Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 5 Chapter 147: One-horned rhino

[The fourth day ends today, the next day at one o'clock in the morning on the 26th, everyone reads and bows down. [[{Eight? (One (Small <{[? 说 网 W] W] W.81ZW.COM]

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"Well! A monk who is not sensible, dare to come to my place in the mountains of Dazao to murder, do you not know that all the monsters here are under His Majesty? At this moment, if you dare to forcibly attack, you are not afraid to lose your own life!"

The voice has not yet fallen. A first-born golden unicorn, wearing a tiger king fur cardigan and pedaling bearskin boots, the big man appeared instantly above the sky. This big man was burly, fierce in appearance, and fierce in vitro, alright? Majestic.

Under the teleportation, he wanted to save His Majesty the monster.

The small blood dragon's eyes widened instantly, and now a roar reappeared in the mouth, and the figure instantly tore the space and came to the side of the golden horn big man, and the giant tail mixed with a mighty shot.

Thunder Dragon naturally cannot be blocked by others!

It was said that the Golden Horn king was sleeping and digesting the flesh he had devoured before, and was suddenly awakened from his dreams. His temper was naturally extremely irritable. At this moment, he had not yet seen the situation in the field, but he did not expect that someone would dare to do it first.

The King of the Golden Horns was immediately angry, and the bull's eyes were wide enough to see exactly what was in front of him. At this moment, the bowl-size fist blasted out. This golden horn king is a savannah heterogeneous golden horn rhino, with a bit of blood from the ancient fierce beast, and its physical strength is endless. This time of shot, naturally, he is full of confidence. He must attack this guy directly to smash and devour it to dispel hate, otherwise how can he show the prestige of the king.

But the next moment, the face of the monster changed.


The two sides fought, and the whole world was shaken fiercely. Then the space of 50 thousand feet was solidified at the same time, and then it broke into powder with no warning. It turned into a dark background. The force of cracking in the fierce space burst from the explosion, and it turned out countless colorful radon. 2, poisonous insects and poisonous beasts ingested and strangulated instantly.


The King of the Golden Horns only felt that there was a strong force in his arms, and there was only a roar, and the body flew uncontrollably backwards, hitting the ground and making a loud noise. I was afraid that it would have slipped hundreds of feet away in the bang. There was a huge trench in the ground.

Under this resistance, the three thunders have been blasted down, and the three monsters have not been able to resist the half-breath. The physical essence was completely reduced to ashes in this thunderstorm. Only three heads, Nedan, were left. Taken away by little blood.


There was a loud noise on the ground, and the unloading shells of the one-corner king who had fallen off the ground generally bounced and appeared in mid-air in an instant. Although this guy was blown out, it was apparent that he had not been substantially hurt. At this moment a pair of bulls' eyes stared at the little blood, and a big mouth could not help but open.

"Dragon? Thunder Dragon?"

"Is it that the King is wrong? Your dragons have moved to the Upper Realm collectively in ancient times. How could they stay in the Lower Realm?"

King Jinjiao looked for a moment with confidence, and suddenly clapped his head and said, "Yes, I said that your body is naturally so powerful. It turned out that it was forcibly shaped by the power of Thunder with the original breath of Thunder Dragon. Explained. "

"Hey, boy, if you are really Thunder Dragon, Ben Wang will run without saying a word, but since you are relying on some fake goods that are condensed by the original atmosphere, Ben Wang is welcome. You killed me today The three kings, King Ben killed you and devoured your power, which is also considered to be an extremely fair trade. "

This golden horn king's voice dropped, and the shape changed suddenly. It turned out that a burly unicorn was transformed into a wild and heterogeneous one-horned rhino, with a body length of more than 500 feet, blue hair, strong limbs, and a constant mouth Snoring.

A wild and fierce breath burst from the Golden Horn King instantly.

This monster object also has a bit of blood from the ancient fierce beast, which has a very high grade. Although it is not the strongest at the moment, it can be regarded as the most respected monster in the realm of cultivation. It should be noted that the ancient beasts have all strengths against the sky, endless killing, and their strengths are not weak compared to dragons, phoenixes, suzakus, etc.

The so-called divine beasts and ferocious beasts are just different titles that have been honoured by human races because of their different work styles. Their essential identities are the most noble beastly emperors among the ancient floods, and each has the power to destroy the world.

That's why the Golden Horn can resist the thunderous pressure from the small blood, and even eager to try to kill it and strengthen the power to devour the essence.

