Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 154: Revealing

[I saw a Taoist friend said why he didn't bring Qingmei into the Zuomei Dojo, Baozi explained. August 1 Chinese W} W) W]. 〉8.1] Z>W]. > C] OM monks who can enter the dojo of the left eyebrow all need to imprint the words on the left eyebrow. May I ask who would be willing to make the girl whom he likes to be close to become a loyal subordinate? Haha, Xiao Chen and Qingmei are together because of the warm affection. This explanation should be fairly passable. Besides, thanks to the friends from Border Town-Shenjian Taoist for writing, it is very interesting, thank you. 】

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"Jin Yuzong Grand Elder Bing Ling brought the sect monk to welcome her!"

"Jin Yuzong Grand Elder Bing Ling brought the sect monk to welcome her!"

"Jin Yuzong Grand Elder Bing Ling brought the sect monk to welcome her!"

. . .

From five thousand miles away, ten Phua Zong Yuan Ying monks greeted each other every thousand miles, roaring and roaring in their mouths, and the sound was superimposed and rolled endlessly, spreading throughout the entire space.

Above the main hall, Venerable Tianchi and Jiu Xian Dao sat high. At this moment, hearing the words, the latter frowned slightly, the premonition in his heart became more clear, and the brows were secretly frowned.

"Brother Xiao Chen, today's situation is muddy and unclear, you must not plunge your head in, otherwise the old man will not be able to help you even if he is interested."

As for the other monks, their hearts were shaken at this moment.

When a disciple of the Yuan Ying realm got married, it was actually possible to work with three powerful persons of the combined Venerable realm to come forward. Who can have this kind of honor! However, there are also those who are very thoughtful thinking about what Jiu Xian Dao said before, and now they are a little bit off-string, unconscious in their hearts, and secretly a little more careful.

It seems that today's marriage ceremony, perhaps something will happen.

"Haha, I didn't expect Bingling Taoist friends to come, how can my Puhua Zong be rude."

"Everyone, come out and meet me."

After saying that, the old monster waved his robe sleeves and got up at the same time as Jiuxiandao. The two of them stepped forward, suddenly appearing in the void outside the hall.

The green eyebrows gaze across the surrounding area, and they looked closely, but after all, there was no familiar figure. The expression in his eyes was a little dim, but he was a little relieved.

"If Xiao Chen comes today, he will definitely face a bitter fight. Moreover, he is currently wanted by the Alchemy Association and is in a critical situation. In all fairness, Qingmei would prefer him not to appear, and his life will be safe and sound."

"But it is impossible to marry Qingmei."

"Jin Yuzong, since he really wants to marry him, he brought the body with Qingmei back today!"

There was a smile on the corner of the little girl's mouth, which immediately drew the countless peeping monks secretly swallowing saliva, but they were envious of the beautiful blessing of Jin Yuzong Feng Ruoyu. A group of Phua sect monks and all the guests got up at the same time. After all, before the three Venerables were seated, they were naturally not eligible to sit down.

In the distant sky, there are four pythons pulling a cart, crossing the sky like an ancient emperor patrolling the heavens, with incomparably majestic and domineering displays. The car stopped a thousand meters away from the Puhua Sect Master Hall to show respect, and Venerable Bingling led a group of monks behind him.

"Friends of Tianchi, after today, you and our sect will be regarded as the best of Qin and Jin, and you will need to walk more often in the future." Venerable Bingling said, his face was gentle with a smile.

Behind this old monster, Feng Ruoyu looked at Qingmei in a red robe, delicate and beautiful like an immortal coming to the world, and she suddenly felt joy in her heart. The beauty of the green eyebrows was beyond his expectation. But this person might not have thought that he and Qingmei had already seen him in Qili City.

"Haha, Daoist Bingling's statement is extremely reasonable. Now that the good time has come, and all the Daoists are gathering, I'll wait for the business to be done first, and then come to reminisce about the old days." Venerable Tianchi laughed.

"Not bad! Not bad! Let's have a happy event for the ancestors, we old guys won't be too late."

Venerable Bingling nodded.

Green eyebrows were raised, looking at this clear day, a blood-colored maple leaf in the sleeve of the robe shone with a little bit of inspiration. The little girl was quite curious, if she crushed this treasure at this moment, what would happen?

The corners of his mouth were raised, but there was water shining in his eyes, which would only show up at this moment. It turned out that I was really sad.

Brother Xiao Chen, I just hope that in the next lifetime, I can still be by your side. .

With a slight force on the delicate hand, everything will come to an end with just one swipe.

But at this moment, there was an immense pressure bursting out of the sky in the distance, and at the same time, a roar came. This roar seemed to come from the ancient times, mixed with a desolate and domineering atmosphere.

The thunder dragon roared, exercising the right to control the thunder granted by the gods and mastering the thunder of the world.

In an instant, the color of the entire Moro Comprehension Realm changed, and endless black thunderclouds rolled, there were thousands of thunderbolts stretching for thousands of miles, and the thunder light shone on the world.


