From the origin, the world is changing, there is an endless killing atmosphere condensing out of thin air, the color is pale, the roar is cold and cold, the number is incalculable, and it is full of endless space. (Eight (one Chinese W) W> W>. 818W.COM

call out!

call out!

In the sound of immeasurable killing, the ancient demons were completely wrapped in an instant, and they went straight into the flesh, drawing numerous dense wounds on the body of more than 40,000 feet, and the blood flow was endless.

But the physical pain is only the last part, and the most important point for integrating the origin of killing is that you must have experienced the intention of killing and refining God and put it into your own control. Otherwise, if your mind is invaded, it will be controlled by the origin.

The origin of the heavens is great and the sword of the humanitarian origins is off-center. The former inherits a lot of safety, while the inferior origin dissipates the vital injuries without risking life, but the latter is much more dangerous. In particular, the root cause of killing is one of the top sources of humanity, and it is extremely difficult to inherit it in its entirety.

The ancient demons love to kill, but their mental state is relatively weak. At this time, they can absolutely not resist the intention to kill God by virtue of his own ability. Fortunately, the two main points of the human race are physically and mentally connected, the Yuanshen are connected, and the ancient demon avatars are subject to killing and refining the gods. The human race and the space avatars can help them resist together.

The human race, two major avatars, coexist with one source, and are both Xiao Chen.

At this moment, the ancient demon avatar inherited the origin of the killing, and the humanoid and space avatars did it cross-kneeed at the same time, and they shared the killing intention.

So far, Xiao Chen ’s path has great opportunities, great hardships, life and death, and numerous killings. The dangers and dangers are incalculable. His state of mind has been stabilized and tough, and cannot be destroyed. At the moment, under the impact of killing, such as the reef in the sea I will stand still if you have a stormy sea.

In the primitive space of the human race, the ancient Bodhi tree also benefited greatly when Xiao Chen swallowed the King of the Nine Blood Sages. The tree body swelled again and became 500 feet in size. The foliage was more lush, and the scattered light was more dazzling. Weather is endless.

At this moment, as Xiao Chen's thoughts moved, the ancient Bodhi tree trembled suddenly, and the aura of light suddenly surged.

The next moment, outside the body of Xiao Chen, there was a shadow of the ancient Bodhi tree condensing from the void above his head, with the twinkling of phoenix and thousands of spirits converging into two auras, connecting the other two avatars.

The three majors joined forces to stimulate the power of the ancient Bodhi tree, and together to overcome the difficulties of the origin of the killing.



Teng Teng's murderous spirit exploded from the three, rushing into the nebula and bullfighting, stirred up the astral spiritual riot, and turned into a roaring wave. However, despite this pervasive intention, it was impossible to invade Xiao Chen Yuanshen.

In this process, the origin of the killing continues to be integrated into the ancient demon avatar. As long as it can continue to adhere to it, it can eventually be put into the hands.

The monk in the black robe looked at Xiao Chen, his eyes revealed with sorrow and gratification. The superiority of this junior was beyond his expectation. He could even own the treasure of the ancient Bodhi tree. Moreover, his own ideas are extremely firm and unshakable, coupled with the protection of treasures, presumably there should be no accidents in inheriting the origin of the killing.

Time passed by, and there was no killing breath in the star field, and there was no sound at all. It lasted from March to today.

Just at this moment, Xiao Chen ’s human body and space avatar opened their eyes at the same time, and all eyes showed joy and looked up at the sky.

The ecstasy roar of the ancient demon avatar shook the surrounding endless killing breath, and then he seemed to be summoned and madly gathered towards him, turning into an endless killing storm and being swallowed in his stomach.

Killing Inheritance is complete!

At the same time, the avatar of the ancient demon just refined and absorbed the last trace of pure energy of the main body of Nine Bloody Kings. The body just reached the size of fifty thousand feet, standing in the heavens and the earth. Mo can resist.

There was a smile on Xiao Chen's face, and it quickly spread to his face. Eventually, he couldn't help but laugh long and loudly.

The three laughter was louder and rushed into the sky.

This time, even with the calmness of Xiao Chen's heart, he couldn't help but be thrilled to suppress and swallowed the King of the Nine Bloodswords. He couldn't help but gain the source of the killing, and he also possessed the strength and confidence of the world. From now on, no one in this world can control his life, my fate is controlled by myself!