The little blood is thunder dragon, because the thunder dragon origin that was born by relying on a breath of thunder dragon spirit, so he lost all the inheritance of thunder dragon blood, but it has thunder dragon origin at this moment, the identity of thunder dragon is beyond doubt. It is the most noble existence in the world. Except for Xiao Chen, Xiaoxue never had anyone else in his eyes. So at this moment the King of the Golden Horns has completely angered him.

When Thunder Dragon is angry, thunder punishment comes to the world, which can destroy thousands of souls and even end the era, reopening Hongmeng and reincarnation.

Therefore, at this moment, Xiao Xue yelled loudly, and his body crackled like crazy. It reached the size of more than 500 feet in one stroke, covered with scale-shaped scale armor, hexapod under the abdomen, and sharp claws out, as if it could tear the sky. general.

Above the void, the two fierce beasts face each other, both of which are hundreds of feet in length, distinguished and infinitely arrogant, and have a strong breath to break the whole world into chaos. With hundreds of thousands of miles in the mountains of Dazao, countless monsters and poisonous beasts were shivering, their bodies were lying on the ground, surrendered under the breath of the two great emperors, and they were trembling and did not resist the idea at all.

The Golden Horned Rhino has six medium-level peaks. Depending on the strength of the body, it is even more fierce to be cautious in fighting.

Although the small blood is only the first level of the sixth grade, but the Thunder is born to control the ability, once the full shot, non-fit late powerful person is definitely not an opponent.

The strengths of these two monsters are regarded as evenly matched. Once caught in the fight, the consequences are unknown.

Xiao Chen frowned. At this moment, his eyes flickered a little and he stepped forward. The figure instantly appeared on the side of the little blood. A blue shirt struck down the hunting and hunting of the two fierce beasts. It was dark and messy, but the dark eyes were calm and quite calm. .

"Well! How dare you monk from this tribe, dare to enter the battle between our two emperors, really do not know how to live or die."

"My demon and the human race have an agreement, and you are not allowed to arbitrarily shoot at monks above the fit. At this moment, you do not retreat where you have not offended, otherwise you will anger this king and will definitely kill you and devour you."

The one-horned rhino glared with a big eye, and now it was roaring like a **** roaring, but it was quite powerful.

In the face of this fierce monster, the ordinary fit monk naturally had no choice but to escape, but this did not have any deterrent ability for Xiao Chen. Even though this one-horned rhino is extremely powerful, he can still be afraid of relying on his self-cultivation for Xiao Chen. He can't win the battle alone.

However, this is not the time to conflict with this monster, otherwise things will be troublesome once they attract the powerful man in the later stage of the fit. So Xiao Chen gave a cold hum. Although he did not speak, he had a violent and overbearing momentum bursting out of his body. He inserted two big beasts into the air, and stood on a three-legged stand, but did not fall at all.

Although this breath does not have the meaning of the two great beasts, the emperor is noble, but it has its own embarrassment, which makes people dare not underestimate.

The unicorn rhino's eyes widened for an instant, and the eyes were unbelievable. It is absolutely clear that this ethnic monk is only in the early days of integration, but at this moment, the momentum is actually not weaker than his own.

This. . how can that be!

Shaking the huge bull's head, this monster feels very clear. The cultivation can be concealed, but the breath can not be fake. This monk definitely has invincible combat power in the later period of the integration. I am afraid that the Golden Horn King is not weak compared to it.

When did such a sturdy army emerge among the monk monks, and it was still so insidious. At the moment in the eyes of the one-horned rhino, Xiao Chen absolutely concealed his cultivation, otherwise how could he be so powerful.

What kind of monk was at the beginning of the integration, at least the peak of the middle of the integration, or even a half step away from the late existence.

At this point, the one-horned rhino is very fortunate. Fortunately, the side has not rushed to take the shot, otherwise it will face the fight alone. The Thunder Dragon and the Terran monk on the opposite side will definitely only have to be beaten, and his luck is tens of thousands of pounds. I'll be here today.

"Don't fight! Don't fight!" The King of the Golden Horns was depressed, and his body was transformed into that one-horned man again. The monster's tiger-skin shirt and bear-skin boots are still intact. Obviously, neither of these things is extraordinary.

"The two of you joined forces, how could the King be an opponent. However, I can warn you that the monks of the race have stipulated that the realm of the fit should not be arbitrarily shot in order to avoid the collapse of the human world space, otherwise it will lead to the joint killing of all the fits in the world. Incomparable. "

"And even if it's hands-on, if the King is desperate, the two of you don't want to take the slightest advantage. You have to make a decision before making a decision."

The King of Golden Horns spoke with a kind warning, but the bull's eyes were full of fear and caution. Obviously, once things couldn't be done well, the monster would really fight hard to resist.

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