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Nine iron chains closed the town and fell into the hands of the old man of the clans. This man's face was filled with savageness. "This iron chain binds the old man here for endless years, leaving me in pain all the time, but The bitterness in these years has not been eaten in vain. This thing is a treasure of the Lord. Now it has been refined by the old man and merged with flesh and blood to become my own treasure. "

"Today, your ants in the lower bounds can force the old man to damage his vitality to sacrifice this treasure, even if he dies, it is enough to feel proud."

During the talk, the old man of the upper family slowly let go, but the nine iron chains did not fall to the ground, but spread out in the wind, each with a length and length, wandering behind him, like nine huge tentacles.

The fierce, wild, venomous, and hot breath was scattered from the nine iron cables, and the whistling iron cables shook and shattered the vast void, and the roaring air waves shrilled, causing fierce visual impact.

Xiao Chen's complexion suddenly became gloomy.

This iron cable had a terrifying power, and just feeling this breath made him stiff and endless in his heart. No wonder this old man of the tribe is so confident. It turned out that he still had such a hole in his hand, refining the clavicle and turning it into his own treasure. It can be seen from his mouth that this iron chain is the thing left by the so-called Supreme Master Monk of the Supreme Family, and it must be extremely powerful. It seems that there are some troubles in trying to kill it.

But at this moment, an arrogant voice sounded instantly, "Hey, it's just a few broken iron chains, just like a baby, actually inserted into the bone, why are you afraid that someone will not rob you?"

"Rest assured, there are not many monks in this world who like special hobbies like packing up treasures. It ’s okay to rob you if you are full."

"Today I thought it was awesome to hold the nine iron chains-I was forced to drop it, and I dared to export to threaten the most admired owner of the coach, I was really impatient. Look, see your grandfather I do n’t have an awesome body. I do n’t know how many times stronger than your broken chain. ”

"Wait for this coach to chop this broken iron chain, and then cut you into seventeen or eighty paragraphs, to see if you are still so arrogant! How dare you arrogantly in front of this coach, especially Master Xiao Chen, It is unbearable! "

The shop is now Xiao Chen. Now that it ’s unpredictable, the idea suddenly changes. Since it ’s not an opponent, then you have to show it. It is also good to make up for the mistakes made before. By the way, let the owner know that the shop is definitely him An indispensable weapon for home travel to kill and set fire to fight. Although you can't completely change your status, as long as you perform well enough, you must make the owner pay more attention to it.

If you want to get more benefits, you have to show a stronger ability. This shop has long thought that it is suffering from no chance of performance. This old man ’s stranger appeared and broke the iron chain. It ’s raining in time. .

The shop was grateful, and secretly, in order to show sincerity, you should let Ben Shuai beat you up and perform well.

Xiao Chen heard his words move slightly, and based on his understanding of the shop, he was typically deceived and afraid of hard goods. Now, facing the boss's weird nine iron cables, if he is not sure, he will definitely be a tortoise. It seems quite encouraging.

The fusion ontology becomes a complete sword, and I don't know what the store is capable of today. But thinking of its unbreakable body like a turtle shell, Xiao Chen couldn't help but expect a little.

"Small shop, you have to think clearly. The nine iron cables opposite you should not be underestimated. Don't wait for the real shot. Instead of helping you, you need me to save you." Xiao Chen said lightly, expressing his intention intentionally. doubt.

The shop immediately became angry.

OK, it would be too much to dare to underestimate the handsome pot! However, I secretly made a comparison in my heart, and I still didn't dare to do anything. At the moment, the chest slammed. "You can rest assured. Wait for the shop to chop and wire these nine iron chains on the plate. In front of you. "

I decided to say nothing and let the facts prove everything.

The shop was ruthless.

On the opposite side, the old man of the tribe has an iron complexion. Anyone who spends tens of thousands of years of hard-earned treasures is worthless. They have to be shredded and placed on a plate. Presumably they will not be in a good mood.

