Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1027: Speak out

Sihongmeng was so imposing that all eyes were cold and cold!

Since it is difficult for the two sides to coexist in the world, they have to take action, so why not delay it? {[Bayi Chinese Network M

Yan Zhenzi's intention to kill rises, if you say that the four of them want to kill Xiao Chen most, this is the old man. So at this moment, it is also difficult for him to take the lead!

"Call the water of heaven and earth!" In the roar, Yan Zhenzi reached out and grabbed forward, suddenly a large amount of water vapor suddenly emerged in the void, a slight black color, the texture was thick and tumbling, and the icy breath came out of it, but ice Sealing heaven and earth can exterminate billions of souls. The entire star field was completely frozen at this moment. Not far away, an uncultivated cultivation star was affected, and a thick layer of ice was born directly, spreading in all directions until it covered the entire cultivation star and turned into a complete ice ball. !!


With a word of exit, swiftly killing and rushing into the sky, Yan Zhenzi pointed to Xiao Chen, and the thick, black and thick water gathered into a silent and flowing river of stars, sweeping forward, yet not here, that was absolutely The cold atmosphere has made people tremble!

After this shot, Yan Mako has not summoned the kingdom of God, but he has burst out all his strongest power! If Xiao Chen does not die, Dayan will never have a peaceful day. Only by cutting it off can he truly sit back and relax. He knew this clearly. Sihongmeng joined forces today, and the opportunity is now, and he will not miss it!

Kill Xiao Chen!

This is the only thought in the heart of this weird!

Immediately after Yan Zhenzi's shot, Wei Yuantian chuckled, flicking his sleeves forward, single palms from top to bottom, and snapped.

There was a loud noise in the void, and the entire space shuddered, creating ripples that spread quickly in all directions. In this wave, the space was suddenly torn from the inside, and a flame palm appeared from it!

The flames were red and bloody, burning violently, and the scorching hotness swept across the eight wastelands **, followed by the powerful and terrible breath! The horrible high temperature directly incinerated the space and fell down, like a heavy pen tip dipped in pen and ink, and stroked it in this star domain, leaving a touch of extreme darkness! In this blackness, there is a raging tongue of fire! Like the divine punishment that Vulcan dropped from another space, this flaming palm represents absolute destruction and killing.

The target is Xiao Chen!

Behind Tian Qijun, an imaginary shadow of thousands of miles of wood slowly emerged, and the spirit of Mu Ling, which was so dense and almost turned into a substance, spewed out of it. It's not a surge, but a violent jet. The endless spirit of Muling is condensing into a thick vine, and it is pulled down suddenly, making a harsh crackling sound!

Shattering space, huge cracks in space, spreading to the periphery of the star field. Several meteorites were easily broken under the vine, and they were turned into lithotripsy, and they quickly blasted to the surrounding area!

In the hands of Tian Qijun, the power of the wooden spirit, which is specially made with gentleness and gentleness, was transformed into such a terrorist attack that focused on killing. It exploded with unstoppable terror power, and rushed to the front, defeating everything!

Domineering, overbearing, difficult to counteract!

Zhao Tuotian took the easiest shot. He just stepped forward, silently, and blasted forward with one fist.

Simple and single punch, unpretentious and unpretentious.

But it was this punch that caused the space to collapse in an instant, and the collapsed space continued to sink in, directly approaching Xiao Chen!

The four old monsters shot, it was complicated to say, but everything was only instantaneous. Hong Meng's prestige pervaded the world, and under the union, he turned into a deterrent, which completely covered Xiao Chen. Followed by them is the power of four terrorist bombers!

With one enemy and four opponents, even if Xiao Chen has the ability to compete with Hongmeng, he is definitely not an opponent.

If not for their confidence, how could they easily shoot. Since it was shot, Xiao Chen couldn't compete! If he knew each other, today's situation should immediately retreat, although he still can't escape the heavy hit, but he can save his life. But if he really wanted to contend with the four of them with his own strength, then he really didn't know how to live or die. Even if he died, it was his fault and he could not blame others! And this result is also the best for Sihongmeng!

Xiao Chen's alarm suddenly appeared in Xiao Chen's heart, which was a kind of induction that she had when she was on the verge of a great crisis. The most instinctive response of his body is to be able to leave and avoid Sihongmeng's magical powers. Because of this power, he has already qualified for threatening his life! But at this moment, he was afraid of fear and fear, and slowly raised his head to look forward, his face was calm, his eyes were calm, but still calm.

The power of Hongmeng is indeed the apex force in the Great Thousand Realms, but it is not a threat to the higher level existence.

Such as the true spirit, such as the Supreme Master in Xuanhuang World! Xiao Chen has not entered Hongmeng now. Because of the power of the colorful gods, he can fight against Hongmeng. Similarly, because of the power of the colorful gods, he can master the pseudo-magic supreme power that Quan said.

The supremacy of all law means that all law does not touch, all law does not invade, that is the law when it is spoken, and I am the law! Everything can be controlled, changed, and destroyed as long as the mind is turning!

This kind of power should not have appeared in the Great Thousand Realms, but because of the presence of Xiao Chen and the appearance of springs and colorful gourds, it came to the world!

