[Today ’s four finishes. How do you Dao friends give Zhang Hongguo the ticket? 】

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Big trouble!

Xiao Chen looked at the outside world and looked ugly. Eight {a novel [<[<

Right now, he's stuck here.

Xiao Chen frowned, and looked inside the egg-shaped object carefully through the restraint. The enclosed space of a size of more than 100 square feet is dead and silent. Only that space power condenses into strips, like silver snakes wandering endlessly in this space. The whole body is shining silver, and it will shine here as if it were daylight. See clearly what's going on inside.

These small things seem harmless, but once the terrifying space destruction power contained in them bursts out, it is enough to tear Xiao Chen into pieces instantly.

And in this space power shuttle guard, there is a ball of silver light the size of a few feet, the source of that strange wave is exactly this thing. The moment he saw this thing, Xiao Chen knew instantly that it was the real treasure.

This tens of thousands of squares of static space, the mysterious dome, the terrifying space energy gathered here is all caused by this little thing. A special breath of life emerged from it, but it was extremely weak, as if it had just become self-smart.

The intellect has the power immediately after it is born. If it is cultivated to maturity, what state will it reach? This silver light group is absolutely precious!

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth. He was trapped here at the moment. Although he had no life crisis, he didn't know how long it would take to get away. But now he cannot be trapped here, he must leave as soon as possible.

"Put it together and guard the magical power with the left eyebrow dojo, it should be able to block it!"

"Try it once, sitting still can't solve the dilemma in front of you!"

Xiao Chen took a deep breath, and when his mind moved, the left eyebrow dojo body slowly approached the silver light group.

He has only a short time and a chance to shoot, but Xiao Chen is still unsure whether he can succeed. If he fails and loses his lone clone, he can find another opportunity in the future.

When the left eyebrow dojo was close to the silver light group three feet away, Xiao Chen's eyes flashed a little firmness in an instant.

"Do it!"

The aura of light flashed, and the figure of Xiao Chen, a jade robe, appeared instantly. At this moment, the foot stepped forward and the figure disappeared.


At the moment when Xiao Chen, a jade robe, appeared in a closed space, the innumerable snake-like space power that was lazily wandering revealed its own sloppy side, the endless silver light flashed, the rumbling fragmentation burst out, and the space formed The fluctuations are enough to destroy any intruders.

At this critical moment, Xiao Chen, a jade robe, suddenly yelled, "Left eyebrow dojo, guard!" As the yell fell, a shadow of a palace-sized palace emerged in the void. As the volume shrinks, this supernatural power of guardianship naturally increases. , The clearer the picture, the vaguely "left eyebrow" above the plaque can be seen.



The spatial fluctuations and the left eyebrow dojo guardian power met, and the two were crackling, easily resisting the left eyebrow guardian power, which was shot in the late period of the two big fits without any loss. It was a little ripple at this moment. How powerful is the destructive power of the wave.

Yu Chen Xiao Chen didn't dare to have any hesitation. Even if the main body tried his best, he could only excite the left eyebrow guardian supernatural power, so he only had a chance to shoot. If he succeeded, he would return to the left eyebrow dojo immediately. If he failed. . It is best to be able to retreat from your body, and the worst case is to slump.


Xiao Chen, a jade robe, shot. At the moment, Xiao Chen's body was pale in the left eyebrow, but his eyes were staring at the picture in front of him.

"Don't go wrong!"

"Don't go wrong!"

Xiao Chen's mind was unprecedentedly tense. If his demise was destroyed, his strength would be severely hit.

The jade robe's detached palm fell on the silver light group and touched it.

But at this moment, Xiao Chen's body and the jade robe's avatar changed at the same time. A powerful suction burst instantly from within the silver light group, and a simple yet crazy idea burst instantly, expressing ** naked **.

It is going to devour the jade robe Xiao Chen.

"It's finished!" In the left eyebrow dojo, Xiao Chen's complexion became extremely ugly in an instant. There was no need for this silver light group to be swallowed by the outside world. As long as the left eyebrow guardian disappeared, the jade robe clone would be hanged into powder.


