Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 207: Wake up beauty tears

Xiao family. Bayi Middle School [W? WWW. 81ZW. Com

Although it is now the entire Holy Land of Zhao Guoxiu, there are more than ten disciples, but the Xiao family's old house is still forbidden, and only the members of the Xiao clan can enter. The house has been expanded several times, but the old house has not changed in the same way as before, and the relatively gorgeous and wide outer area has changed a lot, but it is still the place where countless monks sharpened their heads and wanted to live in.

Monks who can live in old houses have a high status in the Holy Land.

But even they can't be close to the courtyard of the old house. This is the place where Xiao's father, Xiao mother and Xiao Chen lived. They were sealed by the Xiao family so far, and no one is allowed to enter except for repair and cleaning.

At this moment, Xiao Chen moved into the courtyard again, sitting on a chair, looking at the two women who were still sleeping on the bed, his eyes were soft, he had been sitting here for two hours, but he was not impatient.

Ziyan and Yuewu have been staring at him for 2oo years, and now what he's waiting for this meeting is nothing.

Looking at the two women who were still in a coma and still frowning, Xiao Chen couldn't help but feel guilty. Introducing the assessment of the Luoyun Valley that year, Xiao Chen and Yuewu met, and they have been separated for nearly a thousand years, but have never lived a little peace and tranquility, so how can Chen Xiao be free from guilt.

Han Hai Da 6 did not fall into the cave house, because the fate would have an inexplicable entanglement relationship with Zi Yan. Since then, because of his relationship, Huang Quanzong was persecuted for Zi Yan. As for today, he was forcibly taken away by monk Hongmengong. There are many hardships. How can Xiao Chen not blame herself.

He owed too much to the two women. Only redoubled pity and love in the future could make up for it. Since then, Xiao Chen has been reluctant to suffer any more suffering.

Xiao Chen fell into thought, and the beauty on the bed flickered slightly, and her eyes opened slowly, and she was resolutely alert, and she sang loudly without thinking, "You do n’t want to kill Xiao Lang with me, I would rather die than die,"

The sound stopped abruptly. Yue Wu looked at the man who had been dreaming about countless times before, covering her mouth with a slender hand, her eyes reddish and tears flowing silently, falling down along the cheeks.

Xiao Chen woke up and looked at the woman in front of them. The two eyes were opposite each other. He felt wronged in Yuewu's heart. He smiled softly and said, "Sister, you are awake."

After listening to this, Yuewu finally dared to cry. This is not a dream. She doesn't have to be afraid to wake her up. Jiao Su suddenly burst out of the incense and fell into Xiao Chen's arms. Rouyi firmly hugged the man's strong waist. , For fear he disappeared suddenly.

Xiao Chen could feel Yue Wu's attachment to him. She couldn't help but hug her tightly, buried her head deep in her show, and said softly, "I'm back."

Yuewu opened her mouth and bitten Xiao Chen's shoulder fiercely, slamming his chest continuously with his hands, and his mouth murmured, "They said you were dead, you died in a place of blood, I didn't believe it, but your Yuanshen jade was broken. Now. "

"I wanted to die on my own, so I might go underground to accompany you. My ancestor stopped me and brought in Zi Yan. She said that our man would not be killed so easily, and you would definitely come back, "

"So the two of us insisted on waiting for you to come back together. The wait is 2oo years. You really are back. Xiao Chen, don't leave again in the future, okay. I am really afraid that after you leave, I will never Will not return again. "

"Hug me, promise me and never leave us again."

Xiao Chen nodded fiercely. "Sister, don't worry, I won't leave anymore, I'll be here with you."

Yue Wu got a promise and smiled happily, her eyes were reddish, and Lihua brought the rain with a lot of love.

According to Yue Wu's temperament, there will be no such dramatic emotional fluctuations. I think that I gradually lost confidence in Xiao Chen's return. Today, I suddenly saw him appear in front of him to be so disoriented.

With great sorrow and joy, and a little shock from Yuan Shen before, Yue Wu soon fell asleep in Xiao Chenhuai's arms, but her arms were already very close, and she did not let go.

Xiao Chen caressed her show gently, looking at the tears in the corner of another woman on the bed at the moment, slightly silent, and whispered softly, "Ziyan, are you unwilling to forgive me?"

