In the depth of this peach source, there is a small farm yard located in it. The scenery is beautiful and pleasant.

In the courtyard, a young monk in a green robe sat on a wooden bench, holding a white hand, and was playing against a woman on the opposite side. Three beauties on the side of the chessboard whispered and whispered from time to time.

"Haha, Sister Xiaoyi is going to lose again. She is not always Xiao Chen's opponent." Qing Mei's body became more round and beautiful. .

Li Xiaoyi suddenly became furious when she heard her words. She dropped a **** on the chessboard and called a young girl with a blue eyebrow to death. She immediately got up and chased after him.

Xiao Chen smiled bitterly, looking at the two women in the writhing chase, looking at the chaotic chessboard, only to shake his head and sigh, and he had to abandon his son.

Zi Yan smiled and packed the chessboard, Wen said: "Xianggong, we have been here for a hundred years, and you haven't thought about it yet. Little sister Yi ’s mind and moon dance are well aware. Since she did not rush her out, naturally It is acquiescence, is it necessary for Xianggong to ask us to mention the matter. "After speaking, Zi Yan, who has always been docile and sensible, couldn't help showing some dissatisfaction in her voice.

Yuewu nodded with a smile, and said, "My sister said it well. Our sage, the one who likes the cheapest and sells it well, obviously likes it, but she also looks like a gentleman."

In the face of the two women whispering, Xiao Chen looked slightly stiff, and then smiled bitterly, groaning slightly, saying, "I'm not unwilling to accept Xiaoyi, but I have n’t spent much time in the realm of the world. Will I see you again? The date is unknown, but she is unwilling to harm her. Furthermore, Xiao Chen confessed that although she is not a gentleman, she rarely owes others, but she feels guilty to you and has no choice but to accept Qing Mei. The second one is her only reliance. This girl died very much, and she was afraid that she would have to live a lonely life in the future. As for Xiaoyi, she has many choices, so she will not deliberately consider this matter for years. "

"Since you mentioned them today, help the husband secretly ask Xiaoyi about it. If she is still willing, then give her a name for her husband, lest she stay with you for almost a hundred years. "

Zi Yan chuckled, her eyes flickered, and whispered, "My husband is at ease, Xiaoyi's sister has been waiting for you for a hundred years. Why can't I refuse it?"

"Yue Wu, go and send a letter to invite the father of Xiaoyi, Master Yao Daozi, Brother Xing Tian, ​​and five elder brothers, etc. As for foreign guests, don't call more. We will have a happy event in this courtyard. Xiaoyi earns income from the Xiao family. "

Yuewu nodded, and Lianbu moved gently.

"Well? Sister Yuewu, where are you going?" Qing Mei was playing with Li Xiaoyi, and at this moment saw the opportunity to get away and ran to ask.

Yue Wu's bright eyes glanced over Li Xiaoyi, with a hint of smile, saying: "Next wedding invitation."

How clever is Qing Mei, she saw the appearance of Yuewu at this moment, her eyes suddenly groaned, turned and stared at Li Xiaoyi, pretending to mourn: "What's wrong, Brother Xiao Chen was not fast enough It ’s time for Xiaoyi to step in. ”

As for Li Xiaoyi's blushing face at this moment, I heard that I didn't have the usual temperament. I glanced at Xiao Chen a little, turned around and trot into the room. When I was laying on the embroidered bed, I just felt that my face was red and hot. Tears dripped.

After waiting for hundreds of years, the elm owl finally got rid of it.

A wedding was not lively. The only people who came to know Xiao Xiao. Although the well-informed person had already prepared a gift for someone to send him, he never dared to disturb it.

It was a bright red candle at night, and as soon as the sip drank, the guests succumbed to the old days.

Xiao Chen sent five elder brothers personally. As for the Sovereign Lord of the Devil, Xing Tian and others have already retired early. . "

King Wulong, Beiguzi, Qinghuang Wang and others nodded. "Sixth brother and rest assured. If you make another breakthrough, I will break the ancient town of Fenggu and grasp the nature a little bit. As for the Hongmeng Temple, I will wait for it , You can rest assured. "

Xiao Chen nodded and watched five leave and return.

After entering the wedding room, she had a lot of consolation to make the beauties happy and resentful. After that, she was a beauty Yan Jiao shame to welcome Juncai, rolled into a tide, and the bed brother's affairs were not humane.

Time turns again, it takes 2o.

Xiao Chen began to retreat and renovate in preparation for breaking the town of Wangufeng 88 years later.

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