Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 174: Back swallow

When to wait, when to wait, when to wait,

Xiao Chen Yuanshen is in a state of turmoil, energy is lost in the body, Yuanshen is also extremely weak, even if the ancient Bodhi tree is also dim and dull, and there is no flash of aura before, the treasure tree looks like God. Eight {(一 中文 网 [W] WW.81ZW.COM. But at the moment, as the monk in the black robe roars, it is the sound that directly flows into the space of his primordial spirit, causing him to wake up instantly.

Without any reminder, Xiao Chen knew subconsciously what to do now.

Govern his body in his own way, swallow it! swallow! swallow!

Xiao Chen's body and the two main avatars force at the same time and reverse the engulfment by inserting the blood vine of the Nine You Blood King. At the next moment, the immeasurable amount of pure energy rushed out of the blood vine and melted into the three.

At present, even though the nine venomous kings of vines are against the sky, the monk in black robe can hardly prevent the body from being sealed and repressed, and the body is suppressed again, but they are reduced to the point of resistance and let Xiao Chen slaughter and devour them.

Suddenly, the endless energy in its huge body was swallowed into the body.




The dense sound of Xiao Chen and the two avatars came from the flesh. With the engulfing of energy, the three's weakness was greatly relieved and the flesh was plump again. As a result, they naturally swallowed up without any pause.


There was a roar of roar from the King of Nine Youxue, which contained endless pain. This demon devoured countless human races, and now finally tasted what it was like to be swallowed. Yuanshen was restrained, and the body was sealed, so that it had no resistance, a sense of panic was born, and it spread rapidly.

"Since the birth of my tribe, no one has been swallowed up by the essence of your body. The monks in your lower circles are afraid to hurt the king. I want you to die!"


Nine Youxue consciousness is struggling frantically.



Within the valley, more than a thousand dry corpse figures were showing relief at the same time in their eyes, and their bodies were shattered by the anti-seismic force of the Fengzhenma method, which was then dissipated into powder. They have been dead forever, but what remains now is nothing but unwillingness, and this time it can be regarded as complete relief.

Xiao Chen Yuanshen sensed changes in the outside world, and a loud noise in his head made an instinctual noise, and the whole body's blood was boiling. Although I do not know the identity of the monk in the black robe, the senior monks in the valley with their corpses and dead souls could not hide his induction.

This time he was not alone, but shot with the ancient ancestors to resist these nine **** vine kings.

Xiao Chen suddenly lifted up, at the same time the two avatars opened their eyes at the same time, and there was endless indifference in the eyes.

"Today we must die, because the ancestors of our ancestors took the shots before they could gain vitality for you and me. Such an opportunity must be grasped. Once missed, not only will it fail the attention of countless ancestors, they will lose their own lives, and even our family. Will be hit by catastrophe. "

"We cannot afford to lose this time!"

"Go all out and devour the essence of the Nine Bloody Kings, and completely kill the monsters raised by the flesh and blood of my countless ancestors!"


Xiao Chen burst into a thunderous thunder, his voice dropped, and the demon clone shot first.

Roaring in the mouth, the demon avatar completes the change of the demon in an instant, the figure turns into a huge figure, the swallowing ability suddenly soars, and the energy is madly swallowed by the blood vine, transforming it into its own possession, and improving it.

The intense silver-white space energy burst out in the eyes of the space avatar. Although the shape has not changed, there is another space in the flesh itself, which can be sealed even if it cannot swallow energy immediately.

The human body of Xiao Chen was equally explosive at the moment of the two big shots. His practice of "Xuantian" is now in the second realm, but it requires a lot of accumulation levels. When his own accumulation reaches the limit, he can break the mystery and achieve the imperial realm!

So this time, no matter how much energy is swallowed into the body, it will be absorbed by his body.

Xiao Chen's body inherited the heritage of ancient ethnic races, and turned into a treasure body, which has unlimited potential. After practicing the "Xuantian" method for the second time, his combat power has grown even more pure, and he can accommodate massive amounts of energy!

"Through the secret method of" Swallow the Thunder ", turn it to me!"

The torrent of mana in the flesh ran wildly between every flesh and blood, dividing and refining the energy into the flesh, turning it into surging vitality mana.