The woman on the bed slowly opened her eyes. She had already woke up, but she did not dare to open her eyes. Until Xiao Chen called her name, she could no longer suppress the excitement in the middle of her heart. It was more stable when she saw that it was the same as that year. With her face, Zi Yan slowly got up and hugged Xiao Chen from behind, smelling the smell of him, and whispered, "You promised, you can't leave our sisters alone in the future, at least you have to let us know You have been alive, "

Xiao Chen nodded, a drop of tears fell on his neck, warm.

Both women finally fell asleep, Xiao Chen carefully placed them on the bed and covered the horns.


The door was pushed open. Xiao Chen didn't look back and knew it was Qingmei, but now she is qualified to enter the courtyard here and dare to push the door directly. Only this little girl is there.

Probed his head and looked at Ziyan and Yuewu, Qing Qingmei wretched her wrinkled little nose, and whispered softly: "The two sisters are so beautiful, this makes Qing Mei really stressful, for fear of being caught in the future. People abandon it. "

Xiao Chen smiled and understood that the little girl was in order to make him happy as soon as possible. At the moment, she smiled and said, "So Qingmei will be very obedient in the future. Otherwise, Xiao Chen will really dislike you."

The words drew a lot of frustration but were worried about waking up the two women, and murmured in dissatisfaction, rolled his eyes and said: "Brother Duobao sent me to the hall to say that there is something to discuss, Come on, let me take care of it here. "

Xiao Chen raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and said, "Why, are you ready?"

Qing Mei was distressed. "They have become yours. I always have to face the two sisters. Where can I escape? Of course, I want to be more diligent now to please the two sisters."

"Okay, brother Xiao Chen, let's go now."

Xiao Chen blinked, then pushed out the door with a smile, and when he closed the door, his complexion turned into a solitude. Although Hongmeng Palace brought great confusion and inexplicable pressure to Xiao Chen, he was unwilling to reveal anything in front of his woman.

When men are in trouble, they should solve it by themselves instead of letting their own women suffer together.

Xiao Chen stepped out of the courtyard in a hurry, and went straight to the main hall in the awe and worship of the two Xiao family members' children, and no matter who he encountered, he took two steps to reverence and salute.

The Xiao Family Hall, built in a grand and magnificent style, is relatively ordinary and not weak. The King of the Phoenix was sitting on the left, her eyes closed slightly, and all the monks in the hall swept away from this beautiful figure, all in awe.

Duo Tao Taoist is on the right side, followed by the Holy Land Offering Method. They are all excited at this moment, apparently excited about the suspicious close contact with the legendary Lord Xiao Chen.


The figure of the Qingpao appeared outside the gate of the temple. His face calmly walked in. Except for the King Huanghuang and the Taoist Taoist monks, all the other monks stood up at the same time and bowed respectfully. "For the subordinates, please see Lord Lord."

The Xiao Family Holy Land is dominated by Xiao Chen, coupled with his horrible cultivation today, the name of this Holy Lord is deserved.

Xiao Chen's light flickered outside his body, and the figure reappeared. He sat down on the throne of the Supreme Lord of Purple Gold, and waved lightly at the moment: "Stop, get up." Although the voice was dull, it had endless majesty.

"Brother, you asked Qing Mei to call me over, I wonder what happened?"

The Taoist Taoist already knew from the mouth of King Jinjiao and Qingmei that Xiao Chen's cultivation is now a realm, and then he looked at the current demeanor of a master. He felt secretly rejoicing. Perhaps he chose to make friends with Xiao Chen in his life. To do the right thing. At this moment, when he heard the words, he thought a little, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Xiao Chen, right now I and the Imperial Family's Hongmeng Palace are endless, and it is natural to prepare early."

"It is rumored that Hongmeng Palace was left over from the ancient Daen Taoism, but was accidentally acquired by the Dongxuanzhou Huangji family to incorporate this vein into the Huangji family power, but it was claimed to have been created by the ancestors. According to the old man's knowledge The Hongmeng Palace is not weak, but the cultivation of the supreme is only the middle-term cultivation of the Huangji family Huangjiyuanchengyou, but today the monk in the white robe is a spiritual body of the late monk in the integration, which is already clear. The old man knows too much before, and the most important thing is that we don't know whether there are other powerful people secretly in the Hongmeng Palace who have not shot. "Speaking of this, the Taoist Taoist could not help but frown slightly, and was anxious.

Although Xiao Chen is strong, if there are two or three late powerful men in the Hongmeng Palace, the so-called double fist loses to the fourth hand, things will be troublesome. The monks of the Xiao family were even more disturbed.

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