The left eyebrow was guarded, Xiao Chen's eyes widened instantly, but at that moment the space fluctuation suddenly stopped as if controlled. This silver light group prevents the force of space from destroying the avatar. This thing needs energy, and it is at a critical evolutionary moment.

The body of the jade robe avatar is a mutated heaven and earth spirit body, born between heaven and earth. The information was inexplicably noticed immediately upon contact with this silver light group. It is precisely because of this that this silver light group will prevent spatial fluctuations from killing him.

A strong horizontal suction is imploded from the silver light group, and it is extremely powerful. It can actually forcibly swallow the pure energy contained in the spirit avatar. This energy is different from the monk's mana, but the power between heaven and earth. It is precisely because of these energy that the spirit avatar can have powerful strength. Once the energy is lost, it means that the strength is reduced.

At the moment, under the induction of Xiao Chen, the spirit contained energy like a dying river bank, and it was madly gone, all swallowed up by the silver light group. With the loss of energy, the avatar's avatar is shrinking and shrinking, eventually becoming the size of a baby.

Right now it is the original state of the spirit body. If the energy flows again, the spirit body will collapse and disappear.

In the field of the left eyebrow, Xiao Chen's complexion was gloomy, but at this moment, his complexion suddenly changed, and an irresistible anger was instantly born from his heart.

This silver light group actually stopped devouring the energy of the spirit body, and instead dealt with the divine thoughts separated from the spirit body of Xiao Chen. If this is the case, Xiao Chen will not be so discolored. What is really scary is that under the suction of the silver light group, Xiao Chen ’s body spirit even felt the same feeling of devouring.

This silver light group can directly act on the body through the avatar Yuan Shen!

Xiao Chen sat down directly with his knees crossed, and the ancient Bodhi tree in Yuanshen space emerged to release thousands of auras to suppress the Yuanshen, the black ghost roared, and his eyes were full of violent murder.

Spiritual avatar was destroyed. Xiao Chenshang could slowly find a chance to escape, but if the yuan **** is swallowed, he will undoubtedly die. This incident is far beyond what Xiao Chen expected, and he has been forced into despair. Backing out is perishing, he has no choice but to let go!

Xiao Chen wanted to give up the car and protect the handsome, but at this moment he had no way to cut off the connection with the spiritual thoughts in the spirit avatar, and the power of engulfment from the silver light group was getting stronger and stronger. Yuan Shen, who could not completely resist it, still had the power of Yuan Shen continuously flowing away and was forcibly sucked away. Once in the silver light group, the absorbed thoughts and the induction between the body disappear instantly.

It can break the protection of the ancient Bodhi tree. This silver light group is undoubtedly the most powerful existence that Xiao Chen encountered.

In the Yuanshen space, Xiao Chen enters his mind. At this moment, God ’s consciousness condenses and Yuanshen suddenly opens his eyes. The sense of resoluteness and fierceness is revealed. The situation is critical at the moment. Finale.

"Okay! Since you are going to swallow me, then Xiao Chen will give you this opportunity and see if you can eat me!"

"An ancient tree of Bodhi, go with me. If this World War I can't swallow this silver light group upside down, today is the death of you and me!"

Xiao Chen's heart was fierce, didn't you want to devour it? I went into your body and devoured you in turn, only to see who could stick to it to the end.




Xiao Chen Yuanshen Space suddenly trembled violently, the ground cracked, and the root system of the ancient Bodhi tree was forcibly pulled up. Although this would damage Yuan Shenshen space to some extent, Xiao Chen could not care about them at this moment.

In this battle, if you win, you will die!

The ancient Bodhi tree heaven and earth spirit has its own spirit. At this moment, it seems that the moment of life and death exists, and endless spiritual light bursts out from the tree. Black ghosts roared on the branches of the thick trunk, all eyes were tyrannical.

This time Xiao Chen did not resist the suction of the silver light group bursting out, the Yuanshen made it out, and wrapped the ancient Bodhi tree against the black ghost backwater, as if the torrent rushed into the silver light group in an instant.


The spirit avatar energy is swallowed up, and enters into it as the primordial **** merges into the fragmentation.

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