Xiao Chen ’s two main avatars shot with all their strength, and the devouring consequences were horrible. The Nine Bloodblood King roared in agony in pain, but starting from the huge root system on the outside, the monster originally stagnates above the ground and the root system stagnates, and then the naked eye Visibility dried up and faded into fly ash.

This substance seems to be contaminated with a virus, and the body's vital energy is rapidly dissipating.

Starting from the periphery, it spread quickly to the center.

The Nine Youxue Tengwang is afraid!

It clearly sensed every passing of energy in the body, and the pain came to make it almost irresistible. And most importantly, in the face of this crazy injury, he was blocked and unable to make a little resistance.

Each struggle will cause the collapse of thousands of dried corpses in the valley, but there are too many of them, and the energy in its body is passing too fast. I am afraid that it will be swallowed up and disappeared before it can break away from its essence.

After living endless years, this monster never knew that he would one day face the end of death.

And when this day came, the King of the Nine Youxue was very scared. The longer he lived, the more he feared death. Once it dissipated, everything in the world would eventually become empty, and it would have nothing to do with it.

"My king is willing to confess defeat. As long as you let me go, I am willing to surrender a lot of gods, make a contract to recognize you as the Lord, and let me drive you in the future!"

"As long as you let me go, you will have an extremely powerful servant, and you will never dare to disrespect you again!"

"Terrestrial monk, please consider my proposal, otherwise the King will fight desperately and resist, and you will all retreat."

The Nine Youxue Tengwang banged open, but a moment of strange color flashed in the depths of his eyes.

The blood rattan family has a talented supernatural split body, which can split itself into two completely independent bodies. Once detached, it can use the split supernatural power to break the binding force of the deed, and then hit all the humble people that hurt it. kill.

"Beg for forgiveness?" The monk in black robe seemed to hear something very funny, and he murmured, killing his voice, "When the countless compatriots of my tribe were swallowed up by you, did you give them a chance to ask for mercy? ! "

"My millions of monks are treated by you as an extract of energy. The remnants of souls must not dissipate, and they have been tortured for thousands of years. Have you ever given them the opportunity to ask for their lives!"

"At present, you are not protected by your life. Do you speak now? Isn't it funny? No one can save you today. Although my tribe does not share the fire with the fire tribe, the number of people who have been swallowed by you as a demon can not be estimated. The energy in your body Turning into a chance for the rise of the monks of my tribe is a destiny cycle! "

"You will die!"

After speaking, the voice of the monk in the black robe was absolutely fierce and there was no room for turning back.

Sensing the murderous sensation, the King of the Nine Bloodswords knew that his life was hopeless, and his heart was very hot and suddenly burst.

"If you want the king to die, it depends on whether you have such a means!"

"Since you want to devour it, then the king will complete you, give it all to you, and see if you can eat it later."

The monster opened his mouth resentfully, and his mind was not constraining the essence of his body to flow away. Instead, he frantically urged the gush to burst outward, turning into a torrent of torrents and rushing into Xiao Chen and the two Oita's bodies. Although engulfing and refining can promote cultivation, it also requires self-knowledge. If too much energy cannot be absorbed by refining and refining, it will inevitably lead to energy backwashing, and the consequences will be unthinkable.

Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly changed.

The energy transmitted from the blood vine is too strong, but it has already been consumed by the flesh. The remaining energy is frantically spoiling between the flesh and blood, causing the flesh to crack and the blood flowing out during the fragmentation.

With Xiao Chen's human being as it is, the demon avatar is even more unbearable. Wan Zhang's body continued to have wounds to break open, the energy integration was too fast to be refined, the flesh and blood continued to be cracked, revealing the Yin red flesh squirming wildly, and the meaning of pain on the face.

The space avatar is in the best position at this moment. Although the energy surge has caused him a great load, the fusion of the space's heart and its own space can forcibly seal the unrefined energy. However, if the energy accumulates to a certain degree, the space will endure the limit, once the explosion is over, it will not backfire.

The idea of ​​these nine **** kings of vines is extremely simple. If you want to devour them, I will let you swallow them, depending on whether you can eat them. Don't hold yourself to death.

The method of this monster is extremely simple, but the effect is very good. At least Xiao Chen is in crisis. If the swallow fails, the nine **** vine kings can escape the calamity, and can even take the initiative and swallow Xiao in turn. Morning waiting.

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