Xiao Chen's mind moved slightly, and the primordial will of the Supreme Master in the body was directly fused with his own primordial spirit, making his breath instantly change, calm and indifferent, with a magnificence like mountains, overlooking the vast beings between heaven and earth! Inside the storage ring, the colorful gourds suddenly light up. Under the rich colorful aura, there are extremely powerful colorful powers! They quickly emerged, but they dissipated directly, reappeared, and were integrated into Xiao Chen Yuanshen.

At this moment, in his induction, the whole world changed again. As far as his eyes were concerned, everything was in his heart. It seemed to the world that there was no secret in his eyes! No power is any threat to him.

The heavens and the heavens, and the infinite souls, seemed to be under his control.

One thought can make it dark, and then there is no light.

One thought can break the ground, and then there is no vitality.

One thought can make billions of souls extinct.

Master everything, control everything!

The feeling of omnipotence can make people's mind completely submerged. Even with Xiao Chen's state of mind, under this state of shock, there is a dwelling pause before they can break free from it and restore their mind to clarity.

There were two warm and auras of light in his eyes, and in his sight, Sihongmeng released his magical power, and he was almost there!

Hongmeng level fights, in one breath, you can determine the outcome.

Xiao Chen paused, and in the eyes of others, he had lost all opportunities to resist, so waiting for him, if not death, was an absolutely fatal trauma. And then, waiting for him was still ridiculed! Since Sihongmeng shot, he will never miss any chance that he might be cut off!

Yan Zhenzi's eyes are wide, and the ecstasy and excitement are hard to hide! He didn't know what had happened, which caused Xiao Chen to have a momentary pause, but these were not important. What was important was that the opportunity to kill him was now! As soon as Xiao Chen died, Dong Yan was bound to fall apart, and even if there was light, he would inevitably be partitioned. At that time, Dayan will be able to take advantage of the situation, not only to eliminate the big fate, but also to gain endless benefits from it, and to complete the previously weakened country!

Wei Yuantian yelled, and shot the palm of the flame faster, and the burning flame became hotter and fiercer. The horrible temperature represented the murderous intention in his heart!

Tian Qijun and Zhao Tuotian also urged at this moment to elevate the supernatural power to a stronger level!

Fuck it!

Xiao Chen, you die!

Brother Sihongmeng growled madly!

And at this moment, Xiao Chen suddenly shot, and his eyes looked indifferently at the horrible supernatural power, reaching out and grabbing forward!

"Deprivation!" He faintly drank from Xiao Chen's mouth, cold and warm, without any fluctuations. But in this simple word, there is some invisible power, which represents the supreme rule, which cannot be contended!

The next moment, the ecstasy in Sihongmeng's eyes disappeared instantly, and a chill was born directly from the bottom of my heart! They hummed in their mouths, their faces paled instantly, and their chests stepped backwards like a blow. With the pupils contracting violently, Xiao Chen had a deep fear in his eyes.

At this moment, the powerful magical powers released by the old monsters of Sihongmeng were deprived of their right to control and control at the same time! This kind of thing has completely unexpected them!


Xiao Chen's grasping hand shook at will, Yan Zhenzi summoned the river of starry black flowing thick and silent, Wei Yuantian shot the red **** palm of his hand, Tian Qijun gathered the green wood and condensed rattan, The terrifying power that Zhao Tuotian punched out in one punch completely reversed the direction at this moment, and swallowed fiercely to those who shot them!

Grabbing and shaking the situation reversed, throwing up his hands to deprive Sihongmeng of his magical powers and counterattack him!

Sihongmeng growled in anger and rushed to resist. However, even if they can't compete with themselves, they have tried to kill Xiao Chen, but now they have to bear it.

The entire star field is plunged into endless destructive power, rolling and raging, every wave of fluctuation contains the power of despair, and space is completely torn apart under this power. Not far away, the derelict repairing star that was originally turned into an ice hockey under Mariko Yan's shot, has now been shattered in a horrible force collision, turned into numerous large and small pieces, and continues to shatter in the rolling force ,Disappearing!

Throughout the Great Thousand Realms, all monks above the level of the world of creation have clearly sensed the horror fluctuations that erupted here, their faces paled, and deep fears appeared at the bottom of their eyes. This level of power is already the supreme existence in the world. It takes only the slightest ray to kill them easily and completely wipe out from this world!

And any monk who is qualified to know what is happening in the territory of Dayan now has a stronger shock in his heart! There was a blue shirt in their heads, and before they realized it, they gave birth to a strong awe.

In the face of the eight nations, Hongmeng still has the power to fight together, and the Lord of Dongyan is so powerful!

The entire star field gradually quieted down, and Sihongmeng was forced to retreat under the bombardment of his magical powers. At this moment, all eyes fell on Xiao Chen, showing endless shock!

Tian Qijun's face was pale, and the rattan that had extended from the ancient shadow of the wood was dropped, leaving him full of blood and blood, and he had suffered a minor injury. The more crucial point is the understatement shown by Xiao Chen! He seemed to have not lost any power at all, and so casually, he joined forces to resolve the four, and even deprived the four of his magical powers, and directly wounded himself!

How terrifying it is!

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