The King of Nine Bloody Vine is the bloodline of the blood vine family of Daqianjie. It has swallowed countless monks and has survived for tens of thousands of years. The body contains so much energy, Xiao Chen swallowed it up, and the strength naturally soared.

The human race is revised to the mid-level peak of the integration. The second realm of the "Xuantian" method has accumulated endless energy, reaching almost the peak level, making the physical combat power more robust.

Space avatar, the heart of fusion space originally has the power of natural space origin, although it has not reached the realm of realm, but the monks who are able to cope with the late integration can also retreat. This time devouring energy, the power of its own power soared, and the space grew stronger, relying on the source to force the late stage of the body.

Among the three, the ancient demon avatar has the greatest benefit. It stimulates blood in the body with the help of majestic energy, promotes the ancient demon in one fell swoop, and grows to the size of fifty thousand feet. He raises his hands to endless power, and has the killing roots to inherit. Strive for the ultimate level of the fit, kill the ordinary fit later.

The current situation is actually that the ancient demons are the strongest, the space avatars are the second, and the human race is the weakest. In this way, the importance of natural qualifications can be seen. The starting point of the Xiao Chen human clone is too low. Although it takes the longest time to cultivate, it has achieved achievements in a short period of time. After all, no matter whether the space avatar that integrates the heart of space or the ancient avatar that promotes the ancient demon to control the origin of killing, the level of life is much stronger than the human race.

But even so, how can they be all three, Xiao Chen, no matter which strongest avatar is Xiao Chen's combat power. Moreover, the chance of other people's ontology is far from being comparable to the two avatars. At least a little gold seal is enough to win but countless.

At present, although the human race is the weakest, it is still uncertain how the future will ultimately be achieved.

The weakest human race has the ability to fight in the later stages of integration. If the three forces are combined, who in the world can block the slightest!

As the blade points, all shackles are destroyed and destroyed!

After a long time, the laughter dissipated, Xiao Chen reluctantly suppressed the emotions in his heart, and his complexion returned to calmness. The ancient demon clone was anxious to become the size of an ordinary person, and his appearance was more similar to Xiao Chen. At this moment, he took a step forward with the space avatar and integrated into the human race. Disappeared within.

The three major bodies are always dominated by human races, and this will not change.

Xiao Chen lifted his gaze and felt a little bit sorrowful. At this moment, Starfield 6 was completely destroyed. Only the countless pieces of Fragment 6 recorded everything that had ever existed and been born here.

The last place left by the clans has completely dissipated, but the hatred has not been resolved, all this has just begun.

"The younger generation of Xiao Chen, thank you for your help today. I am grateful that I did not dare to forget it, but the old man has his life. Xiao Chen will make all his efforts without any hesitation." Xiao Chen stepped forward, and the figure fell on the black robe monk. In front of him, he bowed and saluted with a sincere voice.

The monk in the black robe dropped his eyes and showed satisfaction. This junior tribe was the best choice no matter whether he was a man of opportunity or character, and naturally he was pleased. At this moment, he said lightly: "The old man has long since died and endless. So far, it's just that my people can't rise and wash away the hatred and shame from the ancient times. But see you today, there is no concern in the old man's heart, there are people in the people's tribe, I am comforted by the dead. "

"You don't need to be grateful to the husband. Just remember everything you see today, remember the suffering that has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and remember that you are my monk. These are enough. As for how to do it, the husband You wo n’t ask, you just have it. ”

Xiao Chen nodded, his face calmly, and said, "The predecessors are assured. When Xiao Chen came here hundreds of years ago, he had decided that he would one day find out the matter, and put the so-called upper family on my family. Returned a hundred times. "

"Though the younger monks did not know what happened then, they would never forget it."

Yu Feng showed firm conviction, hidden killing breath revealed, lonely and silent.

The monk in a black robe took a deep look at Xiao Chen and said, "I hope that after thousands of years, you can still remember what you said today. If you have this idea, you will need to be more cautious in the future. Cowardly, there are not many monks who are qualified to carry the racial prosperous. The tens of thousands of years old husband is only you, so don't let the old husband down. "

At this point, the man was briefly silent, apparently thinking about what he was thinking.

Xiao Chen was not anxious and waited silently.

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