Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 184: Prestige

Plain and indifferent, one foot collapsed around the Zhoushan range, but it seemed like they were stepped on the chest of the numerous monster peak strong men, making them look pale instantly, their eyes showing resentment and fear, etc., even the monster beast four The Emperor's Dragon King, at the moment, couldn't help humming, but seemed to be afraid of anger. {< [八? 一 小? 说 网 W] W & gt; W ?. ] 8? 1> YW. Com

At present, six human races are powerful, and the five demon races each have their peaks, and they are facing each other 50,000 miles away from Zhoushan, and there is a potential rise.

This time around the Battle of Zhoushan, has already attracted the majority of human races, monsters and monsters to gather together, but no matter from the peak combat strength or backbone combat power, the human monks have the absolute upper hand, completely demon monsters pressing.

However, in order to prevent people and demons from fighting, leading to the destruction of space and restarting reincarnation, there are many agreements between human races and demons. Among them, the monks are not allowed to hunt monsters of five grades and above, and the monsters are the strongest. Nor should the people kill the monks for no reason without falling above the realm. It is precisely because of this that the two races can barely keep the surface calm, but still undercurrents, both want to suppress each other.

For example, Zhoushan gathered today. This way of playing is obviously a silent contest. The result is still a tribal monk wins.

"Beijingzi, the four emperors of the demon tribe allowed human monks to enter the holy land, not Zhoushan, but if there were any accidents during this period, don't blame me for waiting to be ruthless." The King of Dragons said with a deep voice, with a hidden kill.

Kitaniko nodded and said lightly: "If it is wrong with the human race, let it be handled, otherwise the old man will never give up." The tone was calm, but extremely tough.

The two eyes confronted each other, and they returned to their seats.

Countless human monks and demons have seen with their own eyes the confrontation between the two top racial peaks. At this moment, they are all silent and silent.

On the hills around Zhou, the momentum gradually steadily and calmly, but in this calmness, there is the sharp breath slowly rising, wanting to pierce into the clouds.

It's noon.


The clear sky seemed to be dark, and the endless thunderclouds were born from the void, converging madly to the mountains, blocking the entire sky. In this dark cloud, there was a flash of thunder, and the sound of thunder was endless.

Suddenly, the endless Lei Yun trembled, and then thousands of thunders landed at the same time, twisted and twisted, and gnawed like monsters, and the thunder sounded instantly.

It was during these thousands of thunders that they fell together, as if the world was exploding, a figure suddenly appeared. At this moment, they walked among the thousands of thunders, just as they walked among the thunder pools.

Countless monks and strong demons are all shocked by this sudden explosion. At this moment, their eyes are full of awe. After all, this is the first time that they have seen the magical powers of the powerful late man in the fit.

The approach of the comer is enough to show that he is his own identity.

Footstepped in the void, stepped forward, fell on the top of the mountain, slightly hesitant to walk directly into. At the moment when this weird entered, a strange power emerged from the body of Zhou Shan instantly, covering 50,000 miles.

If Zhoushan is not opened, the body will be able to enter, and those who have not fallen down will never open.

Lei Dao Tianzun came with Thunder Tianwei, went straight into the mountains, and then closed his eyes. If he hadn't seen the surrounding sight, he seemed to be quietly adjusting his breath.

The thunder didn't go away, and waves came again.

Wuyuan Taoist looks calm, with the promise of Lord Kitani, there is no fear in his heart, and he can retreat regardless of victory or defeat in today's battle. However, this time he has not yet met, he naturally does not want to show cowardice, and the surrounding area is covered with colorful lights, rendering the entire sky.

People have five essences: body, body, law, deity, and life. They can only survive in the world and build a boulevard to create a supernatural power called Wuyuan Chaos, which can damage, destroy, destroy, and injure people. Yuan, the effect is unpredictable, but the great magical power of the world.

This supernatural power was passed down from ancient times. Wuyuan Taoists practiced this Tao before they had the Wuyuan Taoism.

Divine light in vitro, divided into five colors of black, yellow, white, green, and red, seems simple and gorgeous, but it is the light that kills the invisible five yuan chaos. One brush can damage the essence, and the other can damage the body. You can draw under three brushes, destroy gods under four brushes, and kill yourself under five brushes.

Wuyuan Chaos Divine Light is the supernatural power of Wuyuan Taoist. This appearance has already begun to show how cautious he is in the war.

