Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 201: Almighty join forces

In the eyes of Kitaniko, the light flickered slightly, and Shen said, "The Dragon King Daoyou said well, but I do n’t know what the friend has proposed. Maybe it ’s feasible to listen. Bayi Chinese Network (W> W) W). 8 ? 1> QW.COM "

Xiguzi and Dongguzi naturally have no objections, and Xiao Chen also agrees.

"Hey, since the Daoists agree, the King is not arrogant." The King of Dragons laughed. "If you Daoyou don't give up today, the King and the King of Qinghuang are willing to be alien brothers with you, don't keep in mind At the same time, everlasting will never be an enemy. "

"It is said that there is no evidence. My demon clan has been banned from ancient times and was specially prepared for this purpose. It was created by the power of the ancient demon clan to associate with foreign nations. Once signed, it is a fraternal contract. It can never be broken. If it violates it, Will suffer contract backlashes, and will be transformed into ashes. "

"I don't know such a proposal, what do you believe?"

Although the two races of people and demons are harmonious on the surface, they are surging in secret. If these peaks of the two ethnic groups truly become heterosexual brothers, it is a good thing that they can completely relax the relationship between the two ethnic groups.

Beiguzi and the two hidden hall owners heard a murky complexion. The former suddenly lifted after half a ring, and looked at Xiguzi and Dongguzi. They all saw what they thought, and Shen said: "If it really is like this , The old man has no objection to this. He was recognized by the two demon emperors as an alien brother. The old man and his brother are honored. "

The King of Dragons and the King of Qinghuang smiled at each other, and their eyes fell on Xiao Chen again.

"Hehe, we can be brothers with you friends. Since then, sincere cooperation will never be harmful. Xiao Chen naturally wants it, and there is no objection to it." Xiao Chen began, believing that he had concluded the case.

"Okay, the king is proud, I think I have the pure blood of most of the half-dragons, and I admire my status and don't put any souls in my eyes, but you Taoists already rely on your own cultivation to get the king's approval, otherwise I would not propose Such a proposal. "

"Since all the Taoists have no objection, the king will take out the content of that brother's contract, and when you understand it properly, you will conclude the same day and become a brother. After that, you will have no intention of harming each other and explore the road together."

The King of Dragons laughed. The monster was wild and straightforward, but it was easy to feel good in his heart. But as he said, Xiao Chen and others thought Xiu had received his approval, otherwise they changed to other monks, even crying and begging to come to the door, they would not look at it in the least, they might kill them directly. Swallowed up.

Aura of light flashed, and four jade slips fell into the hands of Xiao Chen, Beiguzi, Xiguzi, and Dongguzi at the same time. With their cultivation as their vision, it can be easily seen that the brothers have no exception in the secret, so they can rest assured. Realize.

After a moment, the four men lifted one after another, apparently already mastering them.

"You guys, today, the strongest people of the two races and the monsters have become interracial brothers. This matter should be announced to the world and celebrated all over the world. You can also take this opportunity to ease the relationship between the two races of our monsters and re-establish the iron law. Do n’t arbitrarily kill and kill. ”

Kitaniko opened his voice in a deep voice, with a deliberate attitude.

The six became brothers of different races. From then on, not only will they not harm each other, but they can also support each other. It is tantamount to help a lot in the path of spiritual cultivation. Even if they rise to the spiritual realm in the future, they can also touch each other. Those who can achieve now are not easy generations. If there are no accidents in the future, the achievements are absolutely limitless.

"The words of Beiguzi Daoyou are in line with the wishes of the king. What a major event I have to wait for righteousness will naturally require the world to testify. People and demons will drink together!" The King of Dragons laughed, and Beiguzi's words made him very satisfied. The two races are facing each other, and the demon race is in an absolute disadvantage. There are times when hunting and killing high-end monsters secretly, but presumably through today's affairs, it will definitely make the monks converge a lot.


The six laughed at each other, waved their hands to break the restraint, stepped forward, and disappeared instantly.

On the Medicine King City, six figures appeared suddenly, each on its own side, and the pounding majestic breath burst out from the body, like a straight wolf smoke, piercing into the void, stirring the entire Moro cultivation world.

The combination of the six peerless powers is enough to make all the people who have stepped into the monastic consciousness. At this moment, they are either awakened from the practice, stopped their affairs, or raised their mouths silently. Numerous monks are immersed in the air. Look at the same prescription.

The monks in Yaowang City were completely shocked by this vast battle and fell into a dead silence.

Qing Mei's face changed slightly, and she didn't notice the murderous intentions before she felt relieved.

Jianxian Road and Jiuxian Road are also confused.

But at this moment, Kitaniko opened his mouth suddenly, the sound of waves rolling under the blessing of mana into a surging sound of waves, and instantly made countless monks into a sluggish state.

"The Lord of the Alchemy Society, the monk Kitako, a tribal brotherhood with five Taoist friends, has no intention of harming each other since then, and has a relationship of mutual honour and disgrace, and explores the mystery of the road. If there is a violation, the world will abandon it!"

Kitaniko's voice did not fall, and the Dragon King immediately opened his mouth.

"The dragon king of the four emperors of the Wu Yao tribe, today became an alien brother with five Taoist friends. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other. He has a relationship with honor and disgrace, and explores the mysteries of the road. If he violates it, the world will abandon it!"

