Dao: Journey to the Top of the Universe

Vol 7 Chapter 998: Set foot in Batu

Chu Huang welcomed Yu Fei to return to the imperial palace and ordered the closure of Yinyuewang Palace. {[August 1? ((<<< WWW81.W.COM. This matter is still a secret to ordinary monks, but it is impossible to hide the power of all parties in the capital, causing all parties to be secretly suspicious. Deep meaning. Soon after, a message came out from the imperial palace, which puzzled them out.

Yu Fei is the ascendant of Xiao Qian Jie. She is the sister of Dong Yan, Xiao Chenyi! His Majesty's move is obviously trying to force Xiao Chen to come to Pudu! There was only one point they couldn't figure out. How could Her Majesty be certain that Xiao Chen would definitely come? He has a distinguished status now, and he is almost at the top of his life. He is already the most pinnacle person in the world. Will he put himself in danger in order to promote a female nun in the lower world?

With this suspicion, they are paying attention to the exhibition of the matter, and how it turns out, as long as they look patiently, they will naturally know.

At the same time, in the Huitong firm, an emergency message of the highest specification, Yujian, came out of the Dachu branch. There was no pause along the way, and the fire was sent to Dongyan.

Tong Baoshan received this jade bamboo slip just half a day later. After a brief look, the person's face changed instantly, and he did not dare to pause, and rushed directly to the palace.

Now, this jade slip that spans the vast territory of the four kingdoms of Da Chu, Datang, Daqi and Dayan in half a day is in Xiao Chen's hands. He frowned slightly, looking at the worries of Zi Yan's four women with a smile on his face, and said, "You can rest assured that you have the power to retreat to Hong Meng's whole body for your husband in his early years. Now it is even more important. "

Qing Mei bit her red lips and hesitated, "Fu Jun ..."

"Qing Mei, Yu Ji and me are like blood relatives, and have the same status as you in your husband's heart. Since I would go back to meet you, this time I will also rush to Dachu, you must persuade Me. "Xiao Chen waved and interrupted, and spoke positively.

"Fu Jun, although I haven't seen Sister Yu Ji, but I have heard you mention it many times, naturally I know that my sister is very important to you. I don't want to stop the husband, but I just want to say that the husband must wait for some more time. Xiu is stronger, it is not too late to go to Dachu! Now that Chu Huang knew the relationship between husband and sister Yu Ji, as long as the husband was fine, he would not dare to hurt sister Yu Ji and attract revenge from the husband. " Reddish and looked down at the ground slightly. "Qingmei knows that it is selfish to say this, but I am really scared. I am afraid that my husband will take risks and put myself in danger. Please do n’t be angry with me, I am true I'm scared. "

A drop of teardrops fell from her eyes, slipping along her rosy and white face without any flaws, her breath was soft and weak, and it was more pitying.

Ziyan, Yuewu and Xiaoyi heard a sour heart in their hearts and hurriedly lowered, but their eyes had glowed.

Xiao Chen's face was slightly loose, and he stretched out his hands to embrace the green eyebrows, saying, "Xiao Yi can do it for me, can you not know for your husband, but this time you really think wrong. Since Chu Huang ignored his face, this way Means, forcing her husband to go to Batu, will you stop if you don't achieve your goal. If I choose not to bear it for a while, he will surely have other means to continue to force me, but at that time, Yu Ji was afraid of suffering a lot. . Therefore, for this visit, I must go to my husband. I assure you that I will return with Yu Ji safely in the near future. Even if Da Chu is a tiger pond in Longtan, I still do n’t want to stay as my husband. "

Zi Yan reached out and hugged Qingmei in her arms, and said softly, "Okay, our husband's temperament, is it because you and I don't know yet, he is determined not to let sister Yu Ji suffer a little bit of trouble, let's not let him be embarrassed . "

"Sister Ziyan." Qing Mei lay on her shoulders, tears streaming down.

Ziyan took a breath and looked at Xiao Chen, and said, "Fu Jun, we will not stop again when you go to Dachu, but please promise that you must come back soon. Our sister, will always be waiting for you here."

Xiao Chen focused his head. He embraced the four women one by one, and suddenly turned around, striding toward the meteor, his face calmed and his eyes cold.

Outside the hall, Quan had waited for a while, seeing him come out and frown slightly, and said, "Do you really think about it any more?"

"My King's mind is set, let's go." The words fell, and he swept his sleeve to tear the space directly, stepping into it.

Quan sighed and followed behind.

The next instant space repair, the two figures have disappeared.


In the vast star field, the space suddenly appeared layers of ripples. The two figures stepped forward one by one. The black and black eyes struck the green robes. The people behind them were indifferent, but they looked like heaven and heaven.

These two people are Xiao Chen and Quan.

At this moment they looked up at the huge cultivation star ahead, their faces were all dignified.

Lidu Xiuxing Star!

Has arrived.

In the silence, Quan's brows grew more and more tight, and his face gradually became more gloomy. He suddenly said, "I don't feel very good. You better think about it, how?"

Xiao Chen shook his head. Even though Dudu Xiuxing also gave him a sense of extreme danger, his eyes remained firm and he did not shake at all.

"Quan, you don't know. Long and long ago, when I was just a little monk in the world, Yu Ji already appeared by my side. Without her, I might have died already. How can I go to today? Now, I am no different from me then. So Yu Ji saved my king's life in that year, and now Wang should save her with all her strength, even if she took risks, she wouldn't hesitate to say this. Just tell me You, my King, has set his heart, and you need not say any more. "

Quan Mu silently replied after a while, "I will do my best to fight for your life and save people."

