Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 1009: Turn on troubled times

In Quan's narrative, Xiao Chen knew the cause of the matter, and not only shook his head again and again, but the matter was really related to him. Bayi Chinese W} W) W]. 〉 8.1] Z> W]. > C] OM

The goatee, the Lord of the Realm and the leading general are all monks of the Blood Sect. The reason why they shot a large number of monks from Ascension is because they suspect that there is some kind of extremely rare blood in the Ascension, otherwise How can a person like Xiao Chen appear, reversing the monk's cognition, in just a few hundred years, he can reach the top of the world and build the Dongyan Empire! And the supernatural powers practiced by the monk Lixue Zong are just the power to seize the blood of the monk. The stronger the power of depriving the blood, the greater the benefit! What they did was to try it out. If they were lucky, they might get a great harvest.

Although it is foolish to think of them like this, the monks who have fallen into their hands have also been maimed and killed. Therefore, being punished in the hands of Xiao Chen is by no means wronged.

Quan said: "They thought of hurting you because of you, and they fell into extinction because of you. It is also a cause and effect cycle, and retribution is unhappy."

"I never thought it would happen again."

"You should know how amazing your rise is. It has already attracted the attention of countless monks in the Daqian Realm. They don't know the reason, so they have to guess on their own. Although the Li Xuezong's behavior is embarrassing, it proves it."

"Is there anyone in the world who will try these useless things?"

"You should know this, why bother asking me."

Xiao Chen was silent, shook his head helplessly, and said, "This counts, but it has affected countless ascension monks. The rest of the nations are unable to intervene, but in my Dongyan territory, this situation will never be allowed in the future. Once Now, we must not spare lightly! "

Quan nodded, "I will tell the same thing to pay more attention to the people below." He said here, he paused, his face was gradually dignified, and said: "Xiao Chen, I thought for a long time, but I think you and I should still Discuss an important thing? "

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, his eyes were sober, "You said."

Quan Shen said: "Can you claim to change it?"

Xiao Chen: "..."

"You are the founding monarch of Dongyan, and you have the opportunity to board a miracleless existence. You are the most unsuccessful successor. You are noble in status and noble in status. No other monarch can match them! Everyone claims to be like, If you are like this, you are like everyone! It's not good! It's a big deal! "

Xiao Chen looked at Quan Quan said with low expression, and his face was slightly black. "This is the important thing you want to discuss with You?"

Quan suddenly lifted up and said, "This is a very important thing. If you can't do this, how can you conquer Daqian and climb to a higher level! Your self-proclaimed must be changed, I have drafted it for you You can choose one. The loneliness and widow are the names of the people in ancient times. They have been transmitted intermittently to the present day. Although they are not lacking in momentum, they have been embezzled by many monarchs of subsidiary nations. If you take one of them, you will be weak. The word emperor and emperor are taken from the ancient three emperors, the ancient five emperors, and they can be called self-proclaimed. The emperor and the emperor are both good. They add a little bit of energy to swallow the mountains and rivers, and compete for deeds. The emperor , Zhengda is bright, the emperor is hegemonic, and it is slightly inadequate, so I pondered for a long time, and finally chose an emperor character, which shows both the respect of identity and the authority of the majesty, and can be distinguished from the monarchs of time. Come on. What do you think?

His eyes were bright, and a pile of lingers, and he suddenly remembered until the end. This matter finally required Xiao Chen's permission, and Fang hurriedly asked.

Xiao Chen's face was stiff, and she said halfway: "Since you have made your choice, why bother asking me!"

"Finally, I have to say something to you before I can be righteous." Quan stepped back and said, "I have ordered the center to sign the seal of Dongyan, and now the master of Dongyan has changed his claim to the order. On the cultivation star, you should pay attention in the future, you must not use it wrongly. "When the voice fell, his figure has been integrated into the space, silent.

Xiao Chen was speechless when he saw his leaving. He told him after he had done everything, apparently acting with the intention of cutting first and then playing, even if Xiao Chen didn't allow it, he was afraid he would do it.

Sometimes calm and shrewd and confused, but sometimes he showed his rogue in such trivial matters. Quan is really a complicated guy.

A conspirator should not let himself act so complicatedly, so as not to be noticeable.

Xiao Chen's face dissipated gloomily, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Emperor ...