Dark clouds roar above the void, and there are five colors of light. The endless killing is manifested in the writhing, the color is pale, millions of roads are incalculable, and the tsunami is killing.

The war has not yet begun, but the general situation has emerged, making countless monks hold their breath and bet their eyes. Even the powerful monk in the ensemble environment felt the majestic momentum of the thundercloud and colorful clouds, and secretly felt in his heart.

The two parties have arrived and are now only staying with the last one.

The passage of time, seeing that noon was about to pass, but no monks appeared, and this situation suddenly caused many powerful people to frown secretly.

Is it that Xiao Chen uttered wild words, but was afraid to come today? If this is the case, he can't help humiliating himself, and the entire monk's face will be shaved in front of countless monsters. Thinking of this possibility, the powerful men who froze in a wide stand can not help but frown slightly.

As for the many monster powers of the Four Emperors of the Beasts, the sneer was sneered at the corners of their mouths. Obviously, they were very happy to see the human race make a big joke.

Kitaniko An sits on the top of the mountain, and the alchemy monks are arranged in order, monopolizing the entire drone in all directions. At this moment, the adult suddenly lifted up, a few different colors flashed in his eyes, and said softly, "Here it is."

As his voice fell, the whole Zhoushan was quiet for a moment.

A space crack opened silently, and the silver-white horror space could be revealed and raged. Monk Tsing Pao looked calm and stepped forward. The figure was exposed to the eyes of everyone, his brows frowned slightly, and then he calmed down.

In and out of Zhoushan, countless eyes gathered on the person, even if he had seen him countless times, but seeing his true face this time, they let them secretly marvel, and then became completely excited.

They have heard countless rumors about this, and they are already very anxious. Fortunately, today they have the opportunity to see for themselves, and they have a little credibility to see the rushing speeches. However, this means of penetrating through the turbulent space alone is enough to overpower Lei Dao Tianzun and the five Yuan Taoists.

Eleven appearing at the summit of Zhoushan existed at the same time and their eyes fell on the comer. The next moment they frowned slightly, just because they couldn't see through the blue robe monk, as deep as the bottomless abyss.

Beiguzi's complexion was a little calm, and he looked at Xiao Chen deeply, then shook his head and sighed, but I wondered what the sigh meant?

Not Zhoushan, it is rumored that Naihong was used in the ancient times to build a mountain. It was later broken by the powerful men of ancient times and disappeared. Only the bottom of the mountain remained in the world. Fifty thousand miles, there was some inexplicable power to suppress the void.

Fighting within the mountain range, the fit monk did not hesitate to make all-out shots.

Xiao Chen's eyes turned slightly, and fell on the mountain fault. Two revenge and cold eyes shot from it at the same time, and they looked at each other. Although the two sides didn't open their mouths, it was almost enough to make the blood coagulate into ice.


Thunder clouds rolled violently on the Zhoushan Mountain, the brighter the colorful glow, the paler killing air roared like a knife.

Xiao Chen looked indifferent. At this moment, he looked up at the cloud like Mo Leiyun, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, moving forward in silence.

One step, two steps, three steps.

Xiao Chenmei's blood flashed slightly at the heart, and then the Thunder Dragon appeared instantly, the body breathing soared to 5oo Yuzhang, shook his head and tail, opened his teeth and danced his claws.

Lei Long was born between heaven and earth, and was favored by heaven. He took the thunder of the world and was the master of Wan Lei. With the roar of Thunder Dragon, the sky thunder cloud suddenly trembled, and then quickly disappeared like the scorching sun and snow!


The blood snarled again, and the endless thunder within a million miles of the territory appeared from the torn space in the void, converging to its place, turning into a thunder pool, in which the power of the thunder was slowly swimming like a stream of liquid water.

Four steps, five steps, six steps.

Under Lei Yun, there is endless killing gas, but this time with Xiao Chen moving forward, all those who are close to the body are trembling in shape, and then directly collapse and dissipate. Taking a step forward, the air of vanishing annihilation disappeared.

The killing gas was originally created by slaughter and brutality, but this time facing Xiao Chen, this thing has no resistance at all, or, they are afraid to resist,

At the end of six steps, within the boundless mountains, Thundercloud disappeared and the killing collapsed.

Xiao Chen didn't say a word and took a shot, but the power of the show was already shocking.

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