"If Qing Mei had no origin with Xiao Chen, why would this person take her to a worthless little girl with Pu Huazong? And according to the disciple's visit in secret, this Xiao Chen has a close relationship with Qing Mei. He, at the time of the Puhuazong, Xiao Chen once angrily destroyed the Fang family on the Black Earth Ridge, personally killed Fang Chengshan, the leader of the Fang family, and led Fang's family to be destroyed by one hand. 20 million people were beheaded and killed by the enemy. Bayi Novel Network W] W? W].) 8> 1} Z] W).> C} O> M "

"To sum up, Xiao Chen attaches great importance to this little girl named Qingmei. Even if this girl is not the same as Xiao Chen ’s double monk, she must have a deep relationship with him. If this little girl is in trouble, I am afraid that Xiao Chen His character will never sit idly by, as long as this person appears, then the ancestor and Lei Dao Tianzun's predecessor will jointly shoot and let him have all kinds of means to make his wings difficult to fly, only to die. "

In the later days, the man in the clothing said it was difficult to hide his venom. He and Xiao Chenben had long-standing grievances, otherwise they would not be so concerned about the killing of him, and they secretly probed the news and came up with this poisonous plan.

Wuyuan Taoist and Lei Dao Tianzun glanced at each other, and the two eerie monsters all saw the joy in each other's hearts, apparently very satisfied with this method. However, Lei Dao Tianzhuang frowned slightly, Shen said: "Although this plan is feasible, the shooter must not wait for me, or even have any connection with the Alchemy Association, otherwise Xiao Chen will surely be horrified, and if he fights the grass It will be difficult to draw him out again in the future. "

Wuyuan Taoist nodded, this shot man should really think about it.

Su Yinan smirked in his heart, but on the surface he was extremely humble and dared not to reveal the slightest bit. He stepped forward and said, "Master, there is a choice in the heart of the disciple. I wonder if the master is willing to consider one or two?"

"Tutsun come quickly." Wuyuan Taoists are undoubtedly very satisfied with Su Yinan, and his voice is more gentle.

Su Yinan laughed: "Jin Yuzong."

Wuyuan Taoist and Lei Dao Tianzun stared at each other and smiled at the same time, saying, "Yes, this Jin Yuzong had a festival with Xiao Chen. As long as I wait for the secret, they must know how to do it."

"In this way, Xiao Chen will never doubt us, and I will just need to closely monitor the blue eyebrows and wait for the rabbit. As long as Xiao Chen appears, he will definitely die!"

"But in order to numb this person, the branch search should not stop, so as not to make the person aware of the strangeness."

Lei Dao Tianzun nodded with satisfaction and laughed: "It is really enviable that Wuyuan Daoyou can have such a disciple who is alert and resourceful."

The Wuyuan Taoist laughed and laughed. At this moment, the mind is settled and this old man is happy. Naturally, he gives a prize to Su Yimen, and Taoist treasures are even envious of the monks.

Su Yi man took it down with joy, retreated to the bottom, his face showing a grudge.

Xiao Chen, I have prepared a butcher knife for you, and see if you can escape this time!


Puhuazong, Yiyuanju.

Qing Mei sat on her hands, her face was stunned, her eyes were red, and she was so weird that she would not cause love.

"Brother Xiao Chen, what should I do? What to do?"

"Then Jin Yuzong came to the door to ask for relatives, and pointed out that he wanted me. Although the Master did not agree, the palm teacher had nodded. What should Qingmei do?"

"Brother Xiao Chen, where are you? Why aren't you back?"

The teardrops slipped from the cheeks, soaked in the sleeves, and stroked into the mouth, only feeling bitter.

No one can rely on this alone in PwC. Brother Xiao Chen was absent. In the face of Jin Yuzong's order to ask for marriage and teach a real person, Qing Mei had no choice. The little girl thought about breaking herself, but always expected that Brother Xiao Chen could come to rescue her.

"I'm not going to die for a while, until the day of my last marriage, if the brother Xiao Chen doesn't come, Qing Mei will break himself."

"Presumably in the future, when the elder brother comes back, he will avenge me."

"Everyone who persecutes me and wants to hurt me, you cannot escape."

. . .