It's nothing but just a name. Naturally, no one inside Dongyan dares to disagree. As for whether it would be ridiculed to spread to the eight empires, he couldn't hear it. Anyway, no one in this world would dare to laugh at it in his presence.

Moreover, this title is indeed more imposing than 朕.


The Lord of Dongyan changed his name to be Emperor, to distinguish it from the ranks of monarchs in other countries. After the monks in Dongyan's territory looked at each other, they tasted really good. After hearing this, it was agreed by the Master to accept it, not only to admire The teacher was really talented, and now His Majesty has a little more momentum than the monarchs of the kingdoms.

As for the performance of the remaining eight countries ... Keke, this section is skipped for the time being. I only heard that after learning about some of the news from the Eight Empire Empire, Master Zeng faced his face with a sneer and sneered at the empty place for a whole hour, occasionally gnashing his teeth and popping out "idiots", "goods" and the like. Words. Then, during the training of the army, the measures suddenly became much harsher, threatening to break the mouths of some people. No, it was the mouths of their families!

The words were harsh and shocking.


Quan stepped up to train his army. Naturally, he wasn't really ashamed and angry when he heard some gossip, but it was the last peaceful period of the Daqian Realm, which had gradually reached the end. There was a lot of noise, and between the mouth and nose, it seemed that a faint smell of gold and iron could be faintly smelled.

The troubled times are coming!

Since entering the realm of heaven, Xiao Chen has never closed the retreat. In addition to handling state affairs, he accompanied the four daughters of Ziyan, Yu Ji, Ganoderma lucidum and others such as Sheng Sheng, Beiguzi, King Dragon, etc. to gather in the palace, or talk about the world , Or drinking for pleasure. It's not that he doesn't know his strength or confidence in his heart. It is precisely because there is no certainty before the battle, so we have to accompany people who are close to us. He was not afraid, but he didn't want to have regrets in his heart if there was going to be a general situation and he had no choice.

On the afternoon of 17 years later, Xiao Chen drank under the pavilion, and Pu Sheng served him side by side. There was only Quan in the seat.

"The inheritance of the third Tao of the God of War Palace is useless to the Emperor, so I want to give it to Yun Sheng, what do you like, Quan?" Xiao Chen lifted his drink and said lightly.

Wu Sheng's hand holding the jug slightly trembled, hurriedly lowered, but his body was already stiff.

Chuan frowned, and looked a little at Yun Sheng, saying, "You sent him to stay with me for three years, I'm afraid I just want to see how it is, and whether I can withstand this good fortune."

Xiao Chen nodded and directly acknowledged the matter.

"I don't really recommend this opportunity to Yun Sheng. He is too weak. Even if he is inherited from Taoism, he cannot play his due role in the upcoming battle. If it is given to one A monk who walks on three steps, maybe within a thousand years, Dongyanzhong will have another Hongmeng combat force, which will definitely have a great impact on the future trend of the war. "

"My emperor knows that what you said is true, but I don't have the absolute trust in the monk in the territory of Dongyan. This thing is too risky."

"The people of thistle city should be able to find for you who can trust, and you will give the third respect, and then you can subdue it. You must think twice about this matter, and if you really want to decide to give to Sheng, I will not Will oppose. "

Xiao Chen's brow frowned slightly, and what Quan said when referring to thistle capital was light. Three thousand years ago, his cultivation was only a minute away from Hongmeng, and he could step into it at any time if he wished. Only because he wanted to paralyze the Emperor Yan, and he did not want to make the monks such as Yan Zhenzi give rise to vigilance in advance, would he suppress the cultivation to cover his own atmosphere with the Chinese artifacts and not be felt by the Great Yan National Movement. Quan said that letting him search for someone is the same person in the Yanzong room as Zhongyan. Perhaps this was the most correct move, but Xiao Chen couldn't forget that at the time, when Cheng Sheng was in Xiaocheng, the old and dying appearance of Bai Cang couldn't help but give birth to a lot of guilt.

He lifted up and was about to make a decision. Shi Sheng suddenly opened his mouth and said, "Master, the disciples think that what Quan Shuai said is extremely true. Taoist inheritance should play its due role and help me in the battle. Dong Yan's help. "

Xiao Chen slowly said, "Yun Sheng, do you know what it means to inherit the heritage?"