Xiao Chen said: "Enough. After you save someone, you leave by yourself. Hongmeng fights at the level. You can't help the king. You can rest assured that since the king has shot, I have confidence in my heart. I can leave."

"Good!" Quan nodded, flicking his sleeves, a faint golden light flashed, and his figure disappeared in the ripples of space.

Even if Xiao Chen Yuanshen sensed, he could not detect his existence. Quan has always been extremely powerful in hiding his whereabouts. But now with his departure, Xiao Chen's hidden gas machine can no longer be hidden. In the territory of Da Chu, Emperor Wei can soon reveal his whereabouts.

But he was not afraid!

At this time, he had just come out with great light and wanted to take Yu Ji away.

Whoever dares to stop it will kill it!

Mind moved slightly, Xiao Chen's body breath changed instantly, slowly raised, revealing a pair of cold, indifferent eyes, without any mood swings. His foot stepped forward, and the mighty coercion broke out directly, like a mighty god, suddenly descended!

Breathing ups and downs, trembling, can release the terror force that wiped out billions of souls.

He walked in such a void, approaching the stars of Xidu, approaching step by step!

The Great Chu Emperor Palace, at the moment when Xiao Chen's breath appeared, on the Nine Emperor Emperor Chu, the Emperor Chu suddenly laughed, "Ha ha ha ha! Xiao Chen, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The sound billowed and rang through the sky!

In the square in front of the temple, several people embraced each other. Yu Ji was **** here, and at this moment, from the horrifying coercion wafting down from the clouds, she felt a familiar atmosphere. Although it is countless times stronger than that year, it has not changed at all.

Her eyes turned red, and she looked up at the sky, a blurry figure gradually appeared in her sight. Although she couldn't see the truth, her tall and straight figure let her know instantly, Xiao Chen arrived!

At Silvermoon Palace, King Xuyi and Silvermoon were talking in a low voice. At this moment, they suddenly shut up. At the next moment, the two men appeared in the courtyard. The pupils narrowed sharply, looked up to the sky, and their faces gradually became pale.

Although this breath came to them without knowing it, the mere dissipating power made him scared in their hearts and dared not have the slightest contradiction. This feeling of horror is far more than the feeling of the proud adult.

The two were tense and had an idea in their hearts at the same time.

Power of Hongmeng Realm!

At this moment, the entire Xundu Xiuxing star was shrouded in this breath of horror, causing countless monks to turn wild and shake their hearts! Anyone who knows about this matter will have a severe contraction of the heart.

They finally knew why the owner of Dongyan could escape the barbaric starfield hang and let Dongyan National Games be promoted! Why is His Majesty at any cost to set up a killing plan with him!

It turned out that he had stepped into Hongmeng!

In a few steps, Xiao Chen's figure has stepped out of the stars and stepped on the Great Chu Emperor's Palace. His eyes fell directly on the stone pillar of the carved dragon, contacted her sight, and a gentle smile appeared on his face. He did not speak, but All in one laugh.

Yu Ji looked at his smile, and tears of forbearance finally dripped, "Fool! Big fool! Knowing that the trap is coming, sincerely want to see me cry, are you comfortable in your heart, right? Go away, I don't want to go now see you."

Xiao Chen smiled and shook her head.

In his memory, the long-slept pictures were gushing out, making him suddenly appear. Although it had been a long time since he saw him again, her figure remained in his heart and never faded.

He took a breath, gave her a reassuring look, and turned to look above the hall. The Lord of Chu, who wore a Kowloon robe and looked like a dragon and a tiger, said lightly, "Chu Huang, you want me to come, Ben The king has arrived, and now you can let her go. "

"Haha! Xiao Chen, Yu Ji Nai's concubine loves you, let it go when you say it. You and Yu Fei Nai Yi surname sisters and brothers, if you count like this, I am also close to you, it is better that you directly surrender to my Da Chu, In the future, I can often meet with Yu Fei, it is not the best of both worlds. "Chu Huang smiled and said, with a relaxed expression, showing all the emperors who are in control. I have to say that from the perspective of temperament alone, Chu Huang is indeed more than the master of Dayan.

Xiao Cheng expressionless, said lightly: "Even if this seat really returns, with the Emperor Chu's heart, I am afraid that the King will be able to continue! If so, why not talk more!"

The emperor Chu smiled, "How can you tolerate the world with your heart? How can you tolerate the master of Dongyan! Xiao Chen, you may have looked at yourself too high!"

"Is the King looking at himself high, everyone in the world has fairness. But the emperor Chu used such a mean method to persuade the King to come to the capital. ! "

"It seems that you are really reluctant to return, and I'm sorry."

"I don't want to delay time. How can the Emperor Chu be willing to let people go?

Chu Huang took a deep look at Xiao Chen, and suddenly stretched out a finger, saying: "Yu Fei is there, if you can come, you can take her away, I will never stop you!" Above the Great Chu Emperor's Palace, the mighty National Games gathered from all sides suddenly boiled like boiling! In the golden pillar of the National Games of the Great Chu, the golden dragon roared to the sky, and the mighty pressure suddenly fell!

The dragon carved stone pillars on the ground, just under the golden pillar of the National Games!

Yu Ji was there.


[Thank you for your monthly pass. There are two chapters in the evening! 】

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