"It's actually Thunder Dragon!"

"How is it possible that there really is such a beast in this world!"

In an instant, countless powerful people opened their eyes one after another, their pupils contracted, and they cried out.

But at this moment, the expression of that Bingling Venerable was instantly gloomy, just because at the beginning of the thunder dragon breath, if the feeling was good, it was his golden jade sect mountain gate. . Then Xiao Chen really came. .

"Lei Dao Tianzun Daoist, please take action to protect my Jin Yuzong's foundation!" Thunder Dragon is so powerful. With the Jin Yuzong Mountain access control system, it may not be able to protect the integrity. Once broken, the Jin Yuzong monk will surely be killed and injured countless vitality.

So at this moment, this old monster can no longer cover up.

"Haha, Xiao Chen bastard, you really can't bear to take the shot. Today, the old man wants you to make it hard to fly."

Lei Dao Tianzun roared, and the powerful breath of the later stage of the fit instantly enveloped the entire Phuazong Mountain Gate, and the next step was taken, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Such a change instantly caused countless monks to be astonished. When they figured out something, they couldn't hide their excitement.

However, at the moment when Lei Dao Tianzun left, the Puhua Zong's aura rose to the sky, turning around and fleeing desperately without getting close!

In the Puhua Sect, the Wuyuan Taoist sensed this breath, and his face suddenly showed a sneer, "This Xiao Chen is really wary and ingenious. I am afraid that the Thunder Dragon was just trying to test it. Seeing Lei Dao Tianzun appeared. I realized that today is not good."

"But the old man is here, you juniors don't want to escape!"

The old monster's voice has not yet fallen, and the figure has disappeared for a moment.


Another shocking weather suddenly broke out in the Pu Hua Zong, and then they chased away quickly.

The blue eyebrows turned pale instantly, and she was very familiar with this breath, it was definitely Brother Xiao Chen!

And right now, with the appearance of the two mates in the late stage, with the cleverness of the little girl, he can naturally guess many things. Today's marriage ceremony was a trap, but these wicked men showed up in order to force Xiao Chen.

"Big Brother Xiao Chen, go, Qingmei is not worth your risk, go!"

Qingmei couldn't care much at this moment, and didn't know whether Xiao Chen could hear it, and shouted with all his strength in the direction where the breath left.

Venerable Bingling was worried that something would happen to the mountain gate. At this moment, when he heard Qingmei speak, his face instantly became extremely ugly, "Huh! You little girl remember, no matter how you used to be, you will be a member of my Golden Jade Sect from today. If you dare to do this in the future If you speak like this, the old man will definitely not forgive you."

"Ruoyu, take your companion away, the ceremony will be cancelled, I have more important affairs to discuss."

At the moment, Xiao Chen's goal has been achieved. In the later stage of the fit, the powerful shot will kill this person. That being the case, this old monster naturally did not want to continue to waste time.

Feng Ruoyu naturally understands at this moment that everything today is just to draw out Xiao Chen for setting up the situation, and no one takes his marriage relationship to his heart. At this moment, he is ashamed and angry when he hears that, but he dare not show the slightest but can only respond respectfully. .

Thinking of the anxiety and intimacy that Qingmei had just revealed, this person's heart was even more gloomy.

"Follow me! From now on, you will be my Feng Ruoyu's woman. It is better to give me some peace, otherwise I will definitely make you regret it!"

After this person said, he directly reached out and grabbed Qingmei.

Suddenly, among the cultivators below, a raging murderous intent exploded in an instant, plunged into the sky, causing the situation to change. Upon sensing this breath, the expressions of Venerable Bingling and Venerable Tianchi changed drastically.

"Dare to hurt my Xiao Chen relatives and die!"

Yupao Xiao Chen appeared abruptly, with a cold complexion, Li Yu shot with all his strength, and went straight to the Jin Yuzong Feng Ruoyu.

In the mid-stage of the combination, the ultimate cultivation level exploded, and the pressure generated was not a mere cultivator Nascent Soul could resist, and Feng Ruoyu had no time to speak, and his body was completely shredded into dust and scattered under this terrifying aura.

Yupao Xiao Chen threw a fist, unabated, and went straight to Venerable Bingling.

The spirit body is conceived from the heavens and the earth, and does not conflict with the rules of the space. Even if the entire cultivation base is exploded, it will not cause the space to collapse.

When Venerable Bingling sensed this breath, his expression changed drastically, and there was endless panic in his eyes. With Xiao Chen's breath locked in this time, a shadow of death instantly enveloped him. The ultimate combat power in the middle stage of the union kills the peak monk at the initial stage of the union, and the latter has no resistance at all.

call out!

In the sound of breaking through the sky, the avatar of Venerable Bingling's spirit body appeared instantaneously. This old monster didn't dare to take any action at all, only wishing that abandoning the clone could stop Xiao Chen for a while.

A distance of tens of thousands of miles is just a few breaths away for a powerful person in the late stage of the fit. As long as he can support the five yuan Daoist or the Thunder Dao Tianzun back, he can save his life.

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