This avatar contains Xiao Chen's five yuan, and has a brand of life. Once destroyed, the power of the rules of the heavens will determine that Xiao Chen is dead, and even if his own body survives, he will be backswept by the heavens for the existence of violation of the rules. Fly ash dissipates. 8) 1> ZW. Com

"Ha ha ha ha! Xiao Chen, I didn't expect you to die in the hands of the old man today, but you can force the old man to perform the five-yuan chaos supernatural power, and you can die and stare!" Wuyuan Taoist smiled and his face was excited. Killing Xiao Chen today, he is bound to become famous and become the awesome power of countless monks in the field of cultivation. He can also get many chance treasures from Xiao Chen, naturally making him ecstatic.

At the moment, in the picture of Lei Chi, Xiao Chen suffered five-element chaotic magical power and five-colored divine light. His breath was nearly doubled. Although his back was still upright, many monks looked down, but they were all lamenting.

For the time being, Xiao Chen will die.

Beiguzi frowned, considering whether he should rescue this Xiao Chen, after all, it was too difficult to find a monk who was qualified to join them. But with a little thought, the person gave up on the idea.

In Zhoushan, a powerful monk must fall before he can open it. If he intervenes to protect this Xiao Chen, then who would the four of them want to die?

"Unfortunately, if you use this talent, if you can endure the millennium again, I am afraid that you can have a fight with this seat, but you can't calm down and rush, and it ends up like today."

Lin Yuan's eyes were wide, his fists were clenched tightly in his robe sleeves, his nails had penetrated into the flesh, blood dripped, and his clothes were soaked. However, at this moment, he didn't change the slightest, and even the Master had to ridicule, and there was no way to make a living with his practice. However, this person has made up his mind, and he must practice well in the future, and create a tradition to inherit the Master Tao. After that, the only goal of this sect is to kill Lei Tao Tianzun and Wuyuan Taoist to revenge Xiao Chen.

1oo does not succeed in 1ooo, 1ooo does not succeed in 1oooo for thousands of years. Countless generations of disciples will continue to inherit, and eventually there will be talented people of that day. Perhaps there is little hope of revenge, but Lin Yuan will never give up.

Even if he dies, his son, his disciples will never be forgotten from generation to generation!

All of this is because, without Master Xiao Chen, he is still a child of the Lin family who is despised and humiliated today. How could it be possible to achieve the same status as today. His respect for him is tantamount to remaking great grace, Lin Yuan dare not forget it at all!


Lin Yuan growled in his heart, and his eyes were a little bloodshot.

The Wuyuan Taoist laughed, but also knew the reason for the late terror. He would naturally not do the nonsense stupid thing. At this moment, he suddenly took the palm of his hand and drank in his mouth, "Xiao Chen, let this seat be completely dead!"

For a time, countless monks burst out of their eyes, and their eyes did not move. They all wanted to witness the peak of the fit and powerful person falling down. After all, this kind of opportunity will not appear once in a thousand years.

But this time, they are finally disappointed.

At the moment when the Taoist Taoist drank drastically, the figure of Xiao Chen in the five-colored vortex suddenly opened his eyes. The original dim and divine eyes turned into dark and calm colors at the moment. .

"With your supernatural powers, you are also delusional about destroying the imprint of this life, really delusional!"

"This seat is here today, and see if your supernatural power can destroy me."

Xiao Chen sneered, the corners of his mouth were even colder, and there was a hidden killing in his eyes. Change of mind, where Xiao Chen's figure is located, the endless horrible killings condensed out instantly, the number of which is more than ten million, is overwhelming, all of which are hundreds of feet in size.

Xiao Chen in this colorful swirl is the clone of the ancient demon. Taking Xiao Chen's supernatural power as the example, although the Five Yuan Chaos Supernatural Power is strong, he can't do it if he wants to hurt him. However, in order to show 24 Tiandao Thunder Pearls that he has enough qualifications to become its master, Xiao Chen allows this supernatural power. Explosion, but the ancient demons are sent into it.

The ancient demon avatar has the strongest strength, which can be called the ultimate level of fit. How can this chaotic five-element supernatural power hurt him. At this moment, with the birth of the horrible killing gas, with the thoughts moving, the countless killing gas whistled straight to the colorful swirl.


The slaying of the killing frenzy and raging fury made the five-color vortex tremble suddenly, and then collapsed directly. Based on the ancient demon cultivation, and with the origin of killing in hand, this five-element chaos supernatural power is not an opponent.