"The fourth emperor and the second blue phoenix king of my demon tribe, today formed an alien brother with five Taoist friends. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other. He has a relationship with honor and disgrace, and explores the mystery of the road.

"The owner of the Black Hidden Hall of the Alchemy Association, the monk Xi Guzi, and the five Taoist friends formed an alien brother today. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other, and he has a relationship with him. He will explore the mystery of the road. ! "

"The owner of the White Hidden Hall of the Alchemy Association, the human monk Dong Guzi, formed an alien brother with five Taoist friends today. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other. ! "

Five old monsters spoke in succession.

Xiao Chen heard the words, and there was blood in her heart.

"The monk Xiao Chen of our peoples tribe formed an alien brother with five Taoist friends today. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other. He has a relationship with honor and disgrace, and explores the mysteries of the highway.

At the moment when Xiao Chen's voice fell, the six played the mysterious and obscure tactics at the same time, which inspired Zhou Tian's spiritual power to change. The spiritual light appeared in the void. Come together on its own.

"Under the witness of the ancient demon god's power and billions of living creatures, the contract was concluded. Since then, the iron race of the two races has been like a mountain. If there is anyone who dares to violate it, my brothers and six will sing together!"

The last word was that the six of them drank in unison with the same power, and the power superimposed. Under the influence of the induction of that day and the ground, it spread instantly to the entire world of cultivation, making thousands of monks completely sluggish.

Above the void, the figures of six people including Xiao Chen have long disappeared, but none of the monks in Yaowang City acted as if they were sculptures, but after a while, the situation broke into a chaotic moment.

"Humans and demons of the Xeon race became alien brothers. This world is completely crazy. How can such outrageous things happen!"

"Fast! Ma uploads the letter to take charge of the real person, and cancels the two beast agreements with Di Yuan and the broken army. My gate will immediately close the mountain gate, and it will never open for a hundred years!"

"It's going to change, and see who in the realm of realism dare to hunt high-end monsters secretly."

"This matter will definitely affect the entire world of cultivation for thousands of years and promote great changes in the relationship between human races and demons."

Numerous monks talked, with expressions of dullness, joy, incredibleness, and so on.

Qingmei blinked beautiful eyes in confusion, confused. How did Brother Xiao Chen like to worship people fortunately, fortunately, he did not have this hobby before, otherwise it would not be trouble if she became a sibling with her.

Jianxiandao and Jiuxiandao were numb, and until now, they still couldn't believe what they saw at this moment, how could this world become so fast.


Somewhere in the mountains, several monks have just joined forces to catch a fifth-grade monster, and now they are full of joy.

"Caught this monster, in addition to Nedan's fur, this flesh minion can also sell for a good price, hehe, this luck is really good." One of the dark-faced big men grinned.

"It's extremely true that the friends of Heifeng Dao said that since we have already succeeded, we should finish this thing early and leave early, so as to avoid the hordes of hordes and the introduction of the strong demons," said another monk with a smile and suddenly attracted Everyone agrees.

"Okay! Let's do it this time." The dark-skinned man sneered at the corner of his mouth, and the uniformed pangolin monster showed despair in the eyes.

But at this moment, there was a tumultuous sound-the sound came from the distant sky, but it seemed to be roaring hard in their ears.

"The Lord of the Alchemy Society, the monk Kitako, a tribal brotherhood with five Taoist friends, has no intention of harming each other since then, and has a relationship of mutual honour and disgrace, and explores the mystery of the road. If there is a violation, the world will abandon it!"

"The dragon king of the four emperors of the Wu Yao tribe, today became an alien brother with five Taoist friends. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other.

"The dragon king of the four emperors of my demon clan, today formed an alien brother with five Taoists,"

"The second phoenix king of the four emperors of my demon tribe ,,,"

"The Lord of the Black Hidden Hall of the Alchemy Association,"

"The Lord of the White Hidden Hall of the Alchemy Association,"

"Xiao Chen, a monk from the Sanshou tribe, formed an alien brother with five Taoist friends today. Since then, he has no intention of harming each other. He has a relationship with him and his friends, and explores the mystery of the road. If it violates it, heaven and earth will abandon it!"

"Under the witness of the ancient demon god's power and billions of living creatures, the contract was concluded. Since then, the iron race of the two races has been like a mountain. If there is anyone who dares to violate it, my brothers and six will sing together!"


The dark-skinned man fell into a dull moment and looked at several people around him, his face turned into a pale color without any warning, and his body struck fiercely.

The Lord of the Alchemy Association, the Lord of the two hidden halls, Xiao Chen, and the two emperors of the Demon Clan have become the best-known peers in the world after the First World War. .

"This, misunderstanding, is really a misunderstanding. Pangolin friends, this incident is purely accidental injury. Nothing happened today, we have never seen anyone, that, that's it."

After stuttering, several human race beasts fled hurriedly, but survived the difficult to wear pangolin monsters, which dared to stay, suddenly turned into the body and disappeared into the mountain.

At the same time, such things are alive in the entire world of cultivation, and even the auction houses, drug store merchants, etc. that secretly sell high-end monster body materials are also removing all the high-end monsters in the background. Many things like this are not mentioned.

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