The elder Jin Yuzong is a blood relative Feng Ruoyu, and will soon be married to the three elders of Puhuazong, Puyangzi's lover, Qingmei, and Qin Jin Dynasty. Half a month later, the two parties will hold a ceremony to form a ceremony.

No matter Jinyuzong or Puhuazong, they are all powerful and powerful monks, and there are fit and powerful monks sitting in town. This marriage naturally attracted the hearts of countless monks, and one after another guessed what this meant.

This news, spreading with the help of others, suddenly spread far away and became a topic of discussion among countless monks in the entire field of cultivation.


Hundreds of thousands of miles in the mountains and the crisis in Dazawa are incomparable. However, in this rare place, poisonous monsters have grown countless natural treasures, which have endless benefits for monks.

Therefore, although the scorn may be great, there are still monks who have come forward and succeeded for countless years, using their own lives to make a difference in the future.

At the moment, at the edge of the deep mountain Osawa, several monks proceeded carefully. One of these people was a green-robed goat, with a thin body and an old appearance, but only one pair of eyes twinkled.

This veteran is a master who has reached the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Five young disciples are following him. He is full of vitality and obviously young. However, the weakest people have mid-level Jindan. The strongest is already false. The realm of babies is only half a step away from baby-building.

"You wait and listen. Although the edge of this deep mountain Dazao has been found by several monks to find a few safer places, as I am now in this Baishui District, this is not absolute, and there have been high-level monsters in the past. It hurts, so you must be careful and not careless. "

"Remember, in the event of an accident, the five of you will immediately turn away and leave, and the old man will stay and wait for you, and then gather in the place where he left."

The old man spoke in a deep voice, and his voice was sober.

"Yes, uncle!" Five young monks said respectfully.

Lao Dao nodded with satisfaction. These five people are his hope that Pei Yuanmen can rise again. Otherwise, the head brother will not value them so much, and he will go out before his baby is born, leading them to find Xuan You Cao. . This object is the unique spirit grass of Dazao in the deep mountains. Monk Jindan swallowed before breaking through Yuan Ying. Refining the medicinal power can quench the monk's body, expand the meridian and stabilize it, and enter the realm of Yuan Ying. Increase success.

A monk's practice is only accumulated over time to achieve success. After any small progress has been superimposed for a long time, a great power gap will form.

However, the use of this mysterious grass has a time limit, it must be swallowed within half an hour after the collection, otherwise the medicine will be scattered, and the spirit grass will dry up and have no power. If this is not the case, Pei Yuanmen's teaching will not send five outstanding disciples under this door into this dangerous place.

The old way looks cautious, and he may be regarded as a master of monasticism in his late-infant cultivation, but he must still be careful in this mountain Dazao, and he may lose his life with a little carelessness, especially the five juniors behind him. Missed.

"Hopefully, this will be a better way to get Xuan You Cao smoothly without any change."

The old Tao sighed, watching the excitement of the five teachers and nephews eagerly, with a bitter smile in his heart. They are still too young. They don't even know where Dazao is in this mountain. Every inch of the land here is already soaked by the blood of the monks.

Pei Yuanmen and his party proceeded cautiously. Taking the old road as an example, there was a treasure on the head that scattered a little light, but it was acting as a barrier.

"Uncle, the spirit plate is on!"

Of the five juniors, the Jindan monk spoke in surprise, but his voice was extremely low.

The old man was slightly pleased. Seeing that it was a good way from home, he had a harvest so quickly. "Be careful, there are monsters in the places where there are spirit grass treasures. Don't go wrong."

"Follow your husband, let's look for it here."

After a while, watching a dark-colored plant hidden in the weed pile, star-dotted ruler grass, Lao Dao and others showed joy at the same time.

But at this moment, there was a sudden growl in the distance.

Lao Dao's body was stiff for a moment, and he could not afford to collect the mysterious grass in front of him. He raised his hand and played a trick to excite the treasure above his head, making it fully operate to hide the whereabouts to avoid being involved.

"Trouble is big! How could such a high-level monster appear in this Baishui area, I just hope that the monk who angered this monster can quickly lead it away, but don't involve us." The heartbeat of the old road is like a drum. .

"Five grades! This monster is at least five grades!"

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