Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 192: End dependent

Within the turbulent space, Xiao Chen marched madly, his face was cold, his blood was more intense. [Bayi (Fiction? Web W? W? W>.) 8> 1> Z? W>.? C] O} M?

Hurry up! Faster!

The power of the space avatar has been driven to the extreme level by him. At this moment, he is frantically moving through the space turbulence. The tens of thousands of miles of space turbulence are all still, and he does not dare to move in the horror of his body.

For a moment, Xiao Chen blasted out with a punch, directly breaking through the turbulent space and connecting to Moro's realm. Below the crack here is a bustling Xiucheng city. It seems that the scale is also a major city in the Xiuzhen world. Although most of the monks rushed to Bu Zhoushan to watch the shocking world war, there are still high-level monks in This town maintains order.

The fluctuation that came only in the direction of Zhou Shan shocked the entire world of self-cultivation, causing countless monks to panic. Fortunately, the horrible sharp sword disappeared later, and several monks who did not fall into the realm came forward to maintain order, and the chaos was barely settled.

But at this moment, the space above the city shattered and shattered, attracting countless monks. Several non-falling monks were angrily drinking, but at this moment they sensed the violent atmosphere in the turbulent space, and they still shut up with interest and obedience.

"not yet."

Xiao Chen glanced coldly, then turned around without stopping to move on.

Although he knows where Qing Mei is, he can't clearly sense the specific position when he is moving in the chaos of space. He can only smash the space for a while to avoid a deviation in direction.

"Qing Mei, you must be okay, waiting for Brother Xiao Chen!"

Xiao Chen's heart was anxious and brutal to the extreme, but the more so, the more icy he was on the surface, the blood in his eyes even worse, there was no revealing, and it was a little faster if he didn't overdo it. Because the physical body couldn't bear such a crazy advance, a series of cracks appeared outside the body, and the blood flow continued.




Along the way, Xiao Chen smashed the space more than ten times in a row, and finally reached thousands of miles away from the memory of Lei Tao Tianzun.

"Here!" He took the next step, directly out of the turbulence of the space, the figure disappeared instantly, and moved directly towards Qingmei. But at this moment, a layer of thunder net appeared in the void, directly blocking his teleportation power.

As a potential repair place for Lei Dao Tianzun, Daze Island was naturally banned by this old monster. Relying on the barren land and using the power of Zhou Tian's Thunder, this Thunder Guardian formation was formed, and the monks in the later period of ordinary integration could not break in.

Xiao Chen's teleportation was blocked. At this moment, he suddenly waved his hands, and the roar rang through the sky instantly. The small blood figure appeared directly from the center of his eyebrow, and became 5oo in size. Lei Long felt the violent raging in the host's heart, naturally did not dare to have any delay, suddenly put Xiao Chen behind his back, shook his head and plunged into the thunder net.

Perhaps for other monks, this Thundernet ban is extremely difficult, but it is not worth mentioning in front of Lei Long. As far as the figure goes, all the power of the Thunder concedes and disintegrates. Even if it passes straight through, the distance will be countless.

The figure of Xiao Chen rushed out, the majestic consciousness burst out, and then his eyes suddenly looked at one place, and a roar suddenly appeared in his mouth.

Inside the cave, the man in the clothing looked at the ground with unconsciousness, his face was like a peach blossom, and a woman with a breathtaking charm all over his body. There was some difficulty swallowing a spit in his mouth, and then he yelled in his mouth, and wanted to do whatever he wanted.

But at this moment, a roar came suddenly, like the god's fury, the waves of terror enveloped him directly.


Su Yi's mouth suddenly blew blood, eyes, nostrils, pierced ears bleeding at the same time, endless fear revealed in his eyes, instantly extinguished the ** flame in his heart, and suddenly turned around, just to see the aura at the mouth. Flash, a dream-like figure appeared directly in front of him.

Xiao Chen! !!

Su Yimen's heart gave birth to endless fear, and he was eager to crack. But at this moment he no longer has the right to panic, and Xiao Chen's figure flashed again, appearing directly beside the side of Qing Mei, looking at the **** the ground, the blood in his eyes slowly dissipated, and eventually all became mild.

Fortunately, he was one step closer, and he was a little bit short. If he came a little later, Xiao Chen would not dare to imagine what kind of scene he would see, but fortunately, all of this has not happened.

Behind him, Su Yimen kept his look of horror, his eyes suddenly dim, and the physical gods disappeared like weathering.