The pupils of the Wuyuan Taoist contracted violently. At this moment, his face was suddenly pale, a spurt of fine blood spewed from his mouth, and his body's breath weakened. This weird gaze looked at the cloned ancient demon avatar, which was filled with incredible meaning and lost his voice: "incarnate outside!"

The ancient demon avatar smiled coldly and broke the five-color vortex completely. At this moment, he stepped forward, and the figure directly entered the thunder pool, and integrated into the human race. The next moment, Xiao Chen's slightly slumped atmosphere soared again.

Lei Dao Tianzun looks ugly, and his heart is filled with endless anger. This Xiao Chen actually trained himself to become a supernatural power, so it would be more difficult to kill him. But at this moment, the old man looked dull, and then the fear came out of his heart, and his heart was enveloped by the rapid growth.

"Impossible! Never, Xiao Chen, a hybrid, how can you take away my heavenly lightning bead!"

"Come back, come back here!"

Lei Dao Tianzun was born with no sign of misery, and his voice was filled with such complex meanings as despair, resentment, and fear, which instantly attracted countless monks' shocking eyes, and there was a loud noise in their heads.

Snatch Thunderball! !!

That Xiao Chen was sucked into Lei Chi's picture scroll for a long time without moving, is it to prepare the matter in secret, and what means can he use to actually take the life of Lei Dao to the highest level and take it away, if he really does Means, then in the future, who would dare to sacrifice treasures to fight with him, otherwise it would be to give away his own baby. This thought came to mind, and many monks shivered in unison, looking at Lei Dao Tianzun's eyes instantly with sympathy. Poor this person thought that the winning ticket was about to kill the powerful enemy, but I didn't know they had taken away your treasure silently, it was really pathetic.

Lei Tao Tianzun was completely panicked.

This old man can have today ’s achievements. Only 24 heavenly Thunderballs can continue to improve his practice. If he loses, not only will he lose a treasure of life-saving, but the most important thing is to take away his cultivation practice and the origin of Thunder. In this way, his cultivation will be difficult in the future. To Lei Tao Tianzun, this Thunder Ball is not as important as his life!

"My Thunderball! Mine!"

Lei Dao Tianzhuang growled wildly, but became more panicked and scared. The induction between Yuanshen and Lei Zhu quickly weakened. No matter what he urged madly, the picture of Thunder Pool did not move at all, and the strangeness fell into silence.

Within a few short breaths of time, the appearance of Lei Dao Tianzhuang directly grew old and countless, until the last sensory disconnection between Lei Zhu and Lei Zhu, this old weird uttered a miserable mouth, suddenly spit out a blood sword, actually Yu Ji Internal creation, we can see the sadness and anger in my heart.

However, in a moment, the occupation situation was directly reversed. Wuyuan Taoist and Lei Dao Tianzun were hit hard. However, it was Xiao Chen who had the absolute upper hand.

At the time of the shock of many human monks and demons, the uncharacteristic Thunderpool Scroll suddenly moved, which gradually dissipated within the raging Thunder, and became thinner and eventually dissipated into the 24 Sky Road Thunderballs. Exposing 24 of them, the body of the thunder bead and the tall and erect figure, the outer robe is brand new, the complexion is calm, and there is no slight difference in color.

"Thunderball! My thunderball!" Seeing the appearance of 24 thunderballs, Lei Tiantian's eyes suddenly burst into madness. At this moment, the figure immediately tore up the space and went straight forward, and his thin palm went straight to one of them.

"Mine! Mine!" The old man growled in his heart.

But Xiao Chen's eyes flickered slightly, and there was a hint of scorn in the corners of his mouth, but he didn't mean to stop at all.

When the thunderbolt Tianzun's palm is about to touch the thunder ball, a fierce thunder force explodes from within 24 thunder **** instantly, and the superpower stack bursts out. The devastating power of thundering thundered into Lei Dao Tianzun's body, knocking it away instantly.

Crackling! Crackling!

The flashing of thunder light made Lei Dao Tianzun severely damaged, the exalted robe of the body was broken, the high beam of silver and long white sprinkled open, coupled with the bleak and pale old face and the dull eyes, how could there be a bit of prestige.

When Lei Zhu knocked Lei Dao Tianzun into flight, Xiao Chen calmly stretched out his hand, 24 Tian Dao Leizhu fell instantly, but disappeared into the flesh directly, but now this piece of Lei Dao treasure is already owned by Xiao Chen. . Feeling Lei Zhu in his body, Xiao Chen was delighted in his heart. It was an unexpected joy to conquer this treasure. However, when he completed the initial recognition of the Lord and received the message from Thunder Ball, he realized that today is not accidental.

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