"Climbing nature, great opportunity."

"Do you still insist on your choice?"

"Yes." Tong Sheng lifted, his face calmed, "If there is no master, the disciples in the Xiaoqian Tribe's trial battlefield are already fierce. How can they come to today? So the disciples are very satisfied, please Master You don't have to feel guilty, let alone influence your own choices. "

Xiao Chen silently, nodded after a few breaths, and said, "Yu Sheng, I owe you a chance for the teacher. If you succeed in the future, you will double with you!"

Quan Yanlu praised the Taoist prestige, who can still refuse in front of his chance. There are several people in this world. Xiao Chen is a very good disciple.

He said, "If you can come to the Supreme Master, and give him great opportunities, what a problem!"

Xiao Chen nodded slowly.

At this moment, the faces of the two changed slightly at the same time, and they stood up and looked to the southeast, feeling the tumultuous National Games, their expressions were gradually dignified.

This direction is where Dayan is.


Thistle is.

Above the imperial palace, Hao Hao Tang Tang Guoyun came crazy from the vast territory of Dayan. The volume of the gold pillar of the National Games faintly increased at this moment, and the golden dragon roared skyward, revealing a joyful excitement!

The changes in Yan Guoyun's life, the reason is that Dong Yan's major major has made a breakthrough!

"Hahahaha!" In the depths of the imperial palace, Yan Emperor's retreat suddenly burst into a burst of laughter, inspiring his breath, his eyes were full of joy, "Hongmeng! This is Hongmeng! I have been trapped for days and years, and I have accumulated a lot of experience. This breakthrough has finally seen this path. In less than a few decades, I will be able to step into it, which will make my Dayan National Games soar, and fight for a few more chances of victory in World War I. ! "

Half a day later, Emperor Yan Gao sat on the Nine Emperor's throne and accepted the worship of His Highness officials.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, you must have a glimpse of Hongmeng!"

"Zhu Qing is flat!" The realm of Emperor Yan has been broken, and only by saving for natural savings can reach Hongmeng. The more magnificent breath makes people awe in their hearts. "Breaking into the realm of Hongmeng, it is particularly clear to the world that the impunity is not in the prison. And be released from sin! "

"Ling Chuanzhi, Jiaxuan Xuanfei is the emperor's concubine, and the dragon will be born next day. The booklet will be the prince, and the emperor will be the queen!"

"Congratulations to the Emperor!"


At the end of the court ceremony, the Emperor Yan retreated into the apse, and the only one left was Da Yan.

Le Yi took another step forward and was full of excitement. "The old man knew that with His Majesty's qualifications, he would complement his own lack of luck, and he would inevitably fly into the sky and become the monarch of the great nations. His! His Majesty finally succeeded before the battle, but God bless my Lord, and Dayan will certainly rise in the battle, unifying the whole world! "

"The Emperor Master's words are extremely, I will wait for His Majesty!" The rest of His Highness bowed and saluted at the same time.

The Emperor Yan smiled even more strongly. She waved her hands to signal several people to get up, but did not know where they thought, her face gradually became gloomy. After a while, she said: "In addition to being the emperor of the Qianqian Empire, among the monarchs, there are those who have been promoted to Hongmeng. one person!"

Le Yi naturally knew the emperor's heart and arched his hand: "The Lord of Dongyan can only resist Hongmeng's strength by relying on some means, but my Lord of Yanyan has really advanced into Hongmeng, which is far from His Majesty! "

"Although the teacher is right, Dongyan's country is a big fate for me. If I can't get rid of it, I won't be relieved!"

Le Yi's heart was stunned, and Yan Huang's remarks implied that the meaning was extremely strong. He knew that His Majesty hated Xiao Chen very much, and now Xiu was a breakthrough, afraid that he could not continue to forbear. Nowadays, the Dayan National Games has surged, and domestic preparations have gradually been completed. It is indeed an excellent mobile phone conference.

Since the troubled times are approaching, it may be opened by Dayan! Thinking of this, he immediately no longer hesitated, and took a step forward, saying: "Dongyan is in great trouble, please ask His Majesty to order, flatten his country, and cut off his monarchs!"

"Your Majesty, please, order Dongyan!"

The Emperor Yan suddenly stood up, and the coldness in her eyes shone, "The death of Dongyan is now!"

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