"Brother Xiao Chen, Brother Xiao Chen ,," Qing Mei kept whispering, her face flushed, but her body temperature dropped strangely, and even a layer of frost formed on her dress, Liu Mei frowned tightly. .

Xiao Chen didn't dare to hesitate. At this moment, he stretched out with one hand and fell directly on Qing Mei. The color of the back of the number was completely gloomy, and his eyes were cloudy for a while.

It really is a very intriguing technique!

Xiao Chen thought of the way that Lei Dao Tianzun actually handed over to Qing Mei, and he couldn't help but take a photo of his Yuanshen to torture him to get in touch with his heart, but the most important thing right now is to help Qing Mei Go through the difficulties. At this moment she cultivated for promotion without falling, and the extremely Yin Ding furnace technique reached the level of Xiaocheng. Only mingling with the male yin and yang can resolve the precipitation of the extreme yin, otherwise she will die.

Looking at Qing Mei's pain and frown, Xiao Chen's thoughts were chaotic.

A moment later, Xiao Chen raised his eyes and fell on Qing Mei, and his mind had already made a decision.

At the moment, he has no choice.

"Qing Mei, Brother Xiao Chen swears by now, he will definitely treat you well in the future," Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, as he repaired it. At this moment, the palm of the hand was also slightly trembling. .

The practice has been going for nearly a thousand years. Although she and Zhou Yan had been in the ceremony of Zhou Gong, the consciousness was blurred under the coma that day, and it was completely different from the situation now.

When the hand touched Qingmei's soft waist and abdomen, the little girl seemed to be aware, and a pair of Rouyi suddenly held Xiao Chen to push him away. However, at the moment of contact with both palms, the movement of the green eyebrows came to a halt. Although the idea was not clear, there were still two drops of clear tears in his eyes, and Xiao Chen's big hand was held tightly with his backhand, very hard, as if afraid he would leave.

Xiao Chen was a little stunned, the look in her eyes was more gentle, and the thoughts in her heart were more firm. It must be like this, and the blue eyebrows should be willing, although Xiao Chen originally did not want to break the relationship with Qingmei ,but now,,

Take a deep breath, and use a little force on your hands to release the shackles on the willow waist. When the skirt is completely peeled off, the sheep's fat condensing cream is exposed, and she gently whispers in the hole,

Xiao Chen didn't want to wake up, but after waiting for a long time, she saw that the little girl had no intention of getting up. She had no choice but to open her eyes and stare directly at her dark eyes, and whispered, "Little girl, what are you looking at?"

"Yeah!" Qingmei didn't know that the bad guy was awake, and he would be embarrassed to stare at him at this moment. He shouted a glamourous face that had just returned to normal color and turned red again. There was no way to hide it but he was helpless lying on Xiao Chen Chen's chest, but she did not know that her crystal-clear and red earlobe had exposed her current condition.

Seeing Qing Mei's reaction, Xiao Chen's heart was slightly relieved with no trace. Fortunately, things were not as tricky as he imagined, but this time he felt the tenderness of jade from the chest, but it made him endless and gentle. , Looking at Qing Mei, since then, this little girl is his woman. Although the relationship has undergone a qualitative change, the feeling in my heart has not dissipated, but has become more intimate.

"Qing Mei, I ,,"

Xiao Chen had just spoken, but was stopped by the little girl's hand, silent for a moment, and whispered: "Brother Xiao Chen is relieved, Qingmei knows that you don't like me. Yesterday and yesterday were just to save me."

"Brother Xiao Chen is assured that people will obediently obedient, and will never cause you to be unhappy, as long as you don't rush me away." Afterwards, the little girl looked up, her face pale, but barely smiled.

Qing Mei whispered, and after waiting for a while, Xiao Chen didn't speak, she couldn't help feeling a little flustered.

"Really, Qing Mei will be very obedient. Brother Xiao Chen, do you believe me?"

Xiao Chen calmly looked at the grievance in front of him but pretended to be a cute little girl, and she felt endless guilt in her heart. Was she with her own blue eyebrow? There was no sense of security. Need to be careful for fear of being disgusted and abandoned?

"Brother Xiao Chen ,," Qingmei already had a bit of crying voice. I knew that breaking this relationship with her brother would make her unable to be with him anymore. The little girl would rather die yesterday, perhaps. Brother Xiao Chen can still remember her.

A moment of grievance, fear, and helplessness rushed into my heart, and the black and white eyes instantly gave birth to moisture, dripping down the cheeks.

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