Behind this immortal body, the nine iron cables trembled endlessly, and the fierce breath was pouring out like a tide. I just wanted to entangle the shop to refining and swallow it, and then I could relieve my hatred a little. In this iron wire trembling, layers of blood flames emerged from it, condensed into nine blood-colored skulls, "Master, I will burn such a broken sword into **** and devour its spirit, please give My chance. "

The town of Heisuofeng has been born for thousands of years, and a spirit **** has already been produced. At this moment, it is refined by the old man of the tribe, and naturally it is regarded as the main.

"it is good!"

"Nine cable, today is the first battle you belong to the old man's hands. There must be no mistakes. As long as you can help the old man to leave the opposite ants, the old man will swear by heart demon that he will never treat you in the future."

"In the hands of the old man, you may not have the opportunity to turn into a human form in the future."

The old man sneered sneer, and the nine iron cables behind him twitched fiercely. "Thank you master, Jiuzuo will not let you down." The nine blood-colored skulls opened their mouths at the same time. The voices are strange and strange. At this moment, hehe laughs, the sound waves roll, and it is a very powerful Yuanshen attack.

The shop was scolded as a broken sword, and I immediately felt humiliated with pride and angrily said, "Where is all this nonsense, see the true chapter under your hand and die for me!"

Xiao Chen raised his hand, Xiaojian broke through the air by himself, his shape suddenly skyrocketed, and turned into the size of a thousand feet. The sharp sword in it suddenly burst into the sky, as if the ancient sword immortal once again came to the world, facing all difficulties, it was all broken.


Centered on the main body of the shop, the space of 10,000 miles is fragmented at the same time, and the sky and sky are condensed from the air. The space is cut into pieces during the whistling.

Nine cable skeletons sneered. At this moment, there is no need for the drive of the old tribe. The nine iron cables were shot like a Qianlong in an instant, and the blood was soaring on it.

Above the void, there are tens of thousands of giant swords fighting the nine iron cables, the rumbling fragmentation of the sky space, the excitement of energy easily torn the earth, creating abyss of gully, crisscrossed like a cobweb.

The store is extremely brave, with an enemy of nine, but has never fallen in the downwind, each time the sword air and the iron cable hardly shake will endless sparks, the roaring sky rang through the entire star field. But now I was so anxious in my heart that I thought that it was not a matter of minutes to chop and pull this little broken iron chain by my own means. I didn't expect that it would take a long time. This makes the shop feel very embarrassed and greatly embarrassed.

If even this trivial matter is not done properly, how can it show its importance and how can it attract the attention of the owner! !!

Damn, this broken chain is really hard.

This uncle screamed in his heart, but did not know that the situation was far from what Xiao Chen expected. These nine deposits are unknown for many thousands of years, and it is the simple thing that the Supreme Master shot the baby. It is very surprising that the shop can resist it without falling a bit. Immediately in my heart, it is no wonder that this time he was so full of confidence that he wanted to improve his status. The mighty power did soar before.

Under its bombardment and slaying, Jiu Suo Ling demonized the skull and roared again and again, but couldn't do anything about the shop. After all, Xiao Chen knows how hard the body is. Now it is even more indestructible to incorporate the other half of the truncated sword. Although these nine ropes are extremely powerful, they ca n’t do damage to the shop.

I can't move, I can't kill, but every time I shake it hard, I get a light impact on my family. I can imagine the nine gods.

But the person who was most frightened at the moment was the old clan. This man naturally did not put Xiao Chen in his eyes at the peak of the year, and his backhand was like killing the ants to kill him easily. However, he was closed for ten thousand years and repaired as a lapse. Even if he imposed a secret blockade forcibly, he has now fallen to the later stage of integration. But even so, relying on his many means to fold his cards, the three fire magical powers and the nine treasures, this weird man thinks that no one in the world is his opponent.

But now the situation has completely shocked the upper-class monsters. In just a few hundred years, how many opportunities did Xiao Chen encounter in order to have such strength today.

It is comparable to the late combat power of the fit, the source of fire and the mysterious giant sword treasure now. It can take hundreds of years to get any of them, and it can be regarded as a grand ancestor, but Xiao Chen takes care of everything! And most importantly, up to this moment, the boss of the upper family is still not sure whether the strength revealed by Xiao Chen has exposed all the hole cards, or if he still has an extremely powerful hole card unopened.

Such a thought was born in my heart, and a chill irreversibly came out of this weird heart.

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